280992 WHI7E - CI7V CLERK
PINK - FINANCE J.Devlin GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council fff���///\��
BLUE - MAVOR File �O. v"--�
Co ncil Resolution
Presented By
�Referred To f'/N�I'/� `O `�- Committee: Date �~ �� �
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 now provides a comprehensive Health and Welfaxe
Insurance Program for its employees and employees of the Independent School District �625, as
provided under Council File No. 267621 as amended, and
WHF�tEAS, under this program, the City has negotiated a contract with Minnesota Health
Maintenance Network Plan (HMOM) to provide Hospital and Medical Surgical Coverage, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of this contract HNR�M has submitted rates for the
coverage for the -yeax October l, 1.983 to September 30, 1g84 a,s follows:
�nployee Premium $ 67.90
Family Premium 221.23
2 REGULAR RETIREE: (Age 65 and over)
Retiree Premium 41.51
Retiree and Family Premium (Both a.ge 65 or over) 79•�+3
RESOLVID, that the City Council does hereby authorize and direct the proper City
Officials to rati�r said contract between the City of Saint Paul and HMOM as amended below:
1. The prescription drug benefit has increased from $2.00 co-pay to a $3.00
co-pay for a 34 day supply.
2. The in-axea emergency ambulance benefit has increased from $50.00 to $300.00.
3. The hospital emergency room co-payment has increased from $15.00 to $25.00.
This item will be waived if the member is admitted to the hospital within
24 hours,
and be it
FURTHE�t RESOLVED, that the City and Independent School District #625 shall pay that
portion of the premiums as is agreed upon by the process of collective baxgaining and the
employee shall pay the balance of premiums due through payroll deduction, and be it
FUR�IER RESOLVED, that the proper city personnel be directed to pay these premiums
as they fall due, and be it
FINALLY RESOLVID, that the City Clerk shall be instructed. to send a copy of this
resolution to HI�IOM and Ochs Agency, Incorporated.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas F�etcper Nays �e
jvGalles [n Favor
.ta�oibs� � __ A gai n s t BY
Adopted by Council: Date OCT 6 1983 Form Ap City o `y
Certified ss d Council ecr BY
Appr v d y 1+lavor. Date �CT � Ap o by Mayor for Submi 'on o uncil
By — B
_ �8 0992
Finance, Management
� and Personnel Conunittee
September 29, 19S"s
Page 2
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10. Resolution rene�.ing Accident and Sic�:ness, Long Term Aisability and Accidental
Deat}i and Dismemberment Insurance contract bet�:een the City of Saint Paul,
Independent School District �625 and the Saint Paul Life Insurance Company, as
amended. (Personnel)
11. Resolution renewing contract bet�ceen the City of Saiiit Paul, Indepen3ent School
District �625 and SHARE for Hospital and bledical Surgical coverage. (Personnel)
12. Resolution reneiaing contract, as amended, between the City of Saint Paul, Inde-
pendent School District #625 and Hi�90A4 for Hospital and Diedical Surgical
coverag�. (Personnel)
13. Resolution reneticing contract bettiaeen the City of Saint Paul, Inde�endent School
District r625 and Coordinated Health Care, Inc. for Hospital and Tiedical Surgical
14. Resolution rene�Ying contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School
District r625, and Group Health Plan for Hospital and bfedical Surgical coveraUe.
� - 15. Resolution ren���ing contract between the City of Saint Paul and IndePendent School
` � District �625 and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minr�esota for Hospital and ;'.edical
Sur�ic�l co��erage. (Personnel)
16. Resolu�ion rene�+ir.j contract between the City of Sairit �'aul, Independent School
District `625 and Fidelity Nlutual Life Insurance Company for life and accidental
death an3 dismembernent insurance. (Personnel)
17. Resolution rene���ino contract betcaeen the City of Saint Paul, Ir_dependent Sc}iool
District #625 and �;innesota i�tutual Life Insurance Company for op�is�nal instirance
for the spouse and family. (as amended) (Personnel)
18. F.esolution renetiaing contract betti�reen the City of Saint Paul , Independent School
District �625 and AfedCenter }Iealth Plan for Health and l�'elfare Insurance Proorar.i.
19. Resolution renetiving contract bet�veen the City of Saint Paul, Iridependent Sciiool
District #,625 and Rept�blic National Life Insurance ComPany for Ijealth and t�elfare
Insurance Proo am. (Personnel)