280917 � �������
C uncil Resolution
Presented By � ^ � ��
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS , The City of Saint Paul is about to const�uct traffic
control signals at the intersections of I-35E and W. Seventh St.
(Fort Rd. ) and at I-35E and Randolph Ave ; therefore , be it
RESOLUED , that the proper City officers be aouthorized , and
directed to execute on behalf of the City of St. Paul , agreement
No. 61663 between the City of St. Paul and the Minnesota Department
of Transportation , providing for the distribution of costs incurred
in the installation of said signals , a copy of said agreement being
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. �
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Fletcher Nays Public Wo ks (Traffic-R�IR;
ceu� � in Favor
scneibe� � __ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 7 1983 Form Appr ed y C ty t rney
Certified P• •se Council S t y BY
gy ^ �
Flpprove r: Date SEP 2 9 1983 Ap v M or for Sub i si n to Co il
By B
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?�:I�`�\�ESOTA TFtA�v'Si-G�.TA'�ICZ: �EP�RTi�iF1^1
AGREEb^.�I�;'i� PIG. 61663
lnstall T�affic Control Sigr.als at Trunk Highway No. 35E East and
Wes� Ramps at Trunk Highway D?o. 5 (West 7th Street) and �t
Ranclolph �,venuc and Fevise the existing Traffic Control Signals
at �'runk �:ighway No. 5 (West 7th Street) at St. Clair Avenue and
Interconnc>ct Trunk �iighway No. 35E East and P7est Ramps at Trunk
IIi,hway ��c. 5 (West 7th Street) and Randolph Avenue and Trunk
Highway ;�o. 35E West I'tamps to Trunk Highway Ldo. 5 (West 7th
Street) a'� Albion Aveiiue and to Randolph Avenue at Lexington
Rarrway in St. Paul .
S .P . 62�G-225
I'. F . I-IR 35E-4 ( 172 )
' Preparecl :�y Traffic Engineering
City o� S-c . Paul $6 , 916 . 37 $35 , 200 .00
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� THIS A.GREE�;EI��T made ��nc� entered into by anc� between the
State of Minnesota , Department of Transportation, hereinafter
; referred t.o as the "State" , and the Cit.y of St. Paul , hereinafter.
r��i:�rred to as the ".City" , WITNFSSE7'H:
, WHEREAS, the State has determined tha.t there is
, justification and it is in the public ' s best interest to pr�vide
: traffic control signals at Trunk Highway A7o. 35E East and L��zst
Ran�gs at Trunk Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street) and at Randolph
Avenue and revise the existing traffi.c control signal on Trunk
Highway No. 5 (YJest 7th Street) at St. Cla.ir Avenue and
interconnect Trunk Highway No. 35E East and [n1est Ramps at Trunk
Higrway I�Tc. 5 (West 7th Street ) and at Randolph. Avenue and Trunk
Highway r]o 35E West Ramps to Trunk Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street)
at A]_i�ion Avenue, to Randolph Avenue at Lexington Parkway in the
City; �.nd
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the tra.ffic control
sirnals are eligible f.or 90 percent Federal-aid Interstate Funds
and the interconnect work is eligible for 90 percent Fee�'eral-aid
Interstate (4R) Funds ; and. .
W�-:ERF.r�S, the City and State will share in the cost,
maintenance and operation of tYae traffic control signals and th.e '
revised traffic control. signal and interconnect a.s hereinafter set
l . The State shall prepare the necessary plans,
specifications and proposal and shall perform the engineering and
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' ins�ection requi.red to ccmplete tre items of work. hereinafter set
forth . Sucr work as described im:nediately above shall constitute
"Enair.eering and Inspection" anc� shall he so referred to
hereinafter .
2 . The con�ract cost of the u�ork or, if the work is not
contracte� , the cost of all labor, materials, and equipment rental
required to complete tre wor;c, except the cost of providing t�e
power supply to the service pole or pad, shall constitute the
. a.ctual "Construction Cost" and shall be so referred to hereinafter.
3 . The City shall furnisr to t.he State the traffic
control signal cabinets and control e�uipment anc� th.e State shall
fur.nisr traffi.c signal pedestals which shall be install.ed under
State Project No. 6280-225 and Federal Project No. I-IR 35E-4 (172 ) .
Such materials as described immediately above shall be hereinafter
referenced to as "Department furnished material" .
4 . The State with i.ts own forces and .eauipmerr,t or by
contract srall do the traffic control signal work provided for
under Sta.te Project No. 62�0-225 with the Construction Cost shared
a.s fo]_lows :
a. Trunk Highway No. 5 (Tn?est 7th Street) at Albion
. Avenue - Signal System "P." .
Interconnect with Trunk Highway No. 35E West Ra.mp
intersection ( System "B" ) .
Estimated Construction Cost $2 , 5'02 . 50 . City' s
' share 50 percent. State ' s share 50 percent .
b. Trunk Highway No. 35E ATest Ramp at Trunk Highway
• I��o. 5 (ti'est 7th Street) - Signal S.ystem "B" .
�� 61663
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• Traffic Cor.troi Siqnal �,�it.h street lights .
Tota]_ estimated construction cost is $45 , 02Q . 75 ,
wh�_ch includes $10, 600 . 00 Department furnished �
m�terials, funded as follows :
1 ) B�asic Signal Ccnstruction costs of $32, 815, 75,
excluding Emergency Vericle Pre-emption
materials, to be shared 9Q percent.
Federal-aid Interstate Funds, and 10 percent
� State Fund.s . Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption
( cable, detectcrs and lights ) costs of
$1 , 614 .00 to be l00 per_cent City Funds .
� 2 ) Depar.tment. Furnished Materials :
- Traffic Signal Pedestals furnished by the
State . Estimated value of $600 .00 to be
shared 90 percent Federal-aid Interstate
Funds and 10 percent State Funds .
- Controller and cabinet furnished by the
City, excluding interconnect equ,ipment.
' Estimated value of $7 , 680 .00 to be shared
90 percent Federal-aid Interstate Funds
� . and 10 percent State Funds . .
- Interconnect ea,uipment in the City
�urnished cabinet . Estimated value of
$1 , 120 .OG to be shared 90 percent
Federal-aid Interstate ( 4R) funds and 10
percent State Funds .
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, - Emerger.cy �'�r.icle Pre-emptior. co����:�
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interf�ce ec�u�pment costs of $1 , 20C . OQ �c
be 1G0 percent City Funds .
c. Trunk Highway �o. 35E East and �tiest Ra:-�.�s at
Trunk Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street) . Inter-
connect between Signal System "B" and Signal
System "C" . Estimated construction cost
$1 , 911 .00 to be shared 90 percent Feder.al-aid
. � Interstate (4R) Funds and 10 percent State Funds .
d. Trunk Hignway No. 35� East Ramp at Trunk Highway
No. 5 (West 7th Street)-Signal System "C" . Traf-
1 fic control signa.l with street lights . Total
estimated construction cost is $44,099 . 75 , which
includes $10 , 200 .00 Department furnished
material , funded as follows : .
' 1 ) Basic Signal Construct.ion costs of $32 , 272 . 25,
excluding Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption
materials, to be shared 90 perce�t
Federal-aid lnterstate Funds and 10 percent
. State Funds . Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption
( cable, d.etectors and lights ) costs of �
$1 , 627 . SG to be 100 percent City Funds .
2 ) Department "Furnished r4aterials :
• - Traffic Signal Pedestal furnished by the
'. . State . Estimated value of $200 .00 to be
61663 �
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shared 90 percent Federal.-ai� Interstate
Funds und 10 percent State Funds .
- Controller dnd cabinet furnished �y the
City, excluding � interconnect equipment.
Estimated value of $7 , 680 .00 to be shared
9G percent Federal-aid Interstate Funds
and 10 percent State Funds.
, - Interconnect equipment in the City
furnished cabinet. Estimated value of
$1 , 120 .00 to be shared 9Q percent
Federal--aid Interstate (4R) Funds and 10
� percent State Funds .
- Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption control and
interface equipment costs of $1 , 200 .00 to
be 100 percent City Funds. .
' e . Trunk Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street) at St.
Clair Avenue - Signal System "D" . Revision of
the existing traffic control signal . �: Estimated
Revision Cost $10 , 202 . 25. City' s share 5C
� percent . ' State ' s 50 percent.
f. Trunk Highway No. 35E East Ramn at Randolph
Avenue - Signal System "E" .
Traffic Control Signal with street lights. Total
; '
estimated construction cost is $39, 747 .00 which
includes $10, 200 .00 bepartment furnished
material, funded as .follows :
' 61663
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materials , �c ce s�are: ?� �eY_- _=
� . Federal-aiC Inters�ate F�^cs a^� '_0 re��e~�
� •
;� State Fund.s . Emeraencv Ve?��icle Pre-er�ption
� ( cable, detectors , anc? ligY!ts ) costs of
! ,
; ' $1 , 632 .00 to be 100 percent City Fu? d.s .
f . � 2 ) Lepartment Furnished Materials:
� - Traffic Signal Pedestal furnished by the
� State . Estimated value of $2.00 .00 to re
; � srared 90 percent F'ederal-aid Interstate
j ; .
� i Funds and 10 percent State Funds .
� i , - Controller and Cabinet furnished by the
+ City, excluding interconnect equipment.
, �
� j Estimated val.ue of $7 , 680 .00 .to be shared
i �
90 percent Federal-ai.d Interstate Funds
� • �
� and 10 percent State Funds .
� - Interconnect Equipment in t.he,.City
� � furnished cabinet . Estimated..' value of
� � $1 , 120 .00 to �e shared 90 percent
� � Federal-aid Interstate (4R) funds and 10 .
� +
,� � percent State Funds .
!; a - Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption control and
� interface equipment costs of $1 , 200 .OQ to
� be 100 percent City Funds .
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� 61663
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g . Tru.nk Nigh�,-ay D'o . 35E East and Plest Far�cs a�
Randolph Averiue . Interconnect between Si�r.al
System "E" and Signal System "F" . Estimated
construction cost $1 , 645 .00 to be shared �0
percent Federal-aid Interstate (4R) Funds and 10
percent State Funas .
h. Trunk Highway I�?o 35E [�?est Ramp at Randolph Avenue
- Signal System "F" . Traffic Control Signal with
street lights . Total estimated construction cost
is $40, 018 .00 which includes $10, 200 .00
. Department furnished material, fund.ed as follows:
1 ) Basic Signal Construction costs of $28, 222 .00,
excluding Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption
materials, to be shared .90 percent
Federal-aid Interstate Funds and 10 percent
State Funds . Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption
( cable, detectors and lights) cos�t of
� $1 , 596 .00 to be 100 percent City 'Funds .
, 2 ) Departrlent Furnished Materials :
- Traffic Signal Pedestal furnished by the
State . Estima.ted value of $200 . 00 to be
shared 90 percent Fedreal-aid Interstate
• Funds and 10 percent State Funds .
'. • - Controller and Cabinet furnished by the
City, excluding interconnect equipment.
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furnis.�ed cac_r.et . r sti�-.a�_., , a��_� c=
$1 , 12G . GG to be srarec 9C �ercer.t
Federal-aid Intersta'�e (4R} Fun�s �nd 10
• percent State Funds .
- Emergency Vehicle Fre-emption control and
interface �quipment costs of $1 , 200 . 00 to
be 1C0 percent City Funds .
i) Randolph Avenue at Lexington Avenue - Signal
System "G" . Interconnect with Trunk Highway No.
35E West Ramp intersection (System "F" ) .
Estimated Construction Cost is $345 . 00 . City' s
� share 50 percent. State ' s share 50 percent.
5 . Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption control anc�'. interface
equipmerit, cables, detectors, and lights for the traffic control
signals provided for herein shall be provided by the City at its
sole cost and expense. .
6 . Payment to the City will be made by the State for
100 percent of tlze actual costs for the four (4 )� new tr«ffic
• control signal cabinets, control equipment and interconnect
�, equipment ( estimated value $35 , 200 .00 ) furnished to the State and
upon submission by the City of an invoice in quintuplicate to the
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_.:_.�_ �__� _e_-.s �_ �ris acree.-.e::� . --� --- � ,._ -� _..� � _- _--
� �ccr -s �r� s:. �ect .�o �udit by the S�a:� ' � �__,: �::e = �,�e�-�� -- c'-...-
:_ur:ir.is~ration ' s representative at the ci�ec;.icn c` ei=rer „_ bct;^; .
7 . The City shall maintain all dccuments , papers,
accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred
in connection with the new traffic control signal cabinets, control
equipment and interconnect equipment for a period of not less than
3 years aFter receipt of payment. The City sha11 make such
. materials available at its office at all reasonable times during
� this agreement, for inspection by the State, the Federal Highway
Administration, or any authorized representatives of the Federal
Goverr.ment and copies thereof shall be furnished upon request.
. 8 . The amount to be encumbered for payment to the City
from Trunk Highway Funds for materials furnished under this
�r�reement is $35 , 200 . 00 . In the event that at any time�;it appears
that such reimbursement will eaceed said sum, the City shall
prc:mptly notifi� the State ' s. Project Engineer, at Oakdale in writing
of the reason for the increase in cost and the amount of additional '
furds necessary for the City furnislzed materials . If approved by
the State ' s Project Engineer at Oakdale, additional funds shall be
. encumbered by the State and notice by, the State ' s Project Engineer
at Oakdale, will be made to the City of that additional
encumbrance .
, 61663
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�_ �_ _-� =_ _ --.��_ __ _ ��.: Ir.si,ectior. .
iG . L�pen fi::al pay:,�ent to the contracter �r.c cor.9�ut�tion
of ti:e City ' s sllare for the work provided for herein, that aMOUnt
, � of the {unds advanced by the City in excess of its shure will be
returned without interest and the City agrees to pay to the State
that �mount of its share which is in excess of the amount of the
. funds advanced by the City.
11 . Upon cc�mpl.etion �f� the work provided for in
� pa�agraph 4 hereof, the City shall provide elecrical power and
shall maintain and keep in repzir the traffic control signals,
street lights and interconnect at its cost and expense .
12 . Any and all persons engaged in the aforesaid work to
Ue performed by tre State shall not be considered emplo�ees of the
City and any and all claims that may or might arise under the
Worker ' s Compensation Act of this State on behalf of said employees
while so engaged, �nd any and all claims made by any third party as •
a consequence of any act or omission on the part of sain employees
while so engaged on ar.y of tl-�e work contemplated herein shall not
. be the obligation and reponsibility of the City. The State shall
. not be r�sponsible under the Y�lorker ' s Ccrrpensation Act �or any
employees of the City.
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� po�;er �rcv�sicrs ccntai*:ed in any previous agreemen}s retu:een tre
� parties for irunK High�.ay �70. 5 (West 7th Street) at P.lbion P.venue
� and at St. Clair F.venue in the City.
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CIi� S"- -_i''_
Director of Public ti�3orks Mayor •
( City Sea'�_)
City Attorney Director of Finance and
Management Service
�District Engineer Assistant Commissioner
Operations Division
. Special Assistant Attorney .By
General - State of Minnesota
. Dated:
--..��.. � ..Y�rw����� .� _. . �.
_...� .�_: . _ �����_
ublic Works DEPARTt�1ENT `"�
' .Donald E. Sobania �ONTACT
..' 292-6288 PHONE
S�:�smber 7 , 1983 DATE reen e e
� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) �
Assi n Number for Routin Order Cli Al1 Locations for M oral Si natu e :
.� . or -
�, � � �
„� City Attorney SEP � ,� �g�
n /Mayor --
Finance and Management ervi ces Oi rector C�TY ATTORNEY
4 City Clerk
. Budget Director
What Wi1l be Achieved by Takin� Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale).
., Resolution authorizing propez Cit�r o�ficers to execute , on behalf of the
_.City of Saint Paul , an agreement with the Department of Transportation
� 'providing for the costs incurred in the construction of the traffic
control signals at I-35E and W. 7th St. (Fort Rd. ) and at T-35E and Randolph
Ave. _ •
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel In�acts�Anticipated:
Reso].ution directs costs, as outlined by agreement., to be pai.d from P,I.R.
fund code 62527 and 'be reimbursed by Mn/DOT, $28 ,283.63.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Char ed or Credited•
Attachmehts (List and Nun�er all Attachments):
Council Resolution
Copy of agreement
�x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes x No Insurance �Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes ,�_____ No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
f�� Rwv�►rc� Si� f�r 'Instructions)