280993 �NF12TE .--�ITV CLERK CO{IflC1I �Q PINK -FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L CANARV -. C?EPARTMENT �J. Devlin 6L1� , - P�,VOR File NO. 1 Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - �500 �10.21 600 12.26 70o i4.3o . 800 16.34 900 18.38 C. Long Term Disability RATE PF,L� MONTH Monthly Benefit for each $50 Coverage 1.28 In consideration of the reduced premium Long Term Disability is amended to be integrated with Social Security, City's pension plans, Workers Compensation and maximum benefits payable axe determined by the employee's annual salary and are paid to age 65. and be it FIlVALLY RESOLVID, that the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the Saint Pau1 Life Insurance Company and the Ochs Agency, Incorporated. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays � Galles In Favor Masanz Nicosia csheibs� � _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �CT s �983 Form Ap ved City t r � Certified a: Council re BY gy, . � 1983 dlppro y 1�lavor: Date �CT � Appr y Mayor for Sub ' s' o Council B _ �., BY PUBUSHED OCT 15 1983 _ 28f�93 A��enda Finance, T".anagemeiit �- and Personnel Conunittee September 29, 1953 Pa�e 2 L��..`�'.��4��.;�����e£�:�al��:��oved 3.: �- , 0. Resolution rene�.ing Accident and Sickness, Long Term Ilisabilit�� and Accidental D°ath and Dismemberment Insiirance conti•act bet�:een the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District �625 and the Saint Paul I,ife Insurance Company, as amended. (Personnel) 11. Resolution renewing contract bet��een the City of Saitit Paul, Indepen3ent School District �625 and SHARE for Hospital and Aledical Surgical coverage. (Personnel) 12. Reso2ution rene�aing contract, as amended, between the City of Saint Paul, Irrde- pendent School District #625 and HMO�i for Hospital and b"edical Surgical coverage. (Personnel) 13. Resolution reneti�ing contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District r625 and Coordinated Health Care, Ine. for Hospital and l�ledical Surgical covera�e. 14. Resolu�ion renei�ing contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District f625, and Group Health Plan for Hospital and D1�dical Surgical covera�e. (Personnzl) � - 15. Resolu�ion rene��ino contract between the City of Saint Paul and IndePendent Schaol � ` � District �625 and Elue Cross ancl Blue Shield of Atinnesota for flospital and :�!e.dical Suroical co��erage. (Personnel) 16. Resolution renel:in� contrac� between the City of Saiiit I'atil, Independent School Distric� `625 and Fidelity hlutual Life Insurance Co�r�any for life and accidental death and dismembernent insurance. (Personnel) 17. Resolution rene�aina contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent Sc}iool District �625 and Tiinnesota t�tutual Life Insurance Company for optional insurance for the spouse and family. (as amended) (Personnel) 18. �:esolution renei.ing contract between the City of Saint Paul, Inde�endent School District �625 and bledCenter Health Plan for }lealth and l�elfare Insurance Prograr.i. (Pcrsonnel) 19. Resolution renewing contract betti�een the City of Saint Paul, Indepenclent School District #,625 and Republic National Life Insurance Comj�any for I�ealth and lielfare Insurance Prop am. (Personnel) �