280914 \ t WHITE - CITV CLERK / ���1',�� 4� PINK - FINANCE COIIRCIl ��+�'f � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR File NO• , Cou ci R ol ti Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date KESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve of the following appointments, made by the Mayor, to the Parking Commission of the City of Saint Paul . Reappoint to 3-year terms, representing owners, operators or managers of parking facilities or major traffic generators (terms to expire on September 21 , 1986) : Gary Tankenoff John Mannillo Appoint to a 3-year term, representing the public at large (term to expire on September 21 , 1986) : Gary James 0'Hara COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays cen� [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ Ag81IlSt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 7 �g$3 For Approved ity Certified Y ss d b Council Sec ary BY � By t�pprov d by � vor• Date r � � � Approve y yor for Subm' Cou c'1 By BY PUBLISNED OCT 81983 � . .. ��.�� � � . �.,�� ..M\. � Or FICE OF THE <�L�YOR 347 CITY HALL � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 - �,.. . : ; � . 298-4323 _ _ . . .. .. . F-^'' -."" ti._,,. . � . .. . . . . . �q: . ' Applicat.ion for _ ' ,. ,,.� Membership for City -5�• � � ;%��� - - Boards, Commissions and Committees � � . e _..t- ,t,�. _ i,tame Gary James O'Hara �ddress 1582 Holly��ood Court Falcon Heights 55108 Street City Zip District Pnone xome:` 647-0703 ' :. work: 221-4593 Cornm.ittee(s) ; Board(s) , or Commission(s) in which you are interested: . PARKING COMMISSION of the , City of Saint Paul Co�munity Service/Activities (past and present) : _ I'orrler "Big Brother" (Big Brother Prograri of St. Paul) Former youth camp couriselor (Camp Sunrise P�'irinesota) , , �. . : Former "Loaned Executive" to the United �^;ay �"� ` 1983 United �7ay Loaned Executive Proaram Trainer 1983 PISP St. Paul Division United j^?ay Chairman Professional Activitiesr At :ay present position as a Project Designer, with r3SP in the St. Paul �ivision, I ar.l accountable for planning, designincr and - etimating costs for Gas Distribution Facilities . At this position I assur�te the responsibility for an area of St. Paul. entailing : rliscellaneous problem solvinq functions. I ' am presently the NSP Gas P.epresentive for the District ?ieating and Energy �ark Projects. " (OVGT) - .. _ . �: _ .... . . ._,. . _. . , . _ .. . . . .... . ,. _ � ... ..,. .. .r... ..� . . y Y Civic/Professiona3 Organization Memberships: i?O1^iG Reasons for your interest in this particu.Zar comm.ittee(s) : � :•4v job ha.s brought rae close to nublic anc� �rivate develop�ent in our cant:iunity and the many needs and concerns involved in this aro�,•�th. I am a believer in volunteerism an� community involve- ment, an appointment to the Parlcing Commission �aill allo�a me to became nore involved in the leadershin and decision makinq pro- cess 'of ` comriunity service: I feel tnat ��� lcno���lec:ge of the city �b 'n i h� m,y daily work involvement �hrouqhout. tYie citv leaves rie well suited for this x�osition. r7r� you currentlu serving on any other city committee? If so, which concnittee(s)/ commission(s)/board(s) . : �'one : , � :- Ethzic group (to ensure fair and equal represzntation) : Caucasian` Ot:�er pertinent information: It shoulc? be acknov�ledaec� that I have _ .�v er.lr�lovers full sunport in pursuinq this position a.nc1 that r�y position �,�ith NSP allo�•rs r�e c�aily mobility anc� flexability ��hich would be an asset in this position. ` Joseph ?�. Cascalenda, General ���anager Please list 3 references: 1) St. Paul Division, Nor�hern States Po=��er 2) Sam Ca*�.pbell, Deputy Car,lpaign Chairrlan, United ��'ay of St. Paul � 3J Dr. LTOhn Gallicxan, St. John' s Hos�ital, P{Tanle�aoc��., 1!fi3 . 5/So . - ' �;�:�',�±1�!� , ...� .. a . `` _ �_ �_i 7�'_�`�' 'v:9 p, �i��,, y_�.;�I' �_''_c^�.����� .;; . � ,'� :.� Cjl'i�,C'i� ot� 't':I�-: ri.�YOI�� A '. `� ;��_L; �� , , �' � ' 347 CITY T-IALL "'+ SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR T0: City Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Mayor George Latimer� DATE: September 15, 1983 RE: APPOINTMENTS TO THE PARKING COMMISSION I am asking for your consideration and approval of the attached Council Resolution appointing Gary 0'Hara and reappointing Gary Tankenoff and John Mannillo to serve three-year terms on the Parking Commission. These terms will expire on September 21 , 1986. 0'Hara's resume is attached. Thank you. GL/lm attachment �i46