280985 WNITE - C�TY CLEFiK // PINK - FINANCE T ��f�I� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �V.Devlin GITY OF SAINT PAUL COIlI1C11 ` BLUE - MAVOR File NO. , Co cil Resolution Presented By �eferred To / / ��� � '`� Committee: Date �� �/ �� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 and Independent School District #625 provides optional insurance for the spouse and family of their employees through the Minnesota Mutua.l Life Insurance Compar�y, now therefore be it RESOLVID, that the present life ins�urance Contract No. 2881-G between the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company and the City of Saint Paul and Independent School District �625 be continued, in its present form as ammended below, for the year, October 1, 1983 to September 30, 1g8�+, and be it FURTHF�t RESOLVID, that the premiums for said contract for the said period axe to be as follows: A. Optional Employee Pay Coverage on Spouse - Rate per $5,000 l. Employee under a,ge 30 $ 1.00 Per I�onth E�nployee age 30 - 39 1.50 Per Month Employee age �+0 - �+9 3.00 Per Month Employee age 5� - 5�+ 5•50 Per I�nth Employee age 55 - 59 8.00 Per Month Employee age 60 - 6�+ 12.00 Per Nlpnth 2. Dependent Coverage $1,000 1.00 Per Month 2,000 2.00 Per Month 3,000 3.00 Per Month and be it FURTHE�Z RESOLVID, that Spouse Life Insurance may be applied for in amounts in excess of $5,000 up to 50°fo of the total optional life insurance in effect on the employee. Evidence of Insura3�ility is required, and be it FURTHER RESOLVID, that the �►nployee shall pay the premiums due through payroll deduction, and be it FIlVALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the Minnesota Mutual Zife Insurance Company and the Ochs Agency, Incorporated. COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays f, Fletcher Galles � In Favor Masanz Nicosia O �ea A gainst BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �CT 6 1983 Form A rove y C'ty tt`ne Certified a-sed y ouncil ret BY ' BS' �(�'}+ � E�p v by Mavor: Dat VyT 7 1983 Ap rov by Mayor for � si n�to Council gy B PUBLISHED OCT 15 1983 _ - . 280985 �1s�cnda F,inance, D".anagement �� and Personnel Conunittee � September 29, 19S 3 Page 2 . _ . ��L.e�_ ...�.._ =�F 10. Resolution rez�ewing Accident and Sickness, Long Term Disabilit�• and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance contract bet��een the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District �625 and the Saint Paul Life Insurance Company, as amended. (Personnel) 11. Resolution renewing contract betti:een the City of Saiiit Paul, Indepen3ent School District #625 and SHARE for Hospital and I�Iedical Surgical coverage. (Personnel) 12. Resolution rene�aing contract, as amended, bet►aeen the City� of Saint Paul, Inde- pendent School District #625 and HhfO�i for Hospital and D:edical Surgical coverage. (Personnel) 13. Resolution reneti�ins contract bet���een the City �f Saint Paul, Independent School District r625 and Coordinated Health Care, Inc. for Hospital and biedical Surgical covera�°. 14. Resolution renei�ing contract betti�een the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District T625, and Group Health Plan for Hospital and biedical Su�'gical coverage. (Perso.ir.el) � 15. Resolution ren^�cino contract between the City of Saint Paul and IndePendent School � � District �625 and Blue Cross and B1ue Shield of htinr�esota for flospital and ''.edical Surgical co��erage. (Personnel) 16. Resolu�ion rene�tiin� contract between the City of Saint Paul, Inclependent School District `625 and Fidelity Niutual Life Insurance Com�any for life and accidental death and dismembernent insurance. (Personnel) 17. Resolution rene�tiino contract bet►�een the City of Saint Paul, Irdependent School District �625 and riinnesota t�tutual Life Insurance Company for optional insttl-ance for the spouse and family. (as amended) (Personnel) 18. Resolution renetiaing contract betti.�een the City of Saint Paul , Independent Sc}ic>ol District �625 and biedCenter }Jealth Plan for Health ai►d t�elfare Instirance Pro�ran. (Personnel) 19. Resolution rene►aing contract bet�,�een the City of Saint Paul, IndePendent School District #,625 and Reptiblic National Life Insurance Co:���any for lie�lth and ttielfare Insurance Program. (Personnel) C � . -