280956 WH17E — CITV CLERK t ! ■Kg
PINK `— FINANCE COl1I1C11 � a _�`'v:
d •
nce Ordinance N 0. I 7�(eZ
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to
zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the
zoning maps thereof; amending Chapters 60,
61, 62 and 66 by establishing the B-2C
Community Business (Converted) District
and uses and regulations pertaining thereto.
WHEREAS, The Planning Commission has made a survey of both
sides of Grand Avenue between Dale Street and the Short Line Rail-
road bridge, an area consisting of 57 .5 acres , for the purpose of
considering amendments to the zoning ordinances of the city, and
has determined that the number of real estate descriptions being
affected by the proposed changes would be impractical to obtain;
WHEREAS, The Planning Commission, following public hearings
held for that purpose, has recommended that the zoning code be
amended, and the City Council, having considered the report and
recommendations of the Planning Commission, and having conducted a
public hearing on the proposed zoning code amendments, does hereby
amend the Zoning Code pursuant to the authority granted by and in
accordance with the procedures set forth i.n Minnesota Statutes ,
section 462 . 357.
Section 1 .
That Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the Zoning
Code, be and is hereby amended so as to add the following thereto :
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�eu« In Favor
Nicosia ✓ g
scneibei Against Y
W ilson
Form Ap o ed by City At ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approv d by Mayor for bmission to Council
By BY �
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60. 570.B-2C Community Business (Converted) District.
60. 571 Intent . It is the intent of the B-2C Community
Bus�:ne�ss. Converted) District to create a business
district expressly for existing residential structures
in commercial areas , which will permit the operation
of businesses which do not generate large amounts of
traffic and at the same time will retain the visual
character of the building forms and open space associ-
ated with residential uses . This includes a limited
height on buildings and front and side yards . It is
further the intent of this district to provide parking
for employees who work in buildings which are converted
from residential to business use.
60. 572 Princi a1 Uses Permitted. In a B-2C Community
Business Converte District t e use of land, the
location and erection of new buildings or structures ,
and the alteration, enlargement, and moving of existing
buildings or structures from other locations or districts
shall conform to the following specified uses unless
otherwise provided in this code :
(1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the RM-2
Residential District under principal uses per-
(2) All principal uses permitted in the B-2 Community
Business District, provided that they meet the
required conditions imposed in the B-2 District ,
and except the following : restaurants , or other
places serving food or beverages ; private clubs ,
fraternal organizations , and lodge halls ; theaters ,
assembly halls , concert halls , or similar places
of assembly.
(3) Accessory buildings , structures , and uses custom-
arily incident to the above permitted uses .
2 .
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6D. 573 Principal uses ermit:ted sub'ect to s :ecial
con ita.ons . T e o owing a �.t�ona uses s a e
permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter im-
posed for each use and subject to the review and
approval of the planning commission.
(1) ,All uses as permitted and regulated in the RM-2
Residential District under principal uses per-
mitted subject to special conditions.
(2) All uses permitted subject to special conditions
in the B-2 Community Business District except
the following: bowlin� alley, billiard hall,
indoor archery range, indoor tennis courts ,
racquet ball and hand ball courts , dance hall,
electronic game room, indoor skating rink, or
simi.lar forms of indoor comrnercial recreation;
automobile sales Qr servzce centers ; and auto
service stations . Uses permi.tted under this
section 60. 574(2) shall be subject to the
followi.ng conditions :
(a) The special conditions imposed for each
use in the B-2 Community Business District.
(b) The conditions specified in Sect�on 60. 573.
(3) Accessory buildings , structures, and uses custom-
ari.ly incident to the above permi.tted uses.
60. 574. Required conditions . When existing buildings
are converted rom resi'�ential to business use, when
existing buildings are enlarg,ed, and when new buildings
are erected, off-street parking shall be provided as
follows :
(1) Residential uses : 12 spaces per dwelling unit .
(2) All other uses : one space �or every 300 square
feet of usable �loor area or as required in
Section 62 . 103 Subd. 6, whichever is fewer.
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(3) Off-street parking spaces shall not be located
within a front yard and may be located within
two feet of a side 1ot line.
(4) Off-street parking facilities on lots without
principal buildings shall provide principal
access from the street.
60.575. Area, bulk, and ard setback re uirements. See
C apter , SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS, limitin� t e height
and bulk of buildings , the minimum size of lot permitted
by land use, the maximum density permitted, and providing
minimum yard setback requirements .
Section 2.
That section 61. 103 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and
the s�.me is hereby amended by deleting the first table appearing
therein and substituting, in lieu and in place thereo�, the
following :
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i ' I.tinirrwm Sin Ilracim„m Ficiphf Idinimum YarO Sfiback Kasirt�arn
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That section 61. 103 is further amended by amending note (a)
to read as follows :
(a) Tn OS-1, B-1, or B-2C districts , where at least
50 percent of the—�eal front footage in such
districts in any one block is built up with main
buildings so placed as not to meet the require-
ments of the front yard setback, the setback
required of new main buildings for such districts
in such block shall be equal to the average of
the setbacks of the existing main buildings .
Section 3.
That section 62 . 103 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be
amended by substituting the following for the first paragraph in
subdivision 6 thereof:
Subd. 6. Parking requirements by use. Exce t as rovided
in Section 60. 574, the minimum number of o -street parc-
ing spaces y type of use shall be determined in accord-
ance with the following schedule:
Section 4.
That section 62. 104(11) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be
amended to read as follows :
(11) Setback. Exce t as otherwise rovided in section
60. 574 or section 3 0 -street par ing spaces
s a not e wit in a required front or side yard e�eeg�
as-g�e�a�de�-��.-eee��e�-6� .-�A�{b} and shall be a minimum
of four feet from any side lot line.
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Section 5.
That section 62. 109(3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be
amended to read as follows :
(3) Exce t as otherwise rovided in Section 6D.574,
planting areas shal be at least four feet in
Section 6.
That section 66. 206, subdivision 3 of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code be amended so as to add the following thereto :
(4) No advertisin si n shall be ermitted iri the B-2C
Section 7 .
That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend
the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinances by amending the zoning classifi-
cations for the following properties on the zoning maps of the
City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 27 , as incorporated by reference in
Section 60. 301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code :
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1. Rezone; from B-3 to RM-2
696 Grand Lot 5, Block 5, Summit Park Addition
2. Rezone from B-2 to B-2C
715 Grand Lot 22, Block 6, Summit Park Addition
723 Grand Lot 20, Block 6, Summit Park Addition
727 Grand Lot 19, Block 6, Summit Park Addition
764 Grand Lot 6, Block 8 , Summit Park Addition
770 Grand Lot 8 , Block 8, Summit Park Addition
818 Grand Lot 5, Block 17, Summit Park Addition
840 Grand Lot 10, Block 17, Summit Park Addition
841 Grand G7est 25 ft. of Lot 20 and all of
Lot 19, Block 18, Summit Park Addition
881 Grand Lot 24, Block 22 , Summit Park Addition
889 Grand Lot 22 , Block 22 , Summit Park Addition
891 Grand Lot 21, Block 22 , Summit Park Addition
897 Grand Lot 20, Block 22 , Summit Park Addition
940 Grand Lot 5, Block 26, Summit Park Addition
944 Grand East 20 ft . of Lot 7 and all of Lot 6,
Block 26, Summit Park Addition
952 Grand Except East 20 ft. of Lot 7 and all
of Lot 8 , Block 26, Summit Park
956 Grand Lot 9, Block 26 , Summit Park Addition
960 Grand Lot 10, Block 26, Summit Park Addition
964 Grand Lot 11, Block 26, Summit Park Addition
968 Grand Lot 12 , Block 26, Summit Park Addition
970 Grand Lot 13, Block 26, Summit Park Addition
937 Grand Lot 25, Block 27 , Summit Park Addition
941 Grand Lot 24, Block 27, Summit Park Addition
945 Grand Lot 23 , Block 27, Summit Park Addition
951 Grand Lot 21, Block 27 , Summit Park Addition
957 Grand Lot 20, Block 27, Summit Park Addition
961 Grand Lot 19, Block 27 , Summit Park Addition
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965 Grand Lot 18 , Block 27 , Summit Park Addition
36 Chatsworth North 40 ft. of West 110 ft. of Lots
15, 16 , 17, Block 27, Sumnait Park
33 Chatsworth Except south 500 ft. , Lots 27 , 28,
Block 34, Summit Park Addition
1032 Grand Lot 13, Block 35 , Summit Park Addition
1114 Grand Lot 4, Block 4, Summit Park Addition
1124 Grand Lot 6, Block 4, Summit Park Addition
1128 Grand Lot 7, Block 4, Sununit Park Addition
1134 Grand Lot 8, Block 4, Summit Park Addition
1136 Grand Lot 9, Block 4, Summit Park Addition
1140 Grand Lot 10, Block 4, Summit Park Addition
1144 Grand Lot 11, Block 4, Summit Park Addition
1123 Grand Lot 23 , Block 1, Manson & Simonton' s
1129 Grand Lot 22 , Block 1, Manson & Simonton' s
1133 Grand Lot 21 , Block 1, Manson & Simonton' s
1137 Grand Lot 20, Block 1, Manson & Simonton' s
1141 Grand Lot 19, B1ock 1, Manson & Simonton' s
1145 Grand Lot 18 , Block 1, Manson & Simonton' s
1149 Grand Lot 17, Block l, Manson & Simonton' s
32 S. Dunlap North 45 ft. of Lots 15, 16, Block 1
Manson & Simonton' s Addition
40 S. Dunlap North 50 ft . of South 105 ft. of
Lots 15 , 16 , Block 1, Manson &
Simonton' s Addition
46 S. Dunlap South 55 ft. of Lots 15, 16, Block 1 ,
Manson & Simonton' s Addition
1174 Grand West 2 of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4,
Block 3, PZanson & Simonton' s Addition
1196 Grand Except East 1 ft. of Lot 9, Block 3
Manson & Simonton' s Addition
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1204 Grand Lot 11, Block 3 , Manson & Simonton' s
1208 Grand Lot 12, Block 3, Manson & Simonton' s
1212 Grand Part East of RR ROW, Lot 14 and all
of Lot 13, Block 3, P�Zanson &
Simonton' s Addition
1197 Grand Lot 20, Block 2 , Manson & Simonton' s
1201 Grand Lot 19, Block 2, Manson & Simonton' s
1205 Grand Lot 18, Block 2, Manson & Simonton' s
1209 Grand Lot 17 , Block 2, Manson & Simonton' s
1211 Grand Lot 16, Block 2, Manson & Simonton` s
1217 Grand Except Ave. , Lot 15, Block 2, Manson
& Simonton' s Addition
3. Rezone from B-3 to B-2C
1193 Grand Lot 21, Block 2 , Manson & Simonton' s
4. Rezone from B-3 to B-2
745 Grand Condominium No. 163, Grand Place
Condominium: Part of vac. alley
adj . and ex. West 10 ft. Lot 26
and all of Lots 27 , 28, Block 7 ,
Summit Park Addition
748 Grand Ex. West 35 ft. Lot 3 and subj . to
Party T�lall agreement and ex. 1 9/10
ft. of North 61 ft. and ex. East
2 3/10 ft. of South 89 ft. Lot 2 ,
Block 8, Summit Park Addition
752 Grand West 35 ft. of Lot 3, Block 8,
Summit Park Addition
�P NK� � FINAN�E RK � 1
GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �� �". ;� �
CANpRV —DEPARTMENT , ,� ,,a ,.�, +
0 rdin��zce Ordinance N 0. �����
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
857 Grand Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, Block 18,
Summit Park Addition
850 Grand Lots 12, 13, 14, Block 17, Summit
Park Addition
864 Grand Lots 1 through 6, Block 23, Summit
Park Addition and Lots 3 through
6, Block 23 , Joseph P. Departs
Re and in South Summit Park Addition
865 Grand All of Lots 26, 27 , 28, Block 22 ,
Summit Park Addition
NE Corner Ex. North 40 ft. of West 110 ft.
Chatsworth & Grand of Lots 15, 16, 17 , Block 27,
Summit Park Addition
978 Grand Lot 14, Block 26, Summit Park Addition
985 Grand South 100 ft. of Lot 28 & 29, Block 34,
Summit Park Addition
Section 8 .
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
10 .
COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�eu�s In Favor
Masanz ,
Nfcosia (� B
scne�bei Against y
w��s� 1983
OCT 2 � Form Appr ed y City A or ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pa s d ncil Se r BY ��
Approve y Mayor: D e Approved y ayor for bmission to Council
By By
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CITY p� �u,��'�f�'
September 22, 1983
Mr. Ed Starr �.. � t'~��+
City Attorney
Room 647
City Hall
Dear Sir:
The City Council, today, adopted a motion approving a number
of zonin� changes for Grand Avenue between Dale Street and
Short Line Road as a result of a 40-acre study of the area in
accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Staff out-
lining a compromise for properties at 733, 734 and 825 Grand
Avenue. Will you please prepare the proper ordinance
implementing this action.
Very truly yours,
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
ABO:drm ,t1
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cc: Planning Staff, Zoning Section
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DATE: August 8, 1983 '
T0: Councilman Fletcher, Chairman of th�: City Development and
Transportation Committee
FROM: Thomas R. Zahn, City Planner��%�/
RE: Grand Avenue East 40-Acrz Study
On March 3, 1983 the City Council held a public hearing or� the rezonings
proposed in the Grand Avenue East 40-Acre Study. At that time there were
objectio�s t� the rezoning of three properties at 733, 734, and 825 Grand
Avenue from 6-=3 (General Business) to B-2 (Community Business) . The
Council at that time decided that no action should be taken until a
compromise solution could be reached between the property owners of these
three parcels and the Grand Avenue Task Force.
S���ce that time the affected property owners and Task Force representatives
have worked to reach a compromise which would ailoti� the �roperties to
� retain the B-•3 zoning while limiting their reuse �ith r�strictivP
�ovenants. The parcels under the covenant wou'ld be "restricted from use
for the operation of a mortuary, drive-in restauT�ant, motel ,
greenhouse/nursery, or drive-in car wash." All other B-3 uses would bE
The respective property owners have recorded with the County Recorder, the
restrictive covenants for 733, 734, and �25 Grand Avenue. This action was
supported by the Grand Avenue Task Force and the District 16 Planning
Council .
With this issue resolved, on behalf of the Grand Avenue Task Force, I am
requesting that you reintroduce the Grand Avenue East 40-Acre Study to th�
City Counci1 for favorable action.
If you have any questions or conc�rns on this matter•, please call me at
7494, ex. 297.
cc: 4Jarren Spannaus
Carl Cummins
District 16 Planning Counci7
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March 1, 1983
Mr. Victor Tedesco, Council President &
Members of the City Council
722 City Nall
S�. Paul , MN 55102
Dear President Tedesco and Counci1 Members,
On beha1f of the Surr�nit Hi11 Association/pistrict 16, I am writing
to re-confirm .our support of the Grand Avenue Task Force-East re-
commendations-for Grand Avenue.
The Sumnit Hi11 Assaci«�ion believes passage of aTl of the Tas�.
Force recomnendations is necessary. After many �ong hours af
meetings, the Task Force was able to develop recomnen:'�tions �ha�:
are not only satisfact+�ry to both the Sumnit Hi11 Associa�ion and
GABA but, rrrore importantly, are in the very best interests of t�ie
area: Grand Av�nue is in the proc�ss of making some exci�ing
changes as it becorr�s a central shopping and restaurant dis�rict
with a distinctive h�istorical flavor. Irr order to maintain this
unique flavor, so typica1 of the area, the city- must make respcn-
sible changes in zoning codes. We fully beli�ve the recommen��-
tions of the Task Force will heip to br�ng� thi� about.
The Grand Avenue Business' Association has sent a letter to the
Mayor indicating their support of all of the Task Force-East re-
commendations. The Summit Hil1 Associat�ion is also on record as
supporting them. When agreement is so c�mplete {with both business
and residential .support) it would seem that the Council would want
to be resporrsive to the message.
Thank you for your careful consideration of this critical issue.
� Respectfully, �
. �� �
J y J B elow, P sident
umnit Hill Association/District 16
he meeting was called to order by Mr. Vice Pr.esident Wilson at 10:15 A.M. (HRA Board
f Commissioners Meeting preceded Council Meeting) �
resent - Councilmen Fletcher, Galles, Masanz, Nicosia, Scheibel, Mr. Vice Wilson. . .6
bsent - Council President Tedesco. . . l �� -
�� �
It was noted that Councilman Tedesco had been excused from t days meeting.
.F. No. 279772. THIRD READING.
An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code pertaining to zoning by
rezoning by rezoning property owned by Lloyd Flackey at the south side of Stillwater
between Hazel and Algonquin, aka Lot 2, Block 18, Beaver Lake Addition.
Laid over to February 17th for Final Adoption.
.F. No. 279773. THIRD READING.
An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code pertaining to zoning by
rezoning property of Gertrude McDonald at the southeast corner of Selby and Fisk,
aka Lots 8 and 9, Block 8, Nininger and Donnelly's Addition to Holcombe`s Addition.
Laid over to February 17th for Final� Adoption.
,F. No. 279774. THIRD READING.
An ordinance amending the Zoning Code for properties as listed pursuant to survey ±
of an area comprising in excess of 40 acres and bounded by the railroad tracks �
north of Bush and west of Rivoli, south of E. 7th St. and running north along 'I
the railroad tracks bordering Swede Hollow.
Laid over to February 17th for Final Adoption
Letter of the Mayor transmitting the recommendation of the Planning Commission i
for a number of zoning changes for Grand Avenue between Dale 5t. and the �
Short Line. (Letter of City Development and Transportation Conunittee recommends �
scheduling of a public hearing date). �
Councilman Scheibel moved that a hearing date be set for March 3, 1983. �
Adopted. Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 ���°� '� // `
Claim of Marc D. Anderson, 1177 Hancock, St. Paul, Minnesota, filed on February 2, i
1983, was read.
Referred to the City Attorney's Office. �,
Claim of Alicia Herboldt, 311 Pleasant Avenue, Apt. 512, St. Paul, Minnesota, filed
on February 2, 1983, was read.
Referred to the City Attorney's Office. °
Claim of Beverly Hall, 1640 West Highway 36 ��238, Roseville, Minnesota, filed on '!
February 2, 1983, was read. ��
Referred to the City Attorney's Office. !',
Claim of James Lund, 4815 Sheridan Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, filed on �,
February 3, 1983, was read.
Referred to the City Attorney's Office. '
Administrative Order D-6274 as on file in the City Clerk's Office was noted. '�
P• No. 279825. �
Resolution amending Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules by substituting new ii
specifications for the titles of Loan and Grant Specialist I and Supervisor of ' '
Loans and Grants. (Second Reading and Adoption - Finance Committee recommends approval) .
Adopted. Yeas - 6 Nays - 0
. i
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Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held
before the City Council orc the 3rd dax of P�iarch, 19a3 at 10:00
o'clock A.M, in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City Hall
and Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota to consider proposed amend-
ments tQ the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance, Chapters 60-64 of the
Saint Paul'Legislative Code. so as to create a new�zoning district,
revise zoning maps and rezone certain properties alon� Grand Avenue
_,between Dale Street and;:'the� Short Line Road. �AC saic� time and
place the Council; will hear all persons relative �o this, proposal.
` :.. . . • . . _ __ : � _ Y,:•�. .� �. t,,_ =:
� � Dated February 10, 1983. ry.5
�.^F F
_ . " ':;h�x# ' .
� . . . . - . . � a ., -
- .� � Albert B. Olson - '- `
, , / , ' - City Clerk
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= Ddte ; February 3, 1983
TO = Sain?� Paui City Cour�cit �
F� � M = Comti►�itt�e Oh City Development and Transportation
\ C H A i R Councilman Bob Fletcher
At its meeting of February l, 1983, the City Development
and Transportation Committee recommended approval of the
� Planning Commission's and the Mayor' s recommendations for
the Grand Avenue East 40 Acre 5tudy on a vote of 2-1, and
recommended this matter be placed on the Council �agenda for
_ scheduling of a public hearing date.
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�,,,,.Rti.!c�.�'� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
January 11, 1983
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courvciuv�AN r�o��r�r f�t�c�tn
Councilman Robert Fletcher
Chairman., City Development & Transportat�on Comnittee
7th Floor, City Hall
Dear Councilman Fletcher:
The City Council referred to the City Development & Transportation Committee
for consideration and recommendation a letter .of the Mayor transmittin.g
the recommendations of the Planning Commission for a number of zoning
changes for Grand Ave. between Dale Street and Shortline Road.
ery truly yours,
Albert B. O�son
City Clerk
cc: Planning Staff
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� � 347 C1TY HALL
• "'^�
�---� SAII3? P�UL, MINVESOTA 55102
GEaRGE LA.TI�fER (6l2) 298-4323
December 30, i982 ���������q
Council President Victor Tedesco ;�AN"5 1983
and Members of the City Council �
c/o City C7erk
Room 386 Ci ty Hal l CGUf�Ci�.�"+AN kO�iER7 FLt7CHER
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Council Members: -
On August 27, 1982, the Planning Commission on a vote o-F 12 to 4, approved
a resolution recommending a number of zoning changes for Grand Avenue
between Dale Street and the Short Line. .
The proposed zoning code amendments are in response to a joint request
by the District 16 Planning Council and the Grand Avenue Business Association
for the City to study the land use and zoning on the Avenue. 7he City
Council initiated the 40-acre study on February 18, 1982. The proposed
rezonings have been revi�e���ed by the advisory task force, representing
District- 16 and the Grand Avenue Buslness Association, and a pub7ic hearing �
!� - was held before the Planning Commission on August 13, 1932.
The only point of disagreement between the proposal of the Grand Avenue
Task Force and the recommendations of the Planning Commission concerns
the properties of 733, 734 and 835 G rand Avenue. The Grand Avenue Task
Force recommended a rezoning from 8-3 to B-2 for these three properties.
Mr. Hess Kline and Mr. George Buck, the owners of these properties,
object to the rezoning to B-2.
I fiave met with tv�ro representatives of the Grand Avenue Task Force,
' ' Bob Casselman and Augie Caron, along with Mr. Ness Kline, to discuss their .
differences of opinion. The Task Force supports B-2 zoning, which would
permit office, retail , restaurant, or mixed use development. They do
nat supporz B-3 zoning, �which permits auto oriented d�velopment, such � -
as auto sales and service or fas� foad res�aurants. Mr. Kline objects -_
to B-2 zoning which he views as a down-zoning and an arbitrary reduction
,� in the value of his property. He believes that the Task Force's recommendation
accommodates all property owners' concerns along the Avenue, except ,
his and those of Mr. Buck, At the same time, Mr. Kline has stated his
� commitment to the Task Force and to me to pursue development that H�ould
� be accepta5le to the neighborhood, He has said that he ���ill not seek
a fast food restaurant development. He has also said that when he has
� � a project in mind, he will consult v�ith the city staff and the neighborhood.
, i He believes that there is a 99% chance that the development ultimately
� proposed H�ill be acceptable to both the neighborhood and himself.
.�� _r _
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' ' Citq Clerk , . .
' ecs Planning Staff -
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,o �� ,� OFFICE OF TNE �1AYOR , .:�` , � „ �
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�+�� 347 CITY HALL
�'� SAINT PAUL, hSi�1NESOTA 55102
GEORGE LATIMER (bt2) :98-43'_3
December 30, 1982
Council President Victor Tedesco
and Members of the City Council
c/o City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall -
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Council Members:
On August 27, 1982, the Planning Commission on a vote of 12 to 4, approved
a resolution recommending a number of zoning changes for Grand Avenue
between Dale Street and the Short Line.
The proposed zoning code amendments are in response to a joint request
by the District 16 Planning Council and the Grand Avenue Business Association
for the City to study the land use and zoning on the Avenue. The City
Cauncil initiated the 40-acre study on February 18, 1982. The preposed
rezonings have been revi�ewed by th� advisory task force, representing
District- 16 and the Grand Avenue Business Association, and a public hearing
was held before the Planning Commission on August 13, 1982.
The only point of disagreement between the proposal of the Grand Avenue
Task Force and the recommendations of the Planning Commission concerns
the properties of 733, 734 and 835 G rand Avenue. The Grand Avenue TasE:
Force recommended a rezoning from B-3 to B-2 for these three properties.
Mr. Hess Kline and Mr. George Buck, the owners of these properties,
object to the rezoning to B-2.
I have met with two representatives of the Grand Avenue Task Force,
Bob Casselman and Augie Caron, along with Mr. Ness Kline, to discuss their
diffQrences of opinion. The Task Force supports B-2 zoning, which would
permit office, retail , restaurant, or mixed use development. They do �
not s�uppori 3-3 zoning, which permits auto oriented development, such
as auto sales and service or fast food restaurants. Mr. Kline objects
to B-2 zoning which he views as a down-zoning and an ar6itrary reduction
in the value of his property. He believes that the Task Force's recor�mendation
accommodates all property owners' concerns along the Avenue, except
his and those of Mr. Buck. At the same time, Mr. Kline has stated his
corr�nitment to the Task Force and to me to pursue development that would
be acceptable to the neighborhood, He h�s said that he will not seek
a fast food restaurant development. He has also said that when he has
a project in mind, he will consult with the city staff and the neighborhood.
He believes that there is a 99% chance that the development ultimately
proposed will be acceptable to both tfie neighborhood and himself.
. • '
• � - • _ '�,'��i?����
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Given my discussion with the Task Force representatives and Mr. Kline,
I am comfortable in supporting the recommendation of the Planninq Co�ranission
to omit these three properties from the rezoning proposal as presented
by the Task Force.
I am, therefore, transmitting these zoning code amendments at the request
of the Planning Commission with my recanmendation for your review and
approval . _ _ _ _
e Laimr
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INTRODUCTION - On February 18, 1982, the City Council adopted
Resolution #278281 , initiating a 40-Acre Study for Grand
. Avenue under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section
_ 462.357, Subd. 5. The purpose of this study is to pre-
serve the unique residential and commercial character of
Grand Avenue.
The Grand Avenue Task Force, made up of representatives
of the District 16 Planning Council and the Grand Avenue
Business Association, met bi-weekly for four months to
consider land use and transportation issues along Grand
Avenue between Dale Street and the Short Line. The
recorr�nendations of the task force make up this 40-acre
MAJOR RECOMMENDATIONS 1 . Creation of a new zoning district: B-2C Community
Business (converted). The purpose of this district
is to promote commercial expansion into business-zoned
residential structures while maintaining the residen-
tial appearnace of the structure and requiring off-
street parking for employees. Certain business uses
that generate a lot of traffic, such as restaurants
and bars, are excluded from this district. All uses
except residential uses require a Special Condition -
Use Permit.
2. Revision of Zoning Maps numbered 19 and 20 to conform
to Zoning Map Number 27. Currently there are dis-
crepancies between map 27 and the others.
3.� Rezoning of 71 properties along Grand Avenue (these
_ addresses are approximate. The legal descriptions
are in the full report) :
4 � � B-3 to RM-2
. U-�� 696 Gran
' a�.... o` .
c- N�= B-2 to B-2C °
. �►°, d='- Gran d:
� M u' -` 715 „ 897 964 1134 1197
. y. �_`"
� Y��;-, 723 937 965 1136 1201
_ 727 940 968 1137 1204
� � 764 941 970 1140 1205
770 945 1032 1141 1208
818 951 1114 1144 1209
840 952 1123 1145 1211
841 956 1124 1149 1212
881 957 1128 1174 1217
889 960 1129 1192
891 961 1133 1196
_ • . _ •
.: , -
__ �;�,�����
B-2 to 6-2C
33 S. Chatsworth
36 S. Chatsworth
. 32 S. Dunlap
40 S. Dunlap
. 46 S. Dunlap
' B-3 to B-2C
1193 Grand
B-3 to B-2 �
745 864
748 865
752 978
850 985
857 NE corner Grand & Chatsworth `
The City Planning Commission of St. Paul is considering a number
of zoning changes along Grand Avenue between Dale Street and the
Short Line bridge as well as the creation of a new zoning district.
A copy of the proposed text amendments and the descriptions of the
properties to be rezoned are on file in the Zoning Section of the
Planning Division, 1100 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street,
and may be viewed there �pon request.
_ The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on these zoning
changes on August 13, 1982, at 9:00 A.P1. in the Auditorium, 15th
floor, City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street.
Thomas P. FitzGibbon
Chairman "
City Planning Commission of Saint Paul
� � 20�IING STAFF REPORT ��?�'��;: .
I . � ` ,- � :,_- . �'4.�
, � . • - ����� .
2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rezoning � Var�ance ❑
Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑
Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑
Change of Nonconforming Use ❑
Other �
3. LOCATION: Both sides of Grand Avenue, between Dale Street and the Short Line P,ailroad
A. PURPOSE: To provide appropriate zoning classifications and to change zoning of selected
p�r�s alon� Grand Av�nue in or��r to pr�s�rve tY�e uni�u� �h�rd��er of this �omm�rciai-
residential �tir��t. To correc� err�rs in zoning m�ps.
B. STUDY INITIATION: On February 18, 1982, Resolution #278281 was adopted by the City
Council . This resolution initiated a 40-Acre Study for both sid.es of Grand Aven�ae.
This study reports on that portion of Grand Avenue from Dale Street to the Short Line
Railroad bridge.
C. 40 ACRF STUDY: Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 , Subd. 5 permits St. Paul to amend
its oning Code without obtaining consent petitions when all of the following conditions
are met:
1 . The whole area of the city or an area of not less than 40 acres has been surveyed.
2. The number of real estate descriptions affected by zoning changes and alterations
renders the obtaining of written consent impractical .
3. The planning commission reports in writing as to the proposals' relationship to
the overall needs of the community, to existing land use or to a plan for future
land use.
4. A public hearing on the proposed ordinance, changes, or alterations is conducted,
with notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing published at least once
d week for three successive weeks prior to the public hearing.
1 . The area of Grand Avenue included in this survey is 57.5 acres. In addition, the
proposed new zoning district is citywide in scope.
2. A total of 77 real estate descriptions will be rezoned by this study in addition
to the text and map changes, making it impractical to obtain w ritten consent.
3. The proposed changes relate to the overall needs of the communi'ty as expressed in
Land Use Plan policy 4.2-4, which states: "The City will continue to monitor
commercial t rends and adjust its land use policies to remain abreast of changes
affecting the character of commercial areas and adjacent neighborhoods. "
4. The proposed changes relate to existing land use. Land Use Plan policy 4.2-5
states : The City will continue ta review its present commercial zoning to e�sure
that: (1 ) each zoning classification reflects uses appropriate to the intended
application of that district ; and (2) each commercial area is appropriately zoned
for its intended function. " Cm e of the goals of the District 16 Plan is to
facilitate neighborhood business development at appropriate locations along Grand
Avenue and to discourage g-3 zoning. In seeking to fulfill these goals and policies,
� this study has found that while zoning changes have been few (three in seven years) ,
chanqes in the types of uses along Grand have been significant. In 1975, 52% of
the land along Grand Avenue was in residential use and 46% was in business use.
By 1982, 46�� of the land was in residential use and 49� in business use. This
chang� was caused by the cor�version of B-2 zoned single family and duplex structures
to busiriess u�es, and �it has been accompanied by incre�s�d traffic and a shortage
of parkiny. The praposed changes will revise the zoning ordinance to conserve
the mixed use character of Grand Avenue, to rezone p•roperties to reflect their
cGrrent �ase, and to provide ac�d�itional parking.
. " � , � - ������
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D. FINDINGS : (continued)
5. The study relates to existing lan d use by examining discrepancies in the
official zoning maps. Maps numbered 19, 20, and 27 all include Grand Avenue.
� On the north block faces f rom Dale to the Short Line , there are a number of
� discrepancies between the three �maps. The same property is shown as having
different zoning. This study will recommend a solution for these
� 6. The study reiates to plans for futu re land use regarding compatible mixing of
residential and business uses as stated in Land Use Plan policy 4.2-2: "The
City will encourage the development of compatible mixed uses along existing�
commercial strips by: . . . (4) modifying current land use regulatory provisions
_ to permit appropriate flexibility in the reuse of land and structu res."
: . -
7. Legal notice of the public hearing scheduled before the Planning Comnission
. on August 13, 1982 , was published on July 23,30 and August 6, 1982. In addition,
hearing notices were sent to the owners of property to be rezoned.
8. The proposed changes to the Zoning Code a re based on recommendations of the
Grand Avenue Task Force, an ad hoc group comprised of inembers of the �
Saint Paul Planning Commission, the District 16 Planning Council , and the
Grand Avenue Business Association. The Task Force unanimously supports
the recomnendations of this 40 acre study. .
E. REC��MEN DATIONS: Based on findings 1 - 8, staff recommends three changes to the
Saint Paul Zoning Code: •
1 . Creation of a new zoning district specifically for contrnlling the conversion
of residential structures in B-2 zones to business use.
NEW SECTION 60.570 �
60.570.B-2C Community Business ( Converted) District.
60.571 Intent. It is the intent of the B-2C Carununity Business (Converted)
District to create a business district expressly for existing residential
strv ctures in c�mmercial areas , which will permit the operation of businesses
which do not generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will
retain the visual character of the building forms and open space associated
with residential uses. This includes a limited height on buildings and front
and side yards. It is fu rther the intent of this district to p rovide parking
for employees who work in buildings which are converted from residential to
business use.
60. 572 Principal Uses Permitted. In a B-2C Corr�nunity 6usiness (Converted) .
D�s-�T trict the use of land, the location and e rection of new buildings or
structures , and the alteration , enlargement , and moving of existing buildings
or strvctures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following
� specified uses unless otherwise provided in this code:
. __ _ . _ ____ _ _._ .__. ._ .__
(1 ) All uses as permitted and regulated in the RM-2 Residential District
under principal uses permitted.
(2) Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to the
above permitted uses. � •
60.573 Princi al uses ermitted subject to s ecial conditions
. The following additional uses s all be permitted, sub�ect to the conditions
hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the review and approval of
the planning commission: '
(1 ) Al1 uses as permitted and regulated in the RM=2 Residential District
under principal uses permitted subject to special conditions.
(2) Al1 uses as permitted and regulated in a 6-2 District except restaurants,
or other places serving food or beverages; private clubs, fraternal or-
ganizations, and lodge halls , theaters, assembly halls, concert halls or
similar places of assembly under principal uses permitted.
(3) All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-2 Community Business District
under principal uses permitted subject to special conditions except bowling
alley, billiard hall , indoor archery range, indoor tennis courts, indoor
skating rink, or similar forms of indoor commercial recreation; automobile
sales or service centers; and auto service stations.
(4) Accessory buildings , structures, and uses customarily incident to the
above permitted uses.
. - ���P���
. � . .. q 4�
� , .
60. 574 Required Conditions
�— All residential structures converting to business uses and all new
buildings shall provide off-street parking as follows :
(a) Residential uses : 12 spaces per dwelling unit.
(b) All other uses : one space for every 300 square feet of usable
floor area or as required in .Section 62.103 Subd.6, whichever
is fewer.
(c) Off-street parking spaces shall not be located within a front
yard and may be located within two feet of a side lot line. '
(d) Off-street parking facilities on lots without principal buildings
shall pr,ovide principal access from the street.
60. 575 Area, bulk, and yard setback requirements.
. See Chapter 61 , "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS," limiting the height and bulk
of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum
density permitted , and providing minimum yard setback requirements. •
_ __ _- _.._._----..__._.
61.103. Business districts
' Minimum Sise Maximum Hei9h1 Minimum Yard Selbsck IrSaximum �r
Lot Size Per Urtit o1 Slructures (Per Lot in Feet) Percent ol Lot qres
Area in 1K�dth � ��W� �tjp :
Squara in In In F��t Nfini- Totsl �ar By Main (F�)
2on�ng Diatricl �t �1 Stories Feet mum ol 7wo Buildin9
6].103 •
OS1 Office-Sen�ice none none 3 e 30e 15 a,b c c qd none 1.0
B•1 Locel Business none none 3 30 15 a,b c c c,d nune 1.0
&2 Comm�nitv Business none none � e,f 30 e,f 0 f c,f c,f c,d,f none 2.0
� B-2C Communi�y`Bus- h h 3 40 i . 4 8 25 h r�A
i �s. Converted _ _ _
&3 General Business none none e 30 e 0 c c c,d none 20
&4 Central Bu�iness none none no limit no limit none nune none none d none 8.0
&5 Cxnval Bu�iness none none no limit no limit none � none none none d none 5.0
(h) In the B-2C District, minimum lot size per unit and maximum percent of lot
occupied by main building shall be regulated according to the standards found
in Section 61 . 101 for the RM-2 Residential District. .
(i ) In the B-2C Djstrict, the required front yard shall be the average of the
existing front yards of the existing main buildings in the B-2C District on
�that block.
REVISE SECTION 62.103: (New language is underlined, deleted language is
dashed through) :
Subd. 6 Parking requirements by use. Exce t as rovided in Section 60.574,
the minimum number of off-street parking spaces by type o use s a e
determined in accordance with the following schedule: , , ,
(11 ) Setback. Except as otherwise provided in Section 60.574 or Sect;on 61 .103(b) ,
off-street parking spaces shall not be within a required front or side yard e�ee��
as-��ev#�e�-��-�ee�}e�-b�.-�83{�� and shall be a minimum of four feet from any side
lot line.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in Section 60. 574, planting areas shall be at
least four feet in width.
REVISE SECTION 66.206: B-2, B-2C and B-3
Subd. 3 Advertising signs
(4) No advertisinq signs shall be permitted in the B-2C district.
� � , , � • _ � +��?�?�►r�
. . .<<.- .. n �
2. Zoning Map Number 27 should be accepted as the official zoning map for Grand
Avenue from Oakland to the Short Line.
3. Properties should be rezoned in accordance with the attached map and the
following descriptions:
a. REZONE FROM 6-3 to RM-2
696 Grand Lot 5, Block 5, Summit Park Addition
b. REZONE FROM B-2 to B-2C �
715 Grand Lot 22, Block 6, Summit Park Addition
7�3 Grand Lot 20, Block .6, Summit Park Addition
727 Grand Lot 19, Block 6, Summit Park Addition
764 Grand Lot 6, Block 8, Summit Park Addition
770 Grand Lot 8, Block 8, Summit Park Addition
818 Grand Lot 5, Block 17, Summit Park Addition
840 Grand Lot 10., Block 17, Summit Park Addition
841 Grand West 25 ft. of Lot 20 and all of Lot 19,
Block lII, Summit Park Addition
881 Grand Lot 24, Block 22, Summit Park Addition
889 Grand Lot 22, Block 22, Summit Park Addition
891 Grand Lot 21 , Block 22, Summit Park Additign
897 Grand Lot 20, Block 22, Summit Park Addition
940 Grand Lot 5, Block 26, Summit Park Addition
944 Grand East 20 ft. of Lot 7 and all of Lot 6,
Block 26, Summit Park Addition
952 Grand Except East 20 ft. of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8,
Block 26, Summit Park Addition
956 Grand Lot 9, Block 26, Surrrnnnit Park Addition
960 Grand Lot 10, Block 26, Summit Park Addition
964 Grand Lot 11 , Block 26, Summit Park Addition
968 Grand Lot 12, Block 26, Surrmit Park Addition
970 Grand Lot 13, Block 26, Summit Park Addition
937 Grand �.ot 25, Block 27, Summit Park Addition
941 Grand Lot 24, Block 27, Summit Park Addition
945 Grand Lot 23, Block 27, Summit Park Addition
951 Grand Lot 21 , Block 27, Summit Park Addition
957 Grand - Lot 20, Block 27, Summit Park Addition
961 Grand Lot 19, Block 27, Summit Park Addition
965 Grand Lot 18, Block 27, Summit Park Addition.
36 Chatsworth North 40 ft. of West 110 ft. of Lots 15, 16, 17,
Block 27, Surunit Park Addition
33 Chatsworth Except south 500 ft. , Lots 27, 28,
Block 34, Summit Park Addition
1032 Grand Lot 13, Block 35, Sumr,�it Park Addition
1114 Grand Lot 4, Block 4, Summit Pa,rk Addition
1124 Grand Lot 6, Block 4, Sumnit Park Addition
1128 Grand Lot 7, Block 4, Summit Park Addition
1134 Grand Lot 8, Block 4, Summit Park Addition
1136 Grand Lot 9, Block 4, Summit Park Addition
1140 Grand Lot 10, Block 4, Summit Park Addition
1144 Grand Lot 11 , Block 4, Summit Park Addition
. , , . ��#?,���
1123 Grand Lot 23, Block l , Manson & Simonton's Addition
1129 Grand Lot 22, Block 1 , Manson & Simonton's Addition
1133 Grand Lot 21 , Block 1 , Manson & Simonton's Addition
1137 Grand Lot 20, Block 1 , Manson & Simonton's Addition
1141 Grand Lot 19, Block 1 , Manson & Simonton's Addition
1145 Grand Lot 18, Block 1 , Manson & Simonton's Addition
1149 Grand Lot 17, Block 1 , Manson & Simonton's Addition
32 S. Dunlap North 45 ft. of Lots 15, 16, Block 1 ,
Manson & Simonton's Addition
40 S. Dunlap North 50 ft. of South 105 ft. of Lots 15, 16,
Block 1 , Manson & Simonton's Addition
46 S. Dunlap South 55 ft. of Lots T5, 16, Bl.ock 1 , �
Manson & Simonton's Addition
1174 Grand ' West 2 of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Block 3
Manson & Simonton's Addition
11.96 Grand Except East 1 ft. of Lot 9, Block 3
Manson & Simonton's Addition
1204 Grand Lot 11 , Block 3, Manson & Simonton's Addition
1208 Grand Lot 12, Block 3, Manson & Simonton's Addition
1212 Grand Part East of RR ROW, Lot 14 and all of Lot 13,
Block 3, Manson & Simonton's Addition
1197 Grand Lot 20, Block 2, Manson & Simonton's Addition
1201 Grand Lot 19, Block 2, Manson & Simonton's Addition
. 1205 Grand Lot 18, Block 2, Manson & Simonton's Addition
1209 Grand Lot 17, Block 2, hlanson & Simonton's Addition
1211 Grand Lot 16, Block 2, Manson & Simonton's Addition
1217 Grand Except Ave. , Lot 15, Block 2,
Manson & Simonton's Addition
c. REZOI�E FROM B-3 to B-2C
1193 Grand Lot 21 , Block 2, Manson & Simonton's Addition
d. REZONE FROM B-3 to B-2
734 Grand Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, Block 5,Summit Park Addition
733 Grand Lots 16, 17, 18, Block 6, Summit Park Addition
745 Grand Condominium No. 163, Grand Place Condominium:
Part of vac. alley adj. and ex. West 10 ft.
Lot 26 and all of Lots 27, 28, Block 7,
- Summit Park Addition
748 Grand Ex. West 35 ft. Lot 3 and subj. to Party Wall
agreement and ex. 1 9/10 ft. of North 61 ft.
and ex. East 2 3/10 ft. of South 89 ft. Lot 2,
Block 8, Summit Park Addition
752 Grand West 35 ft. of Lot 3, Block 8, Summit Park Addition
825 Grand Lots 24, 25, Block 18, Summit Park Addition
857 Grand Lots 15, 16, 17,18, Block 18, Summit Park Addition
850 Grand Lots 12, 13, 14, Block 17, Summit Park Addition
864 Grand Lots 1 through 6, Block 23, Sumnit Park Addition
and Lots 3 through 6, Block 23, Joseph P. Departs
Re and in South Sumnit Park Addition
865 Grand All of Lots 26, 27, 28, Block 22, Summit Park Addition
� . .
, �, �.ey
NE Corner Ex. North 40 ft. of West 110 ft. of Lots �1�5��16
Chatsworth & Grand 17, Block 27, Summit Park Addition
978 Grand Lot 14, Block 26, Sumnit Park Addition
985 Grand South 100 ft. of Lot 28 & 27, Block 34,
Summit Park Addition
F. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: On August 27, 1982, the Planning Corronission amended
t e 0-acre study staff report and then approved it. The amendment deleted the
following properties from those recommended for rezoning from 6-3 to B-2: ,
1 . 734 Grand Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, Block 5, Summit Park Addition
2. 733 Grand Lot� 16, 17, 18, Block 6, Summit Park Addition
3. 825 Grand Lots 24, 25, Block 18, Summit Park Addition
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PROBLEM Since the adoption of the 1975 Zoning Ordinance, Grand Avenue has
gone through many land use changes. The exodus of automotive sales
and repair uses from Grand Avenue has left ma�or parcels vacant and
inappropriately zoned for a compatible commercial-residential
In addition, the recent rennaissance of comnercial growth has created
same severe parking shortages along major segments of the Avenue. �
RESEARCH City staff conducted extensive research into land use, transportation,
AND CITIZEN parking issues, business owner, manager zoning preferences, the effects
PARTICIPATION of additional business development, and conformance of the various
zoning regulations to the Comprehensive Plan. The result of this
research was presented to the Grand Avenue Task Force, representing
the Summit Hill Association/District 16 Planning Council, and the '
Grand Avenue Business Rssociation. After discussions of the findings
and active participation by the affected property owners, the Grand '-
Avenue Task Force unanimously supported the following recomnendations.
RECOMMENDATIONS In keeping with the .intent of �the 1975 Zoning Ordinance, the direction
of the Comprehensive Plan components, the comnercial trends over � .
the last seven years, and the mandate of the business comnunity,
the Grand Avenue Task Force recomnends that the city rezone from
B-3 to B-2 th�se properties: (1) that are now vacant; and (2) that
presently have a B-2 or less use.
In keeping with the intent of the 1975 Zoning Ordinance to provide
the opportunity for commercial expansion into one and two family
structures, and at the same time make provisions for additional parking
generated by new comrnercial uses, the Grand Avenue Task Force recommends
that the city rezone the B-2 properties presently used for residential -
to a less intensive zoning category.
Upon the �oint request of the Summit Hill Association/District 16 Planning Council
and the Grand Avenue Business Association, the City Cauncil initiated the Grand Avenue
East 40 Acre Study on February 18, 1982, (C.F. �278281). The request was made by
the neighborhood organizations because land uses along Grand Avenue had changed and
city plans which guide future land use had been adopted since the approval in 1975
of the city Zoning Ordinance. The purpose of this report is to recomnend to the
City Council whether the zoning districts along Grand Avenue should be amended to
reflect those changes in land use and recently adopted plans.
The Grand Avenue Task Force, a coalition of the residential and business comnunities
metfor four months to develop the rezoning recomnendations. On June 29, 1982, the
Task Force, chaired by David Lanegran of the Planning Comnission, voted unanimously
to support the recommendations in this report.
. �
A. 40 Acre Studies and Zoning
The State Municipal Planning Statutes Section 462.357 (5) allows cities of
the first class, which includes St. Paul, to initiate a survey, conducted
through their Planning Comnission, of the whole city or of any area not less
than 40 acres for the purpose of recorr�nending that the City Council rezone
portions of the city.
Since zoning guides development and influences future land use, the 40 acre
study process provides City Planning Comnission and the City Council with
some control over development and future land uses. This control can then
be used to resolve existing or potential land use conflicts.
B. Zoning History
_ Prior to 1975 Grand Avenue, from Dale Street to the Short Line, was zoned
"Comnercial District". The only exception to this zoning was a parcel of
land to the northwest of the Grand Avenue and Lexington Parkway intersection,
_ which was zoned "C" Residential, in keeping with the classification on Lexington
With the fine tuning of the zoning categories and the new Zoning Ordinance
of 1975, the east end of Grand Avenue was zoned into three categories: RM-
2, Multi-family; B-2, Community Business; and B-3, General Business. The
actual zoning per parcel was determined by the following criteria:
Properties used or constructed as multi-family, buildings containing
three or more housing units, were zoned RM-2. This zoning was to ensure
continued residential use on part of Grand Avenue.
Properties used by businesses which were only permitted in the B-3 zoning
category, were zoned B-3. This zoning allowed auto dealers, auto related
uses, mortuaries, and other B-3 uses to remain on Grand Avenue as conforming
uses, but eliminated the expansion of B-3 uses to other parcels along
the Avenue.
All other business properties were zoned B-2. This zoning decision recognized
Grand Avenue as a retail/office/residential mixed strip.
Properties constructed and used as one or two family residences were
also zoned B-2. This zoning reiterated the intent of retail/office uses
on Grand Avenue and gave small businesses flexibility and expansion potential.
: Between 1975 and 1982 zoning remained relatively unchanged. �nly three parcels
were rezoned. All three were rezoned from residential to office/retail.
C. Description of Grand Avenue East
The Grand Avenue East area is defined by Dale Street to the east, the Short
Line railroad bridge �to the west, and the parallel alleys to the north and
south of the Avenue. The area of the survey is approximately 57.5 acres.
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Since 1915 Grand Avenue has gone through many land use and comnercial changes.
The most obvious change being the exodus of the automobile dealerships to the
suburban ring. This departure left many parcels of land and garage structures
vacant along the eastern end of the Avenue. The majority of the vacated garages
have been converted to specialty comnercial reuse, however, three major parcels
of land still remain vacant and inappropriately zoned for a compatible commercial-
residential mix.
The adoption of the Zoning Ordinance in 1975 set Grand Avenues future as a residential-
commercial mix strip. The zoning along the Avenue retained the multi-family
buildings for residential use and encouraged retail/office expansion into the
duplex and single family structures. This expansion, however, has caused a severe
parking shortage on major segments of the Avenue. Under the present B-2 zoning,
no additional off-street parking is required for the reuse of an existing building.
The greatest parking shortfall occurs in those areas where the majority of duplex
and single-family structures have been converted to a commercial reuse--between
Dale and Avon Street.
: y • • I
A. Land Use and Zoning �
In February 1982, Planning staff conducted a field survey of entire Grand j
Avenue East area to determine the current land uses of all properties. It
was determined that land use along Grand Avenue is almost entirely divided
between residential and business with a small portion vacant. However, between �
1975 and 1982 the Avenue changed from being predominantly residential to �
being predominantly commercial and the vacant land increased by 3% (see Table 1). ;
Land Use 1975 Area X 1982 Area � !
Residential 918,700 52 816,700 46 ;'
Business 825,950 46 874,700 49 I
Vacant 35,100 2 88,350 5 1
Total 1,779,750 100 1,779,750 100 �
The gain in commercial land use was accomplished by changing residential �
buildings entirely or partially to business. In 1975, the 129 buildings '-
were used entirely for residential use: in 1982, only 113 were used entirely �
for residential, a decline of 16. At the same time, housing units were increased
823 to 844. The increase is the result of a new condominium constructed '
at Grotto and Grand.
Coordinated with the land use survey, the Planning staff reviewed the zoning i
and zoning changes along the Avenue as they related to the land use trends. '
From 1975 to present the zoning along the eastern end of Grand Avenue has i
remained relatively unchanged. Only three parcels were rezoned--two parcels j
were rezoned from RM-2 to OS-1, and one parcel was rezoned from RM-2 to B- {
2 (see Table 2). ;
Zoning 1975 Area % 1982 Area � �
RM-2 512,300 32 554,300 31 I
B-2 832,350 48 838,350 47 i
B-3 375,100 21 375,100 21 I
OS-1 � 12,000 1 �
4 !
In comparing the zoning with the land use, it was determined that between
1975 and 1982, retail/office land use increased in both the 6-2 and 6-3 zoning
districts, and the auto/wholesale land use decreased substantially (see Tables 3
and 4).
Land Use RM-2 Area % B-2 Area � 6-3 Area %
One Family 36,750 6 216,500 26
Two Family 30,000 5 111,900 13
Multi Family 505,550 88 - - 18,000 5
Retail/Office 470,200 56 68,050 18
Auto/Wholesale 33,750 4 253,950 68
Office Service
Vacant 35,100 9
Total 572,300 99 832,350 99 375,100 100
Land Use RM-2 Area X 6-2 Area X B-3 Area � OS-1 Area �
One Family 30,750 6 180,500 22
Two Family 24,000 4 81,900 10
Multi Family 493,550 89 6,000 2
Retail/Office 6,000 1 542,200 65 177,250 41
Auto/Wholesale 33,750 4 103,500 28
Office Service 12,000 100
Vacant 88,350 24
Total 554,300 100 838,350 101 375,100 101 12,000 100
In the B-2 district, retail/office increased by 72,000 sauare feet or 15%.
As noted, the increase is the result of changing residential buildings to
business use. In the B-3 district auto/wholesale decreased 150 450 s uare
feet or 59�. Retail/office increased s uare ee an t e vacant
_ and by 5 , square feet. This c ange occurre ecause t e land formerly
used by three auto dealers has been changed to shopping malls, an opera company
headquarters, or is now vacant (see Table 5).
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1975 1982 1975 1982 1975 1982 1982 :
RM-2 B-2 B-3 OS-1
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Business trends indicate that between 1975 and 1982, the number of businesses
along the Avenue have increased by 51 or 45%. During this same period, s ecp ,ial�
businesses increased the reatest with a ain of 46 or 135X. Specialty comnercial
is now the predominant ind of usiness on ran venue.
Number of Businesses ange -
usiness 1975 1982 Number %
Convenience Business/ 69 17 + g + 12
Specialty Business 34 80 +46 +135
Auto/Wholesale/Fast Food 11 8 - 3 - 27
Total � 114 165 +51 + 45
6. Parking
Coordinated with the land use and zoning studies, the Planning staff determined
the number and location of on and off-street parking spaces along the Avenue.
_ This information (see Appendix) was used to evaluate the parking shortfall
by block caused by rapid commercial expansion on Grand.
. Parking deficiencies were tabulated by comparing the existing parking with '
the required parking under the present zoning code. It was determined that !
all blocks had parkinq deficiencies, with the most severe s ort a s beinq
between Dale and Avon �treets and near the Lexin ton Avenue intersection.'� '
C. Business Owner Survey
In March through April, 1982, the Planning staff, aided by Macalester College,
conducted a corrrrnnercial survey of all businesses between Dale Street and the
Short Line. Of the 165 businesses on the Avenue, 129 surveys were completed
providing a 78� response. The survey was designed to yield the individual
owners wants and needs as well as gauge the overall comnercial climate on
the Avenu?. The typical survey respondent would be capsulited as follows:
The business located on Grand because it was seen as a viable corrmercial
area surrounded by an attractive historic neighborhood. Their customers
are drawn both from the adjacent neighborhoods and the greater metropolitan
area. They have made major improvements to their physical plant within
the past two years and feel that these improvements have made their business
more profitable. They feel a need for more on and off-street parking
and see a need for visual and design improvements along the Avenue.
They consider 6-3 uses as detrimental to the Avenue not providing their
businesses with additional customers. They would like to see the vacant
_ buildings used for retail/office and the vacant land used for parking.
D. Conformance to the Comprehensive Plan
In order to adequately assess the rezoning recommendations for the Grand
Avenue East Study, the Land Use and District 16 components of the Comprehensive
Plan were reviewed. In addition, the District 16 Housing Plan of the City's
Implementation Strategy was reviewed for confarmance.
The Land Use component of the Comprehensive Plan offers direction for an
appropriate mix of land uses and establishes city policy for monitoring change
in commercial uses.
MIXED USE STRIPS: St. Paul 's comnercial strips developed along the trolley
lines established in the late 1800s. They have always contained a mixture
of uses from housing to office, comnercial or even light industrial uses.
As retail marketing methods have changed, the commercial activities on
some mixed use strips have declined. On others it is growing. The strips
function best when they retain a mix of uses--retail, general commercial,
office and residential. The initial attraction for all these uses was
the close access to transportation. The same is true today. In some
cases the mixing of uses on the strips has been haphazard causing conflicts
between adjoining uses. To be successful, mixing of uses should be inten-
tionally planned. City regulatory controls and fiscal incentives should
be aimed toward achieving a compatible mix of activities.
POLICY (4.2-2) : The city will encourage the development of compatible
mixed uses along existing commercial strips by: (1) developing specific
land use plans; (2) developing design and performance controls; (3) ,
continuing technical and financial assistance to small businesses; and
(4) modifying current land use regulatory provisions to permit appropriate
flexibility in the reuse of land and structures.
MONITORING CHANGES: Comnercial trends and market directions have changed
dramatically in St. Paul since its initial development. They can be
expected to change again. In general, St. Paul must remain informed
about changes in retailing practices in order to respond effectively
to them. In this way the City can plan to accomnodate changes in land
use caused by commercial trends.
POLICY (4.2-4) : The City will continue to monitor comnercial trends
and adjust its land use policies to remain abreast of changes affecting
the character of commercial areas and adjaeent neighborhoods.
Zoning processes must also be monitored to maintain an up-to-date Ordinance
that reflects commercial needs. The amount of land available for commercial
uses is controlled by zoning. Zoning also regulates the placement of
particular businesses at certain locations through the use of certain
districts. Zoning which is inappropriate, either because of uses permitted
or because of application of a certain zone at a certain location, can
hurt commercial development by precluding appropriate businesses or allowing
inappropriate ones. The zoning classification should provide enough
flexibility to be applied suitably in a number of local situations.
POLICY (4.2-5) : The City will continue to review its present comnercial
zoning to ensure that: (1) each zoning classification reflects uses
appropriate to the intended application of that district; and (2) each
comnercial area is appropriately zoned for its intended function.
The District 16 Plan component points out the inappropriateness of B-3 zoned
land on Grand Avenue.
CURRENT PROBLEMS: B-3 zoning discourages neighborhood oriented husiness
GOAL: To facilitate neighborhood business development at appropriate
points on the Avenue.
PROPOSAL: There are three empty lots on the Avenue zoned 6-3. The B-
3 designation has caused them to be priced so high as to discourage develop-
ment of these lots in a manner which would be in keeping with the character
of the street. It is a waste of land in an area already short of space.
No addition of land within the district should be zoned 6-3.
RELATED PLAN COMPONENTS: The District 16 component of the District Hausing
' Plan identifies two of the B-3 zoned vacant parcels for a residential over
commercial reuse.
. �
_ �
A. B-3 Zoned Property
The Zoning Ordinance of 1975 clearly intended to establish Grand Avenue as
a retail/office/residential mix strip. The B-3 zoning was only designated
for those properties with B-3 uses. In effect the Ordinance served to contain
any expansion of B-3 uses while providing ample growing space for B-2 on
the Avenue.
In addition, the comnercial trend, a 59X decrease in auto related uses in
the B-3 zoned districts and a 135% increase in specialty comnercial uses
since 1975, present a convincing case for rezoning B-3 parcels along the
Avenue. In support of this trend, the early returns on the questionaire
showed that 55� of business owners and managers on the eastern end of Grand
Avenue feel that B-3 uses are detrimental to Grand Avenue. The majority
of business owners feel that the types of businesses allowed in B-3 zones
do not provide them with customers or provide a good tenant mix.
The question remains, how far to go in the rezoning of B-3 properties. Clearly,
the vacant B-3 parcels (all four parcels have been vacant for over a year)
and those B-3 zoned parcels presently used for retail/office functions should
be rezoned. This recommendation is consistent with the questionaire results.
However, a recomnendation to rezone the existing 6-3 to 6-2 would make a .
number of businesses nonconforming. If trends continue, however, the remaining
B-3 uses (with the exception of the mortuary) will slowly be replaced with
retail/office uses. �
Therefore, this Task Force recomnends: In keeping with the intent of the
1975 Zoning Ordinance, the direction of the Comprehensive Plan components,
the comnercial trends over the last seven years, and the mandate of the business
community, the city should rezone from 6-3 to B-2 those properties; (1) that
are now vacant, and (2) that presently have a B-2 or less use.
B. B-2 Zoned Residential Property
There are 41 one and two family structures zoned 62 which have not been converted
to 6-2 uses on the eastern end of Grand Avenue. These structures have remained
in residential use and have been, for the most part, well maintained. (A
housing condition survey of all residential structures on the eastern portion
of Grand indicated that those structures zoned B-2 but still in residential
use were better maintained than those in commercial use.) The majority of
these properties are located west of Victoria. From Dale Street to Victoria,
there are only two properties zoned 6-2 which have not been converted to
that use. In contrast, from Victoria to the Short Line there are 39 properties
which could be converted to a B-2 use.
Over the past seven years, 16 residential structures have been totally or
partially converted to a commercial use. In addition to these conversions,
several auto related structures have been converted to commercial use. These
factors, added to the effect of "selling" of Grand Avenue as a specialty .
center for the metro area, have led to increased traffic volumes and severe
parking shortages along the strip.
An analysis of the parking needs indicates that the greatest shortages for
both residential and commercial uses are between Dale and Avon Street. The
conversions of structures without adequate parking into restaurant/ retail
have aggravated an already problematic situation.
The only other off-street parking shortfall is between Oxford and mid-block
beyond Lexington. This is due to the intensity of the commercial buildup
around the Lexington and Grand intersection. This shortfall is not a recent
development, however, conversions around the intersection have certainly
complicated the problem.
Incubator theory: properties constructed as one or two family residences
and zoned 6-2 in the Zoning Ordinance of 1975, would serve as incubators
for new business on Grand providing inexpensive rental space for comnercial
growth. The recent business survey compared the business in residential
structures with the business in comnercial structures.
Residential Comnercial
Structures Structures
� . New business on Grand 70% 60%
. Rent/square foot $.60 $.53
. Same--less profitable than 2 years ago 59� 47�
' These figures (based on those businesses answering the specific question)
indicate that there is no major difference between the two types of struc-
, ture/uses as far as the percentage of new business, or the rent per square
foot. However, the figures show that the commercial uses in residential
structures saw themselves as significantly less profitable than those in
commercial structures.
In addition, the survey indicated a direct correlation between the need for
parking and the concept of profitability. The majority of blocks which showed
a large parking shortfall also showed a lack of profitability over the past
two years.
The rezoning of these 41 properties to B-1, OS-1, RM-2, or less would prevent
the conversion of additional residential structures into restaurants, or
shops. However, from the parking perspective, many of the uses al7owed in
B-1 and OS-1, such as hardware stores, or real estate offices, could generate
an equally severe parking need. Therefore, to be effective in controlling
any additional need for parking, these 41 properties would have to be rezoned
to a residential zoning category.
The creation of a new district (6-2 Conversion) with an off-street parking
requirement would limit additional parking shortfalls along the Avenue.
In addition, the new district designation could provide commercial expansion
space, control alterations to structure facades, and limit the amount and
type of commercial uses allowed.
P S .
Therefore, this Task Force recommends: In keeping with the intent of the
1975 Zoning Ordinance to provide the opportunity for commercial expansion
into one and two family structures, and at the same time, make provisions
for additional parking generated by new commercial uses, the city should
establish a new zoning category defined as follows:
1 . Objectives:
a. To create a specialty business-residential district.
b. To encourage specialty business which do not generate large amounts
of traffic.
c. To provide off-street parking for employees and dwelling units which
change in use from residential to business or business-residential.
d. To retain residential building forms and open space.
2. Principal uses permitted:
a. One, two and multiple family uses.
b. Minimum lot width and area:
1. One family--40 feet and 5,000 square feet.
2. Two family--40 feet and 6,000 square feet.
3. Multiple family--as regulated in the RM-2 district
3. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions:
a. All principal uses permitted in the B-1 and B-2 district, except
restaurants, bars, private clubs, fraternal organizations, lodge
halls, theaters, assembly halls, concert halls subject to the following: '
1. For new buildings and land uses, and for existing buildings in
which the use changes, off-street parking shall be provided as ,
a. Residential use--as required by existing regulations. (This
will be one space for a one-family, three spaces for a two
family, and 12 spaces for each dwelling unit in a multiple
family building.)
b. Non-residential--one space for each 300 square feet of usable
floor space.
4. Height and yard requirements for new and existing buildings are:
a. Height: 3 stories or 40 feet.
b. Yard: Front--the average of existing front yards within the district
within the block.
Side--Four feet.
Rear--25 feet.
5. Off-street parking lots shall be located as follows:
a. Off-street parking spaces shall not be located within a front yard
and may be located within two feet of a side lot line.
b. On lots without principal buildings, at least one access from the
street shall be provided.
6. On lots with principal buildings, an open space, 600 square feet shall
be provided to the rear of the building, for recreation space, drainage,
and snow storage.
Comrnercial Commercial Commercial Res dentia esi e��ntia� esi'�(en ia
Needed Provided Deficiency Needed Provided Deficiency
Dale to St. Albans 193 86 ln7 263 50 213
St. Albans to Grotto 216 130 86 105 45 60
�rotto to Avon 350 196 154 89 69 20
Avon to Victoria 214 191 23 59 43 16
Victoria to Milton 148 145 3 141 72 69
; Milton to Chatsworth 53 48 5 95 70 25
� Chatsworth to Oxford 45 43 2 129 99 30
Oxford to Lexington 494 252 242
Lexington to Dunlap 116 67 49 50 40 1Q �
Dunlap to Short Line 86 61 25 137 67 70
Planning Comnission
David Lanegran - Chairman
Jeff Levy - Co-Chairman
District 16 Planning Council
Judy Bigelow
Robert Casselman
Carol McLeod
William Madden
Nancy Downey
Grand Avenue Business Association
Augie Caron - Vice President GABA
Lucy Stoffels - First Bank Grand
Jim Miller - Grandendale Pharmacy
Jack Hiber - Muska Lighting
Jim Solin - Grand Avenue Ace Hardware
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PURPOSE To provide appropriate zoning classifications and to change
zoning of selected parcels along Grand Avenue in order to pre-
serve the unique character of this commercial-residential street
• To co rrect errors in zoning maps.
HEARING �ursday, MARCH 3, .1983 l0:0o a.rt.
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit� Hall - Court House
292-1577 EXT. 297
rotice aent FEBRUARY 11 , 1983
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