280966 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANC�E COUnClI (� ./�1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAII L ��J ��Y�,� BLUE - MA;oR File NO. ,T�� ' w �� o ci es ution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, on May 31�. 1983 the Di.vision of Publ�c �Iealth for the City of Saint Paul inspected the property at 5Q4 [�Shitall� Saint Paul, Minnesota and determined that a nuisance existed on said property; and Y�HEREAS� the Division of Public Health sent a letter dated June 3 , 1983 to Lynn Nelson of 4Q1 Labore Road, #101� Saint Paul� Minnesota, and Gary S . Stone of 5339 Beachside Drive� Minnetonkar TM?innesota, the fee owner and contract for deed holder of 504 [�]fiitall� respectively� per Ramsey County Tax Records; and �n1HEREAS� in the letter of June 3� 1983� the Division of Public Health informed Ms. Nelson and *Zr. Stone of the exact nature of the nuisance and ordered Ms. Nelson and/or .�ir. Stone to abate th.e nuisance within a specific time period; and Y�HEREAS, a Mr. Ed Langenfeld of 7945 Cooper Avenue� Inver Grove Heights� Minnesota� �vho identified himself as a holder of a contract for deed of 5Q4 [�Ihitall, appealed the June 3� 19�3 order of the Division by filing an appeal Hrith the City Clerk on June 10 � 1983; and TniHEREAS, the City Council on July 7� 1983 conducted a public hear�- ing on said request and upon consideration affirmed the Division's clean-up order of June 3� 1983, and determined that the condition of the property is to be corrected �v�th.in tHro weeks. NOW THEREFORE HE IT RESOLV�D� that th_e Order of tlze Division of Public Health directing that the pzoperty at 504 [�dhitall be cleaned up as pro� vided in said order is hereby affirmed except that Ed Langenfeld is given two weeks to complete the necessary clean--up. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED� that in the event the �nrork is not completed within tHro weeks, the City may proceed to perform or complete the necessary �aork �ith the costs incurred therefrom collected in the same manner as provided by law. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays � ceu� [n Favor Masanz Nicosia T�eeMw�� � _ A gai n s t BY e esc Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Q�T 4 1983 Form Approved by City Attorne ° B .� � 3 Certified a. -e Coun .il S tar Y --r By A►ppro e �Vlavoc Dat � D�iT 5 83 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBUSHED OCT 15 198� -� �� + ;.� " ., � ` � � :",,��,r.�, . �-: OR0yC1T70' ,y CITY OF SAINT PAUL, o � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � �Ii1�I1 11 � m „ F���p EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ies• 647 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � � ,��; 6�'1 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER ��'�� ��j �j j� f.�j j �;� MAYOR C!TY �'' "�u'7 �FFIC� July 13,, 1983 �� � � ;i���_� � `;,,. Al Olson City Clexk 386 City Hall B:ldg; Re� Summary Abatement -- 50� [nlh�,t�ll Dear Nlr, Olsqn; Attached is th..e xe.solut�:on you requested �_n vQUx lette� p� Juiv 7, 19.83 £ If you haVe any questions� pleas.e call me. Ve� truly you�s , r , �� P=-J�i�� ��?�� � OHIJ B.� McCO}Z."�ICK Assistant Ci.ty AttQZney JBMcC;r1 Enc, ���=.�r�J