00-301Council File # �-30 Green Sheet # �-��� 0 R l� I N A L RESOLUTION � CITY SAINT�PAUL, MINNESOTA ay Presented Committee Date Referred To An Administrative Resolution to Change the Rate of Pay for the classification of Zoning Manager. BE IT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Zoning Manager class be changed to the rate set forth in grade 23, Section ID 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTI�R ItESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department oF: Human Resources Office By: ��.C� Form A roved � Attorney s � ° 31[�l0� Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary By: ��� 'l- . Y"� Approved by Mayor te f I� �� l� �� By: <-dY'/G�/ fC./��� Adopted by Council: Date �.,� S 9-p o�-� i i ✓ Do - so� D�,����o�cE,co�cII,: DA� �TED GgEEN SHEET 1vo 10338 Human Resources 3 � 5 p CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: p A'Ti'�u.mATE LHITtnvnATE Mazk Robertson 266-6471 � 3 t 4� Crr1' c0[rvCn. Michael Foley 266-6484 AsstGx DEPn�Tn'[�NT nm. N"UMBER 2 C1TY ATTOR*!EY 'j C1TY CLERK gpg FQvANCiAL SERV DIl2. TECA & MGT. SERVICES NNST BE-ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) R�U D� J�+ d ORDER MAYOR(ORASST-) CNII-SERVICE /� U /J � �OMMISSION TOTAL # OF SIGNAI'URE PAGES (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR STGNATIJRE) nC1'ION xEQuES'rEn: Approve the attached resolution chan�ng the salary for the class entifled "Zoning Manager". AECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANS WER THE FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: PLANMNG COMMLSSION _CIVII, SERVICE COMMLSSION 1. Has tlus person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparcment? _CIB COMMITTSE _ Yes No STAFF _ Z. Has this pason/firm ever been a City employee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COIJNCII, OBJECTNE? 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on sepazate sheet and attach to a een sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSTIE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, wnere, why): Human Resources undertook a study that indicated that the position of Zoning Manager has assumed additional duties and responsibilities and, as a result, it is reasonable to increase the compensation. nnvarrracES � nrrxoven: The primary advantage is that the incumbent of this ude will be properly compensated. ncsnnvnrrrncES u nrrxovEn: There aze no known disadvantages at this time except for the increase in salary costs. n�snnvarrrncES � Noz ArrxovEn: The particulaz position will not be properly compensated. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ E),SOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YCS �m*nsre so�cE: General Fund ac•rtvrrY Nv�Ex: 11040 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIt� G:�Shazed\Team2\CLASS�ane\�ni.wpd �v�������� ��,E€ 1" 2G00 �� � �� ��� � � 00 -3a� SITMMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUNIBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: Zoning Manager Wendy Lane Michael F. Foley � j'l O� March 10, 2000 WendyLane (Incumbent) Thomas Riddering (Supervisor) Robert Kessler (Director of LIEP) APPROVAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: (Signature) Date) Back rg ound � This is a single-incumbent class. The incumbent believes that she is now performing work at a level of responsibility that exceeds the current level of compensation established for this class. The study was submitted with approval of the management of LIEP. Studv Com�onents Review of 7ob Profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Interview with office director Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position Overview/Background The position in question manages the zoning function under the general supervision of the City Building Official. In the past few years, the incumbent believes, the position has gained more responsibility due to the general reduction of the management staff in LTEP, the addition of j'jo -3 0 \ environmental issues and responsibilities to the zoning function, and the fact that this unit assumed responsibilities from PED. .iob Responsibilities The existing class specifications did not describe all of the responsibilities now assigned to this position. The present level of responsibilities are described in the proposed new class specificarion which is attached. Comparison to Class Specifications The current class specification for Zoning manager does not include responsibility for environmental issues which have become a major part of the position. Nor does it include any of the responsibilities for staffing and worldng with the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) which have been added to the position. Neither do the class specs contain a proper description of the responsibilities for customer service and for policy formulation that are characteristic of the position. Finally, these class specifications do not contain a description of the responsibility for balancing the concerns of economic development against the issues of enforcement. This class spec no longer properly describes the responsibilities of the position in question. These responsibilities were also reviewed against the class specifications for Environmental Health Director, Administrative Assistant, and Program Administrator. None of these specifications sufficiently defined the responsibilities or the minimum qualifications required for the position in question. Comnarison to Other Positions The responsibilities assigned to the position in question were compazed to those assigned to the positions actually assigned to the classes listed above. No satisfactory match was found. OES Evaluation and Anal,� The QES evaluation and analysis justifies compensation of the position in question at the rate of grade 23 in SPSO. Recommendation It is recommended that the position in question be assigned to the proposed new class of Zoning Manager and that the compensation be established as described above. 66 -'So\ Salary Considerations for Proposed Change to Zoning Manager Position Present Title. Bareaining Unit, and Salary Zoning Manager - SPSO - Grade 20 Proposed Title. Sargaining Unit. and Salarv Zoning Manager - SPSO - Grade 23 Difference : Per Pay Period Per Year $ 2660.01 $ 2908.88 $ 248.87 $ 6,495.51 G:�Shared\Team2\CLASS\lane\payl wpd Oo-��� or or�tt�ri �souacas lohn Hamittnn, Director snic+r PAUL � AAI111 CTI'Y OF SA 1NT PAUL Norm Coteman, Maynr March 6 20Q0 Ms Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Saint Paul Regional Water Services 8 A"' Street St Paul, IvIi�155102 Dear Ms Kessler 400 Ciry- Flatt Anner- 25 Wut Fokrtfi .Stree� Saini Paul, Minrtesota SSIO2-163I �: Twenty Day Notice - Zoning Manager Tetephone: 612-266-6500 ZI)DfRY� 6t2-266-h501 Inbtene: 672-2h6-65D2 Fac.simile: 672-292-76i6 It has been determined that the duties and minimum qualifications of Che title and class specification of Zoning Manager should be revised. I have attached a copy of [he class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. IP I do not hcar from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to change Che rate of pay for the title of Zoning manager and will ask the Council to place it in Grade 23, Section ID4, of the Standazd Supeivisory Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, ����� �'��� �`������ ichael F. Poley � O�fice of Human Resources I hezeby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating Chis titie aryd class Name 3 cv Date G:\Shared\Team2\CLASS\lane\2 WiI �--.,, 00 -50� �.�ii����T�ti �,e � �T iL. 1 �• V i i i:�_ :. ?�R ��'�t�� �iU���ILJ�S � tVii\ �O �� .��+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, Mayor OFFICE OF IISJMAlV RESOURCES 7ohn Hamilton, Director 400 City Halt Annex Te2ephone: 6I2-?66-6500 25 West Founh Street TDD/ITY� 672d66-6501 SaintPaul, Minnesot¢ 55102-163I Jobline: 612-266-6 Facs"vni[e: T2-29 6 �� TO: o ssle irector O c FROM �� Michael F. Foley ��i" `�� ._. DATE: � March 6, 2000 Twenty Day Notice - Zoning Manager ' r � It has been determined that the duties and minimum qualifications of the tifle and class specification of Zoning-Manager should be revised. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please nofify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wili assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to change the rate of pay for the title of Zoning manager and will ask the Council to place it in Grade 23, Section 1D4, of the Standazd Supervisory Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining an this 20 day notice for the puipose of creating this ritle and class specification. Name � ` '�/t� Date CODE: 351A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: �D - 3 a� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ZONING MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs supervisory and highly responsible professional work in directing the interpretation, update, and enforcement of zoning codes, laws, and regulations; and perfroms other duties as assigned or required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division head. Suuexvision Exexcised: Exercises within the unit general and close technical supervision over professional and technical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions itt this class. Organizes, plans. directs, evaluates, and administers the activities of the Zoning Section, including inspections of facilities, site plan review, investigation of complaints, requests for exceptions, enforcement, and other activities within the Zoning Section and pertaining to zoning problems. Represents the Office of LIEP and the City of Saint Paul as thew chief enforcement officer in meetings with various agencies and groups on zoning matters. Confers With Architects, engineers, developers, owners, citizen representatives, elected officials, attorneys, and organizations within and outside the City regarding problems which relate to zoning on existing and proposed buildings and facilities. Reviews or oversees the review of site plans, etc. from a zoning perspective. Has significant input on acceptance or variances in plans and existing facilities. Makes complex interpretations of the zoning code and other related codes and regulations. Advises the Administration and the Council in the preparation of proposed oxdinances and amendments to existing ordinances including integrating environmental concerns; promotes the establishment and adoption of updated zoning codes for Saint Paul. (continued on reverse side) ZONING MANAGER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: r����[ej���T:C�l�i:7 Page 2 aa-3o� Oversees effective deployment of resources to meet routine zoning issues, emergency problems, development issues, and environmental issues. Reviews reports, complaints, etc. to identify trands and modifies priorities as necessary to deliver effective service. Issues and/or oversees the issuance of corrective orders to ensure compliance with codes and laws. Directs and determines investigative options for criminal prosecution and civil injunction against violators. Renders enforcement decisions and negotiates solutions to conflict and potential conflict situations and ensures that any agreement is in conformance with applicable laws. Represents the City in court and before other hearing bodies and/or prepares staff for court appearances. Coordinates economic development issues with other departments and agencies. Acts as liaison between the Division and community groups, elected officials, other governmental agencies and groups, and other divisions. Oversees the selection, training, management, and evaluation of staff. Makes and/or recommends a full range of personnle actions. Prepares the annual budget for the Zoning unit and associated programs and defends it through the budget process. Oversees execution of the approved budget. Establishes andfor approves policies and proceduzes on a unit-wide basis. Participates as a member of LIEP's management team. Provides staff suppoxt to the Board of Zoning Appeals and coordinates the appeal process. Maintains relationships with district councils, citizen groups, business associations, other divisions and department in the City, and other agencies. Oversees or conducts special studies; develops reports; and makes reco�endations to higher management in LIEP and to various organizational elements in the City. Ensures appropriate coordination with professional and other zoning related ogganizations. Maintains cuxrent knowlkedge o£ zoning and related environmental issues. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of zoning code and related laws and regulations including environmental considerations. ZONING MANAGER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ZONING MANAGER Page 3 80 -'la� Thorough knowledge of the principles, theories, practices, legal precedents, and governmental regulations regarding zoning. Considerable knowledge of inethods and proceduYes of investigation and enforcement including due process and the rules of evidence in civil and criminal courts. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and delegate work. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal effectively with the public, elected officials, membexs of the building and construction professions, and community groups, and other governmental groups. Considerable ability to supervise others. Considerable ability to relate particular business situations to provisions of codes, ordinances, etc. Considerable ability to oversee the conduct of investigations. Considerable ability to develop innovaCive solutions to complex problems where contending parties have significant interest at stake. Considerable ability to evaluate a program and to revise it to meet changing conditions. Considerable ability to balance enforcement with other issues of public policy such as economic development. Considerable ability to maintain professional relations with people who are in an adversarial relationship. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Urban Planning, Architecture, or a related field and five years of experience as a Zoning Technicfan or equivalent. ZONING MANAGER Council File # �-30 Green Sheet # �-��� 0 R l� I N A L RESOLUTION � CITY SAINT�PAUL, MINNESOTA ay Presented Committee Date Referred To An Administrative Resolution to Change the Rate of Pay for the classification of Zoning Manager. BE IT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Zoning Manager class be changed to the rate set forth in grade 23, Section ID 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTI�R ItESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department oF: Human Resources Office By: ��.C� Form A roved � Attorney s � ° 31[�l0� Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary By: ��� 'l- . Y"� Approved by Mayor te f I� �� l� �� By: <-dY'/G�/ fC./��� Adopted by Council: Date �, � S 9-p o�-� i i ✓ Do - so� D�,����o�cE,co�cII,: DA� �TED GgEEN SHEET 1vo 10338 Human Resources 3 � 5 p CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: p A'Ti'�u.mATE LHITtnvnATE Mazk Robertson 266-6471 � 3 t 4� Crr1' c0[rvCn. Michael Foley 266-6484 AsstGx DEPn�Tn'[�NT nm. N"UMBER 2 C1TY ATTOR*!EY 'j C1TY CLERK gpg FQvANCiAL SERV DIl2. TECA & MGT. SERVICES NNST BE-ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) R�U D� J�+ d ORDER MAYOR(ORASST-) CNII-SERVICE /� U /J � �OMMISSION TOTAL # OF SIGNAI'URE PAGES (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR STGNATIJRE) nC1'ION xEQuES'rEn: Approve the attached resolution chan�ng the salary for the class entifled "Zoning Manager". AECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANS WER THE FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: PLANMNG COMMLSSION _CIVII, SERVICE COMMLSSION 1. Has tlus person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparcment? _CIB COMMITTSE _ Yes No STAFF _ Z. Has this pason/firm ever been a City employee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COIJNCII, OBJECTNE? 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on sepazate sheet and attach to a een sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSTIE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, wnere, why): Human Resources undertook a study that indicated that the position of Zoning Manager has assumed additional duties and responsibilities and, as a result, it is reasonable to increase the compensation. nnvarrracES � nrrxoven: The primary advantage is that the incumbent of this ude will be properly compensated. ncsnnvnrrrncES u nrrxovEn: There aze no known disadvantages at this time except for the increase in salary costs. n�snnvarrrncES � Noz ArrxovEn: The particulaz position will not be properly compensated. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ E),SOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YCS �m*nsre so�cE: General Fund ac•rtvrrY Nv�Ex: 11040 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIt� G:�Shazed\Team2\CLASS�ane\�ni.wpd �v�������� ��,E€ 1" 2G00 �� � �� ��� � � 00 -3a� SITMMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUNIBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: Zoning Manager Wendy Lane Michael F. Foley � j'l O� March 10, 2000 WendyLane (Incumbent) Thomas Riddering (Supervisor) Robert Kessler (Director of LIEP) APPROVAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: (Signature) Date) Back rg ound � This is a single-incumbent class. The incumbent believes that she is now performing work at a level of responsibility that exceeds the current level of compensation established for this class. The study was submitted with approval of the management of LIEP. Studv Com�onents Review of 7ob Profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Interview with office director Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position Overview/Background The position in question manages the zoning function under the general supervision of the City Building Official. In the past few years, the incumbent believes, the position has gained more responsibility due to the general reduction of the management staff in LTEP, the addition of j'jo -3 0 \ environmental issues and responsibilities to the zoning function, and the fact that this unit assumed responsibilities from PED. .iob Responsibilities The existing class specifications did not describe all of the responsibilities now assigned to this position. The present level of responsibilities are described in the proposed new class specificarion which is attached. Comparison to Class Specifications The current class specification for Zoning manager does not include responsibility for environmental issues which have become a major part of the position. Nor does it include any of the responsibilities for staffing and worldng with the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) which have been added to the position. Neither do the class specs contain a proper description of the responsibilities for customer service and for policy formulation that are characteristic of the position. Finally, these class specifications do not contain a description of the responsibility for balancing the concerns of economic development against the issues of enforcement. This class spec no longer properly describes the responsibilities of the position in question. These responsibilities were also reviewed against the class specifications for Environmental Health Director, Administrative Assistant, and Program Administrator. None of these specifications sufficiently defined the responsibilities or the minimum qualifications required for the position in question. Comnarison to Other Positions The responsibilities assigned to the position in question were compazed to those assigned to the positions actually assigned to the classes listed above. No satisfactory match was found. OES Evaluation and Anal,� The QES evaluation and analysis justifies compensation of the position in question at the rate of grade 23 in SPSO. Recommendation It is recommended that the position in question be assigned to the proposed new class of Zoning Manager and that the compensation be established as described above. 66 -'So\ Salary Considerations for Proposed Change to Zoning Manager Position Present Title. Bareaining Unit, and Salary Zoning Manager - SPSO - Grade 20 Proposed Title. Sargaining Unit. and Salarv Zoning Manager - SPSO - Grade 23 Difference : Per Pay Period Per Year $ 2660.01 $ 2908.88 $ 248.87 $ 6,495.51 G:�Shared\Team2\CLASS\lane\payl wpd Oo-��� or or�tt�ri �souacas lohn Hamittnn, Director snic+r PAUL � AAI111 CTI'Y OF SA 1NT PAUL Norm Coteman, Maynr March 6 20Q0 Ms Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Saint Paul Regional Water Services 8 A"' Street St Paul, IvIi�155102 Dear Ms Kessler 400 Ciry- Flatt Anner- 25 Wut Fokrtfi .Stree� Saini Paul, Minrtesota SSIO2-163I �: Twenty Day Notice - Zoning Manager Tetephone: 612-266-6500 ZI)DfRY� 6t2-266-h501 Inbtene: 672-2h6-65D2 Fac.simile: 672-292-76i6 It has been determined that the duties and minimum qualifications of Che title and class specification of Zoning Manager should be revised. I have attached a copy of [he class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. IP I do not hcar from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to change Che rate of pay for the title of Zoning manager and will ask the Council to place it in Grade 23, Section ID4, of the Standazd Supeivisory Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, ����� �'��� �`������ ichael F. Poley � O�fice of Human Resources I hezeby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating Chis titie aryd class Name 3 cv Date G:\Shared\Team2\CLASS\lane\2 WiI �--.,, 00 -50� �.�ii����T�ti �,e � �T iL. 1 �• V i i i:�_ :. ?�R ��'�t�� �iU���ILJ�S � tVii\ �O �� .��+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, Mayor OFFICE OF IISJMAlV RESOURCES 7ohn Hamilton, Director 400 City Halt Annex Te2ephone: 6I2-?66-6500 25 West Founh Street TDD/ITY� 672d66-6501 SaintPaul, Minnesot¢ 55102-163I Jobline: 612-266-6 Facs"vni[e: T2-29 6 �� TO: o ssle irector O c FROM �� Michael F. Foley ��i" `�� ._. DATE: � March 6, 2000 Twenty Day Notice - Zoning Manager ' r � It has been determined that the duties and minimum qualifications of the tifle and class specification of Zoning-Manager should be revised. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please nofify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wili assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to change the rate of pay for the title of Zoning manager and will ask the Council to place it in Grade 23, Section 1D4, of the Standazd Supervisory Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining an this 20 day notice for the puipose of creating this ritle and class specification. Name � ` '�/t� Date CODE: 351A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: �D - 3 a� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ZONING MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs supervisory and highly responsible professional work in directing the interpretation, update, and enforcement of zoning codes, laws, and regulations; and perfroms other duties as assigned or required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division head. Suuexvision Exexcised: Exercises within the unit general and close technical supervision over professional and technical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions itt this class. Organizes, plans. directs, evaluates, and administers the activities of the Zoning Section, including inspections of facilities, site plan review, investigation of complaints, requests for exceptions, enforcement, and other activities within the Zoning Section and pertaining to zoning problems. Represents the Office of LIEP and the City of Saint Paul as thew chief enforcement officer in meetings with various agencies and groups on zoning matters. Confers With Architects, engineers, developers, owners, citizen representatives, elected officials, attorneys, and organizations within and outside the City regarding problems which relate to zoning on existing and proposed buildings and facilities. Reviews or oversees the review of site plans, etc. from a zoning perspective. Has significant input on acceptance or variances in plans and existing facilities. Makes complex interpretations of the zoning code and other related codes and regulations. Advises the Administration and the Council in the preparation of proposed oxdinances and amendments to existing ordinances including integrating environmental concerns; promotes the establishment and adoption of updated zoning codes for Saint Paul. (continued on reverse side) ZONING MANAGER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: r����[ej���T:C�l�i:7 Page 2 aa-3o� Oversees effective deployment of resources to meet routine zoning issues, emergency problems, development issues, and environmental issues. Reviews reports, complaints, etc. to identify trands and modifies priorities as necessary to deliver effective service. Issues and/or oversees the issuance of corrective orders to ensure compliance with codes and laws. Directs and determines investigative options for criminal prosecution and civil injunction against violators. Renders enforcement decisions and negotiates solutions to conflict and potential conflict situations and ensures that any agreement is in conformance with applicable laws. Represents the City in court and before other hearing bodies and/or prepares staff for court appearances. Coordinates economic development issues with other departments and agencies. Acts as liaison between the Division and community groups, elected officials, other governmental agencies and groups, and other divisions. Oversees the selection, training, management, and evaluation of staff. Makes and/or recommends a full range of personnle actions. Prepares the annual budget for the Zoning unit and associated programs and defends it through the budget process. Oversees execution of the approved budget. Establishes andfor approves policies and proceduzes on a unit-wide basis. Participates as a member of LIEP's management team. Provides staff suppoxt to the Board of Zoning Appeals and coordinates the appeal process. Maintains relationships with district councils, citizen groups, business associations, other divisions and department in the City, and other agencies. Oversees or conducts special studies; develops reports; and makes reco�endations to higher management in LIEP and to various organizational elements in the City. Ensures appropriate coordination with professional and other zoning related ogganizations. Maintains cuxrent knowlkedge o£ zoning and related environmental issues. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of zoning code and related laws and regulations including environmental considerations. ZONING MANAGER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ZONING MANAGER Page 3 80 -'la� Thorough knowledge of the principles, theories, practices, legal precedents, and governmental regulations regarding zoning. Considerable knowledge of inethods and proceduYes of investigation and enforcement including due process and the rules of evidence in civil and criminal courts. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and delegate work. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal effectively with the public, elected officials, membexs of the building and construction professions, and community groups, and other governmental groups. Considerable ability to supervise others. Considerable ability to relate particular business situations to provisions of codes, ordinances, etc. Considerable ability to oversee the conduct of investigations. Considerable ability to develop innovaCive solutions to complex problems where contending parties have significant interest at stake. Considerable ability to evaluate a program and to revise it to meet changing conditions. Considerable ability to balance enforcement with other issues of public policy such as economic development. Considerable ability to maintain professional relations with people who are in an adversarial relationship. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Urban Planning, Architecture, or a related field and five years of experience as a Zoning Technicfan or equivalent. ZONING MANAGER Council File # �-30 Green Sheet # �-��� 0 R l� I N A L RESOLUTION � CITY SAINT�PAUL, MINNESOTA ay Presented Committee Date Referred To An Administrative Resolution to Change the Rate of Pay for the classification of Zoning Manager. BE IT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Zoning Manager class be changed to the rate set forth in grade 23, Section ID 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTI�R ItESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department oF: Human Resources Office By: ��.C� Form A roved � Attorney s � ° 31[�l0� Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary By: ��� 'l- . Y"� Approved by Mayor te f I� �� l� �� By: <-dY'/G�/ fC./��� Adopted by Council: Date �, � S 9-p o�-� i i ✓ Do - so� D�,����o�cE,co�cII,: DA� �TED GgEEN SHEET 1vo 10338 Human Resources 3 � 5 p CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: p A'Ti'�u.mATE LHITtnvnATE Mazk Robertson 266-6471 � 3 t 4� Crr1' c0[rvCn. Michael Foley 266-6484 AsstGx DEPn�Tn'[�NT nm. N"UMBER 2 C1TY ATTOR*!EY 'j C1TY CLERK gpg FQvANCiAL SERV DIl2. TECA & MGT. SERVICES NNST BE-ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) R�U D� J�+ d ORDER MAYOR(ORASST-) CNII-SERVICE /� U /J � �OMMISSION TOTAL # OF SIGNAI'URE PAGES (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR STGNATIJRE) nC1'ION xEQuES'rEn: Approve the attached resolution chan�ng the salary for the class entifled "Zoning Manager". AECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANS WER THE FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: PLANMNG COMMLSSION _CIVII, SERVICE COMMLSSION 1. Has tlus person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparcment? _CIB COMMITTSE _ Yes No STAFF _ Z. Has this pason/firm ever been a City employee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COIJNCII, OBJECTNE? 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on sepazate sheet and attach to a een sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSTIE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, wnere, why): Human Resources undertook a study that indicated that the position of Zoning Manager has assumed additional duties and responsibilities and, as a result, it is reasonable to increase the compensation. nnvarrracES � nrrxoven: The primary advantage is that the incumbent of this ude will be properly compensated. ncsnnvnrrrncES u nrrxovEn: There aze no known disadvantages at this time except for the increase in salary costs. n�snnvarrrncES � Noz ArrxovEn: The particulaz position will not be properly compensated. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ E),SOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YCS �m*nsre so�cE: General Fund ac•rtvrrY Nv�Ex: 11040 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIt� G:�Shazed\Team2\CLASS�ane\�ni.wpd �v�������� ��,E€ 1" 2G00 �� � �� ��� � � 00 -3a� SITMMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUNIBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: Zoning Manager Wendy Lane Michael F. Foley � j'l O� March 10, 2000 WendyLane (Incumbent) Thomas Riddering (Supervisor) Robert Kessler (Director of LIEP) APPROVAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: (Signature) Date) Back rg ound � This is a single-incumbent class. The incumbent believes that she is now performing work at a level of responsibility that exceeds the current level of compensation established for this class. The study was submitted with approval of the management of LIEP. Studv Com�onents Review of 7ob Profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Interview with office director Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position Overview/Background The position in question manages the zoning function under the general supervision of the City Building Official. In the past few years, the incumbent believes, the position has gained more responsibility due to the general reduction of the management staff in LTEP, the addition of j'jo -3 0 \ environmental issues and responsibilities to the zoning function, and the fact that this unit assumed responsibilities from PED. .iob Responsibilities The existing class specifications did not describe all of the responsibilities now assigned to this position. The present level of responsibilities are described in the proposed new class specificarion which is attached. Comparison to Class Specifications The current class specification for Zoning manager does not include responsibility for environmental issues which have become a major part of the position. Nor does it include any of the responsibilities for staffing and worldng with the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) which have been added to the position. Neither do the class specs contain a proper description of the responsibilities for customer service and for policy formulation that are characteristic of the position. Finally, these class specifications do not contain a description of the responsibility for balancing the concerns of economic development against the issues of enforcement. This class spec no longer properly describes the responsibilities of the position in question. These responsibilities were also reviewed against the class specifications for Environmental Health Director, Administrative Assistant, and Program Administrator. None of these specifications sufficiently defined the responsibilities or the minimum qualifications required for the position in question. Comnarison to Other Positions The responsibilities assigned to the position in question were compazed to those assigned to the positions actually assigned to the classes listed above. No satisfactory match was found. OES Evaluation and Anal,� The QES evaluation and analysis justifies compensation of the position in question at the rate of grade 23 in SPSO. Recommendation It is recommended that the position in question be assigned to the proposed new class of Zoning Manager and that the compensation be established as described above. 66 -'So\ Salary Considerations for Proposed Change to Zoning Manager Position Present Title. Bareaining Unit, and Salary Zoning Manager - SPSO - Grade 20 Proposed Title. Sargaining Unit. and Salarv Zoning Manager - SPSO - Grade 23 Difference : Per Pay Period Per Year $ 2660.01 $ 2908.88 $ 248.87 $ 6,495.51 G:�Shared\Team2\CLASS\lane\payl wpd Oo-��� or or�tt�ri �souacas lohn Hamittnn, Director snic+r PAUL � AAI111 CTI'Y OF SA 1NT PAUL Norm Coteman, Maynr March 6 20Q0 Ms Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Saint Paul Regional Water Services 8 A"' Street St Paul, IvIi�155102 Dear Ms Kessler 400 Ciry- Flatt Anner- 25 Wut Fokrtfi .Stree� Saini Paul, Minrtesota SSIO2-163I �: Twenty Day Notice - Zoning Manager Tetephone: 612-266-6500 ZI)DfRY� 6t2-266-h501 Inbtene: 672-2h6-65D2 Fac.simile: 672-292-76i6 It has been determined that the duties and minimum qualifications of Che title and class specification of Zoning Manager should be revised. I have attached a copy of [he class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. IP I do not hcar from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to change Che rate of pay for the title of Zoning manager and will ask the Council to place it in Grade 23, Section ID4, of the Standazd Supeivisory Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, ����� �'��� �`������ ichael F. Poley � O�fice of Human Resources I hezeby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating Chis titie aryd class Name 3 cv Date G:\Shared\Team2\CLASS\lane\2 WiI �--.,, 00 -50� �.�ii����T�ti �,e � �T iL. 1 �• V i i i:�_ :. ?�R ��'�t�� �iU���ILJ�S � tVii\ �O �� .��+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, Mayor OFFICE OF IISJMAlV RESOURCES 7ohn Hamilton, Director 400 City Halt Annex Te2ephone: 6I2-?66-6500 25 West Founh Street TDD/ITY� 672d66-6501 SaintPaul, Minnesot¢ 55102-163I Jobline: 612-266-6 Facs"vni[e: T2-29 6 �� TO: o ssle irector O c FROM �� Michael F. Foley ��i" `�� ._. DATE: � March 6, 2000 Twenty Day Notice - Zoning Manager ' r � It has been determined that the duties and minimum qualifications of the tifle and class specification of Zoning-Manager should be revised. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please nofify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wili assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to change the rate of pay for the title of Zoning manager and will ask the Council to place it in Grade 23, Section 1D4, of the Standazd Supervisory Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining an this 20 day notice for the puipose of creating this ritle and class specification. Name � ` '�/t� Date CODE: 351A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: �D - 3 a� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ZONING MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs supervisory and highly responsible professional work in directing the interpretation, update, and enforcement of zoning codes, laws, and regulations; and perfroms other duties as assigned or required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division head. Suuexvision Exexcised: Exercises within the unit general and close technical supervision over professional and technical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions itt this class. Organizes, plans. directs, evaluates, and administers the activities of the Zoning Section, including inspections of facilities, site plan review, investigation of complaints, requests for exceptions, enforcement, and other activities within the Zoning Section and pertaining to zoning problems. Represents the Office of LIEP and the City of Saint Paul as thew chief enforcement officer in meetings with various agencies and groups on zoning matters. Confers With Architects, engineers, developers, owners, citizen representatives, elected officials, attorneys, and organizations within and outside the City regarding problems which relate to zoning on existing and proposed buildings and facilities. Reviews or oversees the review of site plans, etc. from a zoning perspective. Has significant input on acceptance or variances in plans and existing facilities. Makes complex interpretations of the zoning code and other related codes and regulations. Advises the Administration and the Council in the preparation of proposed oxdinances and amendments to existing ordinances including integrating environmental concerns; promotes the establishment and adoption of updated zoning codes for Saint Paul. (continued on reverse side) ZONING MANAGER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: r����[ej���T:C�l�i:7 Page 2 aa-3o� Oversees effective deployment of resources to meet routine zoning issues, emergency problems, development issues, and environmental issues. Reviews reports, complaints, etc. to identify trands and modifies priorities as necessary to deliver effective service. Issues and/or oversees the issuance of corrective orders to ensure compliance with codes and laws. Directs and determines investigative options for criminal prosecution and civil injunction against violators. Renders enforcement decisions and negotiates solutions to conflict and potential conflict situations and ensures that any agreement is in conformance with applicable laws. Represents the City in court and before other hearing bodies and/or prepares staff for court appearances. Coordinates economic development issues with other departments and agencies. Acts as liaison between the Division and community groups, elected officials, other governmental agencies and groups, and other divisions. Oversees the selection, training, management, and evaluation of staff. Makes and/or recommends a full range of personnle actions. Prepares the annual budget for the Zoning unit and associated programs and defends it through the budget process. Oversees execution of the approved budget. Establishes andfor approves policies and proceduzes on a unit-wide basis. Participates as a member of LIEP's management team. Provides staff suppoxt to the Board of Zoning Appeals and coordinates the appeal process. Maintains relationships with district councils, citizen groups, business associations, other divisions and department in the City, and other agencies. Oversees or conducts special studies; develops reports; and makes reco�endations to higher management in LIEP and to various organizational elements in the City. Ensures appropriate coordination with professional and other zoning related ogganizations. Maintains cuxrent knowlkedge o£ zoning and related environmental issues. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of zoning code and related laws and regulations including environmental considerations. ZONING MANAGER PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ZONING MANAGER Page 3 80 -'la� Thorough knowledge of the principles, theories, practices, legal precedents, and governmental regulations regarding zoning. Considerable knowledge of inethods and proceduYes of investigation and enforcement including due process and the rules of evidence in civil and criminal courts. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and delegate work. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal effectively with the public, elected officials, membexs of the building and construction professions, and community groups, and other governmental groups. Considerable ability to supervise others. Considerable ability to relate particular business situations to provisions of codes, ordinances, etc. Considerable ability to oversee the conduct of investigations. Considerable ability to develop innovaCive solutions to complex problems where contending parties have significant interest at stake. Considerable ability to evaluate a program and to revise it to meet changing conditions. Considerable ability to balance enforcement with other issues of public policy such as economic development. Considerable ability to maintain professional relations with people who are in an adversarial relationship. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Urban Planning, Architecture, or a related field and five years of experience as a Zoning Technicfan or equivalent. ZONING MANAGER