281024 WHITE - C1TV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. PBB/City Attny. � Ordin��ce Ordinance N 0. � f QO T Presented By +�Referred To �^'�G�SL���`� Committee: Date � b��3 '��� Out of Committee By Date A legislative ordinance re-designating one-day bingo licenses as Class I Licenses . THE COUNCIL OF THE C.ITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That a Section 402 . 01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding a new subdivision 5 to read as follows : "Subd. 5 . One-Da License. An application seeking a license or on-�one day in any calendar year shall be deemed an application for a Class I License and granted or denied pursuant to Chapter 310 of the Legislative Code. All other applicable requirements of this chapter shall be met." Section 2 This ordinance shall be in force and take effect thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �an� In Favor Masanz � �he��� Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ��r 6 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P d ncil S et BY R-30 �k3 By App ved by Mayor• t l ���+ 7 983 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PUBLISHED D E C 1'7 1983 ., ' , J �lJ�'ill�.r ` / .7G�� ��l=,o, - I OF SAINT PAUL R� ; ; � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � mw mi� , � "" 1°" o EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY . � ,.,. 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR October 3 , 1983 To : Victor J. Tedesco Council President From: Philip B. Byrne Assistant City At orney Re: Attached Ordinance Requests Attached is an ordinance making the one-day bingo licenses into Class I licenses , which means that such licenses will not need to be approved by the Council if the applications are lawful and in good order. This ordinance change was requested by the Council on Wednesday, September 28 , 1983 . You might wa�.t to consider doing the same thing for one-day beer licenses , and one-day gambling licenses , because church and other groups having once a year bazaars or fairs will usually get those licenses , too . Also attached is a draft ordinance changing taxicab licenses from Class III to Class I. After the meeting on the 28th, it was suggested to me that these licenses should not have come to the Council unless there is something wrong with them. If you don' t think it ' s a good idea, just throw the draft away. If. you have any questions , please let me know. Encs . ��,-�;.5) , � . � � �� °�y ��o�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��.....;. OFFIC� OF TFI� CITY COIINCIL ..........�. -:.�-'.'�= FiL@� t e : November 15, 1983 _ � �� �- r.. i..': `� .v �� ;.,� +�:J COMMITT � E �,�.,F.t, �,P �Q�RiT r,- , .,_ _. r� y::ti. TO = SQint Pau I City Council FROM : Committee Oh LEGISLATTON CM A I R : COUNCILMAN JOHN J. GALLES 1 . Council File No. 279013 - An ordinance amending Section 406.03 of the Legis- lative Code relating to Game Room Licenses in establishments licensed to sell intoxicating or non-intoxicating liquor. Laid over. ' 2. Council File No. 280261 - An ordinance amending Sections 406.02 and 406.04 of the Legislative Code pertaining to .the operation of game rooms. Laid over. 3. Council File �Jo. 280262 - An ordinance amending Section 419.08 of the Legislative Code pertaining to gambling licenses and raff�es. Committee recommends approval . 4. Council File No. 280635 - An ordinance amending Sections 6.07, 8.05 and 13.03.1 of the Charter of the City of Sai�t Paul ; deleting the requirement for publi- cation of resolutions of the Council in the official newspaper. Ordinance withdrawn. 5. Council File No. 281025 - A legislative ordinance re-designating taxicab licenses as Class I Licenses. Committee recommends approval . 6. Council File No. 281024 - A legislative ordinance re-designa�ting one-day bingo licenses as Class I Licenses. • Committee recommends approval . � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 .��..�� / �� � . .. . . . . . lst �� ���'d 3 2nd ��"'2�"'�3 3rd 1�� .�.�••�� Adopted /,��� - �3 Yeas Nays . FLETCHIIt 281024 GALLES �7�8� MASANZ NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO