280860 �' � �: � �0 �� �
7.That the peUtione�s s6all be responsible i
for all coats and ezpenses 1n the altezad�of,!
�' temwal and/or separatiou ot the portion of{
Cou�il File No 28088Q—By Chris Nicosta— �ornemental llghting system necessitated i
RESOLVED,7bat upon the peUUon of the Dy Ne vacation of North Wabashe Stteet all W(
State of Minnesota, that section of pubUc �e ut3siacUon of and under the dirertim of�
the Department of Publk Worts.7be salva�e
street 6e�einafter described,be and the same a! ac� pmtion ot the ezistln� li�htin�
he:eby is vaeated and diuontinued as a publlc $�d�rds or con�uit wlthin thie system a6sll
stieet: be at the opkion o!tLe Departmmt of Public
Works. ' .— .
!.lbat aa easement be retained for W�ter
Utilfty over and acrms tLe� inch wates
msin that fa within said vacatlon of Wabasha
Street Said eaxment�hall be described�s
__-- --- followe
All that part of Wabasha Strnet lyin` .,��r�����feet of the Westeziy _
between Slock 13 and 14,Capitol Grounds
Addition forty-five(1S)feet of Wabasba Stmt that
lles betwem Slx]c 13 and Slock 14,
subject expressly to the following rnndltions �p;iol Grounds�dition."
and reservations: ' {�rictions withia the easemmt ar�ue aa
1.That the vacation be subject to aA the follo�vs:
terms and conditions of Chapter 130,codified A. No buildings, stn�ctum, oz trees are+
March 1,1961,of the St.Paul Legislative Code ��itted within the easemen� area, oc
as amended, including the rntention of sll �y temporary dructure,material stora�e
public utilities easements. ��or other objects tbat will prohlbit
2.That the petitioneis shall be responsible normal access to water or sewer facllitia �
for ell costs and e�cpenus for any signs, for maintenance purposes without the �
signals and traffic rnntrol devices deemed �p�s wrltten approvajeby t6e Water t
necessary by the Public Works Department Utility and t6e Public Worka Department. ' �
due to the vacatlon. B. No change from the esisting grade is any claiau or liability,arising from or based
3.That e specific easement be mtained to permitted without the writtm permission on any violation of any !aw or mgulatlon
pro:ect the interest of the Northwestem Bell � from the Water UtIlity or Public Works made in accordance with the law,whether by �
Telephone Company,its successois or assigns ` �paitment, the petitioner or any of its agents or
for theirexisting buried conduit system.Said t C. No change in surfacing withia the employees.
easeznent shall include the right to ingress and i Ado ted by the Council September 1S,1983.
egress over, under and across said vacated ' easement area is permitted wit6'out P
areas wit6 the necessary vehicles and written permission from the Water Utility _ Approced September 14,1981.
equipment to repair,move and/or maintain or Public Works Department. (September 2�,1963)
theirfacillties. D. That the petitioner, its successws and
No buildings, structures, or trees are ' assigns shall fully indemnity,defend and
permitted within the easemeni arna,or any save harmless the Board of Water
temporary struMurn,material storage fixtu:e Commissione:s, City of St. Paul, its
or other objects without the express writtra officers,agents,employees,and servants
approval of Northwestern Bdl Telephoue � trom all suits actions or claims which shall
Company,its successocs or assigns that wtll ± arise from any injuries or damages
prohibit normsl access to their facilities for ; �ived or sustained by any bmak in any
.. service pipe,water main,or rnnnection in
maintenance purposes. said reserved easement,arising out of or
4. That a permanent 3Sioot wide sewer �(ting from any action or negligence of
easement shall be retained ceatered on the � petitioner, its employees, agents or "
existing 36-inch reinfotced concrete pipe business invitees. �
sewer located in North Wabasha Street. 9 That the State of Minnesota be rnquired to �
extending the tull length of the said vacation.
5.That the petitioner must be responsible �y E�'� to the City a! Saint Paul in
consideration for the mst of processing the
for all costs and expenses in the abandonment vacation praredings.
ot the e�cisting catch basin located at the 10. ThaY the
Ndrthwest comer of North Wabasha Street petitioner, its successo� w
and Columbus Avmue. assigns by acceptance of the terms and
conditions of this vacatioa, aYrees to
6.That a permanent 24foot easement shall indemnify,defend and save harmless the Citq
be mtained centered on the existing traffic af Saint Paul,its ofCice:s and employees from
si�al interconnect rnnduit located in the 811 suits,actions or claims of any eharacter,
• North Wabasha Street right-of-vcay,extending including,but not limited to,a claim brought
the full leagth of t6e proposed vacation and ��e of any injuries,or damages nceived
that ihe petitioner shall De responsible tor all or sustained by any person, persons or
msts incurred in maintainiag the integrity of
this conduct system during any mnstruction, Property, on account of tlus vacation; or
and/or landscaping work doae to t6is because of any aet or omission, neglect or
misconduct of said petitioner;or because of