00-31ORIG�NAI. n�c�r►r rrrrn�r GreenSheet# 104498 � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Food-N-Fuel, Inc. d/b/a Food-N-Fuel (License ID No. 17138), located at 675 7�` Street West in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $500.00 for the violation of Sale of Alcoholic Beverages to Underage Persons. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within ti�irty (30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts contained in the December 2, 1999, Notice of Violation letter to the lacensee, the Police Report CN 99-197211, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: By: Apps BYc , Council File # Q — 3 Hy: �'a�lf.Gd:� �'CS17.'r� Form Approved by City Attorney $Y� `�l(hf.enc.GG_ �J l, �—/. 1C.rn Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil Sy: Adopted by Council: Date ���aOF�tS Adoption CertiEied by Council ecretary GREEN SHEET William Gunther 5T BE ON COUNqLAG@A14 12 , 2000 - . sc. !/. ww�ae sax NdrtV�c TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES na.n�rt� 00 - 3� No���'�i� ❑ d1YAifOAEY �QIYCItiK �w�wL�m�xcrsort ❑r�u1cu.� ❑NYOR(ORPtftIMR� � (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution concerning all licenses held by Food-N-Fuel, Inc., 675 7th Street West. PUINNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSlON OF THANSACTION f SOURCE t�WM RSONAL SERVICE CONiRACfS MUSiANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTSONS: Fias Nic persorYfirtn everwaketl undfx a� torihis tlepaAmenl? YES Pl0 Has mis pe1soMrm ever been a cpY �PbYee? VES NO �es Uis Pe�soNM1rm P� a s1a71 not namalMD� bY �Y curreM dty employeel YES t�p 18 tlds pasaJfim� atargeted ventlaft YES NO CO37/REVENUE BUDfiETED (qRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YEE NO ✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢yton M. Robinson, Jr., City Atlorney ��'�! CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colenwn, �Lfoyor c;�:r DN;sro„ 400 Ciry Halt I S West Kellogg B(vd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510? Zelephone: 65! 266-8710 Facsimite: 651 298-5619 December 22, 1994 NOTICE OF COUNCIL AEARING OwnerlManager Food-N-Fuel 675 7`� St West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � A Ej! "'^^�^•r.*'�: �vi�tv�� ��� � � €�� RE: Al1 licenses held by Food-N-Fuel, Inc. d/bfa Food-N-Fuel for the premises located at 675 7�' St. W. in St. Paul License ID No.: 17138 Dear SirJMadam: Please take notice that a hearing-concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 12, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Sain� Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Com Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Councii for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts conceming the sale of alcohol to an under age person have not been denied. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present aral andlor written remarks as to the penairy, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license o�ce will be for a$500.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ` ��e2- `J b aJ—KCn Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessier, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Beriy Moran, Community Organizer, West Seventb/Fort Road Federation, 974 West Seventh St., St. Pau1, MN 551�2 UNCONTESTED LiCENSE HEARING °O ' 3 � Licensee Name: Councif Date: Food-N-Fuel, fnc. d/b/a Food-N-Fuel January 12, 2000 Violation: Sate of Alcohol to an Underage Person Minn. Stat. § 304A.503 (1994) St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.08 Date of Violation: November 20, 1999 Piace: Licensed Premises Presumptive Penalty: $500.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of c4ient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $500.00 fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Police Report CN 99-197211 5. Law Enforcement Buy Report Form 6. License infiormation OFFICt � THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢yton M. �cobinsatt, Jr., Ciry Attomey O O � 31 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 2, 1999 Owner�anager Food-N-Fuel 675 7`� St West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Civit Drvision 400 City Hall IS West KelloggBlvd. Saint Paul, Minrzesot¢ 55102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Telephone: 65126b-87! 0 Facrimife: 651298-5619 RE: All licenses held by Food-N-Fuel, Inc. d/b/a Food-N-Fue1 for the premises located at 675 7`" St. W. in St. Paul License ID No.: 17138 Deaz Sir/Madam: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against your licenses based on the following information: On November 20,1999, you or another employee sold alcohol to an underage person in the above referenced establishment. This is a violation of section 409.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as well as state law, Minn. State § 340A.503 (1994). Since this is considered a first violation, the licensing ofFice wi11 recommend a$50�.00 fine, pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, 5aint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you aze entitied. Page 2 Food-N-Fuel Aecember 2, 1999 2. Alternatively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Councii, you wi11 need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a hearing by Monday, December 13, 1999. The matter wili then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You wili have an oppomuuty to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf as to the penalty to be imposed. 00-3� 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge, At that hearing both qou and the City wiil be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writing no later than Monday, December 13, 1999, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, December 13,1999, I will assume that you are not cantesting the facts and will schedule this matter for a hearina before the City Council. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �,� ��� Virg' 'u�� D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc; Robert Kessier, Director of LIEP Christlne Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Betty Moran, Community Organizer, West Seventh/Fort Road Federation, 974 West Seventh St., St. Pau1, MN 55102 ao -3\ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 3, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: OwnerJManager Food-N-Fuel 675 7` Street West St. Pau1, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �� �, ,-, G. Subscribed and sworn to before, me this 3rd d�,of ,Hace[nb�r, 1999. � PEfER P. PANGSORN " /l� G� � N Tp Y BL1C—MiNNESOTA Not ary Pub C ' � y Comm. E�7+ires Jan. 31.20q � �{ I�; �Q; W � 0 � �� � V � m -� IM a M O � O C � C O S+ R � Y W �r d N C N c� J � �� N �I> J�U Q d TI �lo �;� N i� I JI� I� C9 � L � i N .9 � �v IE. � � IZ i N ic0 C I a ;,j IO a @ N �� N N "�O a � N a � O t� tf) � � _) � � �ro � �z z Q � 1� O LL U Z --�— 'y� �W E Iz "- `C Z O � ao � � � � U U .` N � O ..�.. N I� I C d � 7 V O a U C N; � I � �� i � m Z I�'i iQ� jU I �U I � 7 Ic N � � 7 Z N C � O r a o N � N N � N C � N � � � N � M � � � u� � � ^ Z � ;Q � � � �; �; �, ;� ; ,I � � � U � J � N � j N � N rn� L UJ a c � �� m � �N C C� � � �`O y N ' E lL %-� � � a`�i a� w o � � Q � C O � 91� U N" �N N NO O t6 lp N � �.�C �3 c�c ��� U p{q J p ��.G � Lp Q �LL V f J`� j£ C Z� V � � C a� �..�� � N - p? N p,0 R_ � �':Y C74��'VE Q s a � i -�.'Q�o c a i O mL 'a�rn,� 'O Q�F a �� �rnc�i��u� 47 (6 � U C � N 'm E mu:�iA'm � LL O� L. 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Primary otfensz Date and Lme cf Report 99-197211 LIQUOR LAWS, VIOLATfON 11/20/1989 15:00 Pnmary ReporSng OlTrcer. ,1AMEj W RAMSTAD Loca6on ofincidene 675 7 ST W Pnmar� otfense detait Primarf sGuad: 7g� Secondaryreporffng cfficer, orscricr. CENTRAL ( PSS-V(CE ) Secondar� oiense: Nams cflccadoNnusiness: FOOD N FUcL Date d 6me ofoccrrrence: 11120/1999 15:00 Arrest made? Date 8 bme ofanest POLfCE PERSONNEL INVOLVED Anesf made on viesv: Pursuit engaged: Arresf made on wanant or p�evious CN: Weapons used by police: Weapons used by suspect at dme of a�rest Resistance encountered: CHARGES (NONE) NAMES OTHER BROWN, AMBROSE UNK Physical Descriptron Phones sex MALE Hei5ht Harrcolor Wo�kphone 651-228-0610 Race B�CK Weight NairType Hispanic Doe 09/17/1975 Age 24 Build SNn Har�Lengfh Facia! Hei� Physical Condition Employment Conscioosness Occupa5on SALES Dlug/alcohol use Emp/oye� FO00 N FUEL OWNER LOHSE, LYNN UNK Physical Description Phones sex UNKNOWN Heignt xa�rComr Home phone ftace UNKNOWN Weight Hairrype Hispanlc ooa Bmld Skin HairLength Facia7 Hair 612-785-6905 Age ,.�.���.y� . Comp/ainfNUmbe� 99-197211 Saint Paul Palice Department Page 2 ORiGINAL OFFENSE i lNCIDENT REPOR? oo - 31 Reference C.N. Pnmary offznse Date and Time o! Report LIQUOR LAWS, V{OLATION 11 /20/1999 15:Q0 Physical Candition Emp/oyment Cor,sciousness Occupzdan MANAC-cR OruS/alcohol use SUSPECT BROWN, REGlNA LOUISE 951 BURR ST Emptoyer FOOD N FUEL STPAUL MN 55101 Physica/Oescriplion Phones Sex FCivIALE Height Hai�Color Ulork phone 65�-228-�610 Race B�,j{C'/� �soanic Doe p�/�4l1978 Age 21 Weight Bmld Skin HairType HairLength Facial Hair Physica/ Condition Employment Coascrousness Occnpa6ort SALES OrugJatcohof use Employe� FOOD N FUEL CRIME SCE�E DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene rYFe RETAIL Descnpdan SERVICE/C-AS STATION Meihod 8 Point ofEntry Force used Pomf of entry Method PfZOPERTY (N ONE) VEHICLE INFORMA710N (NONE) NARR.4TIVE f, Sgt Ramstad, alomg with Officer Weyker, conducted liquor compiiance checks on 1 112 011 9 9 9 from 120� to 1600 hours. We used an underaged person as a checker. We verified her DOB as 711 911 98 1. All personaf property was taken away from her. She was given buy money to make purchases. She was unable to provide any type of indentification. At about '1500 hours we sent her into the Food N Fuel at 675 7th ST W. She went in and got a 6 pack of Miiler Genuin Draft Cans. She brought it up to the counter. The counter was being manned by Bro�vn, Reg+na Louise 1l14/1978. Srown asked the checker if she had an id on her. THe enecfcer toid her no. Brown told her that she knew she didn't have any id on her because ii you have an ID you woufd go to the fiquor store across the street. Brown asked another clerk how much the beer was. She rang it up, She took the buy money from the checker ard gave back the change. She put the beer in a bag and the checRer left with the oeer. We entered a�d Identified oursefves. We advised her of the vioaltion. Brown didn't think it �oras a big deai and was not cooperative. She didn't think we shouid he bothering her. We g�chered her information and took her picture. She was advised that the case would be forwarded to the City Attorneys Office for charging. ' Saint Paul Pofice Department Pa9° 3 �� ORIGINAL OFFENSE /{NCIDENT REPORT oo - 31 __�._._.._ Complaint Number Refarence C,,V. Pnmar� offense Date and Time of Report g9-1972'1'1 LIQUOR LAWS, VIOIATIOi� 11/2Q11999 15:00 The on-duty manager was 8rown, Ambrose. The generai manager is Lohsa, Lynn The 6eer was recovered 2nd he(d as evidence (ease distribute to: LIEP _CHF _Fiom _Sex _D/C _CO _Rptr _Rob _Bur� V ice _Iuv _Theh �Nazco _Oper _Prop SIU _PSC _C.� U T&A _Lab _Rec _Te:s.i _F&F _Auto ` DAO _Ocher % �� 1 ��-1�7 a�� Y9934Q�2 FOOD-?i-FUEL 675 7TH ST N ST. PAUL >j 1�2 — �/ `—' CHE :iCHE.4 Age: \f ifNoPurchaseAttempted��ANDS ,J TO n73 ,i ;_ ;s Law Enforesment Buy Repart Form 5. What did you try to purchase? a. (Gheck one; offsale on/yJ b. (check one) 1 � 6-pack cans 21 i12-pack cans LJ 3C 6-pack bottles 41 1 Quart bottle L � Buyer ID . 111�L1 Ob - 3\ Today's Date: ! � ��`�_�� 7.Huyergender. 2. T�im {, 1 IMale '/ h'7:'���1� AM �__i��� E 2!�Female '" 2l ti l PM ! � � 3. Was a security pe�san shrioned at the door? 35-,3 ,a 4. If yes, gender of person at door. � 1 C Yes 21 I No �� Male 2 � Female `,i -� 5. yes, WerB you: (check ali thai appJy) IF NO, SKIPTO �❑Admittedwithnoquestion �6 2❑ Admitted after stating age 3��� L 1 ❑ Budweiser 2❑ Coors c (check one) 3�Mifler f�lite u 4❑ Other 2❑ Regular ;; so 7. SeHer/server's gen �r. 1 n Male 2�Female 8. Selledsecver's estimated age: 1�essthan 21 2,' 21-30 3�31 oroider 10. How many people were s�nding in line behind you at th�e tim�e were at the cash register? � y � L _�'1 'f 2. What was the noise Ievel? sz sx-ss Nortnal � Raised conversation� voices 2� Shouting 3� 6 '' Purchased after state date of blRh Admitted after stating ID not on me Admitted after explaining ID in car Not admitted STOP HERE 9. How crowded was it? Seating No seating/ �� No seatingl �� avaiiable 1� few standing2! � mar,y standina3l I '11. Purchase attempt outcome: (cr,eu al� that apFry} 1❑Purchased with no ques6ons 2�Purchased aftet stating age 3��Purchased after state date oi 6irth �Purchased after stating ID not on me S�Purchased after explaining ID in car 6�No purchase FL�f 13. {f no purchase attempted, expiain below: (cneck one) r— Ot I Ciosed. out ofi business O&� � Unsaie (explain) ` ,;"` 02 i Ciosed, seasonal hours " 09 � Buyer mappropnate�y Cr=sseo 03 i 4 C;osed, limited hours t0 i ; Out of beer 041 `Ciosed temporanly (repairs, remodel, eta) �7 � Did not have time co c:moletz OS i � C�osed to public, private party 12 �I Don't (or no fongeq se11 alcchof p6� I Private c`.ub, puolic not admitted �3� Reservations necessary 1 07 � Unable to locate � � Other {5pea/yJ � EPVCa1�AGGVer t 1158po�t1 License Group Comments Text Licensee: FOOD-N•FUEL INC �BA� FOOD-N-FUEL license #: 00'f7138 17/20/99 Failed compliance rectfeck =^to CAO for adverse adion. CAR 3/22/99 completed required alcohol awareness training-DL ` On 2/78/99 Failed check; "uno�cial" wamin9-4aining due 4!'f/99-DL �f1l93 Per Bob - Add'L Gas Pump License Eliminated � 1J6l96 GF. #96-�391 App'D Imposing $200 Fine For Sale Of Tobacco To A Minor 1 v99/96 - Sent Fine Letter (Fine Due t2/6/96}La6 1?J5l96 - Paid 5200.00 Cigarette Fine - Lab 07l21l99 passed cig complia�ce check - D7/28/991etter sent SS 11l29l�999 �O - 3 \ 00-�1 Ad�ess � �icensee l ��Mact � U�e�e, Cardho,tlEr � Type' C property C Licensee t" Unoffical C` All Stre� #. 75 Street Na�ne. Street TYpe. QirecGon. I�nrt #: CM1y: 980005768 l�li.i-.d <A!b + � <AII> BORASH FOO� N FlJEL +*fF"�fbYV:�': ." pKxv..:.�:;, s �� Carice! � vNewSearch p �..;. ��?�'� . � Oo - 3 � �1, Licensee �OOD-N-FUEL INC TYPE Pay�,. ,PN2 �'.4�'{yKut Sumen^ DBA OOD-N-FUEI. Stre; � Stre �� ' ��censee � Lic.Types i �nsurance � Bond � RepuiremeMS � Stre� f• propedy �' Licensee �` Unaffival Pro�ectFacildffioc MARTEFdS,COFINNE Oke�; Street #: 75 : Adverse Aqion CommeMs UnR; � ��eetNsme: TH (---- ; CRy' ��reetType. ST OkeMiort yv , i Unrt Intl' �- UnR #. � ' CM1y TPAUL CommerAs . ,.-. { Stffie IJ bip gg�p? j��R�NflFadzcomphancerECheck ToCP.Ofor ( ' QadverseaMion � Ward � �g��^' �3T22�B9 comple[ed requiretl aicohoi awarena:s ' - �DralCounc�l 9.7� _ireining-DL �_i _ f . ' i.__" """"_'.. _ . �'_'_' '..___ "_'_'__' ; ' licensee. OODN-FUEL M1C CommeMs. � ��,, ' DBA. OOD-N-FUEL • 1����??P! � Sales Taz Id: 341� 3fl2 Bus Phane 65t12� ' Matt Oif Saie C � 012&Y 987 � Q3f3711A00 N { ggg pp� ;� ; �- GrncerYCC} ___"'' u R_ 03�5l2000 N,i_ � to History ,. �:,., ._<,-,__ , � 40 -3� Addre pf ' - _, � ��'� � ,'� {��� ��^,' Licensee OOD-N-FUELWC TYPE � �.,�._�.i'az�r��sc mm,�j DBA 000.N-FUEL Stre SYre ��ense Licensee � Lia Types 1 Insurance � Bond � ftequiremerrts 1 Stre; LicenseeName: OOD-N-FUELWC ���;�?"`"^��: _. �°>?�. Dire�� DBlL' OOD-N-FUEL ..-.--p{ _• ry Si �� ; Seles Ta<Itl 347392 Non-Profd. r JVOrkeYS COmp. BN711999 .�,. ; AA Coritract ReBd OA000 AA Training ReCd OAOA000 Cdy: ° AA Fee Colledetl: N➢O+U000 DiscourR Rec'd (- �Mal Ucense 70: — r Mail To CorRact �' License Atldress rMail lnvoice To:-- i r Mail To CorRad , t' license Address Background Check Requ'vetl r' #Ji7138 Save ItemsFound ORIG�NAI. n�c�r►r rrrrn�r GreenSheet# 104498 � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Food-N-Fuel, Inc. d/b/a Food-N-Fuel (License ID No. 17138), located at 675 7�` Street West in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $500.00 for the violation of Sale of Alcoholic Beverages to Underage Persons. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within ti�irty (30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts contained in the December 2, 1999, Notice of Violation letter to the lacensee, the Police Report CN 99-197211, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: By: Apps BYc , Council File # Q — 3 Hy: �'a�lf.Gd:� �'CS17.'r� Form Approved by City Attorney $Y� `�l(hf.enc.GG_ �J l, �—/. 1C.rn Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil Sy: Adopted by Council: Date ���aOF�tS Adoption CertiEied by Council ecretary GREEN SHEET William Gunther 5T BE ON COUNqLAG@A14 12 , 2000 - . sc. !/. ww�ae sax NdrtV�c TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES na.n�rt� 00 - 3� No���'�i� ❑ d1YAifOAEY �QIYCItiK �w�wL�m�xcrsort ❑r�u1cu.� ❑NYOR(ORPtftIMR� � (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution concerning all licenses held by Food-N-Fuel, Inc., 675 7th Street West. PUINNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSlON OF THANSACTION f SOURCE t�WM RSONAL SERVICE CONiRACfS MUSiANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTSONS: Fias Nic persorYfirtn everwaketl undfx a� torihis tlepaAmenl? YES Pl0 Has mis pe1soMrm ever been a cpY �PbYee? VES NO �es Uis Pe�soNM1rm P� a s1a71 not namalMD� bY �Y curreM dty employeel YES t�p 18 tlds pasaJfim� atargeted ventlaft YES NO CO37/REVENUE BUDfiETED (qRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YEE NO ✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢yton M. Robinson, Jr., City Atlorney ��'�! CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colenwn, �Lfoyor c;�:r DN;sro„ 400 Ciry Halt I S West Kellogg B(vd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510? Zelephone: 65! 266-8710 Facsimite: 651 298-5619 December 22, 1994 NOTICE OF COUNCIL AEARING OwnerlManager Food-N-Fuel 675 7`� St West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � A Ej! "'^^�^•r.*'�: �vi�tv�� ��� � � €�� RE: Al1 licenses held by Food-N-Fuel, Inc. d/bfa Food-N-Fuel for the premises located at 675 7�' St. W. in St. Paul License ID No.: 17138 Dear SirJMadam: Please take notice that a hearing-concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 12, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Sain� Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Com Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Councii for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts conceming the sale of alcohol to an under age person have not been denied. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present aral andlor written remarks as to the penairy, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license o�ce will be for a$500.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ` ��e2- `J b aJ—KCn Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessier, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Beriy Moran, Community Organizer, West Seventb/Fort Road Federation, 974 West Seventh St., St. Pau1, MN 551�2 UNCONTESTED LiCENSE HEARING °O ' 3 � Licensee Name: Councif Date: Food-N-Fuel, fnc. d/b/a Food-N-Fuel January 12, 2000 Violation: Sate of Alcohol to an Underage Person Minn. Stat. § 304A.503 (1994) St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.08 Date of Violation: November 20, 1999 Piace: Licensed Premises Presumptive Penalty: $500.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of c4ient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $500.00 fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Police Report CN 99-197211 5. Law Enforcement Buy Report Form 6. License infiormation OFFICt � THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢yton M. �cobinsatt, Jr., Ciry Attomey O O � 31 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 2, 1999 Owner�anager Food-N-Fuel 675 7`� St West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Civit Drvision 400 City Hall IS West KelloggBlvd. Saint Paul, Minrzesot¢ 55102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Telephone: 65126b-87! 0 Facrimife: 651298-5619 RE: All licenses held by Food-N-Fuel, Inc. d/b/a Food-N-Fue1 for the premises located at 675 7`" St. W. in St. Paul License ID No.: 17138 Deaz Sir/Madam: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against your licenses based on the following information: On November 20,1999, you or another employee sold alcohol to an underage person in the above referenced establishment. This is a violation of section 409.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as well as state law, Minn. State § 340A.503 (1994). Since this is considered a first violation, the licensing ofFice wi11 recommend a$50�.00 fine, pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, 5aint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you aze entitied. Page 2 Food-N-Fuel Aecember 2, 1999 2. Alternatively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Councii, you wi11 need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a hearing by Monday, December 13, 1999. The matter wili then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You wili have an oppomuuty to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf as to the penalty to be imposed. 00-3� 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge, At that hearing both qou and the City wiil be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writing no later than Monday, December 13, 1999, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, December 13,1999, I will assume that you are not cantesting the facts and will schedule this matter for a hearina before the City Council. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �,� ��� Virg' 'u�� D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc; Robert Kessier, Director of LIEP Christlne Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Betty Moran, Community Organizer, West Seventh/Fort Road Federation, 974 West Seventh St., St. Pau1, MN 55102 ao -3\ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 3, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: OwnerJManager Food-N-Fuel 675 7` Street West St. Pau1, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �� �, ,-, G. Subscribed and sworn to before, me this 3rd d�,of ,Hace[nb�r, 1999. � PEfER P. PANGSORN " /l� G� � N Tp Y BL1C—MiNNESOTA Not ary Pub C ' � y Comm. E�7+ires Jan. 31.20q � �{ I�; �Q; W � 0 � �� � V � m -� IM a M O � O C � C O S+ R � Y W �r d N C N c� J � �� N �I> J�U Q d TI �lo �;� N i� I JI� I� C9 � L � i N .9 � �v IE. � � IZ i N ic0 C I a ;,j IO a @ N �� N N "�O a � N a � O t� tf) � � _) � � �ro � �z z Q � 1� O LL U Z --�— 'y� �W E Iz "- `C Z O � ao � � � � U U .` N � O ..�.. N I� I C d � 7 V O a U C N; � I � �� i � m Z I�'i iQ� jU I �U I � 7 Ic N � � 7 Z N C � O r a o N � N N � N C � N � � � N � M � � � u� � � ^ Z � ;Q � � � �; �; �, ;� ; ,I � � � U � J � N � j N � N rn� L UJ a c � �� m � �N C C� � � �`O y N ' E lL %-� � � a`�i a� w o � � Q � C O � 91� U N" �N N NO O t6 lp N � �.�C �3 c�c ��� U p{q J p ��.G � Lp Q �LL V f J`� j£ C Z� V � � C a� �..�� � N - p? N p,0 R_ � �':Y C74��'VE Q s a � i -�.'Q�o c a i O mL 'a�rn,� 'O Q�F a �� �rnc�i��u� 47 (6 � U C � N 'm E mu:�iA'm � LL O� L. 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Primary otfensz Date and Lme cf Report 99-197211 LIQUOR LAWS, VIOLATfON 11/20/1989 15:00 Pnmary ReporSng OlTrcer. ,1AMEj W RAMSTAD Loca6on ofincidene 675 7 ST W Pnmar� otfense detait Primarf sGuad: 7g� Secondaryreporffng cfficer, orscricr. CENTRAL ( PSS-V(CE ) Secondar� oiense: Nams cflccadoNnusiness: FOOD N FUcL Date d 6me ofoccrrrence: 11120/1999 15:00 Arrest made? Date 8 bme ofanest POLfCE PERSONNEL INVOLVED Anesf made on viesv: Pursuit engaged: Arresf made on wanant or p�evious CN: Weapons used by police: Weapons used by suspect at dme of a�rest Resistance encountered: CHARGES (NONE) NAMES OTHER BROWN, AMBROSE UNK Physical Descriptron Phones sex MALE Hei5ht Harrcolor Wo�kphone 651-228-0610 Race B�CK Weight NairType Hispanic Doe 09/17/1975 Age 24 Build SNn Har�Lengfh Facia! Hei� Physical Condition Employment Conscioosness Occupa5on SALES Dlug/alcohol use Emp/oye� FO00 N FUEL OWNER LOHSE, LYNN UNK Physical Description Phones sex UNKNOWN Heignt xa�rComr Home phone ftace UNKNOWN Weight Hairrype Hispanlc ooa Bmld Skin HairLength Facia7 Hair 612-785-6905 Age ,.�.���.y� . Comp/ainfNUmbe� 99-197211 Saint Paul Palice Department Page 2 ORiGINAL OFFENSE i lNCIDENT REPOR? oo - 31 Reference C.N. Pnmary offznse Date and Time o! Report LIQUOR LAWS, V{OLATION 11 /20/1999 15:Q0 Physical Candition Emp/oyment Cor,sciousness Occupzdan MANAC-cR OruS/alcohol use SUSPECT BROWN, REGlNA LOUISE 951 BURR ST Emptoyer FOOD N FUEL STPAUL MN 55101 Physica/Oescriplion Phones Sex FCivIALE Height Hai�Color Ulork phone 65�-228-�610 Race B�,j{C'/� �soanic Doe p�/�4l1978 Age 21 Weight Bmld Skin HairType HairLength Facial Hair Physica/ Condition Employment Coascrousness Occnpa6ort SALES OrugJatcohof use Employe� FOOD N FUEL CRIME SCE�E DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene rYFe RETAIL Descnpdan SERVICE/C-AS STATION Meihod 8 Point ofEntry Force used Pomf of entry Method PfZOPERTY (N ONE) VEHICLE INFORMA710N (NONE) NARR.4TIVE f, Sgt Ramstad, alomg with Officer Weyker, conducted liquor compiiance checks on 1 112 011 9 9 9 from 120� to 1600 hours. We used an underaged person as a checker. We verified her DOB as 711 911 98 1. All personaf property was taken away from her. She was given buy money to make purchases. She was unable to provide any type of indentification. At about '1500 hours we sent her into the Food N Fuel at 675 7th ST W. She went in and got a 6 pack of Miiler Genuin Draft Cans. She brought it up to the counter. The counter was being manned by Bro�vn, Reg+na Louise 1l14/1978. Srown asked the checker if she had an id on her. THe enecfcer toid her no. Brown told her that she knew she didn't have any id on her because ii you have an ID you woufd go to the fiquor store across the street. Brown asked another clerk how much the beer was. She rang it up, She took the buy money from the checker ard gave back the change. She put the beer in a bag and the checRer left with the oeer. We entered a�d Identified oursefves. We advised her of the vioaltion. Brown didn't think it �oras a big deai and was not cooperative. She didn't think we shouid he bothering her. We g�chered her information and took her picture. She was advised that the case would be forwarded to the City Attorneys Office for charging. ' Saint Paul Pofice Department Pa9° 3 �� ORIGINAL OFFENSE /{NCIDENT REPORT oo - 31 __�._._.._ Complaint Number Refarence C,,V. Pnmar� offense Date and Time of Report g9-1972'1'1 LIQUOR LAWS, VIOIATIOi� 11/2Q11999 15:00 The on-duty manager was 8rown, Ambrose. The generai manager is Lohsa, Lynn The 6eer was recovered 2nd he(d as evidence (ease distribute to: LIEP _CHF _Fiom _Sex _D/C _CO _Rptr _Rob _Bur� V ice _Iuv _Theh �Nazco _Oper _Prop SIU _PSC _C.� U T&A _Lab _Rec _Te:s.i _F&F _Auto ` DAO _Ocher % �� 1 ��-1�7 a�� Y9934Q�2 FOOD-?i-FUEL 675 7TH ST N ST. PAUL >j 1�2 — �/ `—' CHE :iCHE.4 Age: \f ifNoPurchaseAttempted��ANDS ,J TO n73 ,i ;_ ;s Law Enforesment Buy Repart Form 5. What did you try to purchase? a. (Gheck one; offsale on/yJ b. (check one) 1 � 6-pack cans 21 i12-pack cans LJ 3C 6-pack bottles 41 1 Quart bottle L � Buyer ID . 111�L1 Ob - 3\ Today's Date: ! � ��`�_�� 7.Huyergender. 2. T�im {, 1 IMale '/ h'7:'���1� AM �__i��� E 2!�Female '" 2l ti l PM ! � � 3. Was a security pe�san shrioned at the door? 35-,3 ,a 4. If yes, gender of person at door. � 1 C Yes 21 I No �� Male 2 � Female `,i -� 5. yes, WerB you: (check ali thai appJy) IF NO, SKIPTO �❑Admittedwithnoquestion �6 2❑ Admitted after stating age 3��� L 1 ❑ Budweiser 2❑ Coors c (check one) 3�Mifler f�lite u 4❑ Other 2❑ Regular ;; so 7. SeHer/server's gen �r. 1 n Male 2�Female 8. Selledsecver's estimated age: 1�essthan 21 2,' 21-30 3�31 oroider 10. How many people were s�nding in line behind you at th�e tim�e were at the cash register? � y � L _�'1 'f 2. What was the noise Ievel? sz sx-ss Nortnal � Raised conversation� voices 2� Shouting 3� 6 '' Purchased after state date of blRh Admitted after stating ID not on me Admitted after explaining ID in car Not admitted STOP HERE 9. How crowded was it? Seating No seating/ �� No seatingl �� avaiiable 1� few standing2! � mar,y standina3l I '11. Purchase attempt outcome: (cr,eu al� that apFry} 1❑Purchased with no ques6ons 2�Purchased aftet stating age 3��Purchased after state date oi 6irth �Purchased after stating ID not on me S�Purchased after explaining ID in car 6�No purchase FL�f 13. {f no purchase attempted, expiain below: (cneck one) r— Ot I Ciosed. out ofi business O&� � Unsaie (explain) ` ,;"` 02 i Ciosed, seasonal hours " 09 � Buyer mappropnate�y Cr=sseo 03 i 4 C;osed, limited hours t0 i ; Out of beer 041 `Ciosed temporanly (repairs, remodel, eta) �7 � Did not have time co c:moletz OS i � C�osed to public, private party 12 �I Don't (or no fongeq se11 alcchof p6� I Private c`.ub, puolic not admitted �3� Reservations necessary 1 07 � Unable to locate � � Other {5pea/yJ � EPVCa1�AGGVer t 1158po�t1 License Group Comments Text Licensee: FOOD-N•FUEL INC �BA� FOOD-N-FUEL license #: 00'f7138 17/20/99 Failed compliance rectfeck =^to CAO for adverse adion. CAR 3/22/99 completed required alcohol awareness training-DL ` On 2/78/99 Failed check; "uno�cial" wamin9-4aining due 4!'f/99-DL �f1l93 Per Bob - Add'L Gas Pump License Eliminated � 1J6l96 GF. #96-�391 App'D Imposing $200 Fine For Sale Of Tobacco To A Minor 1 v99/96 - Sent Fine Letter (Fine Due t2/6/96}La6 1?J5l96 - Paid 5200.00 Cigarette Fine - Lab 07l21l99 passed cig complia�ce check - D7/28/991etter sent SS 11l29l�999 �O - 3 \ 00-�1 Ad�ess � �icensee l ��Mact � U�e�e, Cardho,tlEr � Type' C property C Licensee t" Unoffical C` All Stre� #. 75 Street Na�ne. Street TYpe. QirecGon. I�nrt #: CM1y: 980005768 l�li.i-.d <A!b + � <AII> BORASH FOO� N FlJEL +*fF"�fbYV:�': ." pKxv..:.�:;, s �� Carice! � vNewSearch p �..;. ��?�'� . � Oo - 3 � �1, Licensee �OOD-N-FUEL INC TYPE Pay�,. ,PN2 �'.4�'{yKut Sumen^ DBA OOD-N-FUEI. Stre; � Stre �� ' ��censee � Lic.Types i �nsurance � Bond � RepuiremeMS � Stre� f• propedy �' Licensee �` Unaffival Pro�ectFacildffioc MARTEFdS,COFINNE Oke�; Street #: 75 : Adverse Aqion CommeMs UnR; � ��eetNsme: TH (---- ; CRy' ��reetType. ST OkeMiort yv , i Unrt Intl' �- UnR #. � ' CM1y TPAUL CommerAs . ,.-. { Stffie IJ bip gg�p? j��R�NflFadzcomphancerECheck ToCP.Ofor ( ' QadverseaMion � Ward � �g��^' �3T22�B9 comple[ed requiretl aicohoi awarena:s ' - �DralCounc�l 9.7� _ireining-DL �_i _ f . ' i.__" """"_'.. _ . �'_'_' '..___ "_'_'__' ; ' licensee. OODN-FUEL M1C CommeMs. � ��,, ' DBA. OOD-N-FUEL • 1����??P! � Sales Taz Id: 341� 3fl2 Bus Phane 65t12� ' Matt Oif Saie C � 012&Y 987 � Q3f3711A00 N { ggg pp� ;� ; �- GrncerYCC} ___"'' u R_ 03�5l2000 N,i_ � to History ,. �:,., ._<,-,__ , � 40 -3� Addre pf ' - _, � ��'� � ,'� {��� ��^,' Licensee OOD-N-FUELWC TYPE � �.,�._�.i'az�r��sc mm,�j DBA 000.N-FUEL Stre SYre ��ense Licensee � Lia Types 1 Insurance � Bond � ftequiremerrts 1 Stre; LicenseeName: OOD-N-FUELWC ���;�?"`"^��: _. �°>?�. Dire�� DBlL' OOD-N-FUEL ..-.--p{ _• ry Si �� ; Seles Ta<Itl 347392 Non-Profd. r JVOrkeYS COmp. BN711999 .�,. ; AA Coritract ReBd OA000 AA Training ReCd OAOA000 Cdy: ° AA Fee Colledetl: N➢O+U000 DiscourR Rec'd (- �Mal Ucense 70: — r Mail To CorRact �' License Atldress rMail lnvoice To:-- i r Mail To CorRad , t' license Address Background Check Requ'vetl r' #Ji7138 Save ItemsFound ORIG�NAI. n�c�r►r rrrrn�r GreenSheet# 104498 � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Food-N-Fuel, Inc. d/b/a Food-N-Fuel (License ID No. 17138), located at 675 7�` Street West in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $500.00 for the violation of Sale of Alcoholic Beverages to Underage Persons. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within ti�irty (30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts contained in the December 2, 1999, Notice of Violation letter to the lacensee, the Police Report CN 99-197211, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: By: Apps BYc , Council File # Q — 3 Hy: �'a�lf.Gd:� �'CS17.'r� Form Approved by City Attorney $Y� `�l(hf.enc.GG_ �J l, �—/. 1C.rn Approved by Mayor for Submission to Covncil Sy: Adopted by Council: Date ���aOF�tS Adoption CertiEied by Council ecretary GREEN SHEET William Gunther 5T BE ON COUNqLAG@A14 12 , 2000 - . sc. !/. ww�ae sax NdrtV�c TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES na.n�rt� 00 - 3� No���'�i� ❑ d1YAifOAEY �QIYCItiK �w�wL�m�xcrsort ❑r�u1cu.� ❑NYOR(ORPtftIMR� � (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution concerning all licenses held by Food-N-Fuel, Inc., 675 7th Street West. PUINNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSlON OF THANSACTION f SOURCE t�WM RSONAL SERVICE CONiRACfS MUSiANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTSONS: Fias Nic persorYfirtn everwaketl undfx a� torihis tlepaAmenl? YES Pl0 Has mis pe1soMrm ever been a cpY �PbYee? VES NO �es Uis Pe�soNM1rm P� a s1a71 not namalMD� bY �Y curreM dty employeel YES t�p 18 tlds pasaJfim� atargeted ventlaft YES NO CO37/REVENUE BUDfiETED (qRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YEE NO ✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢yton M. Robinson, Jr., City Atlorney ��'�! CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colenwn, �Lfoyor c;�:r DN;sro„ 400 Ciry Halt I S West Kellogg B(vd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510? Zelephone: 65! 266-8710 Facsimite: 651 298-5619 December 22, 1994 NOTICE OF COUNCIL AEARING OwnerlManager Food-N-Fuel 675 7`� St West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � A Ej! "'^^�^•r.*'�: �vi�tv�� ��� � � €�� RE: Al1 licenses held by Food-N-Fuel, Inc. d/bfa Food-N-Fuel for the premises located at 675 7�' St. W. in St. Paul License ID No.: 17138 Dear SirJMadam: Please take notice that a hearing-concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 12, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Sain� Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Com Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Councii for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts conceming the sale of alcohol to an under age person have not been denied. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present aral andlor written remarks as to the penairy, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license o�ce will be for a$500.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ` ��e2- `J b aJ—KCn Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessier, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Beriy Moran, Community Organizer, West Seventb/Fort Road Federation, 974 West Seventh St., St. Pau1, MN 551�2 UNCONTESTED LiCENSE HEARING °O ' 3 � Licensee Name: Councif Date: Food-N-Fuel, fnc. d/b/a Food-N-Fuel January 12, 2000 Violation: Sate of Alcohol to an Underage Person Minn. Stat. § 304A.503 (1994) St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.08 Date of Violation: November 20, 1999 Piace: Licensed Premises Presumptive Penalty: $500.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of c4ient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $500.00 fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Police Report CN 99-197211 5. Law Enforcement Buy Report Form 6. License infiormation OFFICt � THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢yton M. �cobinsatt, Jr., Ciry Attomey O O � 31 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 2, 1999 Owner�anager Food-N-Fuel 675 7`� St West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Civit Drvision 400 City Hall IS West KelloggBlvd. Saint Paul, Minrzesot¢ 55102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Telephone: 65126b-87! 0 Facrimife: 651298-5619 RE: All licenses held by Food-N-Fuel, Inc. d/b/a Food-N-Fue1 for the premises located at 675 7`" St. W. in St. Paul License ID No.: 17138 Deaz Sir/Madam: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against your licenses based on the following information: On November 20,1999, you or another employee sold alcohol to an underage person in the above referenced establishment. This is a violation of section 409.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as well as state law, Minn. State § 340A.503 (1994). Since this is considered a first violation, the licensing ofFice wi11 recommend a$50�.00 fine, pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, 5aint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you aze entitied. Page 2 Food-N-Fuel Aecember 2, 1999 2. Alternatively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Councii, you wi11 need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a hearing by Monday, December 13, 1999. The matter wili then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You wili have an oppomuuty to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf as to the penalty to be imposed. 00-3� 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge, At that hearing both qou and the City wiil be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writing no later than Monday, December 13, 1999, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, December 13,1999, I will assume that you are not cantesting the facts and will schedule this matter for a hearina before the City Council. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �,� ��� Virg' 'u�� D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc; Robert Kessier, Director of LIEP Christlne Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Betty Moran, Community Organizer, West Seventh/Fort Road Federation, 974 West Seventh St., St. Pau1, MN 55102 ao -3\ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 3, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: OwnerJManager Food-N-Fuel 675 7` Street West St. Pau1, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �� �, ,-, G. Subscribed and sworn to before, me this 3rd d�,of ,Hace[nb�r, 1999. � PEfER P. PANGSORN " /l� G� � N Tp Y BL1C—MiNNESOTA Not ary Pub C ' � y Comm. E�7+ires Jan. 31.20q � �{ I�; �Q; W � 0 � �� � V � m -� IM a M O � O C � C O S+ R � Y W �r d N C N c� J � �� N �I> J�U Q d TI �lo �;� N i� I JI� I� C9 � L � i N .9 � �v IE. � � IZ i N ic0 C I a ;,j IO a @ N �� N N "�O a � N a � O t� tf) � � _) � � �ro � �z z Q � 1� O LL U Z --�— 'y� �W E Iz "- `C Z O � ao � � � � U U .` N � O ..�.. N I� I C d � 7 V O a U C N; � I � �� i � m Z I�'i iQ� jU I �U I � 7 Ic N � � 7 Z N C � O r a o N � N N � N C � N � � � N � M � � � u� � � ^ Z � ;Q � � � �; �; �, ;� ; ,I � � � U � J � N � j N � N rn� L UJ a c � �� m � �N C C� � � �`O y N ' E lL %-� � � a`�i a� w o � � Q � C O � 91� U N" �N N NO O t6 lp N � �.�C �3 c�c ��� U p{q J p ��.G � Lp Q �LL V f J`� j£ C Z� V � � C a� �..�� � N - p? N p,0 R_ � �':Y C74��'VE Q s a � i -�.'Q�o c a i O mL 'a�rn,� 'O Q�F a �� �rnc�i��u� 47 (6 � U C � N 'm E mu:�iA'm � LL O� L. 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Primary otfensz Date and Lme cf Report 99-197211 LIQUOR LAWS, VIOLATfON 11/20/1989 15:00 Pnmary ReporSng OlTrcer. ,1AMEj W RAMSTAD Loca6on ofincidene 675 7 ST W Pnmar� otfense detait Primarf sGuad: 7g� Secondaryreporffng cfficer, orscricr. CENTRAL ( PSS-V(CE ) Secondar� oiense: Nams cflccadoNnusiness: FOOD N FUcL Date d 6me ofoccrrrence: 11120/1999 15:00 Arrest made? Date 8 bme ofanest POLfCE PERSONNEL INVOLVED Anesf made on viesv: Pursuit engaged: Arresf made on wanant or p�evious CN: Weapons used by police: Weapons used by suspect at dme of a�rest Resistance encountered: CHARGES (NONE) NAMES OTHER BROWN, AMBROSE UNK Physical Descriptron Phones sex MALE Hei5ht Harrcolor Wo�kphone 651-228-0610 Race B�CK Weight NairType Hispanic Doe 09/17/1975 Age 24 Build SNn Har�Lengfh Facia! Hei� Physical Condition Employment Conscioosness Occupa5on SALES Dlug/alcohol use Emp/oye� FO00 N FUEL OWNER LOHSE, LYNN UNK Physical Description Phones sex UNKNOWN Heignt xa�rComr Home phone ftace UNKNOWN Weight Hairrype Hispanlc ooa Bmld Skin HairLength Facia7 Hair 612-785-6905 Age ,.�.���.y� . Comp/ainfNUmbe� 99-197211 Saint Paul Palice Department Page 2 ORiGINAL OFFENSE i lNCIDENT REPOR? oo - 31 Reference C.N. Pnmary offznse Date and Time o! Report LIQUOR LAWS, V{OLATION 11 /20/1999 15:Q0 Physical Candition Emp/oyment Cor,sciousness Occupzdan MANAC-cR OruS/alcohol use SUSPECT BROWN, REGlNA LOUISE 951 BURR ST Emptoyer FOOD N FUEL STPAUL MN 55101 Physica/Oescriplion Phones Sex FCivIALE Height Hai�Color Ulork phone 65�-228-�610 Race B�,j{C'/� �soanic Doe p�/�4l1978 Age 21 Weight Bmld Skin HairType HairLength Facial Hair Physica/ Condition Employment Coascrousness Occnpa6ort SALES OrugJatcohof use Employe� FOOD N FUEL CRIME SCE�E DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene rYFe RETAIL Descnpdan SERVICE/C-AS STATION Meihod 8 Point ofEntry Force used Pomf of entry Method PfZOPERTY (N ONE) VEHICLE INFORMA710N (NONE) NARR.4TIVE f, Sgt Ramstad, alomg with Officer Weyker, conducted liquor compiiance checks on 1 112 011 9 9 9 from 120� to 1600 hours. We used an underaged person as a checker. We verified her DOB as 711 911 98 1. All personaf property was taken away from her. She was given buy money to make purchases. She was unable to provide any type of indentification. At about '1500 hours we sent her into the Food N Fuel at 675 7th ST W. She went in and got a 6 pack of Miiler Genuin Draft Cans. She brought it up to the counter. The counter was being manned by Bro�vn, Reg+na Louise 1l14/1978. Srown asked the checker if she had an id on her. THe enecfcer toid her no. Brown told her that she knew she didn't have any id on her because ii you have an ID you woufd go to the fiquor store across the street. Brown asked another clerk how much the beer was. She rang it up, She took the buy money from the checker ard gave back the change. She put the beer in a bag and the checRer left with the oeer. We entered a�d Identified oursefves. We advised her of the vioaltion. Brown didn't think it �oras a big deai and was not cooperative. She didn't think we shouid he bothering her. We g�chered her information and took her picture. She was advised that the case would be forwarded to the City Attorneys Office for charging. ' Saint Paul Pofice Department Pa9° 3 �� ORIGINAL OFFENSE /{NCIDENT REPORT oo - 31 __�._._.._ Complaint Number Refarence C,,V. Pnmar� offense Date and Time of Report g9-1972'1'1 LIQUOR LAWS, VIOIATIOi� 11/2Q11999 15:00 The on-duty manager was 8rown, Ambrose. The generai manager is Lohsa, Lynn The 6eer was recovered 2nd he(d as evidence (ease distribute to: LIEP _CHF _Fiom _Sex _D/C _CO _Rptr _Rob _Bur� V ice _Iuv _Theh �Nazco _Oper _Prop SIU _PSC _C.� U T&A _Lab _Rec _Te:s.i _F&F _Auto ` DAO _Ocher % �� 1 ��-1�7 a�� Y9934Q�2 FOOD-?i-FUEL 675 7TH ST N ST. PAUL >j 1�2 — �/ `—' CHE :iCHE.4 Age: \f ifNoPurchaseAttempted��ANDS ,J TO n73 ,i ;_ ;s Law Enforesment Buy Repart Form 5. What did you try to purchase? a. (Gheck one; offsale on/yJ b. (check one) 1 � 6-pack cans 21 i12-pack cans LJ 3C 6-pack bottles 41 1 Quart bottle L � Buyer ID . 111�L1 Ob - 3\ Today's Date: ! � ��`�_�� 7.Huyergender. 2. T�im {, 1 IMale '/ h'7:'���1� AM �__i��� E 2!�Female '" 2l ti l PM ! � � 3. Was a security pe�san shrioned at the door? 35-,3 ,a 4. If yes, gender of person at door. � 1 C Yes 21 I No �� Male 2 � Female `,i -� 5. yes, WerB you: (check ali thai appJy) IF NO, SKIPTO �❑Admittedwithnoquestion �6 2❑ Admitted after stating age 3��� L 1 ❑ Budweiser 2❑ Coors c (check one) 3�Mifler f�lite u 4❑ Other 2❑ Regular ;; so 7. SeHer/server's gen �r. 1 n Male 2�Female 8. Selledsecver's estimated age: 1�essthan 21 2,' 21-30 3�31 oroider 10. How many people were s�nding in line behind you at th�e tim�e were at the cash register? � y � L _�'1 'f 2. What was the noise Ievel? sz sx-ss Nortnal � Raised conversation� voices 2� Shouting 3� 6 '' Purchased after state date of blRh Admitted after stating ID not on me Admitted after explaining ID in car Not admitted STOP HERE 9. How crowded was it? Seating No seating/ �� No seatingl �� avaiiable 1� few standing2! � mar,y standina3l I '11. Purchase attempt outcome: (cr,eu al� that apFry} 1❑Purchased with no ques6ons 2�Purchased aftet stating age 3��Purchased after state date oi 6irth �Purchased after stating ID not on me S�Purchased after explaining ID in car 6�No purchase FL�f 13. {f no purchase attempted, expiain below: (cneck one) r— Ot I Ciosed. out ofi business O&� � Unsaie (explain) ` ,;"` 02 i Ciosed, seasonal hours " 09 � Buyer mappropnate�y Cr=sseo 03 i 4 C;osed, limited hours t0 i ; Out of beer 041 `Ciosed temporanly (repairs, remodel, eta) �7 � Did not have time co c:moletz OS i � C�osed to public, private party 12 �I Don't (or no fongeq se11 alcchof p6� I Private c`.ub, puolic not admitted �3� Reservations necessary 1 07 � Unable to locate � � Other {5pea/yJ � EPVCa1�AGGVer t 1158po�t1 License Group Comments Text Licensee: FOOD-N•FUEL INC �BA� FOOD-N-FUEL license #: 00'f7138 17/20/99 Failed compliance rectfeck =^to CAO for adverse adion. CAR 3/22/99 completed required alcohol awareness training-DL ` On 2/78/99 Failed check; "uno�cial" wamin9-4aining due 4!'f/99-DL �f1l93 Per Bob - Add'L Gas Pump License Eliminated � 1J6l96 GF. #96-�391 App'D Imposing $200 Fine For Sale Of Tobacco To A Minor 1 v99/96 - Sent Fine Letter (Fine Due t2/6/96}La6 1?J5l96 - Paid 5200.00 Cigarette Fine - Lab 07l21l99 passed cig complia�ce check - D7/28/991etter sent SS 11l29l�999 �O - 3 \ 00-�1 Ad�ess � �icensee l ��Mact � U�e�e, Cardho,tlEr � Type' C property C Licensee t" Unoffical C` All Stre� #. 75 Street Na�ne. Street TYpe. QirecGon. I�nrt #: CM1y: 980005768 l�li.i-.d <A!b + � <AII> BORASH FOO� N FlJEL +*fF"�fbYV:�': ." pKxv..:.�:;, s �� Carice! � vNewSearch p �..;. ��?�'� . � Oo - 3 � �1, Licensee �OOD-N-FUEL INC TYPE Pay�,. ,PN2 �'.4�'{yKut Sumen^ DBA OOD-N-FUEI. Stre; � Stre �� ' ��censee � Lic.Types i �nsurance � Bond � RepuiremeMS � Stre� f• propedy �' Licensee �` Unaffival Pro�ectFacildffioc MARTEFdS,COFINNE Oke�; Street #: 75 : Adverse Aqion CommeMs UnR; � ��eetNsme: TH (---- ; CRy' ��reetType. ST OkeMiort yv , i Unrt Intl' �- UnR #. � ' CM1y TPAUL CommerAs . ,.-. { Stffie IJ bip gg�p? j��R�NflFadzcomphancerECheck ToCP.Ofor ( ' QadverseaMion � Ward � �g��^' �3T22�B9 comple[ed requiretl aicohoi awarena:s ' - �DralCounc�l 9.7� _ireining-DL �_i _ f . ' i.__" """"_'.. _ . �'_'_' '..___ "_'_'__' ; ' licensee. OODN-FUEL M1C CommeMs. � ��,, ' DBA. OOD-N-FUEL • 1����??P! � Sales Taz Id: 341� 3fl2 Bus Phane 65t12� ' Matt Oif Saie C � 012&Y 987 � Q3f3711A00 N { ggg pp� ;� ; �- GrncerYCC} ___"'' u R_ 03�5l2000 N,i_ � to History ,. �:,., ._<,-,__ , � 40 -3� Addre pf ' - _, � ��'� � ,'� {��� ��^,' Licensee OOD-N-FUELWC TYPE � �.,�._�.i'az�r��sc mm,�j DBA 000.N-FUEL Stre SYre ��ense Licensee � Lia Types 1 Insurance � Bond � ftequiremerrts 1 Stre; LicenseeName: OOD-N-FUELWC ���;�?"`"^��: _. �°>?�. Dire�� DBlL' OOD-N-FUEL ..-.--p{ _• ry Si �� ; Seles Ta<Itl 347392 Non-Profd. r JVOrkeYS COmp. BN711999 .�,. ; AA Coritract ReBd OA000 AA Training ReCd OAOA000 Cdy: ° AA Fee Colledetl: N➢O+U000 DiscourR Rec'd (- �Mal Ucense 70: — r Mail To CorRact �' License Atldress rMail lnvoice To:-- i r Mail To CorRad , t' license Address Background Check Requ'vetl r' #Ji7138 Save ItemsFound