280968 WHITE - CITV CLERK �������
• � �
Council Re o ution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT P�,ESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
certifies ana approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of
Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed nroperty and as
sho�m by tne Excerpted l�Tinutes of said Board of A�peals and Review,
dated 9-13-83 and marked E�hibit A and attached hereto and made a part
hereof by r.eference :
9-13-�3 56-�3�-H 1403 Hythe Street Maude L. Goodrich
(� units)
BOAR� ACTION: Cranted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
. , pertainin; to basic facilities , to nernit continued use of bath-
room located outside of dwelling unit by occu�ant of anartment.
Property Description: St. Anthony Park/North
Except N. 11 5/10 ft.
Lot 15 , Block 1�
9-13-83 61-83-H 705 Summit Avenue Lara Seven for James
(_6 units) Crockarell
BCARD ACTIOiv: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code 34. 13 ,
gertaining to li�h� and ventilation to permit continued use of certain
apartment areas as designated in the city's letter of August 2 , 1983 ,
for a two year period.
Property Description: Holcombes Addition except N. 100' Vacant
alley adjacent and following Glest 1/2 of lots 6 and 25 ,
east 1/2 of Lots & and 23 and all of lots 7 and 24,
COUIVCILMEtV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Fletcher Nays
cen� In Favor
Scheibel __ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY__�\��/ " � ��2� J�
Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By — BY
. • � ���(;•��` �
•r .
9--13-83 59�-83�-H 2300 Wycliff Ave, Keith T. Harstad
(47 units) N,E. Realty
BOARD ACTTON : Granted a variance of St, Paul Legislative Code, Section
, 7 , pertaining to rooming houses, to permit use of 1 bathroom by
six occupants instead of the usual 5 to 1 ratio ..
Property Description; St. Anthony Park Addition except the
Southwest F ' of the following track:
Lots 5 and 6 and northwesterly 1/2 of
lot 7, Block 72
9-13-83 62�g3�H 581 University Ave. John K, Cook
(.11 units)
BOARD ACTIOI�.: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code 34, 11,
pertaining t ' basic facilities , to permit continued use of Apartment
No. 2 on condition that hand sinks be installed in kitchen.
Property Description: Stinsons Division, Subdivision B1ock 13
except South 20 ' for Ave, Lot 25t Block 2
9--13-83 64--83-H 759�761 Jessie St. Claudine Richards
BOARD ACTION ; Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
. , pertaining to b:asic facilities , to allow continued use of
apartments in their present state, for a two year period to allow in-
s,tallation of hand sinks outside the toilet rooms , on condition that
if the work is not done and property is offered for sale that it will
t�e noted in the purchase agreement that the work must be completed within
this two year period.
Froperty Description: Stinsons Addition
Lot 12 , Block 15
2 .
. ' v. �;1s.'1�+`��►�
9�-13P83 65�83•-H 716 Cromwell Street Jo�eph Kostner
(5 units)
BOARD ACTION.; Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
�-F. , pertaining to basic facilities , to allow continued use of one
bathroom �y three individuals occupying three separate light house--
keeping apartments ,
Property Description: Bakers Addition
Lot 23 , Block 16
T_ _..__r_.,_�_.,____---�---�------..-
9-13=83 67=83�H 683 Hague Avenue Paul Dotty
(15 units)
��BOARD ACTION; Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
. , perta ning to light and ventilation, to allow continued use of
this kitchen w�.th existin� light and mechanical ventilation.
Property Descri.ption: Condominium No . 144, St. Albans Terrace
Condominium: east 2 of lot 29 and ail of
Lot 30 and an undivided 7 . 365% interest
in common elements . Divided 7. 362% interest
in common elements,
9-13�83 66�83-H 5 Iris Place Mildred M. Metcalf and
(4 units) Marie L. Tschida
�qARD ACTIOI�; Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code� Section
} perta ning to basic facilities , to allow continued us:e af one
bathroom in hall for two occupants of two separate apartments , on
condition tfiat no more than five people occupy one apartment.
Property Description; Hinkels second amendment to Union Park
Lot B
3 .
P NIKE� �- FINA CERK ,����/�,�
. ,
` Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the
City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of
this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the
Register of Deeds .
COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Galles [n Favor
�.�. __ Against BY
Tedesco �
W ilson
�CT 4 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified as e Council Se a By �•`r � � �`1 Z�'g3
�1p by A4avor: Dat � �CT � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
PUBLISHED 0 C T 15 1983
� � � ��o �� �
County of Ramsey ) ss.
' - Albert B. Olson
� I. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the
� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have
compared the attached cop� of Council File No. . . 280968, , , , , , . , , , .
� as adopted by the City Conncil... October. 4,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19$�. . . .
and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . October. 5�, , ., � . , , , , , , , , ig83, , , ,
with the original thereof on file in my office.
I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy
of said original and the whole thereof.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota this . . . . 17th � . . . , day of . . . October. � . . . . , �A.D. 19 83 .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Clerk.
r,;.� �,-�
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WHITE -. C�7r CLEwF �J111(����t� .
P�NI( ' - PIN�N�E (j I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council . ��
'C..1NAR. -- DE.F�R'MENT
B�V:, - MA�OA File NO.
� � � Council Re olution
� -� �
Presented By L�"—
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
�E IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
certifies anci approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of
1rJ l�ppeals and Review pertaining to the following listed nroperty and as
� shown by the Excerpted r�linutes of said Board of A�peals and Review,
� dated 9-13-53 and marked E�hibit A and attached hereto and made a part
=� hereof by reference:
9-13-�3 56-a3-H 1403 Hythe Street Maude L, Goodrich
(8 units)
BOARD ACTIOTI: Granted a variance of St. Paul Le,islative Code� Section
, , pertainin� to basic facilities , to �ermit continued use of bath-
room located outside of dwelling unit by occu�ant of anartment.
Property Description: St. Anthony Park/North
Except N. 11 5/10 ft.
Lot 15 , Block 1�
9-13-83 61-83-H 705 Summit Avenue Lara Seven for James
(.6 units) Crockarell
BCARD ACTIOiv: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code 34. 13,
gertaining to li�ht and yentilation to permit continued use of certain
apartment areas as designated in the city' s letter of August 2 , 1983 ,
for a two year period.
Property Description: Holcombes Addition except N. 100' Vacant
alley adjacent and following Glest 1/2 of lots 6 and 25
east 1/2 of Lots 8 and 23 and all of lots 7 and 24,
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Galles [n Favor •
scneibe� Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
ftdopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
.���� `�12� ��
Approved by Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
B}� _ BY --- ------
, . . . .�;���,�;��.,�
� -------------------------------
� 9-13-83 59--83-H 2300 Wycliff Ave. Keith T. Harstad
�; (47 units) N,E. Realty
� BOARD ACTTON : Granted a variance of St� Paul Legislative Code, Section
, , pertaining to rooming houses , to permit use of 1 bathroom by
� six occupants instead of the usual 5 to 1 ratio,
Property Description; St. Anthony Park Addition except the
Sout�iwest 8` of the following track :
Lots 5 and 6 and northwesterly 1/2 of
lot 7� Block 72
9-13-83 62-83�H 581 University Ave. John K� Cook
(.11 units)
BOARD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code 34. 11�
pertaining t basic facilities , to permit continued use of Apartment
No. 2 on condition that hand sinks be installed in kitcfien.
Property Description: Stinsons Division, Subdivision Block 13
except South 20 ' for Ave � Lot 25t Block 2
9--13-83 64-83-H 759-761 Jessie St. Claudine Richards
BOARD ACTION ; Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Coder Section
. 1 , pertaining to basic facilities , to allow continued use of
apartments in their present state� for a two year period to allow in-
stallation of hand sinks outside the toilet rooms , on condition that
if the work is not done and property is offered for sale that it will
be noted in the purchase agreement that the work must be completed within
this two year period.
Property Description: Stinsons Addition
Lot 12 , Block 15 -
. 2.
. . , • - �!!l A`d'11�^
, .
�C� -
�--13�83 65--83•�H 716 Cromwell Street Joseph Kostner
(5 units�
BOARD ACTION�; Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
. , pertaining to basic facilities , to allow continued use of one
bathroom by three individuals occupying three separate light house-�
keeping apartments .
Property Description: Bakers Addition
Lot 23 , Block 16
g-13--g3 67�83�-H 683 Hague Avenue Paul Dotty
(15 units)
� BOARD ACTION; Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
. , pertaining to light and ventilation, to allow continued use of
this kitchen w�th existing light and mechanical ventilation.
Property Description: Condominium No, 144, St. Albans Terrace
Condominium: east � of lot 29 and ail of
Lot 30 and an undivided 7 . 365% interest
in common elements . Divided 7 . 362% interest
in common elements .
9-13-83 66�83-H 5 Iris Place Mildred M. Metcalf and
(4 units) Marie L. Tschida
BQARD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code+ Section
. , pertaining to basic facilities , to allow continued use of one
bathroom in hall for two occupants of two separate apartmentst on
condition that no more than five people occupy one apartment.
Property Description; Hinkels second amendment to Union Park.
Lot B
WMiTE - C�TV CLEFIK 5�/�i�) � }/�
pINK • "- FIN�,NCE COUIICIl �� "�F�q r�
� � � Counci� Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
.'Lf,� and b e i t
A� FURTHER RESOLVF:D, that upon passage of this resolution, the
\�..J City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of
,� this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the
� Register of Deeds .
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Galles In F'avor -
�.::-�. Against BY
Tedesco �
�C 1 4 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney
Rdopted by Council: Date
Certified as e Council Se ta By ��� � ��?1�g3
App by Mavor: Dat � �CT � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
B} - — BY ----- ------ -- --- _- --
PUBtISHED U C T 15 1983 �
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rlinutes , Board of Appeals & Revie�v
September 13 , 1983 Meeting
56-83-H 1408 Hythe Street Maude L. Goodrich
(8 units)
SUBJECT : Request variance of Section 34. 11, pertaining to basic
facilities , to permit continued use of bathroom located outside of
dwelling unit, because of practical difficulty and feasibility.
PROCEEDINGS : Ms. Goodrich explained she was requesting a varian ce
for continued use of the bathroom across the hall from the apart-
m�nt, outside the d�velling unit. She stated the apartment is very
small and occupied by one person only. This occupant is th� only
one using the bathroom. She stated there is a shower in the apart-
ment , but the lavatory and water closet are in a separate room in
the hall.
Alice Bijjan� substantiated what Ms . Goodrich said and didn' t feel
there was a problem with this situation.
BOARD ACTION : Mr. Tilton moved to grant a variance for continued
use of the bathroom facilities in their present state. Mr. Knutson
seconded the motion.
Ayes 7 Nayes 0 Abstentions 9
v� vV 'vs c�dMMt''r(6 units) James Crockare�,�,�1(1�`�
SUBJECT : Request variance �of Section 34. 13 , pertaining to light and
ventilation, to permit continued use of certain apartment areas as
designated in the city' s letter of August 2 , 1983 , because of practical
PROCEEDINGS : Ms. Seven explained that the problem �•�ith the first
floor is the wails are 18" thick and it would be almost impossible
to put in a larger window. She further explained that the problem
on the third floor with improper light is that the roof is slate
which would discount putting in a skylight because of the exhorbitant
cost. Ms. Seven also felt because o.f the integrity and design of
the structure it woul3 be most impractical.
Alice Bijjani felt it is a .situation where it would be fairly expensive
to corre�ct, but it is correetable. She could see granting a fairly
generous extension of time so that in a couple of years it would be
done. She would not like to see a permanent variance on this as it
-- can , anc�- should, be corrected. � Alice suggested that in apartment #7
the room arrangements could be changed by making the kitchen where
the bathroom is as it is larger and would allow for proper light and
. n moved that a variance be given on these two items , the
kitchen in Apartment No. 7 and the lighting on the third floor of
the building, for a two year period. Mrs. Collins seconded the
moti on.
Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
59-83-H 2300 Wycliff Keith T. Harstad
(47 units) N.E. Realty
SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 34. 17 , pertaining to rooming
houses , to permit more than five occupants to share one bath in certain
instances owing to the nature of the disabled and elderly, because of
practical difficulty.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Lyle Tollefson , representing the o�aner , e.:plained
that they were not a��are that all b athrooms had to be accessible to
all persons there. He said there are 17 bathrooms on the premises
and at znost times that is sufficient for the number of occupants.
Mr. Kern, Building Department, stated it is merely a matter of having
a 6 persons to one bath ratio instead of the 5 to 1 ratio. He has no
objection to granting this variance.
BOAP.D ACTION : Mr. Tilton moved that a variance be granted for
continued use of bathroom facilities with the ratio of six people
per bathroom. Mr. Knutson seconded the motion.
Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abste�tions 0
._ x _
• ' � . _ ..`r.. y� /
62-83-H 581 University Ave. John K. Cook
(11 units)
SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 34. 11, pertaining to basic
facilities , to permit conti.nued use of certain ap artment areas as
designated in the city` s letter of August 2 , 1983 , because of
practical difficulty.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cook explained to the board that when he bought
the property he was under the impression a variance had been granted
regarding the plumbing facilities in Apartments 1, 2 and 7. He feels
it would be difficult to install handsinks and partitions because of
the size of the rooms.
Alice Bijjani explained it was our understanding that the owner was
going to make the second floor into a rooming house and would install
toilets__and showers when he was given a variance. She stated it is
� her feeling that there should be partitions betcaeen the stove and
the toilet in apartments 1 and 7, and that handsinks be installed in
all three apartments.
Chairman Glassman recommended to Mr. Cook that he discontinue having
cooking facilities in the apartments and this would take care of his
Mr. Cook felt this would be a loss of income to him. He askecl if the
refrigerator could be moved into the livingroom thus making room for
a handsink.
BOARD ACTIOV: Mr. Tiltan moved that the variance be denied on apart-
ments 1 and 7 but be granted on No. 2 , on condition a partition be "
installed between the stove and toilet stool in Apt. �l, and a partition
between the stove and sink be installed in Apt. #7 and handsinks be pro-
vided in kitchens. rirs. Bostrom secanded the motion.
Ayes 7 Nays U Abstentions : 0
� � _
biinutes , Board of Appeals & Revie�a
September 13, 1983 rieeting
64-83-H 759-?61 Jessie St. Claudine Richards
(4 units)
SUBJECT : Request variance of Section 34. 11, St. Paul Legislative Code ,
. pertaining to basic facilities , to allow continued use of apartment
�vithout instaJ_ling a handsink, because of practical difficulty.
A ice Bi��ani said she has no problem �aith a variance for a short
p�riod of time but would not like a permanent variance here. She
stated that all other items in the letter issued Ms. Richards last
December have been taken care of. She suggests a generous extension
of time.
� Mr. Knutson suggestEd in Apt. No. 1 that a sink be installed outside
the toilet room on the wall adjacent to the bathroom.
BOARD ACTION : Mr. Knutson moves that a variance be granted including
a three month time extension to alloca appellant to install hand sinks
outside.the toilet rooms for Apartments 1, 2 , and 4. Mr. Tilton
seconded the motion.
DISCUSSION: Alice Bijjani felt a longer time should be given for
c�mpli ance. This would allow h�r to do the work now or in the event
she should sell, the buyer could do it. It was the consensus of the
board this should be done.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Gausman moved to amend Mr. Knutson' s motion to
include a two year time extension rather than three months. I�2r. Tilton
seconded the motion.
Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
BOARD ACTION: The chairman called for a vote on Mr. Knutson's .amended
motion -- that a variance be granted inciuding a two year time ex-
tension to allow appellant to install hand sinks outside the toilet
rooms for Apartments l, 2 , and 4, on condition is wor� is not done and
property is offered' for sale tY�at it . be noted in the Purchase Agree-
ment that sinks must be installed within this two year period.
Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
_ 5!�
_ ' . . � �S`� -.'K .,J
65-83-H 716 Cromwell Joseph Kostner
(5 units)
SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 34. 11 , pertaining to basic
f aciiities , to allow continued use of one bathroom for three persons
occupying three separate 2 room apartments ; and variance for Se�ction
34. 15 , pertaining to fire safety, to allow the installation of hard
wire smoke detectors instead of enclosing the heating system, because
of practical difficulty and unfeasibility. Also request an extension
of time to complete the rest of work as stipulated in city's letter of
July 7 , 19 83.
PROCEEDINGS : Alice Bijjani stated th� inspector does not have any
problem �•rith the bathroom being shared by three people in the three
light housekeeping apartments. She also stated the use of hard ��rire
sria�ce detectors could be ��orked out internally between Mr. Kostner
and the inspectors.
BOARD ACTION : Mr. Gausman moved we grant a variance for the continued
use of one bathroom by the three individuals in the apartments. Mr.
Tilton seconded the motion.
Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
67-83-H 683 Hague Avenue Paul Dotty
(15 units)
SUBJECT : Request variance of Section 34. 13 , pertaining to light and
ventilation , because of practical difficulty.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Dotty explained he is not the developer of these
condominiums , he is owner of 4 of the units and has not been able
to obtain a certificate of occupancy. He has done all of the work
except this one item.
Alice Bijjani explained Mr. Dotty did a fair amount of work on this
property without obtaining appropriate permits. A kitchen was put in
in such a manner that it is impossible to put lighting in it. There
is mechanical ventilation in the kitchen.
BOARD ACTION : Mr. Sawyer moved that a variance be granted permitting
the use of this kitchen with the present light and ventilation. Mr.
Gausman seconded the motion.
Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
.__.. �' _
� . . - � _ �,��?c'��
66-83-H 5 Iris Place Mildred M. Metcalf &
(4 units) Marie L, . Tschida
SUBJECT : Request variance to Section 34. 11 , pertaining to basic
facilities , to allow continued use of one bathroom in hall for two
people occupying two separate apartments , because of practical
PROCEEDINGS: Alice Bijjani explained Ms. Metcalf phoned and asked to
be excused from attending as she is elderly and it would be a hardship
for her to appear.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Tilton moved to grant a variance to allow continued
use of bathrooms in the hall, on condition th at no more th an five
people occupy one apartment. Mrs. Bostrom seconded the motion.
Ayes -�7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
_. � —