279827 WH17E - C�TV CLERK COUIICll ���}�,�� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. �� ��V BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution changing the title and class specification for Parking Meter Repairman in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.D, Ungraded, by striking out the title of Parking Meter Repairman and by substituting in lieu thereof the title of Parking Meter Repair Worker; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the title of Parking Meter Repairman and substituting in lieu thereof, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for the title of Parking Meter Repair Worker. App rove d: airman, Ci il Se rvice Commi sion COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletche► F�etc er ����M � PERS L OFFICE Gallec � V1O K In Favor s nz sapal fjAasenz N sia � iay� Nicosia S eibel � _ � __ Against BY — $Cheibel i on eW � �� fEB � 01�3 Form pproved y A rne �d�ed by Council: te � Certified Passed^b o c 1 Se re`ar� B �p by Mavor: �e ' _FEB 11 ��� App by Mayor for S si n to Council By �r\' I.k' � � . _ _ gY �_ PUBUSHED FE B 1 � 1983 �}���� Title of class: PARKING METER REPAIR WORKER DESCRIPTION OF WORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs unskilled manual work in the in- stallation, maintenance and repair of parking meters; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the immediate technical and adminis- trative supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMEQ The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Installs, removes and straightens parking meter posts. Installs and removes parking meters; attaches parking instructions. Disassembles parking meters; washes, inspects, replaces and reassembles parts. Winds and sets meter timing gear mechanisrns; tests mechanisms for accuracy. Places and removes special parking meter control covers. Records repaired or replaced meter serial numbers and time and date of repair or removal. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILLTIES Working ability to perforci manual labor for extended periods of time in a variety of unfavorable weather conditions. Working ability to fallow simple oral and written instructions, maps and handbooks. Working skill in the safe operation of simple hand and power tools. Working skill in the cleaning, replacement and adjustment of timing gears. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a Utilityman I or equivalent, including one year's - experience working on parking meters or related timing devices. ._ . _ _ ___. _ _ - - -- -- - _ __ __ _: __ _ _-- -- _.. _ WHITE - CITY CLERK COURCII f��! �V��� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT ��A LT L C4NARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR - Fll@ NO. . CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date , An admini strative Re solution changing the titTe and class specification for Parking 1Vleter Repairman in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. R.ESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in 5ection. 3.D, Ungraded, by striking out the title of Parking Meter Repairman and by substituting in lieu thereof the title of Parking Meter Repair Worker; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the title of Parking Meter Repairman and substituting in lieu thereof, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specificati.on for the title of Parking Meter Repair Worker. App rove d: Chairma.n, Civil Se rvice Commission COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher �ays �e�t�,e PERSONNEL OFFICE In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scne�bei __ Against By — Tedesco Wilson �'orm Approved byr City Attorney Adopted b}• Council: Date — — — Certified Vassed by Council Secretary B3' B}• Approved by Mavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council RP -- ----- -- By r _ � ��9�2"1 Title of class: PARKING METER REPAIR tJORKER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs unskilled manual work in the in- stallation, maintenance and repair of parking meters; and performs re�ated duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the immediate technical and adminis- trative supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None � � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Installs, removes and straightens parking meter posts. Installs and removes parking meters; attaches parking instructions. Disassembles parking meters; washes, inspects, replaces and reassembles parts. Winds and sets meter timing gear mechanisms; tests mechanisms for accuracy. Places and removes special parking meter control covers. ' Records repaired or replaced meter serial numbers and time and date of repair or removal. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to perform manual labor for extended periods of time in a variety of unfavorable weather conditions. Woxking ability to follow simp].e oral and written instructions, maps and handbooks. Working skill in the safe operation of simple hand and power tools. Working skill in the cleaning, replacement and ad�ustment of timing gears. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ztao years' experience as a Utilityman I or equivalent, including one year's experience working on parking meters or related timing devices. _ :Y .0 �A' ' ' CZTY Q� 1J.�XN�1� �.�.E�.U�. ,.�., - :�.- . `. �-� �'.��� ._ `,�':' OF'FICI� OP` T�iF: CITY COIINCIL 2'7982'7 g ,....... v - �:,.. ...,..� t;r....,�•; • � •__� 1 D a t e ; January 27, 1983 � , .S ,� � `�`A;� � CO (�JIMtTT � E REPORT TO = Sa�n� Pau 1 Cifiy Cou�cit F R O M = C o m r�iT t e e O Ci FINANCE, MANAGEA4ENT F, PERSONNEL C N A(R James Scheibel � ` 1. Approval of minutes from meetings held January I7 and 20, 1983 - _� - - 2. Resolution revising the Tiinimum Qualifications for the classifications of Loan F� Grant Specialist I and Supervisor cf Loans and Grants. (Personne � 3. P.esolution establishing the titles of hfanagement Asst. I, Atanagement Asst. II, and blanagement Asst. III and the class specifications. (Personnel �"�`= �/ 4. Resolution repIacing the title and class specifications for Parking rteter ��� Repairman with the title and s�cification for Parking bieter R�pair 1Vorker. (Personnel) �d�`"�$�.: �,� � S. Resolution deleting th'e title and specification for Senior Loan $ Grant Specialist and establishing the title and s ecification for Lo�n F Grant Specialist II. �(Personnel) , � «,. 6. Resolution establishing the balance of the funding necded .for the staff �:ork for. the Personnel Issues Task Force to allo�. that Task Force to begin neeting. (Mayor's Office - , �'�� - � �,,,.�„��� .s: . 7. Discussion of the policy guidelines for UDAG reinvestmen � �r,��►'-'a°ri-'�- � ,� . . ;�-, .... 8. Discussion of the Civic Center �Auditorium Feasibility Stud , t �,�v�e.��//��(�/ Y�r 1�Y/rrw :���, . ' :�� �+Y��b< 9. Discussion of the policy for City employees for snow days. � ~ NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: ' ' • Resolution establishing priorities for use of 1983 Residential Street Paving fund��'D� Resolution extending priorities for use of the adopted 1982 Capital Improvement �� Budget Appropriation to the Residential Street Paving Program. a CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. ri1NNESOTA 55102 .�„ �� , �'� - � � PereonnelOffice DEPARTI�IENT Bernard Wri�h.t CONTACT 4221 PHONE � Janua r 13 1 8 3 DATE re en e �'�982 y , 9 ! (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): 1 Department Director /� City Attorney 3 Director of Mana�ment/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk ��'��'I�'r�� .. , � 9983 Budget Di rector � � �� =- (... .�. ._; � . -�'f` . What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This resolution wi.11 replace the ti.tle and class specificati.ons for Parki.ng Meber R.epairman which is in Section 3.D (Equipment Mai.n.tenance - U�ngraded) of the C;ivil Service Rules with the ti.tle a�a.d class specificati.on for Parking Meter Repair Worker. The specificati.ons ��e writte�n. in tlze �ew format and the minimum qualifications are le�s restricti.ve. Financial , �udgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) : 1. Re soluti.on 2. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes Dlo Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? �s No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �/y Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions) `' i� �� �� - � , , . � Title of class: � PARKING METER REPAIRMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to install, repair, and maintain parking meters; and to perform related work as assigned. E�;amples of work performed: , To dismantle, inspect, adjust, clean, and repair parki.ng meters. To wind and check meters to see that they are operating properly. To hood and remove hoods from meters. To install and remove parking meters. , To keep records of repairs and servicing of parking meters. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience as a Utilityman I working on Parking Meters. . J Effective April 9, 1966