PINK - FINANCE �J. Devlin GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ���/�jp���
o ncil Resolution
Presented By
�i/ ' , �j� �
�Referred To l �/�° ����' Committee: Date ` � ��
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Independent School District #625 provides life
and accidental death and dismemberment insurance to equal annual salary less $5,000 for certain
employees, whose bar$aining unit negotiated such insurance for their entire unit, and
WHEREA,S, Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company, represented by the First Agency of
Hastings with a monthl,y rate of $ .32 life and $ .0�+ accidental death and dismembertnent for a
total of $ .36/$�,00o currently provides this insurance, now therefore be it
RESOLVID, that said Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Compar�y be directed. to renew this
contract with the City of Saint Paul in its entirety and at ehe same rates aforementioned for
the yeax, October l. 1.g83 to September 30, 198�+, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVID, that the proper City Officials axe directed to pay the premiums
for this insurance as they become due, and be it
FIlVALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to send copies of this resolution
to Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company and the First Agency of Hastings.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Galles In Favor
Nicosia �
sef+s�.� __ Against BY
�C/ 6 1983 Form A e Cit to ey
Adopted hy Council: Date �
Certified as-ed b Council S tary BY
By '�
/ap r ve by iVlavor: Dat �C 1 7 1983 Ap rov by Mayor for i sion to Cou 1
By r BY
I � . �if�J�V�
q,;enda ,
Finance, D".anagement
� and Personnel Conunittee
September 29, 19S"s
Page 2
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10. Resolution rene�.ing Accident and Sickness, Long Term Disabilitp and Accidental
Death and Dismemberment Insurance contract bet��een the City of Saint Paul,
Independent Sc�hool District Y625 and the Saint Paul Life Insurance Company, as
amended. (Personnel)
11. Resolution renewing contract bett►een the City of Saiiit Paul, Indepen3ent School
District �625 and SHARE for Hospital and biedical Surgical coverage. (Personnel)
12. Resolution renewing contract, as amended, between the City of Saint Paul, Inde-
pendent School District #625 and HM0�4 for Hospital and ASedical Surgical
coverage. (Personnel)
13. Resolution reneti��ing contract bet���een the City of Saint Paul, Independent School
District rb25 and Coordinated Health Care, Inc. for Hospital and Diedical Surgical
14. Resolution reneiYing contract bettiaeen the City of Saint Paul, Independent School
District r625, and Group Health Plan for Hospital and hledical Surgical co��era�e.
� 15. Resolution rer,�i.inb contract between the City of Saint Paul and IndePendent School
�- ` � Dist.rict �625 and Elue Cross and Blue Shield of i�tinnesota for Flospital and :�'.edical
Surpical co�•erage. (Personnel)
16. Resolution rene�.ing contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School
District .`•'625 and Fidelity blutual Life Insurance Com�any for life and accidental
death and dismemberr�ent insurance. (Personnel)
17. Resolution rene�vino contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School
District �625 and �linnesota t,tutual Life Insurance Company for opi.ional insi�rance
for the spouse and family. (as amended) (Personnel)
18. Resolution renewing contract betti,ieen the City of Saint Paul, Independent Schaol
District �625 and DiedCenter Health Plan for Health and l�elfare Insurance Pro�rac�..
19. Resolution renewing contract bet��een the City of Saint Paul, Independent School
District #625 and Republic National Life Insurance Company for Ijezlth and tCelfare
Insurance Proo am. (Personnel)