279839 M�FiITE - CiTV CLERK COUI1C11 ���vY� PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA lJ L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be reby approves the attached Memorandum of Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and various Bargaining Units regarding voluntary leave of absence without pay. App rove d: �. hai rman Civil Service Commission COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas F tcher Nays � PER �1'N L OFFICE Le i e Fletcher [n Favor Ma nz Qa�les S e el Masanz _ � __ Against BY � des �e-� ilson c�heibel Tedesto FEB 1 5 1983 Form A rove by i ttorney Adopted by Council: ���SOi.�Date ^ � � �.. Certified a_ - d by Council cre BY B} " �rC'. �'�' �" A�ppr d by Mavo e ������3 Approved b r for Submi sion to Coun�l CJ` » � _ By PUBLISHE� �E B 2 6 1983 � �' � wM17E - C�TV CLEHK COl1i1ClI 2'�9�9 PINK - F"INAN,CE TF CANARY - DEFARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I :\ T 1,L�U L File NO• BLUE - MAYOR CITY CLERK �OZL�ZCZ� �eSOGZ��ZO�Z Presented Qy Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED, that the Council of the City of 5aint Paul be reby approves the attached Memorandum of Agreements between the City - of Saint Paul and va�ious Bargaini.ng Units regarding voluntary leave of absence without pay. ' Approved: Chai rman Civil Service Commission � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas pietcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE �ev�ne In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibei __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Forr► Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy C�uncil: Date --_— — - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By. Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . r�„ - --- --- Bv �� � � � 2'798�9 , r i9ss � MEMORANDIJ�1 OF AGREEMENT - -between- THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL -and- INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS � LOCAL 36 AND LOCAL 967 . :, . 2`�9839 , . It is mutually agreed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Operat�ng Fnel.g?rs Tocal 36 and L.oca1 967 that the voluntary Ieave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence � A full-time emploqee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary l�ave of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence �aithout pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Welfare benefits, the employee shall be considered, for Health and Zdelfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any Ieave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 198j. This Article shall expire on December 31, 1983. City of Saint Paul � - � �- � ,'',; ��, .; r�-c�' J �ASOR EI:ATI01��'DIRE OR Operating Engineers Loca1 967 / / j. Dated this �;� day of January, 1983. �'� / , � cZ-�` -:.�/ � � %.-F��-����--� Larry Kasella, Business Agent � . ���� 1983 MEMORANDUi`I OF AGREE.iIENT -between- THE CITY OF SAII�'T PAL'L -and- SAINT PAUL POLICE SUPERVISORS � It is mutually agreed by and bet�aeen the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Police Supervisors that the voluntary Ieave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the followin�. Voluntary Leave of Absence � , A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary leave of absence cvithout pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Welfare benefits, the � employee shall be considered, for Health and Welfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 31, 1983. City of Saint Paul � ��� D. � Blakely, Cha' � ; . � ��'/'� -,�,,, ,;- .R�n�., ���--�.�;, LABOR RE� IONS DIRECTOR � ST. PAUL POLICE SUPERVISORS 9 > : Dated this � / ; 3 day of January, 1983. �'-_.�...: � 1 ���J 19as ME�'iIORA�TDUi�i OF AGREE�iiENT -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � -and- INTERNATIONAY, ALLIANCE OF THEATRICAL STAGE EMPLOYEES �� . 4 � � It is Mutually agreed by and bet�.�een the City of Saint Paul and the Int'1 Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees that the voluntary leave of a6sences during 1983 sha11 be governed by the fo1loG�ing. Voluntary Leave of Absence � A full-time employee may be granted up to I60 hours of voluntary Ieave _ of absence wi.thout pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such Ieave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue: vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for �erit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it. relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Z�'elfare benefits, the • enployee shall be considered, for Health and Welfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absen.ce gran�ed under this articie is subject to the approval of tne Depart�ent Head. ' This Article shall not apply �o Leave of Absence without pa�� granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article sha11 expire on December 31, 1983. . . .7 City of Saint Paul _ ^�.-' �� D``3�� �-4-0 �� �. Geor e E. Ballis, Business Agent� > ' � ` .� � � '� � � ��� - � / � i /' .;;i' � ,,, >i�-,' •:. /jt.E�L. �,� � ' � � •- OR RE TIOI� DIR TOR IntTl Alliance of Theatrical Stage E�p. Datsd this i ' day of January, 1983. ,�,, _ . ,� . � IV+��L7U� 1983 � M�IORANDUI`S OF AGREEAIENT -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- SAINT PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION I. a � It is mutualZy agreed by and betcaeen the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Supervisors Organization that the voluntary Ieave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the folloGiing. Voluntary Leave of Absence � A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary leave of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick Ieave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Welfare benefits, the � employee shall be considered, for Health and �Jelfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 31, 1983. � � City of Saint Paul ���� _ '���- � � � f;; ,�% ,. _ LABOR/R ON DI CTOR ST. PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION Dated this � day of January, 1983. ��.r 2�9839 ,� _ >. 1983 � ME�SORANDUM OF AGP,E�`'IENT -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC. . _ i It is Mutually agreed by and bet�•�een the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association, Inc. that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence \� � A full-time employee may be granted up to I60 hours of voluntary l�ave of absence �aithout pay during the calendar year of 19$3. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for �eerit increases. Tf such leave is taken during the c}ualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid I?ealth and Welfaxe benefits, the employee sha11 be considered, for Health and Welfare eligibility purposes, as though hefshe was on the payroll £or such period. Any leave of absence granted un�er this article is subject to the approval of the Departaent Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Abserice without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 3I, 1983. City of Saint Paul ;---, p� ' ��.�. ;� �r '/��.;�_� „ ,-!!i � :J",[....;� y- . . . _ � LAB R ELA IONS IREC R Dated this � � day of January, 1983. Z. __Y � � � � 2'�9839 , l � 1983 ME�fORANDiT�i OF AGREEIIE�IT between- TEiE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINISTS • � � LODGE N0. 77 . s � It is mutually agreed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Int'1 Association of Machinists Lodge No. 77 that the voluntary lea��e of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the fo1Zo��ing. Voluntary Leave of Absence \ � A full-time employee may be granted up to I60 hours of voluntary leave of absence without p$y during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the quali£ying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and tJelfare benefits, the • employee shall be considered, for Health and Welfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department fi2au. This Article shall not apply to Leave o£ Absence without pay gr4nted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 3I, 1983. City of Saint Paul DISTRICT LODGE N0. 77, I .A.M.A.W. '//.. > i � -✓ �iG''/i-�i��- ` ' C OR ��LAT� NS� RECTOR / Dated this ��-v�- day of January, 1983. r . . �---=a� 2'79839 Z r . 1983 � .1�IORANDU`1 OF AGREEMENI -betcaeen- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- - LOCAL 1842 DISTRICT COUNCIL 14 OF THE AMIItICAN FIDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL II�iPLOYEES, AFL-CIO It is mutually agreed by and betcaeen the City of Saint Paul and the AFSCriE District Council 14, Local 1842 that the voluntary Ieave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence � t� r A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary 1`2ave of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall conti.nue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibi�.ity for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Welfare benefits, the employee shall be considered, for Health and �delfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of a s�nce granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expize on December 31, I983. � � ;. � eity of Saint Paul �; ` i� _ ,�, � ��.� a ' -� � R RELnZ70,�' � IR� R � � - Dated this � day of January, 1983. . � ,,� . , � � � 2'79839 , , I983 � M�IORAi�IDU.i OF AGREEMENT -be t�ae en- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � -and- LOCAL UNION 2508 DISTRICT COUNCIL 14 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MITNICIPAL F.�iPLOYEES, AFL-CIO It is mutually agreed by and bet���eer. the City of Saint Pau1 and the AFSCr1E District Council 14, Local 2508 that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 shall be governed b} the follo�•:ing. Voluntary Leave of .Absence � A full—time employee may be granted up to 160 hours pf voluntary �e2ve of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for uerit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and �vTelfare benefits, the � employee shall be considered, for Health and �delfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of �160 hours during the calenc�ar year of 1983. This Article sha11 expire on December 3I, 1983. City of Saint Paul � �� _ � �� �� ,.:: =T'='== ' OR REI.ATiON �7IR TOR Dated this � 7� day of January, 1983. . � • � � �� � 2'79839 , r . 1983 riEMORANDiT�S OF AGREEMENT -bet�ae en— THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL —and— ST. PAUL CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION • i , � w � . . It is mutuall�� agreed by and bet�aeen the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Classified Conf. Employees Assoc. that the voluntary Ieave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the foZlowing. Voluntary Leave of Absence � � A full-tir,ie employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary i�ave of absence �vithout pay during the calendar year of I983. During such �eave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Ldelfare benefits, the employee shall be considered, for Health and ��elfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is sub3ect to the approval of the Department Aead. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 31, 1983. City of Saint Paul C/� - � ,"��'��.� �o ,' F,� p. �-'� �_ � J �" / ,f , e � /// 'f��/� �%rj%%�,� �( ��/� � l 5 '�bR REIsATIOI�S D�ECTOR' /' � Dated this �� day of January, 1983. / � � � � 2'7���3� . r 1983 ' MEMORANDUI`i OF AGREEMENT . bet�ve en- THE CITY OF SAIhT PAUL � ` -and- TRI-COUNCIL LOCAL 132 - LOCAL 49 - AND LOCAL I20 , . � It is mutually agreed by and between the City of Saint Yaul and the Tri-Council, Local 132, 49 and 120 that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 shall be governed b}� the following. Voluntary Leaue of Absence � A full-time employee may be granted up to I60 hours o£ voluntary 2e2ve of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue`vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibi�.ity for city paid Nealth and Welfare benefits, the • employee shall be considered, for Health and tJelfare eligibility purposes, as thouoh he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence �ranted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department uP�.d. This Article sha11 not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted i� excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. Z'his Article shall expire on December 31, 1983. . ? � i City •f Sai nt Paul �� , . -�' � -� %' �i i ��,� -� `�i��,.�`�� '�i-�-r.,��,t� ' LABOR I� TIOh ; �IRECTOR ' T / . �,/ � r-�`:v 4� G��:%����.�. � Dated this ,��-�7 day of January, 1983. cy� .y' -' � � " �g83'9 . r 1983 MENIOR.?.?d�U'1 OF AGRFE�'iIEIQT -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- - BOILERAIAKERS UNION LOCAL 647 t � . , It is mutually agreed by and bet�aeen the City of Saint Paul and the Boilermakers Uni�on Local 647 that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the fo1loG�ing. Voluntary Leave of Absence � � A full-time employee may be granted up to I60 hours of voluntary ieave of absence without pay during the calendar year of 198�. During such `leave of absence without pay, . the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and tdelfare benefits, the • employee shall be considered, for Health and j•lelfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without paS• granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year o£ 1983. This Article shall expire on December 31, I983. City of Saint Paul . �usine s Manage -Fin.Secy-Treas . , , - . � ;� ' � �.� ,��-- ,, � /__,,� . . . ,� _ �� . �� /- I,.�'R^R ?�EI.�T�O:;S DIR�TOR Assist. Bus. Mgr. � / Dated this �7 � day of January, 1983. ___--� • t r �► . � � � 2'�9839 , . r . . 1983 � I`i .F`iIORr�i�lDUi`S OF AGREE;1i ENT between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- BRICKLAYERS LOCAL N0. 1 � . .• , . It is mutually agreed by and bet���een the City of Saint Paul and the Bricklayers Local P1o. 1 that the voluntary Ieave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence \ � A full-time enployee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary l�ave of absence witbout pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn snd accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is talcen during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and �delfare benefits, the � employee shall be considered, for Health and tdelfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shal.l not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 31, 1983. - � � it of Saint Paul ���/����' �1���`�� C y j�%'� `- _ -- ' � - ��; <- ���. .l�-�-, �. ��,�c��..n<��`1�:-����-v .-�-.-:. LABOR RELATIONS DIRE�,C� R BRICKLAYERS LOCAL N0. 1 Dated this /;� day of January, 1983. Y• ��, � � � � 2'"19 839 ,� ri 1983 , - MEMORANDUI�i OF AGREEMENT beCween- �THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- ELECTRICAL �JORKERS LOCAL 110 It is mutually agreed by and bet�aeen the City of Saint Paul and the Electrical [dorkers Local 110 that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence ��� A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary ��ave of absence withour pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Welfare benefits, the empJ.oyee shall be considered, for Aealth and Welfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence gr�a�ed un3er tnis article is subject to the approval u� the �apartWen� Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess 6f 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 31, 1983. City of Saint Paul � _ � ! Ytc-E- `'�-�-_ Business Manager � . _- � ��. � ���� _ �� ",�_. _- � : ' LABOR REI.ATIONS �IREC�OR Electrical [+orkers Local 110 � Dated this �_ day of January, 1983. ' �� r � � � 2r9�39 ,. r . � .. 1983 MEMORANDUI`I OF AGREEMEPIT -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- CARPENTERS DISTRICT COUNCIL t, .. It is mutually agreed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Carpenters District Council that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence 1\ A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary I�ave of absence ivithout pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such Ieave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Nealth and Welfare benefits, the employee shall be considered, for Health and Welfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any Ieave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on Dec.ember 3I, 1983. ��1 ? , City of Saint Paul � ,�v /LG��? � � �, , � . � � /� `�,� �� _.�'�;�i..��.. /�� l�-?i/,.. :r-,, ' � � LABOR RELATIONS D�RECT4Tt % Dated this � � day of January, 1983. � � 2'�g839 It is mutually agreed by and bet�aeen the City of Saint Paul and the Elevator Constructors No. 9 that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the�following. Voluntary Leave of Absence ` A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary Yeave of_ absence �aithout pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, .the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and tJelfare benefits, the � - . employee shall be considered, for Health and ZJelfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted tuzder this article is subject to the approval of the Department flead. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 3I, 1983. , City of Saint Pau1 � : >-r� ' � � /��'%C���?C�' !'•l �/;�L� , G , - �_, ,. � ; � '; t- � ;�. � , �- ' �' �tn-':'� ,�� �f u'�.c%Kf u�.�Y,�- � LABOR REbA I S'DIl; CTOR � �" ` .__� , ` v �/ �/' V .� . f y . � Dated this ,,�i day of January, 1983. � 2'79839 � . 1983 ME�'i10RANDUI�i OF AGRE�'iENT -bet�veen- THE CITY OF SAINT PALZ -and- PIPEFITTERS LOCAL N0. 455 � . It is mutually agreed by and bet�oeen the City of Saint Paul and the Pipefitters Local No. 455 that the voluntary Ieave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence \� A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary ��ave of absence �aithout pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to el3gibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it " relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and �delfare bene£its, the employee shall be considered, for Health and �delfare el3gibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this articla is subject to tha approval of thz �egart.�Qnt Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article sha11 expire on December 31, 1983. , sJ c-�-- - -, . -� City of Saint Paul ' • � , ,n , � .� / � � r - � �� � ��� ��'"' _, �- , ,;,�' .�. =i; ,_ , LA.BOR REI:�TION -DIRJ� TOR � �'"i'. �'�'<�• Dated this �p �day of. January, 1983. / •.^. �!� 2``�9839 , . . 1983 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEriENT -between- THE CITY OF SAI1�T PAUL -and- ROOFERS UNION LOCAL N0. 96 , .-, ..a, It is mutually agreed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Roofers Union Local No. 96 that the voluntary leave of absences during 19�3 shall be governed b}• the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary leave of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it . relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and �delfare benefits, the � employee shall be considered, for Health and �delfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pap granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on Dece�►ber 31, 1983. � � � � � � ���;' ,� � : � , '/,.� /�, .=�-� City of Saint ?aul ��ji�7c �G--� f'� , vt� . �/j � _ � i '� � �2='�1.QJ ���fi�'-t?'� s �:�',-' • '� " '.�/,, , � ,,,: "`��' LAB�7R,_RELA hS RECTOR Dated this day of January, 1983. r ' � ' �'�9839 , . , , 1983 M.F�.i40RANDUi`I OF AGREEMENT —be tcae en— THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL —and— THE ST. PAUL MANUAL A1vTD MAINTENANCE SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION IC is mutually agreed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Manual & Maint. Supervisors Assoc. that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 �hall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence � A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary l�ave of absence �vithout pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the quali_fying pay period as it . re�ates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Welfare benefits, the employee shall be considered, for Health and Welfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 31, I983. �.1 � City of Saint Paul � � ��-z-��� . - ,,� R;; //=.�.. �... _�.��- �22'�. ���j �'� ���✓2t,�-C.'t-�-.f��G � T,�BOR TIb1tIS�RECTOR � �— v , � Dated this -2�F' day of January, 1983. . . . � . . . . . . .. . . � . � .. � �.��'.i PersonnelOffice DEPARTt�1ENT �� '�39 Bernard P. Wright r.ONTACT 298-4221 PHONE � February 1, 1983 DATE �v�� � (Routing and Explanation Sheet} :f� Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): ` i Department Director ' . 2 City Attorney 3 Director of Management/Mayor � _ . Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector - �4 q�a���,�.�;,� _ L _ City Clerk ' 83 : F�.�;� ,�. - �� Budget Director - G,:�-a`:.�� -. .._.. �Jhat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (PurposelRationale): T h i s r e s o 1 u�ion approve s Mem.orandum of Agreements between the Gity of St. Paul and , the.Bargaining Units listed below.' " � Int'1.Union of Oger.Eng. #36 & 967 AFSCME Local 1842_ . - .. - - �Ca�penters,�st.Cowna'�: St. Paul Poliee S�pervisors AFSCME I.ocal 2508 Elee.Wrkrs. �110 Int'1.`s:d�ta�ce of Stage Employ�es St.Paul Class.Conf. � Elevx�tor Const.#9 ' _ St. Pavl Superirisors Organization Tri=Council #132,4q,I20 . "�:Pipefi.tters,Loca]. 455 Profe s sional Employee s A�soc: Boile rmake rs, Local�647 Roofe rs, Locai 96 In�t`'1. A�sac. of`Machinists Bricklayers, Local #� 1��.?�.ual & Maintenance Spvrs . J9J�1,1�1i�k/�Y�.9� .,s, .,,., �r n.,+a,•;.,7+�� � � �. . . . � � � � � . � � � . . � �(���j�}ff Y�7fiZ1�gXK The Agreen�nts allow members of the Bargai.niag Unit to be granted a �Leave of Absence without pay withaut the Toss of any fringe b�nefits. This would be �lixriit�d to 160 hours for ' 1983. , , . . - FINANCTAL IMX?:A.C'�'s None. � - -- . Funding Saurce and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachrr�nts�:_ . 1. R.e solution . 2. Memorandum of Agreement 3. Copy for City Clerk OEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? . Revision of October, 1982 � (�ee Reverse Side for �Instructions)