280901 WHITE - CITV CLE�7K PINK - FINANCE COUI�Cll /��,/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L 1 j+��� BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. �- += n ��� � � o�n il Resolution Presented By �Referred � �--� Committee: Date 7 '�j� �� Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changing the title and class specification for Assistant General Manager--Water Department to Assistant Gene ral Manage r--Wate r Utility i.n the Civil Se rvi ce Rule s. RESOLVED, that tlze Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.K by striking out the title of Assistant General Manager--Water Department from Grade 31 and by substituti.ng in lieu thereof the title of Assistant Ceneral Manager--Water Utility; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specificati.on for the title of Assistant General Manager--Water Department and by substituti.ng in lieu thereof the attached class specificati.on fcr the title of Assistant General Manager--Water Utility. Approved: �� Chairman, Ci il Service Commi, sion COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas F�etcher Nays � pERSONNEL OFFICE cau� In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibei __ Against BY TedesCo Wilson SEP 2 2 1983 Form Ap ved by ity A t e Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P�ss d Council Se r BY ' B, 1 r �Er� `� 3 198 A by Mayor for S mi si to Council A�pproved v r: D e ^' ,i By �_ PUBLISHED OCT 11983 �������! Title of class: ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible planning and administrative work assisting the General Manager in directing the , operations of the Water Utility; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the General Manager-Water Utility. Supervision Exercised; Exercises within the Utility general guidance and direction directly and through subordinate supervisors over all levels of professional, technical and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by aIl positions in this class. Assists the General Manager in the administration of the Water Utility and to have full administrative charge in the absence of the General Manager. Assists in the development of broad policy, rate structure and ma3or project recommendations affecting water supply, quality, treatment, storage, distribution or cost. Plans, installs and maintains procedures to assure proper and prompt disposition of Utility activities. Coordinates the activities of all divisions of the Utility within general policies and programs determined by the General Manager. Assists in the development of and directs the carrying out of operating plans and specific projects of the Water Utility. Assists in the development and administration of the Utility budget and reviews and recommends actions on expenditures within the budget; assists in developing rate recommendations. Prepares specifications for physical plant, facilities and equipment. Confers with officials from other governmental or private agencies, contractors, planning and civic groups and individuals in the interest of cooperative ohjectives and to coordinate the work of the Utility with governmental or private agencies. Assists in developing, implementing and directing employee develop- ment, public relations, planning, research and related programs; participates in personnel activities and decisions. Assembles and supervises the assembly, analysis and writing of sta- tistical and narrative reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Expert knowledge of current and potential methods of water supply, purification, storage and distribution. (continued on reverse side) ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY (continued) � Expert knowledge of the function, operation and ma.intenance of Utility equipment. Marked ability to analyze information and to assist in the construction �` of short and long range operatioaal and capital acquisition plans. Marked ability to assist in the revision of existing plans to meet new ' needs, emergencies or changes in policy. rlarked ability to establish good working relationships with subordinates and to deal with people tactfully and efficiently. MINIMUri QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Civil Engineering and ten years' engineering experience following graduation, at least two years of which must have been as a Civil Engineer IV or equivalent in the water works field. Must be registered as a professional engineer in the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.) ������� Title of class: ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible planning and administrative work assisting the General Manager in directing the operations of the Water Utility; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the General Manager--Water Utility. Supervision Exercised; Fxercises within the Utility general guidance and direction directly and through subordinate supervisors over aIZ . levels of professional, technical and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the General Ma.nager in the administration of the Water LTtility and to have full administrative charge in the absence of the General Manager. Assists in the development of broad policy, rate structure and �ajor pro3ect recommendations affecting water supply, quality, treat:�ent, storage, distribution or cost. Plans, installs and maintains procedures to assure proper and pro�pt disposition of Utility activities. Coordinates the activities of all divisions of the Utility within general policies and programs determined by the General Manager. Assists in the development of and directs the carrying out of operating plans and specific projects of the Water Utility. Assists in the development and administration of the Utility budget and reviews and recommends actions on expenditures within the budget; assists in developing rate recommendations. Prepares specifications for physical plant, facilities and equipaent. Confers with officials from other governmental or private agencies, contractors, planning and civic groups and individuals in the interest of cooperative ohjectives and to coordinate the work of the Utility with governmental or private agencies. Assists in developing, implementing and directing employee develop- ment, public relations, planning, research and related programs; participates in personnel activities and decisions. Assembles and supervises the assembly, analysis and writing of sta- tistical and narrative reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Expert knowledge of current and potential methods of water supply, purification, storage and distribution. (continued on reverse side) ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY (continued) Expert knowledge of the function, operation and maintenance of Utility equipment. Marked ability to analyze information and to assist in the construction of short and long range operational and capital acquisition plans. Marked ability to assist 3n the revision of existing plans to meet new needs, emergencies or changes in policy. Marked ability to establish good working relationships with subordinates and to deal with people tactfully and efficieatly. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Civil Engineering and ten years' engineering experience following graduation, at least two years of which must have been as a Civil Engineer IV or equivalent in the water works field. Must be registered as a professional engineer in the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.) ������. Title of class: ASSISTANT GENERAL r1ANAGER--WATER UTILITY DESCRIPTION QF WORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible planning and administrative work assisting the General Manager in directing the ; operations of the Water Utility; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the General Manager--Water Utility. Supervision Exercised; Exercises within the Utility general guidance and direction directly and through subordinate supervisors over all levels of professional, technical and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the General Manager in the administration of the Water Utility and to have full administrative charge in the absence of the General Manager. Assists in the develogment of broad policy, rate structure and ma�or project recommendations affecting water supply, quality, treatment, storage, distribution or cost. Plans, installs and maintains procedures to assure proper and prompt disposition of Utility activities. Coordinates the activities of all divisions of the Utility within general policies and programs determined by the General Manager. Assists in the development of and directs the carrying out of operating plans and specific projects of the Water Utility. Assists in the development and administration of the Utility budget and reviews and recommends actions on expenditures within the budget; assists in developing rate recommendations. Prepares specifications for physical plant, facilities and equipment. Confers with officials from other governmental or private agencies, contractors, planning and civic groups and individuals in the interest of cooperative ohjectives and to coordinate the work of the Utility with governmental or private agencies. Assists in developing, implementing and directing employee develop- ment, public relations, planning, research and related programs; participates in personnel activities and decisions. Assembles and supervises the assembly, analysis and writing of sta- tistical and narrative reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Expert knowledge of current and potential methods of water supply, purification, storage and distribution. (continued on reverse side) ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY (continued) Expert knowledge of the function, operation and maintenance of Utility equipment. Marked ability to analyze information and to assist in the construction � of short and long range operational and capital acquisition plans. Marked ability to assist in the revision of existing plans to meet new ' needs, emergencies or changes in policy. Marked ability to establish good working relationships with subordinates and to deal with people tactfully and efficiently. MINTMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Civil Engineering and ten years' engineering experience following graduation, at least two years of which must have been as a Civil Engineer IV or equivalent in the water works field. Must be registered as a professional engineer in the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.) - .. � • . -- --. _ _ _- -- -- _._ -- � __. -._- - - -- _ . _ __--- --- - _ _ , � .��.' _ _ +.HITE - UTV CLERK � . r�.NK - F{NANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Counci!� �6YqRY - OEPARTMENT File N O. 3LUE - MAVOR � � CITY CLERK Council �Zesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date .An administrative Resolution changing the title and class specificati.on for Assistant General Manager--Water Department to Assistant General Manager�-Water Utility in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. RESOLVED, that f,�.e Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.K by striki.ng out the title of Assistant General Manager--Water Department f rom G rade 31 and by sub stituting in lieu the re of the title of Gene ral Manage r-- Water Utility; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended by striking from 5ection 32 the ciass specification for the title of Assistant General Manager--Water Department and by substituting in lieu thereof the attached class specification for the title of Assistant General Man,ager--Water Utility. Approved: Chairman, Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays F�etcner PERSONNEL OFFICE ca��� in Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified �'assed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by 1lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii . . � - . ������. . ... � Title of class: ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible planning and administrative work assisting the General Manager in directing the r operations of the Water Utility; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the General Manager--Water Utility. Supervision Exercised; Exercises within the Utility general guidance and direction directly and through subordinate supervisors over a1Z levels of professional, technical and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties perfortned by all positions in this class. Assists the General Manager in the administration of the Water Utility and to have full administrative charge in the absence of the General Manager. Assists in the development of broad policy, rate structure and major pro�ect recommendations affecting water supply, qua.lity, treatment, storage, distribution or cost. Plans, installs and maintains procedures to assure proper and prompt disposition of Utility activities. Coordinates the activities of all divisions of the Utility within general . policies and programs determined by the General Manager. Assists in the development of and directs the carrying out of operating plans and specific projeets of the Water Utility. Assists in the development and administration of the Utility budget and reviews and recommends actions on expenditures within the budget; assists in developing rate recommendations. Prepares specifications for physical plant, facilities and equipment. Confers with officials from other governmental or private agencies, contractors, planning and civic groups and individuals in the interest of cooperative ohjectives and to coordinate the work of the Utility with governmental or private agencies. Assists in developing, implementing and directing employee develop- ment, public relations, planning, research and related programs; participates in personnel activities and decisions. Assembles and supervises the assembly, analysis and writing of sta- tistical and narrative reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Expert knowledge of current and potential methods of water supply, purification, storage and distribution. (continued on reverse side) ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY ' v . ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER--WATER UTILITY (continued) Expert knowledge of the function, operation and maintenance of Utility equipment. Marked ability to analyze information and to assist in the construction \' of short and long range operational and capital acquisition plans. Marked ability to assist in the revision of existing plans to meet new ' needs, emergencies or changes in policy. Marked ability to establish good working relationships with subordinates and to deal with people tactfully and efficiently. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Civil Engineering and ten years' engineering experience following graduation, at least two years of which must have been as a Civil Engineer IV or equivalent in the water works field. Must be registered as a professional engineer in the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.) � . , {„�'J..'"�a.�V�. " PersonnelOffice DEPARTt�tE�VT , Bernard P. Wright �ONTACT . 298-4221 PHONE August 16, 1983 DATE 1 Vv� �� • (Routing and Explanation Sheet) :.,� Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): '� � Department Director . , � City Attorney _ . /Ma�yor � ��.��11��;�j Finance and Management ervi ces Di or AUG 1 71983 City C1erk ' e. . ������a�!�� �=� ��;�: Sudget Director What Wii1 be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This resoluti.Q� wi�l replace the title and class specificati.on for Assi!staat General . Manager--Water Department which is in Secti.on 3.K ;�P�afessional�-Administrati.ve Supervisors) Grade 3T of the Civil Service Rules with the titie and �clas�s specificatian for Assistant Ge�eral Ma.nager--Water Utility. Minimum qualifica�i.ons have been. reviewed a,nd.madified. � . Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: � : . , _ None. . , - . _ Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: � Attachments (List and Number all Attachments): 1. `R.e soluti.on. 2. CoPY for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? i/ Yes � Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes . No�� Yes No Insurance Attache�d? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for Instructions) , , ���1�[��"� . , .. :t�err.la Finance, I�ianagement f� Personnel Committee Page ? 10. Sesoluti.on chanbiii� the title and class specification for Assistant General. , �.ana�er--{�'ater D�partment to Assistant Gcneral tlanaycr--lCater Utilit3- in the Civil Service Rules. (Person�iel) � --Q lI. Resolution ap�roving and ratif.ying I�fenoranclum of A6reement amendina I981-I983 Collecti�e Barbainino A�reenei�t with Sheet I�1etal itorkers, Local 76. (Personnel) ��2� 3 d 12. Ord�nance amending Civil Service Rules by establishing the classification Deputy Chief of Police in the Uaclassified Service. (Personnel) Q�2� 3-� 13. Resolution changing the grade and class specification for the title of acL�►inistrative Assi.stant=-Fire Departnenfi in the.Ci��il Servi.ce ftules. (Personnel) �;c.�P 3_� 14. Resolution amendzng Capital Improvement Budfiet to e�pand tlle scope of project C-0604, Cayuoa Rec Center F,enodela.no, for ��layground equipment and liorseshoe - pits at a cost of $5,500. (Budget Office) �''`�� `3-O i5. P.esolution rerieiyiii� lease aoreement C.S. 27 c,;�.tli Dr. Jahn D. Lenzi and Teresa ;•i. for parkiiig lot at 662 Payne Avenue. (I�xnance F� l►fanaoement) �,,� 3-O a