280977 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ��(�r/y�^�/ CANARY -DEPARTMENT File NO. ���a/ � �� BLUE -MAVOR RE'A�RN COPY TO VALUATIONS DIVISION • � ROOm 21 Or indnce Ordinance N0._, ,�;��'�� _ Presented By ��� l?�- - Referred To "� Committee: Date � D g � Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to requests for information contained in records of the division of assessments and valuations; amending the St. Paul Administrative Code, Section 5 .06 . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 5.06, paragraph (5) of the St. Paul Administrative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : (5) Control and supervise the collection, receipt and maintenance of assessment receivable accounts, sewer connection permits, advance payments for sewer and SAC charges. P�e��ele-a�� aeee���s-�ee���aH�e-���e�►a��e�-��-�a��e�s-ee�ee��}�� �eea�-�x���e�e�e��-assessx�e��s-a�el-a��-e�a��es-e�-ga�x�e��s ��e.- Upon request to the division, a person shall be �ermitted to inspect and copy records concerning assessment receivable accounts and the estimated costs of ending ocal improvement assessment projects. Access to these records shall be provided at a reasonable time and place and without charge to the individual. If the division is asked to pro- vide copies of the data, the actual costs of providing the co ies will be borne b the individual makin the re uest. f the division is requested to calculate, compile or make copies of assessment data concerning properties not owned b� the requesting party, the division shall provide the appropriate service wtihin a reasonable time of the request and require the requesting party to pay the actual costs of makin , certif in and com iling the information re uestecl. The procedures used to process t ese requests and the calcu- ation of the actua costs o compi ing an copying is information shall be determined by the division and approved COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher nce and Management Services �eu« In Favor Masanz Nicosia A ainst BY Dire tor scneibei g � Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorn Cert�i�f'ied Passed by Council Secretary BY � • Q � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WMITE - UTY CLERK � 1 PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE - MAVOH File �O. �� _ R�TURN COPY TO VALUATIONS DIVISION � � Room 1 OI� ZIZG�IZCP. Ordinance NO.������ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. by administrative order. 5ection 2. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the St. Paul Administrative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Administrative Code. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and af ter its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � F ce and Ma ement Services �eu� in Favor Masanz Nicosia � By D�'E: or $cheibel A gai n s t T�es�o NOV 81983 Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date / Certified se Council ret BY �';�� " � ��� �S3 By Ap by Mayor: � IVUV 9 1983 A p ve by Mayor for mi sion to Council By B PUBLISHEO NOV 19 1983 � ♦. / , .. ......'{,�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL r ��� j �%�,��� � OI�`FICE OF TFIIC CITY COIII�TCIL ��O C�� � �;"-`."� ��.re.•aue:����� '��p������;��= D a t e : October 20, 1983 . �. ...-�:-` COMM (TT � E RE PORT y�' �� �� . ��3�:' ;T� = SQint PQUi City Council t,�� �,,�,�;;� _ �';'r� 't', r � M � C O�Yl CTl lr t@ C O h Finance, Management � Personnel t �t_ � �:f���f� ;` ---- C H A I R Councilman Scheibel .e..�._ - _ _ - - -- _ ______ _ --_�. _ _--- -- ,. _^. �, 1. Resolution recommen.ding additions to 1983 budget, Library Grants Trust Fund, in thE amount of $S0,000. (Co�Linity Services) � � 2. Resolution recommending additions to 1983 budget, Library Special_ Revenue Fund, in the amount of $16,227. (Conmtunity Services) � �' 3. Resolution recommending additions to 1983 budget, Interlibrary Loan Fund, in the amount of �24,000. (Community Services) �. �4. Resolution amending 1980 Capital Improvement Budget for St. Anthony Hill Sewer Rehabilitation and Diinnehaha Avenue Curbing. (Public ltorks) � , __ _ ._� .. �" S. Resolution recommending additions to 1983 budget, Rietzke Ntemorial 'IYust Cund, 779.00. (Community Services) � • � 6. Resolution transferring $124,6�5 from Contingent Reserve Specified into-the _ Building Trades Fringe Benefits. (Finance F, Dianagement)- ��� � 7. Resolution transferring $328.31 from i980 CIB Fund.- 1Vi1L- enable City to close out Energy Audit Grant. (Community Services) � 8. Resolution authorizing the filing of an application for an Urban Development Action Grant. (PED) �'i_"'�} 9. Resolution transferring $35,000 in the 1983 General Fund Budget to Public Utilities Investigation Fund, Cable TV - Legislative. (Council Research) 9� 10. Ordinance amending Section 33.04 of the Saint Pau� Legislative Code. (Comm. Ser��ices) - - . _ ,. __ . , . . - � � _ _ _� - = _ 11. Ordinance allowing the Di�rision of Valuations and Assessments to .charge a fee for providi�pending and current assessment searches. (Finance � Tlanagement) 12. Resolution for issuance of revenue bonds in the amount of $5,100,000 to finance the acquisition of the hicColl building and construction of office space at. Galtier Plaza. (Port Authority) � 13. Discussion regarding civil service reclassification of Roseanne D'Agostino. �a�. :���`''�� ��� . CTI'Y HALL SEVENTN FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA SS102 � �.,� � , � � , • � ' . �� � , - �' ,� �� . . V ��J��� Finance & Mgmt. Servic^e^s flEPARTi1ENT / ���� P��er Whi te ,��,_.. CONTACT 298-5317 �, pHONE � �� , . . ��� r�� (Routing arrd Explanatiam Sheet) Assign Nua�rer' for Routfrtg Order �Clip All locatians for lNmyoral Sic�at:ure�:_ � r .i . r�r.+�n��r.r n��* Departnent Di rector � � City Attorn�y � � � nt/Mayor S E�= i 9 i983 � Fi nance and Managemen �rw#ces Di rectar . , -�-� RECE�1/E� � ,�:�.;, s city c�e�-� , . �SEP i 61gs3 � Bud+get Oirector OFF��� OF TH� DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FtiVANCE �� NIANAGEMENT SERVICES What Will be Acfiieved by Takinq Action on the Attac4�ed Flaterials? (PurposelRationale): This will allow the Division of Valua.tions and Assessments to charge a fee for providing pending and current assessment searcl�. Individuals may make their own search of the records at no charge. There will be no charge to property owners requesting a search of their own property. Financi�l Bud ta �nd Personnel I acts ated: The 1984 estima.ted revenue from the e is $25,000. Fundi n+�Source and F�d Acti vi trv Number Charged or Cre� 01300-4089-000 Attact►ments (List ar�d N�mbtr all Rttac.t�ents): � �..�..._._.�._.�.� �_ 1. Ordinance for approval DEPARTMENT REYIEW CITY ATTO�IEY RfYIEW � Yes No Council Resolutian Required? Resotution Required? � Yes No ____ Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attnched? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for instructions� ,.a:: �... ..._ ��R.�,;_.._...._.._. � ' . � . � ��� ' . � p�! • • 3 ��o=�. -=�3 - 1 st �� — � — [� ,'�._.2nd , 3 rd «"/ �� Adopted ��� p��; Yeas Nays . FLETCHIIt �Q��� v GALLES MASANZ NICOSIA � / ��i^� . SCHEIBEL i WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO .. ,...,__.—._...._..�._._._�,,.,........-_