280921 M�H17E - CITV CLERK COUflCll ��f°�:?�^'�� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��r� ,,,,:g, ", ,�,j :� BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. I' RETURN TO VALUATION DEPT. CQU CZl Re olution RM 218 7 � - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREA�, Council Resolution C.F. No. 280772 adopted August 18, 1983, approved the acquisition of property necessary for the Sibley-Jackson switchback; and WHEREAS, the City needs o�.ly a permanent street easement over the property as described on Exhibit "A" attached to said council resolution; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are authorized and directed to acquire a permanent easement for street purposes on, over and across the property described on Exhibit "A" attached to Council Resolution C.F. No. 280772, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, except all amended above Council Resolution C.F. No. 280772 adopted August 18, 1983, shall remain operative as passed. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays t�,:r���,�� u;iies In Favor Finan Mana e ent Services p.,,sanz � ��;�os+a _ � __ Against BY — � Director" �� scncibel TedeSCo ti'�'iison SEp 2 7 1983 Form Approved b City Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date — � ' .�` 3 Certified Y s- cil ecr tar BY ro By tapproved vor: Date SEP 2 1988 Approved b Mayor for b ' 'on to ouncil BY T � � � BY o pUBLI�HED OCT 81983 ,, �- � � .'t. �... '' T L' �F r a.'r' r �r��� �`�,,:�,��5,.�,+�� t J�J�RI. i i0:� i�t .H� PRJ�'�RT�i i� .,... A�C':.i�._.:J ''arts. o: .,c�s °, ;.G, _1. I� anc 15 0: Ma_:u�_ : S ' isior: C` iioc'r. Jnr _ '.:t..:.:v c.` �:-._ _r:<•. a Sr., ,..: s acc_ � . ^c �` 5� Se• ,._ee�. ` � ,, -cr a_ oc� :� o `. 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Co�::c-�: _ __e Nc. 07065, approveC c: Octobez :1, .�3�. � _^�t part cf Lots r ive (S} , Six (6; , Seve:-: , , ar.d Eig'r.� t6' , Bloc� -wC �• � "�'.^._�ne,� and $IIll�7'; `S Adc:tior. 1�17'iC SC1''..�1^.@�1� p_` d _�:aE C�eSC��beC as :eiio�as: 3egirzing at the ir.Lersectio,^. c� a ii7e ene huncrec s;x .-�" . �C` f ee;. ricrthwesterly cf and paralie_ �e �.ze so;:�;�easte:� _ine o`_ _as: Se�e::_:: Street and the 7G-'._}IEdS�ez,�� :i�e c: sa�c rioci:`�ti.�c , :: , �:^•=..�_ s:,��hwes�eri}• alonq said ga.rallel I1P.E to 4 ��c..... r,�nety �ix �nc __g^*_: �:,_ee :ua3re���s (96.83) feet nort:�easterlv �� t:�e ut`�u ��� s:•• esterl __::e �_ sa:c nloc� ^�:o ;" as measLre� along sa�c :aralie: _;ne; _�.Ar.c�. .,.. :d^Q@.^.:.�d: Cll�'dE' CCnCdVE' t0 �'�E' :a0��.t. I'idVl:1C� d ZdQ1L`� C� C�:i� ..1:7]C_`�il ::o•,:rteer. !ii4.OL` feet, a cer.'.z'al ang�e of f�r�y-ei;'�t !50} cecrees , --�'�=4�E.": �:4�� T:li.^.11te5, t;�irtee.^. �1�} S@CO:lGS� �OT c^ dTC C15'd:SCt= . _ O;:E ,^.L'?ICTP.: `i_`�ee:. '�T.0 @:y27t}•-sever. hundre::tti:5 (l��i. �^1 .eE:., `:C:"c� .,,. leS� �� �.`:e SO;I�.hvesteri;J iine �.` Shc,^. l��OC}; '�^h'O ��/ d7C .::2:E: �E H._:�dL�:1C . Exce��inG ;.;-iose parts cf saic i:.�ts opened undex �.��}• a_` Sai:,t :.a�' :o;:nci� =i�e NO. b4ciC5�s, aprr�vec: Arri� ;:�, 193G. / _ � c. � , 11���. ��.d�##��T � ����2� c �Dept. of Finance & M�mt. �EPARTIIENT 1�"" ' �ete��ite' fONTACT ��V� . z�s -�'9�� pHONE � �� . �._^ ree September 26. 1983 DA7E (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Ass i gn Nu�ber for Rout#ng Order (Cl ip� A]1 ��ati o�s for_Mayorat Si gnature); __,_ Oepartmer�t Di rector � city attorney RECEIVED ... � Di rector of Managea�ent/Mayor � Finance and Management Servi ces Di rector S�P 2�1983 ,� City Clerlc OFFICE OF THE DE#�ECTOR B�dget �i r�Cfior DEPARTMENT Of FtNANCE --- AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES .,._.... _� i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Actjon on the Attactred l�ter�ials? (Purpose/Rationale): ___.�___. ..�. �. — The resolution will allow the City to acquire only a permanent street easement rather than fee title for the land needed for the Sibley-Jackson switchback. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None. Fundi nq� and Fw�d Acti vi tY N�r Cha or Cred�„� i t�d: N/A Attachnents (I.ist and Nu�ber al t Attact�aents): �� -___ 1. Council Resolution 2. C. F. No. 280772 DEPARTMENT REYIEi�I CITY ATTO�IEY RfYIE1�l x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resalution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficie»t? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for Instructions)