280988 WNITE1 - CIT`Y CLERK ��^^��
CANAF�S' -"DEP�.RTMENT J•Devlin File NO.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
- 2 -
lower monthly chaxges. In addition, if the group's claim experience is better than projected,
The City of St. Paul retains the benefit of the discounted income. '
Actives Retirees
Single Family Sin�le Fami�
Without Aware
Billed Rate with Aware $ 87.06 $290.92 $ 59•10 1-72• 9
Billed Rate without Awaxe 93•65 3�•81
Maximum Liability Rate 99•57 332•83 7�•52 $133•95
Eaxly retirees entitled to active employee coverage will be rated as active employees above, and
RESOLVID, that the City and Independent School District #625 shall pay that portion
of the premiums as is agreed upon by the process of collective bargaining and the employee shall
pay the balance of premiums due through payroll deduction, and be it
FURTHE�2 RESOLVID, that the proper City officials be directed to pay these premiums as
they fall due, and be it
FINALLY RESOLVID, that the City �lerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution
to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota and the Ochs Agency.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays R
Galles yCJ [n Favor
Masanz •
�s.�i,t� � _ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date ��� 6 � Form A C' A c rn
Certified s by Counc� Secr y BY
t#pp d y ;Navor: Dat �CiT 7 1983 Appro Mayor for Subm' ` ncil
__ 28 0988
A�endu ^
Finance, D'.anagement
�- and Personnel Conunittee
September 29, 1953
Page 2
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10. Resolution renei.ing Accident and Sickness, Long Term Disabilit�• and Accidental
Death and Dismemberment Insurance contract bettitieen the City of Saint Paiil,
Independent School District �625 and the Saint Pat�l Life Insurance Company, as
anended. (Personnel)
11. Resolution renewing contract bet�seen the City of Saiiit Paul, Indepen3ent School
District #625 and SHARE for Hospital and biedical Surgical coverage. (Personnel)
12. Resolution renewing contract, as amended, between the City of Saint Paul, Inde-
pendent School District #625 and HM0�4 for Hospital and b".edical Surgical
coverage. (Personnel)
13. Resolution reneti�ing contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School
District r625 and Coordinated Health Care, Inc. for Hospital and ?•ledical Surgical
14. Resolution renetitiing contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School
District r625, and Group Health Plan for Hospital and hfedical Surgical co��erage.
� - 15. Resolution reneti.ino contract between the City of Saint Paul and IndePendent School
�- � � District �625 and Elu° Cross and Blue Shield of Atinr�esota for Flospital and ;':edicai
Surgical corerage. (Personnel)
16. Resolution reneitiing contract between the City of Sai7it 1'aul, Independent Sc}iool
District `625 and Fidelity hiutual Life Insurance Company for life and accidental
death and dismembernent insurance. (Personnel)
17. Resolution rene�vino contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School
District �625 and A;innesota Mutual Life Insurance Company for opiional instirance
for the spouse and family. (as amended) (Personnel)
18. Resolution renewing contract bet�aeen the Cit�� of Saint I'aul, Independent Sc��c�ol
District �625 and bledCenter }Iealth Plan for Health and l�elfare Insurance Pro�rarl.
19. Resolution renewing contract bet�veen the City of Saint Paul, Independent School
District #625 and Republic I�'ational Life Insurance Company for Ijealth and lielfare
Insurance Proo am. (Personnel)
� .