281067 CiTV oF sT.Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. ���V FINAL ORDER � / • �..� By ' '�'��..�..CL �..�-��.�...�a.�...�,. ''�,- File No. �'�� in the Matter of th� �astol�.+�►tia� of • wtsr �ia ia l�rtN lssaal sere�t lrae Yae �wr�n �vir�w ta ti�e sa�th 9S le�t. Also vat�r s�rvia� �a�dalet�s. r• •• under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order ��O �� ,/ approved �� 7/a � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date OCT 2 51983 Yeas Nays F(et�het Certified P sed y Council Secreta � In Favor Masanz � — N I C f?S j� Against - Mayor �C�"i(�!f?t'i T�r:,,r:,�,1 OCT 2 7 � �w' : ;�_�r, " 1983 PUBLISHED NOV 5 , c � � ,• � ' ��1��'7 ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILIT'Y ' `", TO COUNCIL: September 27, 1983 �... . , . Date of Hearing Des'cription ' ' ' �° ' �i�ost WA7�R MA IN, _ t , : , ;; ,,. 10/25/83 In the matter of the installation"o� a water' main in North Pascal:,Stxeet....�ran. .V�n �uren Avenue to the south '9S £�eeti. A:lso wat�r service connections. ESTIMATED CONSTRUGTION COST3 Construction Costs $4,270 ESTIMATED FINANCII� Assessments $2,135 Water Utility Aid 2,135 TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING $4,270 NOTEc Becauae only one property is e.avolved the rate per assessable foot is not f�quf�ed. � - ' ���=�� ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL 2�1 Q6'7 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE WATER MAIN CONSTRUGTION City Council District 4�4 District Plannin Council ��11 FILE N0. 18348 PAGE PURPOSE To decide on the advisability of proceeding with public water main construction. Also, water service connections. North Pascal Street from VanBuren to 95 ft. S. LOCATION HEARING Tuesday, October 25, 1983, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall--Court House ASSESSMENT If the Council approves the project, the �otal cost is estimated INFORMATION to be $4,270 to be funded as follows: Assessments $2,135 Water Utility Aid $2,135 QUESTIONS WATER MAIN INSTALL�,TION--298-4122 ASSESSMENTS--298-5318 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent October 7, 1983, by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall--Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 - � ���.�s� �o�. _ �.�������.� �����si��e.u.s��r,,� � m�in m x.ri���t ser.�c s+om.v.a�:�m ��e�ith�swt696 Let Abowaters�via e�rM►letietii. < �'be L'otmE1F"i[the Cit�ol8ein!Pan3 LavSn� r '��:fl�elt af t6e:lt�yor yppq tpp :t �an�Ir�em[�ldaea - �eeolves: �.��F�w�•,�D�aod the.s�me is p�ayp�o�ld with no altern�tives:and tlMt the.NNin�led cost tha�eoi iq,,�4,2� : ' Uti�t7 A�` r,b �'.13.R aod��Yater ' �Th!t�+tiA�:��b.a'.o...ta 1m�a�v�tortl�+� yd��00 o'�i wb��ln the Coue�cil ein�� o�t x„ �Gaut xbuce autlaio�in th!�'�P�1:' ' " ��,?��°� N�PubUc he�rinE be rl'hn ta t� �x�uql !n`.�4e mapoer plorli�d b�t1���teting t�te tjTpE and pTace of''°1�a�hn$," ` e �lature o�::the 1esD�otranuit,:�Ind tLe ta�al coat Eh�ibt°a �tqa�ted. ': l'1!'t�`n:•Ii�i'�- - ..,� . ;:r AaoDted by ttie�bluielI"�e�ten►�'�83. � ""�llji�t!bNd Seytmiber 4Y,19&9. (Oetobtrr s.1999)