280850 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII �J'�■���r PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L «.f 41 �•1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR F�le NO. � ounci es lution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVE:D, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and consent to the appointment, by the Mayor, of the 7 named persons to serve on the Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Neighborhood Advisory Committee: Elna Avey Michael Heffron Paul Berge Henry Roberts Michele Gran Lonnie Logan Gerald W. Anderson and to the reappointment of the 23 named persons to serve: John W. Bennett Robin Lindquist Corothy Demma Mary Mantis Sen. Neil Dieterich George Murawski H.J. Dynes Larry Sharpe Don Gabrielli James D. Reed Marshall Halberg Donald Smerlinder Gisela Harden Marvin Smith Sandy Harrigan Lt. Roy Theilen James Herrranning Priscilla Thurow Brian Kretsch Charlotte VanderWeg Donald Kelsey Alfred L. Vaughan James Zelinski All terms will expire on July 15, 1985. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher ceu� [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbei __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by C ouncil: Date SEP 8 1983 Form pprov d by i ttorney Certifie Passed y C cil cretary BY `, . . B} — Appr d by lNavor: Date SE2 1 5 1983 Ap ro y Mayor for b is to uncil By - .— _ BUSNED J c i� Z 4 1983 ' ' .. 1 . ����� . ��Tr o. . CITY �F SAINT PAUL h9s �J 4 � ; OFFICE OF THE MAYOR o w a 11l11��1llt1� a illl 111 tl a �v no i 347 CITX FIALL ��0� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 35102 GEORG�LATIMER (612) 298-4323 M�YOR 70: Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Mayor George Latimer DATE< August 25, 1983 RE: Appointments to the HHH Job Corps Neighborhood Advisory Committee I am attaching a Council Resolution and asking for your consideration and approval of the appointment af 7 and the reappointment of 30 persons to serve on the Hubert H, Flumphrey Job Corps heighborhood Advisory Committee. These terms wi11 a11 expire on July 15, 1985. kesumes of the 7 new appointees are attached. Thank you. �.s > ,. • ,. �C.J��JV l.l OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 347 GITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSZ02 ` 298-4323 Application for Membership for City Boards, Commissions and Committees Name � � . C���2-� l.�►2 �L. n! 1� �0.� �V �� -- �aar�s� 1 '� 1 5 R S 3�2`f s�R��.; s�. �q u ��,v, S Slo�' Street �- City Zip District ?hone Nomer � L}'� � S� � n%ork: �C Committee(s) , Board(s), or Commission(s) in which you are interested: /�/c`/GHBG�h�fdC�D J7,Dy'/SO�Y LL�lI�vJt�E D.tL 1717N tJGL L.l�KPS Community Service/Activities (past and present) : 1i '� Ct�RS� �i�4�- N�t�S�G �'��'E2visoR c� ��y,�t� �3 �oMs�� ��r=. C�i2.2L Nr��, M U S��, P(�.t� C R R��S 3 K.s l,u C C K�`L cr S I�FO{,0 M J���.�1 I S(�- (�O 1�f C C I lJ �12� `/E I�-a�. "�,�C �.L Y}-S�' 'Ct M ;` CL�S S E S � L r4 k� P r�R k_a C o M r� Pf�2k 1.�.�►N cR A�� .:��tl�Rl�c. ��c�2S .�c i-� r--c.�c� sc�,c � , - �lll CJ `T��A-c Ett n1 C, 50�tt+t=F�-sT' r1�-�'I f�N C!�� L.� R EN �l Z `l L,�/�.�5�.. Professiona.I Acti✓ities: ��� ��ov�' k�, N�ks�nl� GJo,ek; t���r�o�s�y7 i7 y E o��s r-t r_ � r���— . /�� S s �p��s i � i N��r� ��.s r� 3 y���c pR► �/�� ��� �NG �.�s r� G�cr���A�.y sC �ad�, , � �v�c,�c.+�N�,��vn� r� � C��- ' ! — (over) . ��;,� .. ,„ . . . . "�. ._ , ,� �• .. " `�- ; Civic/Professional Organization Mernberships: ` M� � ,� � so� �v �2sc=s /�-sSo c r �-�-ra��/• W G M F�v�S /��`f��- 1 �2`I l )l�!I D N G os�r�r 1`1 f CS/0/J �$�SOci/�r�nit/� �. (�. �, P. , M cr2� SR. F���a.Ar,��✓� � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee(s): P �.c��C i M �-ry ta -n� � a'o a co R r�s �N � � -r s � 2 � -r� _� � b\= �o �� C � ��.P i� �� ss� o ��. _ Are you currently serving on any other city committee? If �so, which conmcittee(s)/ � commission(s)/board(s): No Ethnic group (to ensure' fair and equal representation);�/)-�l TZ=(�1��'_�lStf- /�j�/�R(�IV� Other pertinent information: S�/�l4'u�� PZease list .3 references: .a) C t+��Z�'S �-�Q v n; 3 �f !3 .S�/E1,e.i�G R v�,/VD, , /y�,Ss-I�Z , 2� i2(�yr-taND I,�l►+erl-�� 17qSN'G• f'�sc�?t, , s-r:r�A�v�; Mr(. -�s��3 3� �As�-�9� �R.r��K 9orE�ly ��=�rRR��. �r��T"isfc'w��r�c�� �t�� �.oYsi.. 5 T_ (���t�M 5,SO,c'I d� - . ,t. . . , - - ��;��t� OFFICE Or 2'.yE, .tiIAYOR • • 347 CI TY .YRLL SAI�1�'T PAUL, MIr'VF.SO�A 55102 298-4�23 Applicativn for Meiribership f�r Cit.g Boards, Comrriissions and Corr.nu.t.te.es Name �/L '�--- Ad3ress /S�- �. �iQ�i 0 /�Z/F ���7(�/� �S`,jp� � Street City Zip Listcict Pnone �Iome: �¢ —�37 g' work: (�l 3Z�{J ---r . Cor.ani*_tee(s), Eoar.d(s), or Crrraaission�s) i� which you are interested: ��/BD�Ph/OQ3� �,t7V/SdkY ��l.�GG ant Nh�tl,,.,/ab C��r � . Comrfun�tj Se�vice/�ctivities (past and pr�sen�� : � ���� ��,�s�,�� ��,�- ��� ��5�-� — �- _ ���� ��� ��� ��. -- �l/ �,,�v _ �-�.�,�---- �t �-Rz�s Professional pctiv� 'es: � � . - I �^ , � '� _ �i7'Sa'SOC/f►7� 2O�'t�fo� aer' NC-�t/ ��37�hf/I6�f/7"„—=. �(/ /cte7�l:�rS��f ,� _ f�EY;1v !___ /�' �/�y�� �liC�elL /dl %7�L= � Y� �/��n ���� /��'c�i _ ' s�a,�ie �SCdP��/dy��!u�s-y� �� �i y � �,-�/ �-- n .�. ��•�/^��'SCO�4C- �If'LO�j71c�' .� ► Cover) � . ._ — .,, .. � t�;.� - -----° �",:. : .4�y„ : . .. , _ . . . ' 'r"� .�' fi ",�p�'sf`�,�*"S, _ �.� �� . �.- . ... , _ x--:.e, -rr rR—�,�.rq�.t. �,� ;.;�� , ' . t��,�.: m r"x�`i��`� _ . . . ._ .� . . - � � :1 ^�.sC' . . � �;.��. . . . . � . .. . «ix+n-i � � . - !t:� - � . . � F�.t . - .�� . -. . ... ; �. . .__.. .. ... . ;.;� r,..� �' � . . . . . . . _ 1,1* . . . . ' � . .. . . �....' �.:. . ,-��;. . . �.:.;:R . .. . .. . . '. . ..� � . �� ��. . �,. . . . . . . . ' .'..:`a' . ... . . . . .. ..,� ' ': . Civic/Professional Organization 1Nemberships: / ,:�. c'�.�'1ErY et �BvG� Gir��zMxi,� �;.� : , _ �''»G'G/C IG:yBLtC/FL �aC1�'77 ;;` � � ":�_ � � � � �. . : . �� � �����- ,: �:�:: - - - :.� _ - ��. . � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee(s): ' : ..L /h�l S�/f}?�P-�!!/'&' Bi' 71frS- P'�/PE" df � '�/UCIfD7.�XJ� 68,r/CsYne,t/�_ S,G�c -�-� � -y--� L/�s ��l r,� �!/t7��e � �vov� �i,r� 70 �F- ��t! /�t.��� �str�r" ��cl izs E�.r�/P'AmvA� �°Po:�s. �. . .. — .- . J • Are you currently serving on any other city comrnittee? If so, �+hich cor�miittee(s)/ � commission(s)/board(s): /V _ ,. � . _ : �. _ o � � Bthrzs.c gzo�p (to er.sure fair a�d cY�;a1 rEpresenzation): �,.��¢�i ` ; , . t Other pertiner.t ir.formation- - Please 2ist 3 reierences: 1) y�.�3���.. �v/D�p,eCG�l7,���'r,e�,� � �— /fj �+ -_____ 2I �S /v�G(.t Ui,P.�- � .�atv.� � 3� �/!lL' . �A%l�'SON v� T� � •. � ����� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 347 CITY HALL C SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 298-4323 Applicatzon for Membership for City Boards, Commissions and Committees lvame Michele Philbrook Gran - 1514 Arona St. St. Paul 55108 62 Address Street City Zip District 64b-9�373 835--3�707 Phone Home: Worit: Committee(s) , Board(s), or Commission(s) in which you are interested: �EI6H�o�iJooD hDV�sa�eY �i✓�MiT]�E D.V c�ab CO,�PS Community Service/Activities (past and present) : 1976: Minnesota Bicentennial Commission� volunteer 1974-76 West side VOICE newspaper volunteer staff writer Institute of Cultural Affairs Minnesota �ublic relations coordinator Professional Activities: Manager, Public Relations, Paracton Advertising and Public Relations Member, International Association of Business Communicators D4Xi��� Member, Minnesota Association of Government Communicators (over) � �: . - . . ' . . . _ _ i; 9.. .. �: Ci vi c/Professional Organi zation Merrcbershi ps: (see over) ' Reasons for yoar interest in this particr�lar committee(s) : Have beeri supporter for Job Corps since its inception in spite �of neighborhood oppasition. Interested in helping erase neighborhood fears of institution and heighten visibility of positive aspects � of program. ; _ . i Are you currentZy serving on any other city committee? If so, which conani.ttee(s)/ � commission(s)/board(s): None Ethnic group (to ensure fair and equal representation) : CauCasien other pertinent information: Have be�n noliticallv active in citv and district for 13 years (city) and 3 vears (district) respectivelv. Ha��e �ood fe�l for local iGSUes. Dee� concern for �rotectinc� c�neP=t �f T�h Cor�a_ H3ve some concern about time committ�ent neccessary for this posmtion. Please Iist 3 references: 1) Todd Lefko 2) Mayor Latimer 3J Mark Vaught 5/80 ; . . . . ������ OFFICE OF THE �tiIAYOR 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 298-4323 Application for Membersha.p for City Boards, Commissions and Committees Name GOu/v � � AddIeSS �J�3d / YQ� �NE.CC/i✓-�/ .SiL �� `����� n�atrzr�t Street ' city ��r �------- Phone Home: �y`1���g�� Work: ;y��l� Committee(s) , Board(s) , or Commission(s) in which you are interested: �J77� f37% Q:Dc r,'T.9/ls -J O� (,61�s Commuait� Service/Activities (past and present) : 8� s� ac�a-,er� �,� ,r�;�c��-o�t s �,'sP'rr�c r /� ('o���1u.��T� (�c�vv E�L � ,��� . �1�-�- � w�F� O �,�- I A � �1 // �� �f 2S /��/LS �cSn1/yli�`"F� //f'.�l' .(�.'�1�: �� �t � e ProfessionaZ Activities: �F/n�'f� L�� / �/N/�£�o1'�Xl G7N/TF� / l��l�ClrS� NL o�! F/l��C� s ;� � �s� 1�.��� . E,��� .,�.;� ����-l..�l�.�� < v� C ��,�� , �� � -s �� ���. (over) .�._e.��..�_..� .. .. . _. � _..aa.::w9 � ��:.x„ •�.�:,.:.... .��..d,4..�..:" ,,..,, :�.''"�.��ai....r.+W:�.::��_..e�:�� .P- ���-� - , • r Civic/Prafessional Organization Mensberships: �,�ti `J�o�e�`�' £i Reascns for your interest ?n u'�is particular committee(s}: � ,� ,� .��.d,0 �r�rsd��.-�- �� � c���, �, ,a-�;¢c�� � �. �6 �B�PS ����,e r .,� c�c��� o�n�`" l�1.�-iN :viNc �f`� os��l`z�fi'�� E�/,t-�z`a n/S h.` ��'�' f►�Q.1 � l-�,�it�- o�l�� Ca-ivt✓ncc.v i� -�9�� F� �iv I D'�- �o--iv ' n . �,. ��'�l s � s ��,� ►���, Are you currently serving on any other city committee? If so, wh�ich concnittee(s)/ � commission(s)/board(s): .�o Ethnic group (to ensure fair and equal representation): GJ��t�. Other �ertinent inforntation: Please list 3 references: 1) �(/ 2) � o� f��-�:�rc. l:�INiCJ�11S� J� / '�itl .�Syjp � 3) � �vaorL�,,` e� � f Y �. �� � S 5/SQ _ .. . � � . ��� �S��l OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 347 CITY HALL e' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � 298-4323 Application for Membership for City Boards, Commissions and Com,mittees Name � O � �S _ _ Address �� O -S �/4 4 [ ����� ld Street City Zip Dis�rict Phone Home: � � 7�/��� H�ork: �c �/h� � Committee(s) , Board(s) , or Commission(s) in which you are interested: �E/G�da,eNaa� Aovisoey �ivr.v��rr� o� N N N Jab Cc„e�s Community Se:vice/Activities (past and present) : ProfessionaZ Acti vities: (overl ' •, .. . 4 . �; • Civic/Professional Organization Memberships: Reasons for your interest in this particular committee(s): � ,� GV r t.v e�i�- j • ' •l�!'i �T�� ✓� ��� �, " �� �)jy7 � . . , - ; `/�J`��% T/ ( � L/:��'' � L� , �7 �. - . � %' � -� � •� GT" � ` � �f � _ � !!��c ,.�G�.>�..� � Gf %-c � /C/'f{l /i � U � r U���''iti�jf���� �(�/�i'�{�f:'-f_`rI''t/� i�.�"'�� � '--.�G . - v �� [^ ' � • ' �� / J� v , Are you currently serving on any other city committee? If so, which conanittee(s1/ � corr,rnission(s)/board(s): �� Ethnic group (to ensure fair and equal representation) : Other pertin�nt information: Piease Iist 3 references: 1) � � ��- ���Z,Z 3�Z�,�� �Z����GC� � � 2 J ���,�.�-c./' /� � � - ��s�3 7 .�i�� ,� f� �s 5�`� � 3� ,�- � " � �-�'e� s/ao . • ' � �rC:7��� � : OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS102 298-4323 Application for � Membership for ��t� R�CEN�D Boards, Commissions and Committees JUL 2 � �j} :: Narrte ��',Q,�4-�J W. }��.tD e R Sonr ��;�yO�S OFFICE Address _ � 3gT FR�-�rKso� $f� ��¢d1 L��1' J(!r s���� Street City Zip District Phcne 1�►oa:�•�S���i�� Work: Committee(s) , Board(s) , or Commission(s) in which you are znterested: �j�• �. -�� ��� _ s�'�-r�' �'�!�`1 rc�� �e pQ��ec y Co�unity Service/Activities (past and present): � �' '" � ' � �' �/l�'s .� C 5!B��-S 3�PR_ SC'�rJ-TM�S�°�Pr �'45!. ;�O ,,�f SS_;�N C Q B�,���• � � .,� +m. �couTiN� ��l-DeRs�}�P'� ��a�a � s�as.� ,���e.v�� —� ��'�-m ��.��?�-3�� a� .��o� `.:o�tp ��1�/���k ��!! � C.e ro� D i�/+g-�e� e� 57: �eh�s�S�►:�9,uc� P C� , �e. �ec�R�2 �'X p��. f�sv- �R �OeyC e�ce�co's, 3�',Wy� C,� SP,�tI D Gtr. Ct�2K . . QR��.,Q Uo�e�vree,P. U IDuS C }��}}. � Nei �r����.c�aD �T►�e.e�ic. p�oc.�ek�ts:-.cRer��v �c-r� �.�MU, Professional Activities: C�.°R l, Ctf�e�. De�. �R�f=e5�'�g�� �,,�, �� �:� - �Revt�us �!2°GfbR o F T Q�9-T`1+P�U1 �Ro�2 A�M S - 5 f• J�t3 u,�e� hJ I�V�., --- ,�9.d,��sc.e�y- v�-,�D� �' C�D, Co vus ec.oR . p�r .,8,� �,� �i4, o f.�'NS�-� c�e�2. iJ-e�. PR.B�. �=-�it, (over) . '�.`:. 4 .....: ... ......x. . :,w, r . .. -�- � - . . _ .�.� �.z. - � . ' .. .. � . . . � . .. �. . „iiw . . _ .�. .� .. � . � . . . .. _ .. ;` . ..�`h� � . •,•_ . . . . . .,.` . � . . - . . - - . . �+ J�' . . . .. ., ... . .. . . ' �� � . . .. �..- � .... i_�'. �{�/' -.: .�_w.. .... ...'. . " :Y".. Civic/Professional Organization Memberships: /L/�v'. cf�ert• DPp, �Fssec �.c�.�F) �si. CNe�l. ��p. ��e�.l�'�/. <<D�M� � . $�. ��R. ����s �-rl,�s����� _ �oWesi �d KD ��s%�'�'S t . r� , Reasons for r�our interest in this particular committee(s): � ,�-; lU�t C'r 6r1'8 6�f�',�e O R.P� t e 4-N-1' �-�i 0 GB-O R B l�thF•T19-(. d� J'^B 8 C6 R� �:,e�r- �Xp�oRe� Qosr, �' f �,er�+ee �,�-ve �-u ��re2esr � ti r�� . . , - , �,. �A-c-c.�DQ�� �Q��-R h� ce R A S M ek B�Qs S�o o�� ��s° �+��-����z�e. �"e r��J. �' � F,R kl�v R e w,r� �'��,vQe�-r,o,v a� T��.s �'ag C'aa�s(y.y,y 1�-N��fPP �'/�il�c.A-Q ��g CDk'�s � ,�Be�/ev2 T�ey �4e2. A� V�Q� . _ " PS5 fT�V2. i�IV�LV eNC�. ON DISA�DV,�-�lJT�4��P� }�dfJr�t. Are you currently serving on any other city committee? If so, which conms.ittee(s)/ comrrrission(s)/board(s): P ��A. - Ethnic group (to ensure fair and equaZ representation): �''O_�-$//�l�J Other pertinent information: � Please Iist 3 references: �� RoN. Fi�x ►po ��Yt D /Q. �F3•S�}. �5�• ��-VL, 2� RoaQQr �a yce -�'�v�R�r�N�� �NSr � sfi. �,4�� 3� ic R3� ��t►�Gxo�S - �TT� - �t . ��L. - : ;; s/ao . � ���.i��4 _ . ,, . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ' 298-4323 Application for Membership for City Boards, Cammzssions and Committees ivaine �+CiJ�-�L � . F�.FF�a!�/ --- Address � /f^f. �-(r2�'fL4 UNO S c�-t i�!L S S /a g Str�et City Zip District Phone Home: fp�5 � �]O� PJork: ��Z — Z,Z 1 `Z Committee(s), Board(s) . or Commission(s) in which �ou are interested: /�E/6N�d�Z rIGCU� f�e'/�Sd,eY �M17[:� �� NNy �1�6 �,�. � Community Service/Activities (pasf and present) : . r�.o,� I�-�1b-��� n��,� ,��- coMM,s�r��+ �7 9 _�� � i�-M�� f,o Q�St o i — 'Z /� � �vS�.i�tL �� oUniC� P j C 2 � oJNi l��i�tQS GO/titly"�]j [i2f t iN J� ��A�2D 2usa f:f.S �i ��e�nA �ALL !v � �0�2.0 �.N-�t f.�S g3 ~$ � Professional Activities: [���,�. M��� - M,N���so�A �,�� ���. _ �N'�' � SSN 1`" �eS '� � P�S �o A�2o 8 J -3'Z (over) .. ., � . .. 'y ^ � Civic/Professional Orqanization Memberships: �� eo�Mu�, ,7� ������.. , Reasons for your interest in this particular committee(s): � �I � hC A �18� C�c�.�S �fN��� �s A-r/ !M M�t��i� ��� o�. d T" j N�,�, � r� � �. w Y_� � L�N L� p 8 u� / J e,o�o��� � j�s 0��lZ A LL �n►�� o� o ua. ��-�.i�e� �L�J-�J ! �- i!�'�, N �2�'C.. l•0!�0 Yi�'L.�.�1'� J�-t S c...�� li 17 S r � Are you currently serving on any other' city committee? If so, which conmcittee(s)/ � commission(s)/board(s): fU��� . Ethnic group (to ensure fair and equal representat�on) : tf , l __..`» n st ,f� Other oertinent information: ry Jy �Va'3 1...4R� J �t' � N� ��-�I� �i��. eo o��.e. �� ;�r s-�,►�QA � a-rz��o s i J�l�Ly 4c N 6-- - �.�.t�nl u � i M i k� _ 1V�t C�o�2.. N�o� �u2�Nd�- � �LL9Z�inlG--- '� � �A-�tL `-, f� 1 r Please Zist 3 references: 1) i1.L�S W l�-�l'� � �.�1� Oe r�Cnn� 2, �a�t �,c�1��Z l �X�.� � P� �u�►e3�1 ��,o C oF C 3� �p�t- t� i�Q��,p � �hn►�� L �.M�5��.� `A�-eo rt ��N�-t s s/ao