280999 WHITE +- CITV CLERK pINK - FINANCE COIIIICII CANARV �OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL BLUE � MAVOR File N�. 2��9 ' Orclind�ce Ordinance N0. ��d�� Presented By / Referred To 1--� �T�..�L�1�� '��I Committee: Date � �' 1�'�g� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to consent requirements for the grant"ing of an entertainment license; amending Section 411.04, Subdivision 2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. TI� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 411.04, Subdivision 2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Subd. 2. Notification requirements; consent o� nei�hboring propert . ,� Notice of hearing. At least 30 days before a public hearing on an application for a license, the department oY finance and management services shall notify by mail a11 owners and occupants who own property or reside within 300 feet of the main entrance of the establishment to be licensed and all community organizations that have previously registered with said department of the time, place and purpose of such hearing, said 300 feet being calculated and computed as the distance measured in a straight line from the nearest point of the building where COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher ceu« In Favor Masanz Nicosia B scneibei Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By �� �`���(.�e�f.��- i U��/83 By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By • �C�V�U� . ���y��2., Page 2. intoxicating liquor is sold, consumed or kept for sale to the nearest point of the property line owned, leased, or under the control of the resident. Prior to the hearing date, the depart- ment of finance and management services sha11 submit to the city council a list of the names and addresses of eadz person or organization to whom notice was sent, and certification of such list by the clerk shall be conclusive evidence of such notice. ,� Consent of owners and occu ants within 200 feet. The applican shall presen with his application a statement in writingi ��g�e�-�� with the si�natures of as man of the owners and �e�a��s occupants of 98-�e�ee��-e�-a�� private residences, dwellings and apartment houses located within 200 feet of such premises as he can obtain, to the effect that they have no objection to the granting of such entertainment license or the operation of the busine�s �o� conducting entertainment at the location proposed;-��s�}�e�-�e�e���.e�e�s� ��a�-s�e�-ee�.se�.�-e�i���-�e#-�e-�.eee��s��3�-�r�e� �ke-g�e��ee�-;v�e�ee�-��ie-e�.�e������e��-�s-��e�ese�. }�-$e�e�-as-�-�;-�-�-e�-�-�-����s���a�-��s��}e#. If the applicant obtains the si�natures of 90 percent or more of such persons, the council may grant the license. If the applicant obtains the signatures of 0 percent to g0 percent of such persons, the council ma �rant the license upon findin� that issuance of the license would n.ot in erfere with the reasonable use and en'oy- ment of nei�hborin� propert and residences and would not bear adversel.y on the health, safety, mdrals and general welfare of the community. Such findings shall be based on the followin� considerations .if the license were to be �ranted• � The ef�ect on the sunroundin� communit and institutions; � Noise and the likelihood of adverse effect on residential occupants; � The possibilit,y of increased traffic; � The character of the nei�hborhood; � Other like uses in the nei�hborhood. � . • �il��a7 . _ • /��,C��z.� Page 3. If the a licant fails to obtain the si natures of 0 percen of such persons, he license shall not in any case be granted. � Compliance with notice and consent requirements. An entertainment license only becomes effective upon compliance with this subdivision and consent of the council by resolution. The failure to give mailed notice to owners or occupants resid- ing within 300 feet or defects in the notice sha11 not invalidate the license provided a bona fide attempt to comply with this subdivision has been made. A bona fide attempt is evidenced by a notice addressed to ��owner" and to ��occupant�� of the listed address. Only one notice need be mailed to each house or each rental unit within a multiple family dwelling regardless of the number of occupants. � A lication of subdivision• exce tions. The requiremen s set out in this subdivision shall apply only where. the application is for an entertainment license in which it is proposed that liquor will be sold and instrumental music with dancing for the guests therein, or singing or vaudeville entertainment is to be provided. The notification and consent requirements of this subdivision sha11 not be applicable whem. • the premises whereon the entertainment is groposed is zoned as I-1, I-2 or I-3 Industrial District or where the license is to be held in a place located within the downtown business district. For purposes of this subdivision, downtown business district shall include all that pi�rtion of the city of Saint Paul lying within and bounded by the following streets: Beginning at the intersection of Shepard Road with Chestnut Street, Chestnut Street to Pleasant Avenue, Pleasant Avenue to Kellogg Street, Kellogg Street to Summit Avenue, Summit Avenue to Tenth Street, Tenth Street to Interstate Freeway 94, Interstate Freeway 94 to Lafayette Bridge, Lafayette Bridge to where the Bridge crosses over Warner Road, Warner Road to Shepard Road, Shepard Road to Chestnut Street. WHITE _ - CITY CLERK �PINK (r FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV s DEPARTMENT File NO. 28U99y �LUE� ; MAVOR •� ` • ` Ord�n�nce Ordinance N 0. ! �0�� Presented By �� ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 4, Section 2. This ordinance shall be deemed a part o� the �aint paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after �'�s passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Fletcher �eu� in Favor Masanz Nicosia � Against BY $Cheibel Tedesco Wiison Adopted by Council: Date OCT 2 r� �=`:'� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa s ouncil et BY '-���- �• �tl�r���3 By Ap by Mayor: e ` �CT 2 � ��83 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By RUBLISHED NpV 5 1983 � � �'o r� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 7D�� �„�.�qp OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL s�wa�aa9.er �'���s� Ddte : October 25 , 1983 COMMITTEE RE PORT TO = Sa�nt Pau 1 City Council FR� M � Committee Oh LEGISLATION CMAIR : John J . Galles . An ordinance amending Section 411 . 04 , Subdivision• 2 , of the Legislative Code pertaining to consent requirements for the granting of an entertainment license -- Council File No . 280999 . Legi�slation Committee recommends approval . -- �=�_, . . .. ..�.��� 1 '•a L:, . . ,...:r� � . . . . . . �:::.— ,,;' � � . i>� �.., I` .:" O' ...,_. . ':''� ,-' � ��r! '��?.,i _ �_tj CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA 55102 . +�i,a _ ;_. d �;� p � lst ��• /�' d 3 ' 2nd , /O � �a � �.� 3rd �i� � D �d � Adopted /� �� '—/� Yeas Nays . FLETCHER 2gp�99 GALLES /� 7��,�. / MASANZ NICOSIA � SCHEIBEL ; WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO