00-303ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To council File # �O –3 O'3 Green Sheet # � v"� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �G Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul have agreed to the terms and conditions of an agreement covering direct and indirect central services to be performed by the City for the Water Utility; and WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and City Council have authorized this agreement (CF 99-648); and WHEREAS, said agreement expires on April 13, 2000 and both the Board and the City want to extend the term of this agreement to December 31, 2001 and amend the City chazges for Central Services as stated in Amendment No. 1 dated January 1 l, 2000, with all other terxns and conditions remaining unchanged and in effect; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Boazd of Water Commissioners to provide central services, a copy of the Agreement and Amendment No 1 will be kept on file in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Office of Financial Services By: �`s�.�,,,t�..r Q�,....5� 7approved by ainancial Services Ey: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By ' �— , �-- . � ,.�7�c.�..�_ Approved by Ma or: Date �!i `�{/ BY: C���� 1�-� Form pr ed by City Attorney By: approved by i�layor for Submission to Council BY � �(I'� u'�� Adopted by Council: Date �, ' S a. °_�, Financial Services Joe Reid 26b-8553 3/6/00 11EEIG11 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET , ` Oo -103 No ���j36 u �,,,�,*��,� u �„� - � OIYAiiOIOEY _� ❑ OIYCLi11K ❑ A11411GLiFRNCFIO�L ❑ A11111C111LiFRVYSCTO �wmrt�aew�asrum � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Authorize Amendment No. 1 of the Agreement between the City and Board of Water Commissioners. � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION tlas this ae�� ewel Korked aMera roM�act fa this deo��7 YES NO Has mis penaNfirm e�er been e cih emdoYce7 VES NO ooes mis pereonrTirm v� a skn not nama0ya�aessed �r anv cunent ci[r emworee? YES NO Is this pe�soNfirm a tarpeted eerMM YES NO Current agreement expires April 13> 2000. This amendment will the agreement through December 31, 2001. � •+ tli IFAPPROVED M10UNT OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE INFOftMAT10N (IXPWNj CAST/REVQlUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVRY NUMBER YES NO 69J�k48�"f �VS�"GQF�?3 L�.�'.�iliF�� 00-303 AMENDMENT No. 1 to the CENTRAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Between TBE BOARD OF WATER COMiVIISSIONERS & 'I'HE CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL, MINNESOTA THIS AMENDMENT NO.1 to the CENTRAL SERVICES AGREEMENT is made this � day of 2000, by and between the BOARD OF WATER COMNIISSIONERS of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, ("Board") and the CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL ("City"), being the first amendment to that certain Central Services Agreement ("Agreement") which was previously made by and between Board and City the 13`� day of April, 1999, and which Agreement by this reference is incorporated herein and made a part hereof; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Section 8. of the Agreement provides that the Agreement may be amended by a written instrument executed by the Parkies; and WHEREAS, Section 2. of the Agreement provides that the term of the Agreement is for one (1) year, commencing on April 13, 1999, and terminating on April 13, 2000; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement so that the term of the Agreement commences on the first day of January and e�tends for two (2) years thereafter; and WHEREAS, Section 3. of the Agreement provides that the Parties shail review and may adjust the central services fee in a manner that is mutually acceptable to both Parties; and WHEREAS, the Parties mutually agree that the central services fee shall be adjusted so that the amount of the fee more accurately reflects the Board's actual use of various services, as described in the attached Exhibit B; 00 -'30 � NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree to amend the Agreement in the manner described below. SECT70N Z. Ternz is amended to read as follows: The term of this Agreement shall be two (2) years, commencing on January 1, 2000 (hereinafter refened to as the "Commencement Date"), unless otherwise ternvnated as provided for in this Agreement. The parties may agree to provide for additional ternis prior to the expiration of the current term, upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreeable between the Board and the City, and pursuant to the terms and conditions contained herein. 2. SECTION3. Pavment. is amended to read as follows: Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in consideration of City's agreement to sell, transfer, assign, provide or supply the Boazd with the Centrat Services as snmma,;�ed and described in attached Exhibit B, incorporated herein by reference, Boazd agrees to annually pay to City the sum of one million two hundred thirty-seven thousand six hundred fifty-four dollazs ($1,237,654) for the year 2000. Payment for the yeaz 2041 shall be equal to the sum of FT`E based charges, transaction based chazges and direct charges for Central Service, as adjusted by the St. Paui City Council (which adjustment factor is expected to be approximately 2.5%), and as determined in attached E�ch.ibit B, except for charges for the foilowing three City depaxtments: City Council Administration, City Clerk and Mayor. Chazges for these three departments shall be 33% of the FTE based charges for those departments's services, as adjusted by the St. Paul City Council (which adjustment factor is expected to be approximately 2.5%). This payment shall be made monthly by the Boazd to the City, beginning within thirty (30) days of the Commencement Date of this Agreement. 3. Exhibit A is hereby replaced in its entirety by attached Exhibit B. 4. Except as expressly amended by the provisions hereof, the terms and provisions contained in the Agreement shall continue to govern the rights and obligations of the parties, and the Agreement sha11 remain in full force and effect. Oo -103 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and City have executed this Amendment No. 1 to the Central Services Agreement on the date first above written. On Behalf of BOARD: BY:. B �,�u.. �I. <2� Bemie R. Bullert, General Manager � � / � � ��� • / .�- .�- - � Approved as to form: I �� � � Matthew J. Pfohl, Asst. ity Attorney On Behalf of CITY: BY- Norm Coleman, Mayor � Fredrick K. Owusu, City Clerk By: ^^' �-'--�J Jose M. Reid, Director � Office of Financial Services Approved as to form: Assistaut City Attomey 00 — 3LL3 Exhibit B �wz� i � i. r � a.wii�s��rr� As of Januarv 1. 2000 Central Service benefits, supplies, equipment, services, and operations Definitions: XPUC: Direct, FTE or transaction based charges for Central Service costs FPUC: FTE based charges for Central Service costs TPUC: Transaction based charges for Centrai Service costs DPUC: Direct charge not determined by Central Service cost system Schedule 1.1 Fringe Benefits This central service cost (CSC) is not allocated through the plan. Depaztments are allocated through a rate. The Water Utility either pays through a rate for some fringe benefits or is charged directly for others. The Utility pays all of its costs d'uectly. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Schedule 2.1 Equipment Use Charge This CSC is not ailocated back to deparhnents. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocaflon basis is too difficult to spread based on departmendfund/activity basis. The Utility does receive an indirect benefit from items on the City's inventory which aze utilized by offices as Central Service costs. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 0 80-�03 Schedule 3.1 Building Use Charge This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on deparhnent/fund/activity basis. The Utility pays for all its own space costs. Schedule 4.1 Other Expenditures 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Financial Forms are not allocated back to departments. Forms like check stock, citywide printing items are absorbed by the General Fund. Surety Bonds and Municipal Memberships aze combined and allocated on a FTE basis. Departments benefit from national, regional, state, or metro memberships in League of Cities, Associafion of Metropolitan Municipalities as the membership allows departments access to their speciat interests; ie Finance and Accounting, Pubiic Works and Water issues, Police and Fire interests. The State Auditor provides overall approval of financial records, consolidating special departments such as HRA or Water through oversight procedures of the city. Financial Forms: The Utility uses the City's financial forms such as check stock, pay instruments, purchase orders and pay vouchers. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Surety Bonds and Municipal Memberships: Surety Bonds aze for economy reasons purchased on a citywide basis. The bond does cover Utility employees. 1999 FPUC = $6,453.75 2000 = $6.615.09 2001 = as provided for in paraera�h 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 State Audit: The chazges to audit the Utility's systems and financial records aze billed by the State Auditors Office paid direcfly by the Utility. 1999 TPUC = $26,010.34 2000 = $26.660.60 2001 = as �rovided for in parag_raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 6o—�D3 Schedule 5.1 Additional Eapenditures Purchasing services are allocated on a per transaction basis and benefit deparlments that have complex biddina needs by spreading costs throughout the city. Public Works and Water consistently benefit more thau most other departments. The Utility does not pay central service costs for purchasing services. The Utility receives and pays a detailed invoice from the Purchasing section once a yeaz. 1999 DPUC = $120,000.00 2000 =$123.000.00 2001 = as provided for in para¢raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schednle 6.1 Messenger Services This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on deparhnendfund/activity basis. The Utility receives benefit from City-wide messenger service. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Schedule 7.1 Building Operations This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on departmendfund/activity basis. (Water has no squaze footage in either CH or Annex building) The Utility has no direct benefit - indirect would be through other office that does charge to Central Services. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Schedule 8.1 Police Annex Maintenance This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The Creneral Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on departmentlfund/activity basis. (This CSC is specialized with Police and Fire) The Utility has no d'uect benefit - indirect would be through other office that does charge to Central Services. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 oa-3o3 Schedule 9.1 City Council Administrafion The City Council provides policy and financiai review to department activities, sets Human Resources goals and policies, approves resolutions and budget amendments. The Council reviews city/state issues and contracts. The Council provides members for various boazds; Water, Rivercentre, etc.. The City Council is the final decision maker on several Utility issues which come before it such as Utility rates, budget and land sales. 1999 FPUC = $190,678.31 2000 =$128.993.87 2001 = 33% as provided for in paragranh 2 [Secrion 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 10.1 City Clerk The records of councii actions aze recorded and maintained on file in this office. The City Cierk makes no record of Boazd of Water Commissioners actions. Clerk's Office assists staff with reseazch of City Ordinances and records. Clerk's Office assists staff with procedures to have Boazd's Budget passed. Clerk's Office assists staff with resolutions to Council. 1999 FPUC = $35,912.48 2000 = $24.294.79 2001 = 33% as provided for in paraeranh 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 11.1 Mayor The Budget office provides deparhnents with guidelines and computer systems ta prepaze annual budgets. The office suggests and often enforces city policies through the budgeY approval process. The Mayor's office provides front line policy and visibility to departments and the "outside" world. Issues for departments have generally been reviewed and approved by the Mayor's office before being presented to Council. The Utiliry has no direct benefit - indirect would be tluough other office that does chazge to Central Services. 1999 FPUC = $ 7Q,803.67 $ud,P,et Office 1999 FPUC =$ 82,25135 Mayor's Office 2000 =$103,541.71 2001 = 33% as provided for in para a�oh 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 7 00 -303 Schedule 12.1 City Attomey The City Attorney expenses are generally absorbed by the General Fund. Civii issues for Labor negotiations, Purchasing contracts, Council actions aze not allocated. The Tort function is allocated on a FTE basis, with department benefits varying by year, sometimes one department benefitting more than others. Handles workers compensation litigation for Utility; handles personal injury litigation for Utiliry; advises Utility staff on bankruptcy cases; assists and advises staff on permits, contracts, agreements, etc.; assists and advises staff on land sale matters; interprets and advises staff on city ordinances, state law; acts as general counsel to Utility on all general legal matters. 1999 FPUC = $137,689.51 2000 = $141.131.74 2001 = as provided for in Dara¢raph 2 f Sec6on 31 of this Amendment No. i Schedule 13.1 Human Resources This CSC would be nearly impossible to dupiicate within departments in as inexpensively as this central office. The recnritment, selecting, testing, and reporting as well as the training programs benefit departments usually on an FT'E basis. The Utility receives benefits as described above for all deparhnents in generai. 1999 FPUC - Admin. _ $121,360.41 1999 FPUC - Affirm. Action =$ 28,448.91 1999 FPUC -Training & Dev. _ $ 74,972.50 2000 = $23�.40136 2001 = as nrovided for in �ara�ra�h 2(Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 14.1 Human Rights Human Rights provides leadership or enforcement for all applicable human rights laws and ordinances which call for equal employment, affumafive action, contract compliance and targeted business programs for the Utility. Advises iJtility staff on Human Rights contract compliance issues, assists Utility staff with any (115 minghOIIlSSlleS. 1999 TP[7C = $45,805.82 2000 = $46.950.97 2001 = as provided for in para a�Dh Z (Section 3) ofthis Amendment No. 1 po -303 Schedule 15.1 Finance/Management Services This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on department/fund/activity basis. As this time, the City is unable to efficienfly allocate these costs to the various departments. The Utility has no direct benefit - indirect would be through other office that does chazge to Central Services. 1999 XPUC = $ OAQ 2000 DPUC = $25.000 2001 = as provided for in paraQraph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 16.1 Citywide Information Services Tkus CSC is not allocated back to departments. The Generai Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on departmenUfund/activity basis. This function creates, maintains, and updates programs and operates computers for payroll, vendor payments, and accounting systems. At this time, the City is unabie to efficiently allocate these costs to the various departments. The Utility receives indirect benefits from consultation with City IS unit; Utility receives City-wide E-mail through IS unit. 1999 XPUC = $ 0.00 2000 DPUC = $75.000 2001 = as provided for in para�raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 17.1 Accounting and Auditing This function provides centralized accounting services, accounting policy direction, reconcIliation of financial records, vendor payments and centralized payroll. Centralized payroll prepares, reviews, and reports such items as Federat and state ta�c withholding, PERA and unemployment records. The payroll prepazes programs and audits new labor contracts including calculation of back pay. Bookkeeping: These are costs related to the operations of the Accounting section of the City's Financial Services Office. This service provides the FM80 system and the structure for it's operations. The above system is utilized by the Utility for it's Budgeting and Annual Financial Report functions. 0 Oo -�e3 Payroll: T1us charge is primarily for the operation and control of the Central system. The Utility has two payroll personnel to collect and input ihe data as well as advise Uulity staff. 1999 TPUC =$104,731.90 2000 =$107.350.19 2001 = as provided for in Dara�a�h 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 1999 kPUC = $22,433.76 2000 = $22.994.60 2001 = as Qrovided for in nara2raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 18.1 Treasury This function covers the recording and reconciliation of cash receipts and checks processed by the city. It provides the accounting system a record of payments made and received in the ciiy. The Utility aiso uses the Treasury as its investrnent advisor for which the Utility pays a direct charge based on the amount of invested funds. 1999 TPUC = $51,099.96 2000 = $52377.46 2001 = as �rovided for in Daraeraph 2 (Secrion 31 of this Amendment No. 1 1999 DPUC = $50,000.00 2000 = $51.250.00 2001 = as orovided for in paza ag� roh 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 19.1 Risk Management This function negotiates heaith coverages with competing vendors, and fulfills the human resource function of determin;,,g eligibility for those services. Negotiates properiy damage claims on behalf of the Utility. Represents the Utility at hearings on unemployment wage claims. Deals with clauns adjusters for the Utility. Handies workers compensation claims and negotiations for the Utility. Acts as data source to the City Attorney's Office for the Utiliry. 1999 FPUC = $70,333.42 2000 = $72.091.76 2001 = as nrovided for in garaeranh 2 jSecrion 3) of this Amendment No. 1 10 �o-�a3 � � . FTE BASED: 1999 = $841,338.07 2000 = $730.064.92 2001 = as �rovided for in para� 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 TRANSACTION BASED: 1999 = $227,648.02 2000 = $233.339.22 2001 = as provided for in p�aph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 DII2ECT CH?,RGE: 1999 = $170,000.00 2000 = $274.250.00 2001 = as provided for in gazagraph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 TOTAL: 1999 = $1,238,986.09 2000 = $1.237.654.14 2001 = as�rovided for in pazaezaph 2 �Section 3) of this Amendment No. 1 11 BOARD OF WATEit CpMMiSSIONERS 00 -so3 RFSOLU710N -- G£NEftAL FORM N, 4680 PRESENTED BY Haselmaan Jaauarv 11, 2000 COMMISSIONE" DATF WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners ("Board") did adopt Resolution No. 4638 on April 13, 1999 which approved an Agreement with the City of Saint Paul ("City") whereby the Ciry provides centraI services for the Board; and WHEREAS, said Agreement expires on April li, 2000, and both the Board and the City desire to eatend the term of the Aoreement to December 31, 2001and to amend Ciry charges for the services of the Departments of City Clerk, City Council, Mayor's Office, City-wide Information Services and Finance and Mana�ement Services to more accurately reflect the benefit received by the Board from such services; and WHEREAS, the assistant city attomey has prepazed an Amendment No. 1 to the Central Services Agreement which extends the term of said Agreement to December 31, 2001 and amends said City chazges, with all other terms and conditions remaining unchanged and in effect; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Regional Water Services General Man�er has reviewed said Amendment No.l to Agreement and does recommend approval; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Amendment No. 1 to the Central Services Agreement between the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul is hereby approved and that the proper officers are hereby authorized to execute said Amendment No. 1 on behaif of the Boazd. Water Commissioners Xeas Arcand Harris Vice President Haselmann President Reiter In favor 4_ Oppose� � Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners January 11, � � Nays �:� O �� _____ ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To council File # �O –3 O'3 Green Sheet # � v"� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �G Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul have agreed to the terms and conditions of an agreement covering direct and indirect central services to be performed by the City for the Water Utility; and WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and City Council have authorized this agreement (CF 99-648); and WHEREAS, said agreement expires on April 13, 2000 and both the Board and the City want to extend the term of this agreement to December 31, 2001 and amend the City chazges for Central Services as stated in Amendment No. 1 dated January 1 l, 2000, with all other terxns and conditions remaining unchanged and in effect; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Boazd of Water Commissioners to provide central services, a copy of the Agreement and Amendment No 1 will be kept on file in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Office of Financial Services By: �`s�.�,,,t�..r Q�,....5� 7approved by ainancial Services Ey: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By ' �— , �-- . � ,.�7�c.�..�_ Approved by Ma or: Date �!i `�{/ BY: C���� 1�-� Form pr ed by City Attorney By: approved by i�layor for Submission to Council BY � �(I'� u'�� Adopted by Council: Date �, ' S a. °_�, Financial Services Joe Reid 26b-8553 3/6/00 11EEIG11 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET , ` Oo -103 No ���j36 u �,,,�,*��,� u �„� - � OIYAiiOIOEY _� ❑ OIYCLi11K ❑ A11411GLiFRNCFIO�L ❑ A11111C111LiFRVYSCTO �wmrt�aew�asrum � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Authorize Amendment No. 1 of the Agreement between the City and Board of Water Commissioners. � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION tlas this ae�� ewel Korked aMera roM�act fa this deo��7 YES NO Has mis penaNfirm e�er been e cih emdoYce7 VES NO ooes mis pereonrTirm v� a skn not nama0ya�aessed �r anv cunent ci[r emworee? YES NO Is this pe�soNfirm a tarpeted eerMM YES NO Current agreement expires April 13> 2000. This amendment will the agreement through December 31, 2001. � •+ tli IFAPPROVED M10UNT OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE INFOftMAT10N (IXPWNj CAST/REVQlUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVRY NUMBER YES NO 69J�k48�"f �VS�"GQF�?3 L�.�'.�iliF�� 00-303 AMENDMENT No. 1 to the CENTRAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Between TBE BOARD OF WATER COMiVIISSIONERS & 'I'HE CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL, MINNESOTA THIS AMENDMENT NO.1 to the CENTRAL SERVICES AGREEMENT is made this � day of 2000, by and between the BOARD OF WATER COMNIISSIONERS of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, ("Board") and the CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL ("City"), being the first amendment to that certain Central Services Agreement ("Agreement") which was previously made by and between Board and City the 13`� day of April, 1999, and which Agreement by this reference is incorporated herein and made a part hereof; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Section 8. of the Agreement provides that the Agreement may be amended by a written instrument executed by the Parkies; and WHEREAS, Section 2. of the Agreement provides that the term of the Agreement is for one (1) year, commencing on April 13, 1999, and terminating on April 13, 2000; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement so that the term of the Agreement commences on the first day of January and e�tends for two (2) years thereafter; and WHEREAS, Section 3. of the Agreement provides that the Parties shail review and may adjust the central services fee in a manner that is mutually acceptable to both Parties; and WHEREAS, the Parties mutually agree that the central services fee shall be adjusted so that the amount of the fee more accurately reflects the Board's actual use of various services, as described in the attached Exhibit B; 00 -'30 � NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree to amend the Agreement in the manner described below. SECT70N Z. Ternz is amended to read as follows: The term of this Agreement shall be two (2) years, commencing on January 1, 2000 (hereinafter refened to as the "Commencement Date"), unless otherwise ternvnated as provided for in this Agreement. The parties may agree to provide for additional ternis prior to the expiration of the current term, upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreeable between the Board and the City, and pursuant to the terms and conditions contained herein. 2. SECTION3. Pavment. is amended to read as follows: Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in consideration of City's agreement to sell, transfer, assign, provide or supply the Boazd with the Centrat Services as snmma,;�ed and described in attached Exhibit B, incorporated herein by reference, Boazd agrees to annually pay to City the sum of one million two hundred thirty-seven thousand six hundred fifty-four dollazs ($1,237,654) for the year 2000. Payment for the yeaz 2041 shall be equal to the sum of FT`E based charges, transaction based chazges and direct charges for Central Service, as adjusted by the St. Paui City Council (which adjustment factor is expected to be approximately 2.5%), and as determined in attached E�ch.ibit B, except for charges for the foilowing three City depaxtments: City Council Administration, City Clerk and Mayor. Chazges for these three departments shall be 33% of the FTE based charges for those departments's services, as adjusted by the St. Paul City Council (which adjustment factor is expected to be approximately 2.5%). This payment shall be made monthly by the Boazd to the City, beginning within thirty (30) days of the Commencement Date of this Agreement. 3. Exhibit A is hereby replaced in its entirety by attached Exhibit B. 4. Except as expressly amended by the provisions hereof, the terms and provisions contained in the Agreement shall continue to govern the rights and obligations of the parties, and the Agreement sha11 remain in full force and effect. Oo -103 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and City have executed this Amendment No. 1 to the Central Services Agreement on the date first above written. On Behalf of BOARD: BY:. B �,�u.. �I. <2� Bemie R. Bullert, General Manager � � / � � ��� • / .�- .�- - � Approved as to form: I �� � � Matthew J. Pfohl, Asst. ity Attorney On Behalf of CITY: BY- Norm Coleman, Mayor � Fredrick K. Owusu, City Clerk By: ^^' �-'--�J Jose M. Reid, Director � Office of Financial Services Approved as to form: Assistaut City Attomey 00 — 3LL3 Exhibit B �wz� i � i. r � a.wii�s��rr� As of Januarv 1. 2000 Central Service benefits, supplies, equipment, services, and operations Definitions: XPUC: Direct, FTE or transaction based charges for Central Service costs FPUC: FTE based charges for Central Service costs TPUC: Transaction based charges for Centrai Service costs DPUC: Direct charge not determined by Central Service cost system Schedule 1.1 Fringe Benefits This central service cost (CSC) is not allocated through the plan. Depaztments are allocated through a rate. The Water Utility either pays through a rate for some fringe benefits or is charged directly for others. The Utility pays all of its costs d'uectly. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Schedule 2.1 Equipment Use Charge This CSC is not ailocated back to deparhnents. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocaflon basis is too difficult to spread based on departmendfund/activity basis. The Utility does receive an indirect benefit from items on the City's inventory which aze utilized by offices as Central Service costs. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 0 80-�03 Schedule 3.1 Building Use Charge This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on deparhnent/fund/activity basis. The Utility pays for all its own space costs. Schedule 4.1 Other Expenditures 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Financial Forms are not allocated back to departments. Forms like check stock, citywide printing items are absorbed by the General Fund. Surety Bonds and Municipal Memberships aze combined and allocated on a FTE basis. Departments benefit from national, regional, state, or metro memberships in League of Cities, Associafion of Metropolitan Municipalities as the membership allows departments access to their speciat interests; ie Finance and Accounting, Pubiic Works and Water issues, Police and Fire interests. The State Auditor provides overall approval of financial records, consolidating special departments such as HRA or Water through oversight procedures of the city. Financial Forms: The Utility uses the City's financial forms such as check stock, pay instruments, purchase orders and pay vouchers. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Surety Bonds and Municipal Memberships: Surety Bonds aze for economy reasons purchased on a citywide basis. The bond does cover Utility employees. 1999 FPUC = $6,453.75 2000 = $6.615.09 2001 = as provided for in paraera�h 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 State Audit: The chazges to audit the Utility's systems and financial records aze billed by the State Auditors Office paid direcfly by the Utility. 1999 TPUC = $26,010.34 2000 = $26.660.60 2001 = as �rovided for in parag_raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 6o—�D3 Schedule 5.1 Additional Eapenditures Purchasing services are allocated on a per transaction basis and benefit deparlments that have complex biddina needs by spreading costs throughout the city. Public Works and Water consistently benefit more thau most other departments. The Utility does not pay central service costs for purchasing services. The Utility receives and pays a detailed invoice from the Purchasing section once a yeaz. 1999 DPUC = $120,000.00 2000 =$123.000.00 2001 = as provided for in para¢raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schednle 6.1 Messenger Services This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on deparhnendfund/activity basis. The Utility receives benefit from City-wide messenger service. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Schedule 7.1 Building Operations This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on departmendfund/activity basis. (Water has no squaze footage in either CH or Annex building) The Utility has no direct benefit - indirect would be through other office that does charge to Central Services. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Schedule 8.1 Police Annex Maintenance This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The Creneral Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on departmentlfund/activity basis. (This CSC is specialized with Police and Fire) The Utility has no d'uect benefit - indirect would be through other office that does charge to Central Services. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 oa-3o3 Schedule 9.1 City Council Administrafion The City Council provides policy and financiai review to department activities, sets Human Resources goals and policies, approves resolutions and budget amendments. The Council reviews city/state issues and contracts. The Council provides members for various boazds; Water, Rivercentre, etc.. The City Council is the final decision maker on several Utility issues which come before it such as Utility rates, budget and land sales. 1999 FPUC = $190,678.31 2000 =$128.993.87 2001 = 33% as provided for in paragranh 2 [Secrion 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 10.1 City Clerk The records of councii actions aze recorded and maintained on file in this office. The City Cierk makes no record of Boazd of Water Commissioners actions. Clerk's Office assists staff with reseazch of City Ordinances and records. Clerk's Office assists staff with procedures to have Boazd's Budget passed. Clerk's Office assists staff with resolutions to Council. 1999 FPUC = $35,912.48 2000 = $24.294.79 2001 = 33% as provided for in paraeranh 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 11.1 Mayor The Budget office provides deparhnents with guidelines and computer systems ta prepaze annual budgets. The office suggests and often enforces city policies through the budgeY approval process. The Mayor's office provides front line policy and visibility to departments and the "outside" world. Issues for departments have generally been reviewed and approved by the Mayor's office before being presented to Council. The Utiliry has no direct benefit - indirect would be tluough other office that does chazge to Central Services. 1999 FPUC = $ 7Q,803.67 $ud,P,et Office 1999 FPUC =$ 82,25135 Mayor's Office 2000 =$103,541.71 2001 = 33% as provided for in para a�oh 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 7 00 -303 Schedule 12.1 City Attomey The City Attorney expenses are generally absorbed by the General Fund. Civii issues for Labor negotiations, Purchasing contracts, Council actions aze not allocated. The Tort function is allocated on a FTE basis, with department benefits varying by year, sometimes one department benefitting more than others. Handles workers compensation litigation for Utility; handles personal injury litigation for Utiliry; advises Utility staff on bankruptcy cases; assists and advises staff on permits, contracts, agreements, etc.; assists and advises staff on land sale matters; interprets and advises staff on city ordinances, state law; acts as general counsel to Utility on all general legal matters. 1999 FPUC = $137,689.51 2000 = $141.131.74 2001 = as provided for in Dara¢raph 2 f Sec6on 31 of this Amendment No. i Schedule 13.1 Human Resources This CSC would be nearly impossible to dupiicate within departments in as inexpensively as this central office. The recnritment, selecting, testing, and reporting as well as the training programs benefit departments usually on an FT'E basis. The Utility receives benefits as described above for all deparhnents in generai. 1999 FPUC - Admin. _ $121,360.41 1999 FPUC - Affirm. Action =$ 28,448.91 1999 FPUC -Training & Dev. _ $ 74,972.50 2000 = $23�.40136 2001 = as nrovided for in �ara�ra�h 2(Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 14.1 Human Rights Human Rights provides leadership or enforcement for all applicable human rights laws and ordinances which call for equal employment, affumafive action, contract compliance and targeted business programs for the Utility. Advises iJtility staff on Human Rights contract compliance issues, assists Utility staff with any (115 minghOIIlSSlleS. 1999 TP[7C = $45,805.82 2000 = $46.950.97 2001 = as provided for in para a�Dh Z (Section 3) ofthis Amendment No. 1 po -303 Schedule 15.1 Finance/Management Services This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on department/fund/activity basis. As this time, the City is unable to efficienfly allocate these costs to the various departments. The Utility has no direct benefit - indirect would be through other office that does chazge to Central Services. 1999 XPUC = $ OAQ 2000 DPUC = $25.000 2001 = as provided for in paraQraph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 16.1 Citywide Information Services Tkus CSC is not allocated back to departments. The Generai Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on departmenUfund/activity basis. This function creates, maintains, and updates programs and operates computers for payroll, vendor payments, and accounting systems. At this time, the City is unabie to efficiently allocate these costs to the various departments. The Utility receives indirect benefits from consultation with City IS unit; Utility receives City-wide E-mail through IS unit. 1999 XPUC = $ 0.00 2000 DPUC = $75.000 2001 = as provided for in para�raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 17.1 Accounting and Auditing This function provides centralized accounting services, accounting policy direction, reconcIliation of financial records, vendor payments and centralized payroll. Centralized payroll prepares, reviews, and reports such items as Federat and state ta�c withholding, PERA and unemployment records. The payroll prepazes programs and audits new labor contracts including calculation of back pay. Bookkeeping: These are costs related to the operations of the Accounting section of the City's Financial Services Office. This service provides the FM80 system and the structure for it's operations. The above system is utilized by the Utility for it's Budgeting and Annual Financial Report functions. 0 Oo -�e3 Payroll: T1us charge is primarily for the operation and control of the Central system. The Utility has two payroll personnel to collect and input ihe data as well as advise Uulity staff. 1999 TPUC =$104,731.90 2000 =$107.350.19 2001 = as provided for in Dara�a�h 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 1999 kPUC = $22,433.76 2000 = $22.994.60 2001 = as Qrovided for in nara2raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 18.1 Treasury This function covers the recording and reconciliation of cash receipts and checks processed by the city. It provides the accounting system a record of payments made and received in the ciiy. The Utility aiso uses the Treasury as its investrnent advisor for which the Utility pays a direct charge based on the amount of invested funds. 1999 TPUC = $51,099.96 2000 = $52377.46 2001 = as �rovided for in Daraeraph 2 (Secrion 31 of this Amendment No. 1 1999 DPUC = $50,000.00 2000 = $51.250.00 2001 = as orovided for in paza ag� roh 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 19.1 Risk Management This function negotiates heaith coverages with competing vendors, and fulfills the human resource function of determin;,,g eligibility for those services. Negotiates properiy damage claims on behalf of the Utility. Represents the Utility at hearings on unemployment wage claims. Deals with clauns adjusters for the Utility. Handies workers compensation claims and negotiations for the Utility. Acts as data source to the City Attorney's Office for the Utiliry. 1999 FPUC = $70,333.42 2000 = $72.091.76 2001 = as nrovided for in garaeranh 2 jSecrion 3) of this Amendment No. 1 10 �o-�a3 � � . FTE BASED: 1999 = $841,338.07 2000 = $730.064.92 2001 = as �rovided for in para� 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 TRANSACTION BASED: 1999 = $227,648.02 2000 = $233.339.22 2001 = as provided for in p�aph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 DII2ECT CH?,RGE: 1999 = $170,000.00 2000 = $274.250.00 2001 = as provided for in gazagraph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 TOTAL: 1999 = $1,238,986.09 2000 = $1.237.654.14 2001 = as�rovided for in pazaezaph 2 �Section 3) of this Amendment No. 1 11 BOARD OF WATEit CpMMiSSIONERS 00 -so3 RFSOLU710N -- G£NEftAL FORM N, 4680 PRESENTED BY Haselmaan Jaauarv 11, 2000 COMMISSIONE" DATF WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners ("Board") did adopt Resolution No. 4638 on April 13, 1999 which approved an Agreement with the City of Saint Paul ("City") whereby the Ciry provides centraI services for the Board; and WHEREAS, said Agreement expires on April li, 2000, and both the Board and the City desire to eatend the term of the Aoreement to December 31, 2001and to amend Ciry charges for the services of the Departments of City Clerk, City Council, Mayor's Office, City-wide Information Services and Finance and Mana�ement Services to more accurately reflect the benefit received by the Board from such services; and WHEREAS, the assistant city attomey has prepazed an Amendment No. 1 to the Central Services Agreement which extends the term of said Agreement to December 31, 2001 and amends said City chazges, with all other terms and conditions remaining unchanged and in effect; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Regional Water Services General Man�er has reviewed said Amendment No.l to Agreement and does recommend approval; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Amendment No. 1 to the Central Services Agreement between the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul is hereby approved and that the proper officers are hereby authorized to execute said Amendment No. 1 on behaif of the Boazd. Water Commissioners Xeas Arcand Harris Vice President Haselmann President Reiter In favor 4_ Oppose� � Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners January 11, � � Nays �:� O �� _____ ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To council File # �O –3 O'3 Green Sheet # � v"� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �G Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul have agreed to the terms and conditions of an agreement covering direct and indirect central services to be performed by the City for the Water Utility; and WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and City Council have authorized this agreement (CF 99-648); and WHEREAS, said agreement expires on April 13, 2000 and both the Board and the City want to extend the term of this agreement to December 31, 2001 and amend the City chazges for Central Services as stated in Amendment No. 1 dated January 1 l, 2000, with all other terxns and conditions remaining unchanged and in effect; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Boazd of Water Commissioners to provide central services, a copy of the Agreement and Amendment No 1 will be kept on file in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Office of Financial Services By: �`s�.�,,,t�..r Q�,....5� 7approved by ainancial Services Ey: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By ' �— , �-- . � ,.�7�c.�..�_ Approved by Ma or: Date �!i `�{/ BY: C���� 1�-� Form pr ed by City Attorney By: approved by i�layor for Submission to Council BY � �(I'� u'�� Adopted by Council: Date �, ' S a. °_�, Financial Services Joe Reid 26b-8553 3/6/00 11EEIG11 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET , ` Oo -103 No ���j36 u �,,,�,*��,� u �„� - � OIYAiiOIOEY _� ❑ OIYCLi11K ❑ A11411GLiFRNCFIO�L ❑ A11111C111LiFRVYSCTO �wmrt�aew�asrum � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Authorize Amendment No. 1 of the Agreement between the City and Board of Water Commissioners. � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION tlas this ae�� ewel Korked aMera roM�act fa this deo��7 YES NO Has mis penaNfirm e�er been e cih emdoYce7 VES NO ooes mis pereonrTirm v� a skn not nama0ya�aessed �r anv cunent ci[r emworee? YES NO Is this pe�soNfirm a tarpeted eerMM YES NO Current agreement expires April 13> 2000. This amendment will the agreement through December 31, 2001. � •+ tli IFAPPROVED M10UNT OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE INFOftMAT10N (IXPWNj CAST/REVQlUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVRY NUMBER YES NO 69J�k48�"f �VS�"GQF�?3 L�.�'.�iliF�� 00-303 AMENDMENT No. 1 to the CENTRAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Between TBE BOARD OF WATER COMiVIISSIONERS & 'I'HE CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL, MINNESOTA THIS AMENDMENT NO.1 to the CENTRAL SERVICES AGREEMENT is made this � day of 2000, by and between the BOARD OF WATER COMNIISSIONERS of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, ("Board") and the CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL ("City"), being the first amendment to that certain Central Services Agreement ("Agreement") which was previously made by and between Board and City the 13`� day of April, 1999, and which Agreement by this reference is incorporated herein and made a part hereof; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Section 8. of the Agreement provides that the Agreement may be amended by a written instrument executed by the Parkies; and WHEREAS, Section 2. of the Agreement provides that the term of the Agreement is for one (1) year, commencing on April 13, 1999, and terminating on April 13, 2000; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement so that the term of the Agreement commences on the first day of January and e�tends for two (2) years thereafter; and WHEREAS, Section 3. of the Agreement provides that the Parties shail review and may adjust the central services fee in a manner that is mutually acceptable to both Parties; and WHEREAS, the Parties mutually agree that the central services fee shall be adjusted so that the amount of the fee more accurately reflects the Board's actual use of various services, as described in the attached Exhibit B; 00 -'30 � NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree to amend the Agreement in the manner described below. SECT70N Z. Ternz is amended to read as follows: The term of this Agreement shall be two (2) years, commencing on January 1, 2000 (hereinafter refened to as the "Commencement Date"), unless otherwise ternvnated as provided for in this Agreement. The parties may agree to provide for additional ternis prior to the expiration of the current term, upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreeable between the Board and the City, and pursuant to the terms and conditions contained herein. 2. SECTION3. Pavment. is amended to read as follows: Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in consideration of City's agreement to sell, transfer, assign, provide or supply the Boazd with the Centrat Services as snmma,;�ed and described in attached Exhibit B, incorporated herein by reference, Boazd agrees to annually pay to City the sum of one million two hundred thirty-seven thousand six hundred fifty-four dollazs ($1,237,654) for the year 2000. Payment for the yeaz 2041 shall be equal to the sum of FT`E based charges, transaction based chazges and direct charges for Central Service, as adjusted by the St. Paui City Council (which adjustment factor is expected to be approximately 2.5%), and as determined in attached E�ch.ibit B, except for charges for the foilowing three City depaxtments: City Council Administration, City Clerk and Mayor. Chazges for these three departments shall be 33% of the FTE based charges for those departments's services, as adjusted by the St. Paul City Council (which adjustment factor is expected to be approximately 2.5%). This payment shall be made monthly by the Boazd to the City, beginning within thirty (30) days of the Commencement Date of this Agreement. 3. Exhibit A is hereby replaced in its entirety by attached Exhibit B. 4. Except as expressly amended by the provisions hereof, the terms and provisions contained in the Agreement shall continue to govern the rights and obligations of the parties, and the Agreement sha11 remain in full force and effect. Oo -103 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and City have executed this Amendment No. 1 to the Central Services Agreement on the date first above written. On Behalf of BOARD: BY:. B �,�u.. �I. <2� Bemie R. Bullert, General Manager � � / � � ��� • / .�- .�- - � Approved as to form: I �� � � Matthew J. Pfohl, Asst. ity Attorney On Behalf of CITY: BY- Norm Coleman, Mayor � Fredrick K. Owusu, City Clerk By: ^^' �-'--�J Jose M. Reid, Director � Office of Financial Services Approved as to form: Assistaut City Attomey 00 — 3LL3 Exhibit B �wz� i � i. r � a.wii�s��rr� As of Januarv 1. 2000 Central Service benefits, supplies, equipment, services, and operations Definitions: XPUC: Direct, FTE or transaction based charges for Central Service costs FPUC: FTE based charges for Central Service costs TPUC: Transaction based charges for Centrai Service costs DPUC: Direct charge not determined by Central Service cost system Schedule 1.1 Fringe Benefits This central service cost (CSC) is not allocated through the plan. Depaztments are allocated through a rate. The Water Utility either pays through a rate for some fringe benefits or is charged directly for others. The Utility pays all of its costs d'uectly. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Schedule 2.1 Equipment Use Charge This CSC is not ailocated back to deparhnents. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocaflon basis is too difficult to spread based on departmendfund/activity basis. The Utility does receive an indirect benefit from items on the City's inventory which aze utilized by offices as Central Service costs. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 0 80-�03 Schedule 3.1 Building Use Charge This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on deparhnent/fund/activity basis. The Utility pays for all its own space costs. Schedule 4.1 Other Expenditures 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Financial Forms are not allocated back to departments. Forms like check stock, citywide printing items are absorbed by the General Fund. Surety Bonds and Municipal Memberships aze combined and allocated on a FTE basis. Departments benefit from national, regional, state, or metro memberships in League of Cities, Associafion of Metropolitan Municipalities as the membership allows departments access to their speciat interests; ie Finance and Accounting, Pubiic Works and Water issues, Police and Fire interests. The State Auditor provides overall approval of financial records, consolidating special departments such as HRA or Water through oversight procedures of the city. Financial Forms: The Utility uses the City's financial forms such as check stock, pay instruments, purchase orders and pay vouchers. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Surety Bonds and Municipal Memberships: Surety Bonds aze for economy reasons purchased on a citywide basis. The bond does cover Utility employees. 1999 FPUC = $6,453.75 2000 = $6.615.09 2001 = as provided for in paraera�h 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 State Audit: The chazges to audit the Utility's systems and financial records aze billed by the State Auditors Office paid direcfly by the Utility. 1999 TPUC = $26,010.34 2000 = $26.660.60 2001 = as �rovided for in parag_raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 6o—�D3 Schedule 5.1 Additional Eapenditures Purchasing services are allocated on a per transaction basis and benefit deparlments that have complex biddina needs by spreading costs throughout the city. Public Works and Water consistently benefit more thau most other departments. The Utility does not pay central service costs for purchasing services. The Utility receives and pays a detailed invoice from the Purchasing section once a yeaz. 1999 DPUC = $120,000.00 2000 =$123.000.00 2001 = as provided for in para¢raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schednle 6.1 Messenger Services This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on deparhnendfund/activity basis. The Utility receives benefit from City-wide messenger service. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Schedule 7.1 Building Operations This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on departmendfund/activity basis. (Water has no squaze footage in either CH or Annex building) The Utility has no direct benefit - indirect would be through other office that does charge to Central Services. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 Schedule 8.1 Police Annex Maintenance This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The Creneral Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on departmentlfund/activity basis. (This CSC is specialized with Police and Fire) The Utility has no d'uect benefit - indirect would be through other office that does charge to Central Services. 1999 XPUC = $0.00 2000 = $0.00 2001 = $0.00 oa-3o3 Schedule 9.1 City Council Administrafion The City Council provides policy and financiai review to department activities, sets Human Resources goals and policies, approves resolutions and budget amendments. The Council reviews city/state issues and contracts. The Council provides members for various boazds; Water, Rivercentre, etc.. The City Council is the final decision maker on several Utility issues which come before it such as Utility rates, budget and land sales. 1999 FPUC = $190,678.31 2000 =$128.993.87 2001 = 33% as provided for in paragranh 2 [Secrion 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 10.1 City Clerk The records of councii actions aze recorded and maintained on file in this office. The City Cierk makes no record of Boazd of Water Commissioners actions. Clerk's Office assists staff with reseazch of City Ordinances and records. Clerk's Office assists staff with procedures to have Boazd's Budget passed. Clerk's Office assists staff with resolutions to Council. 1999 FPUC = $35,912.48 2000 = $24.294.79 2001 = 33% as provided for in paraeranh 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 11.1 Mayor The Budget office provides deparhnents with guidelines and computer systems ta prepaze annual budgets. The office suggests and often enforces city policies through the budgeY approval process. The Mayor's office provides front line policy and visibility to departments and the "outside" world. Issues for departments have generally been reviewed and approved by the Mayor's office before being presented to Council. The Utiliry has no direct benefit - indirect would be tluough other office that does chazge to Central Services. 1999 FPUC = $ 7Q,803.67 $ud,P,et Office 1999 FPUC =$ 82,25135 Mayor's Office 2000 =$103,541.71 2001 = 33% as provided for in para a�oh 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 7 00 -303 Schedule 12.1 City Attomey The City Attorney expenses are generally absorbed by the General Fund. Civii issues for Labor negotiations, Purchasing contracts, Council actions aze not allocated. The Tort function is allocated on a FTE basis, with department benefits varying by year, sometimes one department benefitting more than others. Handles workers compensation litigation for Utility; handles personal injury litigation for Utiliry; advises Utility staff on bankruptcy cases; assists and advises staff on permits, contracts, agreements, etc.; assists and advises staff on land sale matters; interprets and advises staff on city ordinances, state law; acts as general counsel to Utility on all general legal matters. 1999 FPUC = $137,689.51 2000 = $141.131.74 2001 = as provided for in Dara¢raph 2 f Sec6on 31 of this Amendment No. i Schedule 13.1 Human Resources This CSC would be nearly impossible to dupiicate within departments in as inexpensively as this central office. The recnritment, selecting, testing, and reporting as well as the training programs benefit departments usually on an FT'E basis. The Utility receives benefits as described above for all deparhnents in generai. 1999 FPUC - Admin. _ $121,360.41 1999 FPUC - Affirm. Action =$ 28,448.91 1999 FPUC -Training & Dev. _ $ 74,972.50 2000 = $23�.40136 2001 = as nrovided for in �ara�ra�h 2(Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 14.1 Human Rights Human Rights provides leadership or enforcement for all applicable human rights laws and ordinances which call for equal employment, affumafive action, contract compliance and targeted business programs for the Utility. Advises iJtility staff on Human Rights contract compliance issues, assists Utility staff with any (115 minghOIIlSSlleS. 1999 TP[7C = $45,805.82 2000 = $46.950.97 2001 = as provided for in para a�Dh Z (Section 3) ofthis Amendment No. 1 po -303 Schedule 15.1 Finance/Management Services This CSC is not allocated back to departments. The General Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on department/fund/activity basis. As this time, the City is unable to efficienfly allocate these costs to the various departments. The Utility has no direct benefit - indirect would be through other office that does chazge to Central Services. 1999 XPUC = $ OAQ 2000 DPUC = $25.000 2001 = as provided for in paraQraph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 16.1 Citywide Information Services Tkus CSC is not allocated back to departments. The Generai Fund absorbs these costs. The allocation basis is too difficult to spread based on departmenUfund/activity basis. This function creates, maintains, and updates programs and operates computers for payroll, vendor payments, and accounting systems. At this time, the City is unabie to efficiently allocate these costs to the various departments. The Utility receives indirect benefits from consultation with City IS unit; Utility receives City-wide E-mail through IS unit. 1999 XPUC = $ 0.00 2000 DPUC = $75.000 2001 = as provided for in para�raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 17.1 Accounting and Auditing This function provides centralized accounting services, accounting policy direction, reconcIliation of financial records, vendor payments and centralized payroll. Centralized payroll prepares, reviews, and reports such items as Federat and state ta�c withholding, PERA and unemployment records. The payroll prepazes programs and audits new labor contracts including calculation of back pay. Bookkeeping: These are costs related to the operations of the Accounting section of the City's Financial Services Office. This service provides the FM80 system and the structure for it's operations. The above system is utilized by the Utility for it's Budgeting and Annual Financial Report functions. 0 Oo -�e3 Payroll: T1us charge is primarily for the operation and control of the Central system. The Utility has two payroll personnel to collect and input ihe data as well as advise Uulity staff. 1999 TPUC =$104,731.90 2000 =$107.350.19 2001 = as provided for in Dara�a�h 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 1999 kPUC = $22,433.76 2000 = $22.994.60 2001 = as Qrovided for in nara2raph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 18.1 Treasury This function covers the recording and reconciliation of cash receipts and checks processed by the city. It provides the accounting system a record of payments made and received in the ciiy. The Utility aiso uses the Treasury as its investrnent advisor for which the Utility pays a direct charge based on the amount of invested funds. 1999 TPUC = $51,099.96 2000 = $52377.46 2001 = as �rovided for in Daraeraph 2 (Secrion 31 of this Amendment No. 1 1999 DPUC = $50,000.00 2000 = $51.250.00 2001 = as orovided for in paza ag� roh 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 Schedule 19.1 Risk Management This function negotiates heaith coverages with competing vendors, and fulfills the human resource function of determin;,,g eligibility for those services. Negotiates properiy damage claims on behalf of the Utility. Represents the Utility at hearings on unemployment wage claims. Deals with clauns adjusters for the Utility. Handies workers compensation claims and negotiations for the Utility. Acts as data source to the City Attorney's Office for the Utiliry. 1999 FPUC = $70,333.42 2000 = $72.091.76 2001 = as nrovided for in garaeranh 2 jSecrion 3) of this Amendment No. 1 10 �o-�a3 � � . FTE BASED: 1999 = $841,338.07 2000 = $730.064.92 2001 = as �rovided for in para� 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 TRANSACTION BASED: 1999 = $227,648.02 2000 = $233.339.22 2001 = as provided for in p�aph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 DII2ECT CH?,RGE: 1999 = $170,000.00 2000 = $274.250.00 2001 = as provided for in gazagraph 2 (Section 31 of this Amendment No. 1 TOTAL: 1999 = $1,238,986.09 2000 = $1.237.654.14 2001 = as�rovided for in pazaezaph 2 �Section 3) of this Amendment No. 1 11 BOARD OF WATEit CpMMiSSIONERS 00 -so3 RFSOLU710N -- G£NEftAL FORM N, 4680 PRESENTED BY Haselmaan Jaauarv 11, 2000 COMMISSIONE" DATF WHEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners ("Board") did adopt Resolution No. 4638 on April 13, 1999 which approved an Agreement with the City of Saint Paul ("City") whereby the Ciry provides centraI services for the Board; and WHEREAS, said Agreement expires on April li, 2000, and both the Board and the City desire to eatend the term of the Aoreement to December 31, 2001and to amend Ciry charges for the services of the Departments of City Clerk, City Council, Mayor's Office, City-wide Information Services and Finance and Mana�ement Services to more accurately reflect the benefit received by the Board from such services; and WHEREAS, the assistant city attomey has prepazed an Amendment No. 1 to the Central Services Agreement which extends the term of said Agreement to December 31, 2001 and amends said City chazges, with all other terms and conditions remaining unchanged and in effect; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Regional Water Services General Man�er has reviewed said Amendment No.l to Agreement and does recommend approval; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Amendment No. 1 to the Central Services Agreement between the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul is hereby approved and that the proper officers are hereby authorized to execute said Amendment No. 1 on behaif of the Boazd. Water Commissioners Xeas Arcand Harris Vice President Haselmann President Reiter In favor 4_ Oppose� � Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners January 11, � � Nays �:� O �� _____