280946 WHITE - GITV CLERK -^ji^'�/Q/' PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C1I !�1:y�! �'�� CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. I�t`yl � �� BLUE -MAYOR • • e Ordinance N 0. Q��uc , � R,�soc.vr�Orv Presented By � �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� The City Council, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, did hold a public hearing on September 27, 1983, in the City Council Chambers for the purpose of establishing the level of services of Street and Alley Maintenance to be performed in the City of St. Paul in 1984, and the amount of service charges to be levied against benefitted property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul dces hereby determine that the program of Street Ma.intenance Services to be performed within the City of Saint Paul in 1984 shall be in the manner as set forth and described in the attached report of the Department of Public Works, and the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to perform the necessary work as set forth in said report and shall, in accordance with said Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, keep an accurate record of all costs attributable to the program and report such information to the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Public Works - t ts Division cau� In Favor Masanz scn tbei � Against BY `' TedesCo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 9 1983 Form Approved b ty Attorney Certified P s b oun il S retar � BY Ap by Mayor: �CT 3 �983 Approve ay for Submission to Coun '1 By PllBtISHEtI OCT 81983 � M�>�.;;:�.�, ����!� . � - � 6 �i= �2 �G >���o r °:�-�, . ;a� ' ...,�, .; —�,R..�.� �,�:. , - � �II�M�ti�uYlil�dlit�! t� b:.19 �t q +Oq�t�dl�iIN1�11�3 +�� ' �r .. . . �� 1����Jw��Ir!'.�III�t 811��=�� :�i�9��N;„ � ' btlet�ofl�Rlndl11�1Mitfeeo��ideF'fpr o4�hwh+r�wt ,�t� D�Pm'4x MM!�!��s,��fM}�e�.1fo.iWl.Cwaeil lflt 110. ��� *f10111� . :�e�re�ilrs�lrl�Ml�a�dlMe�dco��'i�eo�i�b7!��°�t°t G`���� � � � _ � �i���-��� � ., t.T . . . . . . . .. . � +^�f+ew..,�J A.=t.�: : �..� , ..: . ._"..c .r � ,•.� .. ....:v,.. ' -,� . .. .. _ . 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MAinten�ne!pet(oeriud in the Cttg'8f 8a1nt Paul in lft{,and to consider the cost of soeh�rvkr 1981 PROROS£D�XPENDPFtJRE3 FOR STRE�T 11AINT'ENANCE to be chersed asatast Denefited Proper►�r accordin{tb Ordinance No.153k1:Council Fik Na . 2E0146.,_.,,.�. . .;. - , - gpending ,Finaming . The parEiculer servlce to beyerformed and the esfimatedcosts as Proposed by the DeRartmeqtot Assessmenttlll � Aids(2) -Geneial Fund- PubNc Works�are 8s toflnws'c Summer i7.Y72290 56,55'�.TB3 . E .Tl8.497 .- —0— �4A�i"-.'�ewbtownye I,ii}Btrellt Bridge 511.853 —0— SLl.6b3 —0�-� ��� «i,�� , '" Winter 2.117.850 —0— 937.850 1,U0Y60 Clau I tervtc� 'De.pertonned on ill dow�ntown atreets within the following boundaries: ;� .+�: _ _�_^-.�.- .—_-._. . -_ _ - TOTAL i9.901.793 E6.l�S5,993�_ E4.180�OB0 ik=180,000 � „KeAog�B���j�p�th�M1buth ahd west;Eteventh$treet on the noKh and Broadway on the -� ' eagt. S , Peopwi 1MA Levet at Sesvlee:. ` tl)S.�per assessable toot tor residpntial Prope�tY.paid with 1985 propeKy tax. � � The downtown streets will be awept three times per week and tlushed five times per week.qll . (2>Mueicipal State Aid...................................... i1.8�.090 i routjde malateusnce.huludina patching and reyeiring ot street surtaces will be pertormed a1 an Tivnk Highwa�Aid............,...:.....:.......:..:.....,..... 278.000 J as-needcd baqiS. County Aid...................................................:. 416.� ' . _,Pro!!�a Ass�esR ` Recoverable"s(sewer rnnnection repatis. utilitg cut repairs)...................'.......................... Y3S.000 All Clau I service aill•be aasessed at a rate of E2.86 per asssssabl�.Joot for all. peted August 19,1983. CLA88II-Ontt�in`Co�merclal aaa Arterial3treetd. . y " ALBERT B.OLSON.City Clerk �� •' , {SePtember 3-10.19�t) Cbss II.aervLce wiU bayn¢orq4ed on all outlqing rnme�rcial'and arte=tal 5treets in the Citq. Theseare WemeJer arteiies�n the City and heve both dea`vy volumes uf vehicutar�hd pedestrian , traftic aad have trequent business or comrnercial properties fronting on them.Ty}�ical wcamples • ---- �wcatld 6raa,i�allowr,;Unlvex'aity.Auen�.3nelling Avenue,Westi�3eventh Stnrt,East 3eveMh 3treet,Hice Street,Payue AVenue.Aicade Stmiet,Summ#Avenu�Grand Avenue,and Dtben. /►11 ot these Cleas II atreefs are aceurately defined on a map available for via�eing in;he , Deparfmait iif PuDlk Works.90d Clty Hall Mnea. Pre*aed IN!Level ot 3erriu: 7Tie C1ass It st,rtets pould be�cleane�l,approximahely:18.times per seasow. .411'noutiqe malnteqance,incloSiing�hing and repairing ot street suzfaces,wlll-be done on an as�d basis. ' _ !re}esi Aee�suaeok . Under Clasc I��ertrice,there.wi�l be twa asaeaameiil�fatE�,one commercial ani!one realdential: The commerci�mperty rate vuill'be El•83 per aasessaBleYoot and'the residentiUl property rete: w1U b�t.a3 per ssse�sable foot_ . , . CLASS Ilf—Atl Aesiie�ial Streetr Daaiptloa: . �IfIlervlce Wauld be pertornied oa all reaidential streets including oi►ed streets,paved sf�eels aed lAte�mdiate type&lreets. Pro�IrN 1#t�berel�t.8qrrlee: I ReNiik�iiil atreets,includin�.oiled,paved.and Intermediate streets wouM receive a thorough , cleaniu{q�eh sprle�wBieh aould iixlu�sweeping and flushing.Patching and repair work ; woutd be dpne ai aa ae-needed baais.Appro�[imately 150 miles of oiled streets would receive a � sand fwkAat.In the tall,leaves wouid be plcked up tsom Ihese streets. ProlMei/Iw�re�t . . _ [Ti�der�a'�i1l�ta�esideatial sireets,we havg.twra aaaessmmt categQrles.l'he riaident ia l prnp��be�bpuld be��iieiaWeesable faot aqd tMe co►Pqk(ciai property rate wouldiie i,:83 vex a�bt��-, _. CLA�11► AJIt O�irt,a�i la�at Ail�s pq�erioiNA�r, . � . �����-LaY����+ali oikd,paved a4�d intermediAte type aUeys wtthin the ,GftY . � ,-.. rraM�i�i.�v��s�ieNw: . A1!!oHid;'Pl�vcdidQLfteel�te8iate alkys would rea►ve a thomugh cleaning Rach�rin=.E3forts would:D��ede W comptete'"the'eteanitta by Ju�151A.,All routine mait�tenance;1Qcluding P��4iet aAdaeP�isot ihti adey surt�ce.vrould be performed on an asneedi�d baeia.. lrayeseilifeelrireek : �RmP��nitet sale i�i.86 per aaeeswble foot tor commereial ProPer4Y arid i.43 per asseseobh faot for�eeidential.pmperty, . ci.�►ss v,�,xa�vr-v�p..��a s�.�.v�a�,. �.YL seneke wil}he D�donned ai unimproveastxets aad eUeya.By unimproved,we � ' s and alieye tdet have not been developed for one reason or aaothea 11uy arn �Eat!!d c M�mi�s;however,the abutUng resideats have never petiHoned for their f�D j� `�or have tlipn�been any a�ments Ievkd::Betause they are City right•ot•ways, . Ure City ha5'>tde reapot�sibiHty to perlbrm mintma,l repalra and maintenance work to reduce ; hasards.' , - Propesea 18N Levet�Servicr. The maintenance and$epair o[t6efe st�eets and alleys will consist of patchlag,minor bleding, plpeing ot crushed roc$and othei stabilised materfal iri order to make them.passable snd reduce hazards. , . � _ � �-�� �', � • , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL � OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINOIL �t1IF�:s'S�i � n t 1LlIl�n; JAMES SCHEIBEL Conncilmsn September 9, 1983 Dear Saint Paul Citizen: Enclosed are notices for two upcoming hearings before the City Council re- garding assessments for summer street maintenance. One relates to ratifi- cation by the Council of payment for street maintenance done in 1983 and for which you will pay in 1984. A year ago, the Council set the level of service to be performed during 1983. The law requires that the Council now authorize payment for those services and tha.t a hearing be held in connection with that ratification. The other hearing is in connection with setting the level of service for 1984, for which you will pay in 1985. Recognizing that most citizens view assessments as the least desirable and equitable means of financing city services, the City Council last year made three policy changes. First, winter street maintenance--which had been shifted to assessment financing--was again placed under General Fund financing. Property owners will be assessed for summer street maintenance, as has been the case for many years, but no assessments will be added for winter street maintenance. Secondly, the inequity attached to assessments for corner lots was removed by altering policy so corner lot owners are assessed for front footage only. Last, tree trimming will no longer be financed through assess- ments, but will be treated as a general obligation and financed through the General Fund. Of your total property tax bill, only 25 per cent is directed toward payment of Saint Paul city services. The remaining 75 per cent supports Ramsey County services and the School District. Assessments provide about 3 per cent of the revenue for the total city budget. As a City Council, we continue to work for the most equitable and efficient financing of city services, and the input of citizens is welcomed as an important part of that process. Sin erely, �'r� � ��'��'� /� Victor Tedesco Robert Fletche� John Galles ��+�%!�-f.Q� ,�� � i� C%�'��' , Hu MasanG��L��� Chris Nicosia ames Scheibel . ~ •!��o��Yo !!� ,r.� William Wilson CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA SS102 612/298-5679 .�z n'16 � R SAINT PAtTL CITY COUNCIL HEARING NOTICE PROPOSED "1984" STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM A Public Hearing sha11 be held in the Council Chambers of the City of Saint Paul at 10:00 A.M. on the 27th day of September, 1983, to consider the Mayor's proposed 1984 Street Maintenance Pro�ram and methods of financing it. The City Council will hear any public testimony from Saint Paul property owners. This Public Hearing deals with setting the level of street maintenance service to be performed in 198�+ and determining the financing plan. The assessments for the 1984 Program are payable in 1985. The service level and proposed assessments are as outlined below. General funds and street maintenance aids provide a portion of the financing. Residents will not be assessed for Winter Street Maintenance. Class I - Downtown: The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces will be performed on an as-needed basis. The proposed assessment rate is $2,66 per assessable foot. Class II - Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets: The Class II streets will be cleaned approximate�y 1 times per season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be done on an as-needed basis. The proposed assessment rate is 1.83 per assessable foot for commercial property and $ .83 per assessable foot for residential property. Class III - Al1 ResidQntial Streets: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and intermediate streets will be cleaned each spring z�hich will include sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work will be done on an as-needed basis. Approximately 150 miles of oiled streets will receive a sand sealcoat. In the fall, leaves will`be picked up from these streets. The proposed assessment rate is , 1.33 per assessable foo;, for commercial property and $ .83 per assessable foot for residential property. Class N - All Oiled and Paved Alleys: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys will be cleaned each spring. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the alley surface will be performed on an as-needed basis. The proposed assessment rate is $ .66 per assessable foot for cor�mercial property and $ .43 per assessable foot for residential property. Class V and VI - Unimproved Streets and Alleys: The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and� other . stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. The proposed assess,:.ent rate on unimproved streets is � .51 per assessable foot for commercial property and :� .33 per assessable foot for residential property. The proposed assessr�ent rate on unir�proved alleys is � .26 per assessable foot for commercial property and $ ,17 per assessable foot for residential property, Commercial property includes all apartment buildings of four or more units. Residential property will not be assessed for the long-side street frontage on corner lots. Example: Cost for a 50-foot wide residential lot would be $41.50. For questions call the Streets Division at 298-4321, Also, City staff will be available to ans�,er any last cninute questions on this matter in the City Council Chambers from 9=30 to 10:00 A.td. the same day as the Hearing. , ____ ,. 1 '�/ - ;•,ailed �, ,Q�-vL.��E' /�� �Y _ '`2� c��--- SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE � RATIFICATION OF TI� "1983" STREET MAINTENANCE CHARGES A Public Hearing sha.11 be held in the Council Chambers of the City of Saint Paul at 10:00 A.M. on the 27th day of September, 1983, for the purpose of adopting service and operation charges against all benefited properties to be collected in the same manner as other real property taxes in 198�+. The Uepa�►nen� o� Pub.P.i.c G1onFia pe�.�o�cmed �h.e 1983 S�cee.t Mcc„i.wtenance S�h.v.�cea -i.n a manne�c aa ae.t �on,th and app�coved by xhe C.i.ty Counc,i.2 and deach.i.bed .i,n. �h.e nepon,t o� xhe Vepa�r�ir►en,t. The City Council will consider ratification of the assessment for 1983 for street and alley maintenance for the City of Saint Paul. Residents will not be assessed for Winter Street Maintenance. The City will pay $2,67�+,000 of the cost of Street Maintenance by using Municipal State Aid $1,026,000; Trunk Highway Aid $258,000; County Aid $416,000; and General Fund $97�+,000; the balance of $6,176,000 shall be assessed against benefited property according to the following rates: Class I - Downtown-$2.47 per assessable foot. Class II - Out�ying Commercial and Arterial Streets- Commercial Property-�1.70 per assessable foot. .- Residential Property-$ .77 per assessable foot. Class III - Al1 Residential Streets- Residential Property-$ .77 per assessable foot. Commercial Property-$1.23 per assessable foot. Class N - Al1 Oiled and Paved Alleys- Residential Property-$ .40 per assessable foot. Cor�nercial Property-$ .61 per assessable foot. Class V - Unimproved Streets- Residential Property-� .31 per assessable foot. Commercial Property-$ .47 per assessable foot. Class VI - Unimproved Alleys- Residential Property-$ .16 per assessable foot. Comrsercial Property-$ .2�+ per assessable foot. - City Council decisions are subject to appeal to the District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days after the order adopting the assessment. You must also file the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within 10 days after filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the required notices within the times specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment. Comcnercial property includes all apartment buildings of four or more units. ' Residential property will not be assessed for the long-side street frontage on corner lots. For questions call 298-432�. Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this matter in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the Hearing. - Please See Reverse Side -