280987 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council ����, CANARV - DEPARTMENT � J. Devlin BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Co ncil Resolution Presented By Y Referred To �/��'N'�'' � Committee: Date L � �— �3 Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul provides for a comprehensive Health and Welfare Insurance Program for city employees and employees of Independent School District �625, as provided for under Council File No. 267621, as amended, and WHEREAS, 'I'he Republic National Life Insura.nce Company of Dallas, Texas provides the following life Insurance: Basic life all employees $ 5,000 @ $2.07 Per Month Custodians in Baxgaining Unit 12 and Educational Assistants 10,000 @ 4.12 Per I�nth Teachers 20,000 @ 8.22 Per Month and WHFREAS, pursuant to the provision of the existing contract, the City negotiated the above monthly premiums for a term of 12 months, October l, 1983 to September 30, 1984, and be it RESOLVID, that Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company will bill the City at the above rates each month for each eligible insured and remi.t said premiums to the Republic N'ational Life Insurance Company and retain $ .05 for their administration and remit $ .02 to the Harry R. Ochs Agency for their services, and be it FURTHII� RESOLVID, that said Republic National Life Insurance Company be directed to continue a life insurance contract with the City of Saint Paul, and be it FURTHII� RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials axe directed to pay the premiums for this insurance as they become due, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to send copies of this resolut3.on to the Republic National Life Insurance Company, Mi.nnesota Mutual Life Insurance Compa�y and the Ochs Agency, Incorporated. COUIVCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcner Galles [n Favor Masanz Nicosia n �safis�bs� _ A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson �CT S 1963 Form rove Cit y Adopted by Council: Date c Certified P . e ouncil ret ry BY , B � A►ppr 1Qavor: Dat �583 A ov d by Mayor for b ission to Cou il g By PUBLISHED OCT ].� �98�� ? 28 098'7 I���c:nd.l Finance, A!anagemeiit £�� and Personnel Conunittee � September 29, 1953 � Pa�e 2 ,�;�... .-�-,�.�..n _ ".bu,�i��I�"k,.exe�;���PPxoved 3,,. ;:;;- 10. Resolution rene►,ing Accident and Sickness, Long 7'erm Disabilit�• and �lccidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance contract bet��een the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District �625 and the Saint Paul Life Insurance Company, as amended. (Personnel) 11. Resolution renewing contract bet►.een the City of Saint Paul, Indepen3ent School District #625 and SHARE for Hospital and biedical Surgical coverage. (Personnel) 12. Resolution rene�aing contract, as amended, betiaeen the City of Saint Paul, Inde- pendent School District #625 and Ht�90�4 for Hospital and T"edical Surgical coverage. (Personnel) 13. Resolution renei�ing contract bet���een the City of Saint Paul, Inclependent School District T625 and Coordinated Health Care, Inc. for Hospital and Afedical Surgical covera�e. 14. Resolu�ion renewing contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District r625, and Group Health Plan for Hospital and bfedical Sul-gical co��era�e. (Perso:ir.el) � 15. Resolution rene►.ino contract between the Cit}� of Saint Paul and IndePendent School � � District �625 and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of ASinr�esota for }lospital and .'�'.ecIica� Suroical coverage. (Personnel) 16. Resolution rene�tiin� contract between the City of SaiTit I'aul, Independent School District y625 and Fidelity Ntutual Life Insurance Company for life and accidental death and dismemberr�ent insurance. (Personnel) 17. Resolution rene�ainb contract between the City of Saint Paul, In3ependent Sc}iool District #625 and P�;innesota t,tutual Life Insurance Company for optional instirance for the spouse and family. (as amended) (Personnel) 18. Resolution renewing contract t�ettiaeen the City of Saint Paul, Independent Schc�ol District �625 and t•tedCenter }lealth Plan for }-Iealth and t�elfare Instirancc Pro�i�a^. (Personnel) 19. Resolution rene��ing contract bet��een the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District #625 and Reptiblic National Life Insurance ComI»n�- for I�ezlth and ltielfare Insurance Program. (Personnel) � � . .