280903 M/HITE - CiTV CLERK • [� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ��..�a."Vt3 CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ; . Cou ' �Zesolution Presented By � � L ' i/F2eferred To � ��� � Committee: Date � �� �- Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, proposals for playground equipment at Cayuga Rec Center and construction of a passive park at Drew School site were submitted to the 1983 Unified Capital Improvement Program and Budget Process for consideration for funding in 1984; and WHEREAS, both proposals were recommended for funding by the Community Facilities Task Force and the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Committee; and WHEREAS, prior appropriations are available for both proposals; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, . upon the recommendation of the Mayor, based on the advice of the Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1983 Capital Improvement Budget is amended to release $7�,000 of the $118,600 in Year IX CDBG moneys set aside in specified contingency for construction of a passive park at Drew School Site; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 1980 Capital Improvement Budget be amended to expand the scope of project C-0604, Cayuga Rec Center Remodeling, to include construction of playground equipment and horseshoe pits at a cost of $5,500. Approved: Approved as to Funding: � Grego 61 s Peter Hames, Director �2S�1k�Sc3 Budget Dir ctor Dept. of Finance & Management Services �3Q�03 - �'X X - Z Z� -� 7O�Oac�'" ���0 3 �1�X� � l 8� - �S,Sao°' COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � Community Services -{�wRo-- Galles In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 2 1983 Form A prove by Cit Attorney �,_ Certified Pas- b uncil S ar BY � B� r�;. ;�;����83 A rov by Mayor for Council Approve Mavor: Date � BY - – — PUBLISHED OCT 1 j983 • , � „ � � �i f_ .�� _ dget EPARTf,1ENT ` � '' �� � �� ' � �i',�j /„'�%. rrisen Ai ch i nger ONTACT r'��� `� ` 8-4323 HONE �� gust 12, 1983 DATE �v�� �� ' (Routing and Explanation Sheet) i n Nurt�er for Routi n Order Cl i Al l Locati ons for oral Si nature : RECEIVEp ��C�:.IV'�::.,C3 � Department Di rector q�� ,� �'' City Attorney AUG 1 919$3 1 ` 19� 5 Di rector of Management/Mayor ��;�'���, pFFiC�,... RECElVED _.:..��TY ATrpRN� � Finance and Management Services Director 6 Ci ty C1 erk `AUG 161983 � Budget Di rector OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMEN7 OF FMANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES What Will be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Scope of a 1980 capital project at Cayuga Rec Center will be expanded to allow installation of playground equipment and horseshoe pits and the 1983 capital budget will be amended to release $70,000 of the $118,600 set aside in specified contingency for Drew School Site. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Funds are available for these projects. No additional personnel costs are anticipated. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurnber Charged or Credited: CDBG Year IX and CDBG Year VI programs. Attachments (List and Number all Attachments): Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revisior� of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions) , ���'�� :��encta I�in�nce, 1�'�1nagement £, Persorulel Comr�ittee Paoe ? 1E1. P.esolution chanbi.ng the title and class specificati.on for Assistant G��cral Z�ana�er--{��ater Department to Assistai�t General Tianagcr--1�'ater Utilitl in the Ci<<il Service Rules. (Personnel) �—Q 11. Resolution approving and ratifying ?�lenorandum of Aoreement amending I9S1-1983 Collective BaraaiFiino A�reene�it �ti�ith Sheet I�Ietal �torl:ers, Local ?6. (Personnel) �.'c.�.� �3-� 12. Ordinaiice amending Civil Service Rules by establishing the classification Deputy Chief of Police in the U�classified Service. (Personnel) Q�2� 3--� 13. Resolutioii changing the orade and class specification for the title of �cL�ninistrative Assistant=-Fire Departnent in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) �;c�-� ,3_� � �114. Resolution amending Capi.tal Improvement Budget to ea and the sco e o� ro'ect T� p � J C-0604, Cayuoa F.ec Center f:enodclino, for playground equipment aiid liorseshoe � pits at a cost o£ $5,500. . (Budget Office) �''`1� �3—Q 15. Resolution xeiiewiii� lease agreement C.S. 27 c,;itt� Dr. John D. Lenzi and Teresa i1. for paxkitlg lat at 6G2 Payne Avenue. (Finance F� Aianabement) �� 3—O ' • � � :�`�r� � �?���'� � � .'�, 'a � �_� �.� ��.� ��, �:+;3�t',�„ ,; ;� -� \y'.� J i�i=I C;E U F i ci f- �1:1 Y U.'. \..� .�'�: -- �I�-�Qr�� x�Li. `"� '�� SAIi�T_ PA�'L, MIN2r�,F[�, OT9 55102 .GL I AiIti.ER �"- ' ` (�1'�L� �'g�""13�3 t�dAYOR ���P t�i: n�Tti- �,� »� _,� r�r.���„� i t I ha ,i ".. . .,'�, i. T0: Counci lman Wi 11 i am Wi 1 son c` rQ�,. � K�G���� FROM: Tamsen Aichinger, Budget Analyst �C�� DATE: September 20, 1983 RE: Drew School Site It has come to my attention that the resolution currently before City Council releasing 1983 Community Development Block Grant Funds placed in specified contingency for the Drew School Site Passive Park contains an error; The resolution calls for release of $70,000 for this project. The amount required by the project, requested by the community, and recommended by the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital ImproVement Budget Committee is, in fact, $74,000. TLA/lm cc: Victor Tedesco, President, City Council James Scheibel , Chair, Finance, Management, ' and Personnel Committee A1 Olson, City Clerk WMITE - CITY CLERK `/�# PINK FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � ���� CTANARl � DEPARTMENT COUIICII �,p�� 7f �BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By .�. ✓Referred To �1���A��_� Committee: Date ��`3 �'�� Out of Committee By Date /�3 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AN 1983 DEBT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BUDGET TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FINANCING FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE FARMERS MARKET. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Saint Paul upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget and 1983 Debt—Capital Improvement Fund Budget as heretofore adopted by the Council and thereafter amended is hereby amended as under: 1982 CAPITAL IMPROIIEMENT BUDGET Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Change Budget Sale proceeds of old Farmers Site $ 550,000 $5,874 $ 555,874 50085-537-000 Urban Renewal Bonds 114,000 —0— 114,000 76500-537-301 1981 Capital Improvement Bonds 100,000 —0— 100,000 Private Contribution 130,000 —0— 130,000 Urban Development Action Grant Funds 150,000 —0— 150,000 36911-537-089 TOTAL $1,044,000 $5,874 $1 ,049,874 NET INCREASE $5,874 COUNCILMEN Requested b �ent of: Yeas p�etcher Nays � Galles [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� __ Against BY Tedesco W ilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr d by Cit Atto ney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Appr v Mayor for Submis 'on t Council �pproved b vor: Date , By _ �G gy �� _ �._ � PUBLISHED OCT 1 ��8� �