D001032• - City Clerk - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) - Contracror _ - Projeci Manager (CPMn No. i � f� �. Date CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. Cpl.lg ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center E�ansion CP-1 Demolition Excavation & Bridge C'onstmction Imown as Conuact L Project No.014440 Edward Kraemer & Sons, is composed of the following: 1. Provide probe holes to investigate for tunnels below footings & crane. Reason: Field investigation 2. Provfde sheetpile at skyway pier. Reason: To prevent soils from sloughing to Exchange Street. $2,033.58 7,250.52 Total $9,284.10 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, tluough its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 9 284 10 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L-. 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Cemer Expansion Fund. A "D S T � c Assistant City A tomey and which amount is to be financed from: %�t � 19 �t Edward YKaemer & Sons Contractor 19_ By —����� �9- �� � _���� � ad of Department of Finance �y �y�� �� �9 9G �i� � ��� Adtninistrative Assistant to the Mayor / I!� � • D'uector of Civic enter � Arclutect ✓ �0103a, 3s��� _ �� SK�� I GREEN DEPARTMENT �IRECT INITIAVDATE GfTY COUNCIL crrr`c�aK F �d & MGT. SERVICES DI� MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES N REQUESTED: Lt hari o�d� # i3 -�o� _ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��3.rd ��caF.�utQ� � r Ci a�c, � �yLS i O Y� (A) or Raject (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSIQN � G�VIL SERVICE C�A�M_M _ CIB COMM1TfEE _��� .L— _ STAFF _ _ DISTRIGTCOURi _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? 54 � a�-!-a �h� i. ;_ : ; �. � . ,�;: ,; t i � , �. IF APPROVE� DISA�VANTAGESIF a�cE�vE� SEP 2 31996 ClTY CLERK � ,i TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ �Zg"'� � l � COSUREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIf3G SOURCE C- �ys.q ��S �'clY 4�1� - F�l_�_ YC `�S ACTIYITY NUMBEH `�—�� ����� —��� ��� FINANCIAI INFORFiAT10N. (EXPlA1N) ��j � � � PER Has ihis personlFirtn e u desa conSWcE�THE departm ���UESPIO�Qf,�� (i J YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? _ YES NO �` � �- � � � '" 3. Does this personlfttm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry empWyee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate aheet and attach to green sheet \J • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Edward Kraemer & Sons 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, MN 55337 Original Contract Amount: $5,317,785.70 CQ No. C1.1 Ct2 C1.3 C1.4 C1.5 C1.6 C1.7 C1.8 C1.9 C1.10 C1.11 C1.12 C1.13 C1.14 C1.15 C1.16 C1.17 C1.18 Subtotai Deduct Add 14,844.30 7,104.85 28,810.80 9,928.70 24,241.68 96,260.00 38,228.4D 58,261.10 16,540.68 40,158.38 17,65�22 44,18Q.73 52,485.21 20,721.85 27,851.57 41,593.01 1,432,991.00 9,284.10 1.951.136.58 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTR.4CT DATE: 4 September 1996 CP-1 Demolition, Excava6on & Bridge Construction 29 March 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $7,298,922.28 • RECEfVED C O ht`"T`°R-A C-T O R' S P R � Contractor Proposal No.: Project: Saint Paul Civic Center A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: � 22� - 4 •$ It is requested the completion date be () extended, () decreased, () unchanged by _ calendar days. The adjus2ed completion date will be 2. Description of the change: fRefer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reterence RFP No.: • CCD No.: FO No.: 1 �be �} I e s�$�n.D i►�X� G�RNs i�anN65 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) () Firm price for performing this change is ....................................$ Z4\'1• 2b Adequate supporting details and information rease Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. �) Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S t) Actuai cost at compfetion of work $ Submitted by: �..--'�i�' �..,r,+zb �LStlaaw.e� � Sa.,. Date: � z Conttactor Contractor Si� FOR u • Action Recommended: (Check onel O Change witl not be made. Exptain: 2. CPMi Job No.: 3225 �roceed on the following basis: Qs indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. "�ha�ge is acceptabte, basis of payment is not acceptable. .,,��� ,�, Q ��, S � �asis of payment shatf be 9�03'9V 'rJ8 ( 1 The fol(owing modification is recommended: 6n Pro�osa.0 �t 55 . ( 1 Change in completion date is accepted. 11�a� Q,{�✓aY tL/SO. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. S�g,�q�G Z°�W () Change is acceptabie with no change in compietion date. ✓ Reason for Change: () Design Change () Client Request �.Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the originaal contract scope? () YES �. NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ,�YES () NO 5. A/E consulted. �Q,YES ( ) NO Prepared by:�� CPMq Approved by (HGA) Approved by (Owner) a �5fa-�P eo �". Date• ��,3��0 Date� Date: Approved by: (Owner Date: cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Eriks Ludins 3225- 3225- SL USE SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION l� 1��., • BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DiRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR S MATERtALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED S TOTAL LA8 & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT S 15% FEE $ TOTAL LABOR, MATER{AL, EQU{P., & �EE SUBCONTRAC70RS pa<Ls.� l5% FEE TOTALSUBCONTRAC70RS & �EE • OTHER CQSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUlPMENT NOT {NCQRPORATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTAL EXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL • S 9 Z53� 1� `i �(�, s -�-�- .sL_ � (�. �9- S & S S S 5 S S S Z_�q 1"1 Z l,. S 5 4\"l - Z. b SAINT PAUL CIVIC CEN7ER EXPANSION � AP�.-22'96(MON) 11�02 ATLAS FOUN➢ATION CO TEL:428 475d P. Q02 �� � � � .�. _ ATLAS FOUNDATIUN C0. - FormerJy,lrt� p�}n p�IyTng Co.. IAS&f988 - BoX I17 Rogtts, MN 55374 (612) 42&2261 Fa7c: (bt2) 428�7i4 �WSi'd �7"dCIDL'L � .SOI1S� TIIC. 1420 West CNffRoad �utnsv�le, MI�I 55337 3ob 9568 Civec Center, St. Paul, M�nnesota r� LJ Probe Holes: 2 days la6or - 1 operator and I Jaborer EquiPmem - skidsteer 2 days �$2ao.�U per day Supplies - Auger Te�ettt - 28 (a� S4.1Q esCh IS°lo overhead and pipfrt Epoxy Coated Williams Rods TpTAi„ DUE T'HIS INVpICE 1489.33 l�'- 3q-°'/�Itc.� 480.00 i 14.80 1684.13 ZS2.52 1936.75 � 52,536.75 � ��A�CIYVW�� �� 22'9l0 �KS Cor�'� P�� CJ .� ... � i�:; . �... �,�,:;yi�=.-, APR 22 '96 10:13 Invoice No. 9b0] 6?E Imoice Date Z/29/96 Inwice Due Upon N.eceipt 428 4754 PAGE.002 . ���� c/o Saint Paul Civic Cen[er I.A. O'Shaughnessy Piaza 143 WeSt fOUrth Sir¢et Saint Paul, MN 55102-7299 612/298-5409 FAX TRANSMlTTAL �J CPMI FAX: (612� 298-54'17 ATTENTION: �p �A^ COMPANY: r�rL�'J FAX #: _ ��-� - � �'� � FROM: tv 1��� � DOCUMENT (NEORMATtON: 1�0 I�3� DATE: z Z n� t.��5 NUMBEft OF PAGES �� PROJECT #: 3u-� �'`Ia ( ' Z- `-�" � �G��` �/pt--�1 � (� oo �iO3Z ❑ a il If II 11 il II • •� � � � N � � �3� 10 3 C 0 N"T R A C T O R' S P R O P O S A L a � �� 322� �'��. � Contractor Proposai No.: (S � /'ie v; s P�l uace: d Project: in I ivi n r Coniract No.: '°�➢ A change in the scoQe of the work is requested as ind�cated be�ow: AVG � Z�996 =°°;� F! �, It is requesied the completion date be () extended, S) decseased, {� unchanged�y = ' calendar days. The adjusted completion date wiil be 2. 3. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). (RG rence RFP No.: • CCD No.: ' FO No.: 1 .�Il eeFpi {e. CD 5k�"'a� �O�'�. Basis of payment: (Chec on n a s-� • s f y Firm price for performing this change is ....................................S ! � Adequate supporting detaiis and information ncrease Deductl must he attached to aiiow Owner io evalua2e. ,,__.__, () Time and materia4 per contract, but no2 to exceed s () Actuat cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: ('�1Lrc✓�" �BYI`Fi" "f'�ns Contractor Contractor • � � 2. E�iks Ludins 3225- sZ15- o� Date: �� � Aciion Recommended: (Cfieck o�e) i) Change witl not be made. Expiain: CPMI Jab No.: 3225 �Q Proceed on the foliowing basis: �� As i�dicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptahle. O Change is acceptable, basis ot paymen2 is rtot acceQta6le. () Basis of payment shaN be S () The foliawing modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. ( 1 Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptabte with na change in compfetion date. Reason for Change: i) Design Change { � Client Request O Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (expiain� SAIN7 PAUI CIV1C C£NTER EXPANSiON 3. Is this a part of the originaa( contract scope? f} YES () NO 4. Is Comractor's Estimate attached? (! YES ( 1 NO S. A/E consulted. ( 1 YES {) NO ��G�3z � ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP-1 SHEETPILE REPAIR @ SKYWAY PIER IN KELLOGG BLVD. COST BREAKDOWN PROPOSAL $1710.80 $2898.00 $ 720.00 $ 36Q.00 $ 16.00 2loads in /out @ $300.11oad = $ 600.00 Crane in/out N.0 A). LABOR 40m.h. @ $42.77/4u = B). Material 322 s.f. PDA-27sheetpile @ $ 9.00/s.f= C). Equipment LS-40T LINKBELT 8hr @ $90.00/hr = V-5 VIBRO 8hr @ $45.�0(4u = PICKUP 8hr @ $ 2.00/lu = D). Mobilization $ 6304.80 15% o&p $ 945.72 TOTAL $ 7250.52 n LJ 7 � .� . �\ ������ i ' 1�32 JllL 8 �.-' : C.TOK'S PROPOSAI � .rector Proposal No.: �ject: Sainr Paul Civic CPnrar Contract No.: �.P-1 A change in the scope of ihe work is requested as indicated below: 1 2. It is requested the completion date be () extended, ( � decreased, (} unchanged by _ calendar days. The adjusted completion date wiil be Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: • CCD No.: • FO No.: 1 3. Basis of payment (Check onel 1 1 Firm price for performing this change is .................................... S �.3 Z �A • 4 3 Adequate supporting details and information Increase educt) must be attached to ailow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ (] Actual cost at compfetion of work $ Submitted by: L-�, w�.cc.� ;� . Date: _ 5 I a � Contractor - �T �-- Contractor � . 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Action Recommended: (Check onef () Change wiil not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following basis: ( 1 As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptabfe. �Change is acceptabte, basis of payment is not a ceptable. ¢� ( 1 Basis of payment shail be S ��7 �,<L� ��3� Z�4. . O The following modification is recommended: �� �� ��� -�—� � ( f Change in completion date is accepted. �� . O Change +s acceptable with no change in price. 1!(U��— O Change is acceptabie with no change in completion date. ��Sf (,U�� � Reasonfor Change: ( ) Design Change ( ) Client Request �.Field Co�dition �}?'����i ✓C'�J t) Suggested by Contractor ( 1 Design Omission or Other {exp4ain) Prepared t Approved Approved Approved cc: Chns Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Eriks Ludins 3225- 3225- 6L �,NO ()NO (1N0 Date•_�� l ��G" Date: � � ��i Date: U / Date:. SAINT PAUL CIVIC CEN7ER EXPANSiON Is this a part of the originaai contract scope? i 1 YES Is Contrector's Esiimate attached? YES A/E consulted. ES