00-294Coancil File # oo -as,y
Green 5heet # 100408
Referred To
Committee Date
WI-IEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20000000422) for Auto
Repair Garage, Tow Truck Wrecker (Vehicle), and Tow Truck Wrecker (Operator) Licenses by Sean A.
McMurray, Owner, DBA A-1/Able Towing, 14 Acker Street East, be approved with the following conditions:
1} The pazking or storage of impounded vehicles is confined only to the licensed premises at 14 E. Acker
Street. There sha11 be no pazking of vehicles on any other lots without prior approval of the City of Saint
2) All vehicles associated with the business may not be stored in or project into the public sidewalk or into
the street.
3) There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts.
4) The repair of any vehicle outdoors is prohibited.
5) The collection or storage of vehicles for the purpose of salvaging parts is e�pressly forbidden.
6) Storage and handling of hazardous waste shall be in accordance with the Ramsey County Hazazdous
Waste regulafions.
7) Trucks are not allowed to idle on the street or in the parking lot between May and October. Vehicle idiing
between November and April shall be confined to the lot and not longer than 20 minutes.
8) No horn honking between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVBD that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves these licenses
with the recommended conditions.
A-1IA$LE TOWING, 14 Acker Street East
Green Sheet 100408
Yeas Na s Absent
Blakey �
Coleman ,/
Hanis �
Benanav �
Reiter �
Bostrom ,/
Lantry ,/
� �
Adopted by Council: Date {�� S a.poo
Requested by Depamnent o£
Fozm Approved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
co,���i o��es
Mazch 27, 2000
No � �40$
Strathman, 266-8560
Apri14, 2000 - Consent
❑ an�ttaar � arct�auc
❑ wuwv�.nnecsoa ❑ �.wo.�ae�crs
❑MVWMI�NifN111 ❑
Approving application with conditions for Auto Repair Gazage, Tow Tnxck/Wrecker (Vehicle), and Tow
Truck/Wrecker (Operator) Licenses by Sean A. McMuiray, Owner, DBA A-1/Able Towing, 14 Acker Street
FMS Mie paaaJfwm avxwdkod udx a mnhaatiar tlis depenbndd7
Iwtlis P� aer heen e dtY a�wbY��
Does UYC P� P� a Na1 rct � bY �' eu�eM �kY empbyeel
kM's pawMrm s WpdeA vnidoR
�a5�„`t4f;'ai ��a°e�''G?� iu';�4ta
!'i.r;i8 �s �
[l::y :7li:
Date: March 23, 2000
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Gerry Strathman
Legislarive Hearing Officer
Apalication for Auto Re�air Garage. Tow Truck/Wrecker (Vehielel, and Tow
Truck/Wrecker (Operator) Licenses bv Sean A. McMurray. Owner, dba A-1/Able Towing,
14 Acker Street East:
Mr. Strathman recommended approval with conditions.
A-1/ABLE TOWING - 14 Acker Street East
Thursday, Mazch 23, 2000
Gerry Stratluuau, Legislative Hearing Officer
STAFF PRESENT: Kristine Schweinler, LIEP (License, Inspections, Environmental
Protection); Lairy Zangs, LIEP
The meeting was called to order at 11:02 a.m.
Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objecfions to the issuance of licenses.
Kristine Schweinler reported the application is for an Auto Repair Garage, Tow TrucklWrecker,
and Tow Truck/Operator licenses by Sean A. McMurray, dba A-1/Able Towing. It has been
inspected by zoning, fire, and licensing. The recommendation by LIEP is for approval.
Kathy Cole, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice Street, appeared and stated they have no
problem with the issuance of these licenses. Rather, they want the six conditions on the previous
license to remain on this license. A public hearing was held, but the owner was unable to attend
so they did not talk to the owner about the conditions.
(Ms. Cole gave Mr. Strathman a copy of the list of conditions.)
Mr. Strathman asked was she proposing to add two more conditions. If possible because of some
issues that have come up, responded Ms. Cole. These two conditions have to do with truck
idling and horn honking. There has been a history of some difficulties with this business. There
were concerns about noise and pollution with diesel fixel and some safety issues, such as stop
signs not being observed. When trucks aze idling, diesel fuel fumes get in the air.
If the owner is not willing to agree to these conditions, asked Mr. Strathman, what would be the
district planning council's position. Ms. Cole responded they probably would not want to
approve the license application.
Jannette Pederson, 764 Lightner Place, appeared and stated they aze in the middle of the block
from A-1 Towing. Trucks speed down Lightner 7 days a week, almost 24 hours a day. These
are tow truck and semi trucks. The street is very narrow. The trucks could drive down Sycamore
instead of Lightner.
Mr. Strathman stated none of these conditions go to the issue of where the trucks are routed. He
asked is she proposing such a condition. Ms. Pederson responded the trucks could go down
Acker. Trucks speed down the street and there aze little children in the azea. Also, the business
owns a lot next to her property. The lot is a mess; the sidewalk is not shoveled in the winter.
Joyce Walker, 16 E. Sycamore, appeared and stated the fumes from the business would kill her.
The trucks should not be speeding in the azea. This business should not come in and take over
the neighborhood.
A-1/ABLE TOWING, 14 Acker Street East
� z��
Page 2
Mr. Strathman asked would it help if the trucks drove on Acker instead of Lightner. Ms. Walker
responded yes. Also, they raise the doar and Ms. Walker can hear the riveting.
Sean McMurray, owner, appeared.
Mr. Strathman asked has he seen the conditions. Mr. McMurray responded he has seen the six
condiUons but not the two additional ones.
(Ms. Cole handed Mr. McMurray a copy of the conditions; he took a moment to go over them.)
As for Condition 7, stated Mr. McMurray, 99% of tow hucks aze diesel and it is hazd to start
diesels during the winter if they are kept outside. He does not have enough storage to run the
diesels inside. He does run extension cords; however, when it is 40 below zero it is hard to keep
the trucks from not idling. If someone pulls up outside the building and is going to be there for
five minutes, he has a problem with that vehicle being shut down during that time. As for the
horn honking, that condition is not a problem. He does not do repair work per se, although he
may change a tire. He wanted a tow truck license. This business was a garage previous to him
buying it, and Mr. McMurray applied for the same things it was licenced for previously.
Mr. Strathman asked could the trucks park in the parking lot instead of on the street if they aze
idling. Mr. McMurray responded that is fine. Ms. Pederson stated it is fine when the vehicles
are idling in the winter, but not in the sutmner. There was a truck that idled far 2'/2 hours once.
Vehicles run the stop sign throughout the day. Mr. McMurray responded that a driver may run in
briefly to get a ca11 or to briefly fill out paperwork before dropping off an impounded vehicle.
As for a truck running 2'/z hours, Mr. McMurray doesn't know anything about it.
What would be a reasonable limit for letting a truck idle, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. McMurray
responded it depends on what it is. Right around the corner, a trucking company has refrigerated
trailers that run all night long in the summer, and they run off diesel fuel. It is less than 60 feet
away from his building. Mr. McMurtay would be interested in the same amount of time those
trucks aze allowed to idle. He would not usually have more than one truck idling at night. That
driver would be in and out of the pazking lot.
Mr. Strathman asked how much of an issue is tYris, and are they willing to let that condition go.
On behalf of her neighbor that lives on the corner, Ms. Pederson responded, fumes enter the
Mr. McMurray stated if there aze so many fiunes from his vehicles, they aze also getting fumes
from D.W. Jones and the railroad 50 feet behind him. A.W. Jones is connected to her properry
and his refrigerator boxes run 24 hours a day in the suimner; they also run in the winter to keep
them warm. The neighbors here live three houses down from Mr. McMurray's business.
Ms. Schweinler suggested that there be months during the year that they do not idle and months
when they do idle. She asked do the drivers take their riucks home at night and is it necessary for
them to idle in the siuiuner. Mr. McMurray responded Saint Paul residents have been griping
A-1/ABLE TOWING, 14 Acker Street East
�c� �q�
Page 3
about the trucks takiug up too much room; therefore, the drivers have not been takiug the trucks
home. The drivers could turn off the engines in the snnuner.
Mr. Strathman stated Ms. Schweinler's suggestion is a good proposal about the irucks not being
allowed to idle in the snmmer and limited in the winter. Mr. Strathman asked can he work with
that. Mr. McMurray responded a cold start up for a diesei truck is five minutes before it can be
Mr. Slsathman asked was he okay with atl the conditions including the idling one. Mr.
McMurray responded yes.
Ms. Pederson stated she would like the lot cleaned up. Mr. Strathman asked can he do
something about that. Mr. McMurray responded in the affirmative.
Mr. Stratlunan recommended approval of the license with the following conditions.
1) The pazking or storage of impounded vehicles is confined only to the licensed premises at
14 E. Acker Street. There sha11 be no parking of vehicles on any other lots without prior
approval of the City of Saint Paul.
2) All vehicles associated with the business may not be stored in or project into the public
sidewalk or into the street.
3) There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts.
4) The repair of any vehicle outdoors is prohibited.
5) The collection or starage of vehicles for the purpose of salvaging parts is expressly
6) Storage and handling of hazardous waste sha11 be in accordance with the Ramsey County
Hazazdous Waste regulations.
7) Trucks are not aliowed to idle on the street ar in the parking lot between May and
October. Vehicle idling between November and April shall be confined to the lot and not
longer than 20 minutes.
8) No horn honking between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 pm.
Coancil File # oo -as,y
Green 5heet # 100408
Referred To
Committee Date
WI-IEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20000000422) for Auto
Repair Garage, Tow Truck Wrecker (Vehicle), and Tow Truck Wrecker (Operator) Licenses by Sean A.
McMurray, Owner, DBA A-1/Able Towing, 14 Acker Street East, be approved with the following conditions:
1} The pazking or storage of impounded vehicles is confined only to the licensed premises at 14 E. Acker
Street. There sha11 be no pazking of vehicles on any other lots without prior approval of the City of Saint
2) All vehicles associated with the business may not be stored in or project into the public sidewalk or into
the street.
3) There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts.
4) The repair of any vehicle outdoors is prohibited.
5) The collection or storage of vehicles for the purpose of salvaging parts is e�pressly forbidden.
6) Storage and handling of hazardous waste shall be in accordance with the Ramsey County Hazazdous
Waste regulafions.
7) Trucks are not allowed to idle on the street or in the parking lot between May and October. Vehicle idiing
between November and April shall be confined to the lot and not longer than 20 minutes.
8) No horn honking between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVBD that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves these licenses
with the recommended conditions.
A-1IA$LE TOWING, 14 Acker Street East
Green Sheet 100408
Yeas Na s Absent
Blakey �
Coleman ,/
Hanis �
Benanav �
Reiter �
Bostrom ,/
Lantry ,/
� �
Adopted by Council: Date {�� S a.poo
Requested by Depamnent o£
Fozm Approved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
co,���i o��es
Mazch 27, 2000
No � �40$
Strathman, 266-8560
Apri14, 2000 - Consent
❑ an�ttaar � arct�auc
❑ wuwv�.nnecsoa ❑ �.wo.�ae�crs
❑MVWMI�NifN111 ❑
Approving application with conditions for Auto Repair Gazage, Tow Tnxck/Wrecker (Vehicle), and Tow
Truck/Wrecker (Operator) Licenses by Sean A. McMuiray, Owner, DBA A-1/Able Towing, 14 Acker Street
FMS Mie paaaJfwm avxwdkod udx a mnhaatiar tlis depenbndd7
Iwtlis P� aer heen e dtY a�wbY��
Does UYC P� P� a Na1 rct � bY �' eu�eM �kY empbyeel
kM's pawMrm s WpdeA vnidoR
�a5�„`t4f;'ai ��a°e�''G?� iu';�4ta
!'i.r;i8 �s �
[l::y :7li:
Date: March 23, 2000
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Gerry Strathman
Legislarive Hearing Officer
Apalication for Auto Re�air Garage. Tow Truck/Wrecker (Vehielel, and Tow
Truck/Wrecker (Operator) Licenses bv Sean A. McMurray. Owner, dba A-1/Able Towing,
14 Acker Street East:
Mr. Strathman recommended approval with conditions.
A-1/ABLE TOWING - 14 Acker Street East
Thursday, Mazch 23, 2000
Gerry Stratluuau, Legislative Hearing Officer
STAFF PRESENT: Kristine Schweinler, LIEP (License, Inspections, Environmental
Protection); Lairy Zangs, LIEP
The meeting was called to order at 11:02 a.m.
Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objecfions to the issuance of licenses.
Kristine Schweinler reported the application is for an Auto Repair Garage, Tow TrucklWrecker,
and Tow Truck/Operator licenses by Sean A. McMurray, dba A-1/Able Towing. It has been
inspected by zoning, fire, and licensing. The recommendation by LIEP is for approval.
Kathy Cole, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice Street, appeared and stated they have no
problem with the issuance of these licenses. Rather, they want the six conditions on the previous
license to remain on this license. A public hearing was held, but the owner was unable to attend
so they did not talk to the owner about the conditions.
(Ms. Cole gave Mr. Strathman a copy of the list of conditions.)
Mr. Strathman asked was she proposing to add two more conditions. If possible because of some
issues that have come up, responded Ms. Cole. These two conditions have to do with truck
idling and horn honking. There has been a history of some difficulties with this business. There
were concerns about noise and pollution with diesel fixel and some safety issues, such as stop
signs not being observed. When trucks aze idling, diesel fuel fumes get in the air.
If the owner is not willing to agree to these conditions, asked Mr. Strathman, what would be the
district planning council's position. Ms. Cole responded they probably would not want to
approve the license application.
Jannette Pederson, 764 Lightner Place, appeared and stated they aze in the middle of the block
from A-1 Towing. Trucks speed down Lightner 7 days a week, almost 24 hours a day. These
are tow truck and semi trucks. The street is very narrow. The trucks could drive down Sycamore
instead of Lightner.
Mr. Strathman stated none of these conditions go to the issue of where the trucks are routed. He
asked is she proposing such a condition. Ms. Pederson responded the trucks could go down
Acker. Trucks speed down the street and there aze little children in the azea. Also, the business
owns a lot next to her property. The lot is a mess; the sidewalk is not shoveled in the winter.
Joyce Walker, 16 E. Sycamore, appeared and stated the fumes from the business would kill her.
The trucks should not be speeding in the azea. This business should not come in and take over
the neighborhood.
A-1/ABLE TOWING, 14 Acker Street East
� z��
Page 2
Mr. Strathman asked would it help if the trucks drove on Acker instead of Lightner. Ms. Walker
responded yes. Also, they raise the doar and Ms. Walker can hear the riveting.
Sean McMurray, owner, appeared.
Mr. Strathman asked has he seen the conditions. Mr. McMurray responded he has seen the six
condiUons but not the two additional ones.
(Ms. Cole handed Mr. McMurray a copy of the conditions; he took a moment to go over them.)
As for Condition 7, stated Mr. McMurray, 99% of tow hucks aze diesel and it is hazd to start
diesels during the winter if they are kept outside. He does not have enough storage to run the
diesels inside. He does run extension cords; however, when it is 40 below zero it is hard to keep
the trucks from not idling. If someone pulls up outside the building and is going to be there for
five minutes, he has a problem with that vehicle being shut down during that time. As for the
horn honking, that condition is not a problem. He does not do repair work per se, although he
may change a tire. He wanted a tow truck license. This business was a garage previous to him
buying it, and Mr. McMurray applied for the same things it was licenced for previously.
Mr. Strathman asked could the trucks park in the parking lot instead of on the street if they aze
idling. Mr. McMurray responded that is fine. Ms. Pederson stated it is fine when the vehicles
are idling in the winter, but not in the sutmner. There was a truck that idled far 2'/2 hours once.
Vehicles run the stop sign throughout the day. Mr. McMurray responded that a driver may run in
briefly to get a ca11 or to briefly fill out paperwork before dropping off an impounded vehicle.
As for a truck running 2'/z hours, Mr. McMurray doesn't know anything about it.
What would be a reasonable limit for letting a truck idle, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. McMurray
responded it depends on what it is. Right around the corner, a trucking company has refrigerated
trailers that run all night long in the summer, and they run off diesel fuel. It is less than 60 feet
away from his building. Mr. McMurtay would be interested in the same amount of time those
trucks aze allowed to idle. He would not usually have more than one truck idling at night. That
driver would be in and out of the pazking lot.
Mr. Strathman asked how much of an issue is tYris, and are they willing to let that condition go.
On behalf of her neighbor that lives on the corner, Ms. Pederson responded, fumes enter the
Mr. McMurray stated if there aze so many fiunes from his vehicles, they aze also getting fumes
from D.W. Jones and the railroad 50 feet behind him. A.W. Jones is connected to her properry
and his refrigerator boxes run 24 hours a day in the suimner; they also run in the winter to keep
them warm. The neighbors here live three houses down from Mr. McMurray's business.
Ms. Schweinler suggested that there be months during the year that they do not idle and months
when they do idle. She asked do the drivers take their riucks home at night and is it necessary for
them to idle in the siuiuner. Mr. McMurray responded Saint Paul residents have been griping
A-1/ABLE TOWING, 14 Acker Street East
�c� �q�
Page 3
about the trucks takiug up too much room; therefore, the drivers have not been takiug the trucks
home. The drivers could turn off the engines in the snnuner.
Mr. Strathman stated Ms. Schweinler's suggestion is a good proposal about the irucks not being
allowed to idle in the snmmer and limited in the winter. Mr. Strathman asked can he work with
that. Mr. McMurray responded a cold start up for a diesei truck is five minutes before it can be
Mr. Slsathman asked was he okay with atl the conditions including the idling one. Mr.
McMurray responded yes.
Ms. Pederson stated she would like the lot cleaned up. Mr. Strathman asked can he do
something about that. Mr. McMurray responded in the affirmative.
Mr. Stratlunan recommended approval of the license with the following conditions.
1) The pazking or storage of impounded vehicles is confined only to the licensed premises at
14 E. Acker Street. There sha11 be no parking of vehicles on any other lots without prior
approval of the City of Saint Paul.
2) All vehicles associated with the business may not be stored in or project into the public
sidewalk or into the street.
3) There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts.
4) The repair of any vehicle outdoors is prohibited.
5) The collection or starage of vehicles for the purpose of salvaging parts is expressly
6) Storage and handling of hazardous waste sha11 be in accordance with the Ramsey County
Hazazdous Waste regulations.
7) Trucks are not aliowed to idle on the street ar in the parking lot between May and
October. Vehicle idling between November and April shall be confined to the lot and not
longer than 20 minutes.
8) No horn honking between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 pm.
Coancil File # oo -as,y
Green 5heet # 100408
Referred To
Committee Date
WI-IEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20000000422) for Auto
Repair Garage, Tow Truck Wrecker (Vehicle), and Tow Truck Wrecker (Operator) Licenses by Sean A.
McMurray, Owner, DBA A-1/Able Towing, 14 Acker Street East, be approved with the following conditions:
1} The pazking or storage of impounded vehicles is confined only to the licensed premises at 14 E. Acker
Street. There sha11 be no pazking of vehicles on any other lots without prior approval of the City of Saint
2) All vehicles associated with the business may not be stored in or project into the public sidewalk or into
the street.
3) There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts.
4) The repair of any vehicle outdoors is prohibited.
5) The collection or storage of vehicles for the purpose of salvaging parts is e�pressly forbidden.
6) Storage and handling of hazardous waste shall be in accordance with the Ramsey County Hazazdous
Waste regulafions.
7) Trucks are not allowed to idle on the street or in the parking lot between May and October. Vehicle idiing
between November and April shall be confined to the lot and not longer than 20 minutes.
8) No horn honking between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVBD that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves these licenses
with the recommended conditions.
A-1IA$LE TOWING, 14 Acker Street East
Green Sheet 100408
Yeas Na s Absent
Blakey �
Coleman ,/
Hanis �
Benanav �
Reiter �
Bostrom ,/
Lantry ,/
� �
Adopted by Council: Date {�� S a.poo
Requested by Depamnent o£
Fozm Approved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
co,���i o��es
Mazch 27, 2000
No � �40$
Strathman, 266-8560
Apri14, 2000 - Consent
❑ an�ttaar � arct�auc
❑ wuwv�.nnecsoa ❑ �.wo.�ae�crs
❑MVWMI�NifN111 ❑
Approving application with conditions for Auto Repair Gazage, Tow Tnxck/Wrecker (Vehicle), and Tow
Truck/Wrecker (Operator) Licenses by Sean A. McMuiray, Owner, DBA A-1/Able Towing, 14 Acker Street
FMS Mie paaaJfwm avxwdkod udx a mnhaatiar tlis depenbndd7
Iwtlis P� aer heen e dtY a�wbY��
Does UYC P� P� a Na1 rct � bY �' eu�eM �kY empbyeel
kM's pawMrm s WpdeA vnidoR
�a5�„`t4f;'ai ��a°e�''G?� iu';�4ta
!'i.r;i8 �s �
[l::y :7li:
Date: March 23, 2000
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Place: Room 330 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Gerry Strathman
Legislarive Hearing Officer
Apalication for Auto Re�air Garage. Tow Truck/Wrecker (Vehielel, and Tow
Truck/Wrecker (Operator) Licenses bv Sean A. McMurray. Owner, dba A-1/Able Towing,
14 Acker Street East:
Mr. Strathman recommended approval with conditions.
A-1/ABLE TOWING - 14 Acker Street East
Thursday, Mazch 23, 2000
Gerry Stratluuau, Legislative Hearing Officer
STAFF PRESENT: Kristine Schweinler, LIEP (License, Inspections, Environmental
Protection); Lairy Zangs, LIEP
The meeting was called to order at 11:02 a.m.
Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to heaz objecfions to the issuance of licenses.
Kristine Schweinler reported the application is for an Auto Repair Garage, Tow TrucklWrecker,
and Tow Truck/Operator licenses by Sean A. McMurray, dba A-1/Able Towing. It has been
inspected by zoning, fire, and licensing. The recommendation by LIEP is for approval.
Kathy Cole, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice Street, appeared and stated they have no
problem with the issuance of these licenses. Rather, they want the six conditions on the previous
license to remain on this license. A public hearing was held, but the owner was unable to attend
so they did not talk to the owner about the conditions.
(Ms. Cole gave Mr. Strathman a copy of the list of conditions.)
Mr. Strathman asked was she proposing to add two more conditions. If possible because of some
issues that have come up, responded Ms. Cole. These two conditions have to do with truck
idling and horn honking. There has been a history of some difficulties with this business. There
were concerns about noise and pollution with diesel fixel and some safety issues, such as stop
signs not being observed. When trucks aze idling, diesel fuel fumes get in the air.
If the owner is not willing to agree to these conditions, asked Mr. Strathman, what would be the
district planning council's position. Ms. Cole responded they probably would not want to
approve the license application.
Jannette Pederson, 764 Lightner Place, appeared and stated they aze in the middle of the block
from A-1 Towing. Trucks speed down Lightner 7 days a week, almost 24 hours a day. These
are tow truck and semi trucks. The street is very narrow. The trucks could drive down Sycamore
instead of Lightner.
Mr. Strathman stated none of these conditions go to the issue of where the trucks are routed. He
asked is she proposing such a condition. Ms. Pederson responded the trucks could go down
Acker. Trucks speed down the street and there aze little children in the azea. Also, the business
owns a lot next to her property. The lot is a mess; the sidewalk is not shoveled in the winter.
Joyce Walker, 16 E. Sycamore, appeared and stated the fumes from the business would kill her.
The trucks should not be speeding in the azea. This business should not come in and take over
the neighborhood.
A-1/ABLE TOWING, 14 Acker Street East
� z��
Page 2
Mr. Strathman asked would it help if the trucks drove on Acker instead of Lightner. Ms. Walker
responded yes. Also, they raise the doar and Ms. Walker can hear the riveting.
Sean McMurray, owner, appeared.
Mr. Strathman asked has he seen the conditions. Mr. McMurray responded he has seen the six
condiUons but not the two additional ones.
(Ms. Cole handed Mr. McMurray a copy of the conditions; he took a moment to go over them.)
As for Condition 7, stated Mr. McMurray, 99% of tow hucks aze diesel and it is hazd to start
diesels during the winter if they are kept outside. He does not have enough storage to run the
diesels inside. He does run extension cords; however, when it is 40 below zero it is hard to keep
the trucks from not idling. If someone pulls up outside the building and is going to be there for
five minutes, he has a problem with that vehicle being shut down during that time. As for the
horn honking, that condition is not a problem. He does not do repair work per se, although he
may change a tire. He wanted a tow truck license. This business was a garage previous to him
buying it, and Mr. McMurray applied for the same things it was licenced for previously.
Mr. Strathman asked could the trucks park in the parking lot instead of on the street if they aze
idling. Mr. McMurray responded that is fine. Ms. Pederson stated it is fine when the vehicles
are idling in the winter, but not in the sutmner. There was a truck that idled far 2'/2 hours once.
Vehicles run the stop sign throughout the day. Mr. McMurray responded that a driver may run in
briefly to get a ca11 or to briefly fill out paperwork before dropping off an impounded vehicle.
As for a truck running 2'/z hours, Mr. McMurray doesn't know anything about it.
What would be a reasonable limit for letting a truck idle, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. McMurray
responded it depends on what it is. Right around the corner, a trucking company has refrigerated
trailers that run all night long in the summer, and they run off diesel fuel. It is less than 60 feet
away from his building. Mr. McMurtay would be interested in the same amount of time those
trucks aze allowed to idle. He would not usually have more than one truck idling at night. That
driver would be in and out of the pazking lot.
Mr. Strathman asked how much of an issue is tYris, and are they willing to let that condition go.
On behalf of her neighbor that lives on the corner, Ms. Pederson responded, fumes enter the
Mr. McMurray stated if there aze so many fiunes from his vehicles, they aze also getting fumes
from D.W. Jones and the railroad 50 feet behind him. A.W. Jones is connected to her properry
and his refrigerator boxes run 24 hours a day in the suimner; they also run in the winter to keep
them warm. The neighbors here live three houses down from Mr. McMurray's business.
Ms. Schweinler suggested that there be months during the year that they do not idle and months
when they do idle. She asked do the drivers take their riucks home at night and is it necessary for
them to idle in the siuiuner. Mr. McMurray responded Saint Paul residents have been griping
A-1/ABLE TOWING, 14 Acker Street East
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about the trucks takiug up too much room; therefore, the drivers have not been takiug the trucks
home. The drivers could turn off the engines in the snnuner.
Mr. Strathman stated Ms. Schweinler's suggestion is a good proposal about the irucks not being
allowed to idle in the snmmer and limited in the winter. Mr. Strathman asked can he work with
that. Mr. McMurray responded a cold start up for a diesei truck is five minutes before it can be
Mr. Slsathman asked was he okay with atl the conditions including the idling one. Mr.
McMurray responded yes.
Ms. Pederson stated she would like the lot cleaned up. Mr. Strathman asked can he do
something about that. Mr. McMurray responded in the affirmative.
Mr. Stratlunan recommended approval of the license with the following conditions.
1) The pazking or storage of impounded vehicles is confined only to the licensed premises at
14 E. Acker Street. There sha11 be no parking of vehicles on any other lots without prior
approval of the City of Saint Paul.
2) All vehicles associated with the business may not be stored in or project into the public
sidewalk or into the street.
3) There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts.
4) The repair of any vehicle outdoors is prohibited.
5) The collection or starage of vehicles for the purpose of salvaging parts is expressly
6) Storage and handling of hazardous waste sha11 be in accordance with the Ramsey County
Hazazdous Waste regulations.
7) Trucks are not aliowed to idle on the street ar in the parking lot between May and
October. Vehicle idling between November and April shall be confined to the lot and not
longer than 20 minutes.
8) No horn honking between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 pm.