PINK - FINANCE �������
un il Resolution
Presented By -� �-G*�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to
execute an¢ agreement with the Minnesota Department of Health whereby the
Minnesota Department of Health will provide funding for the City of Saint Paul
to implement a blood pressure control program, subject to the terms and conditions
of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the
Department of Finance and Management Services.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�"' ����s [n Favor Co munit Servic s
Scheibel __ Against BY
SEP � �yU3 Form pproved Ci y
Adopted by Council: Date C
Certifie assed b ou cil Se ary BY
B` \ � �
tappr y ;Navor: D �SEP 8 1983 Appr y Mayor for S b i i n to C_ouncil
By � gy � '' '��� n
PUBLISHED S F P 1 O 1983 ���
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minnesota department of health
717 s.e.delaware st. p.o.box 9441 minneapolis 55440
O (612)623-5000 �
�u�y r�, 1983 R�c�r w�,: �,.
�►,,ra��i' Pq_ �
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Ed Eberhardt
St. Paul Health Department E�������
Hypertension Program
555 Cedar Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55107
Dear Mr. Eberhardt:
Enclosed is the final version of your 1983-1984 Hypertension Special
Project contract for the second year of your project (July 1 , 1983 through
June 30, 1984). You have been awarded $10,000.
In order to "process" this, we ask that you complete the following steps at
your earliest convenience and return by July 15, 1983:
1 . Two corporate officers must sign each copy of the contract and
initial each attachment in the lower right corner.
2. No copies of the contract are to be removed. Make photocopies for
your use if necessary. A completely signed copy will be mailed back
to you.
3. Mail the entire contract back to:
Mary McDonald, R.N. , M.S.
High Blood Pressure Control Program
Minnesota Department of Health
717 S.E. Delaware Street
P.O. Box 9441
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440
If you have any questions about processing the contracts, feel free to call
me at (612) 623-5287.
`!�/1 �,���D-�+�r,�
Mary McDonald, R.N., M.S.
Coordinator, Hypertension Control Program
an equal opportunity employer
� � ���'����
, . .
City of St. Paul Department of Community Services
Hypertension Special Project Contract 1983-1984 ,
Implement blood pressure control programs for adults in racial minority
groups of Hispanics and Southeast Asian (SEA) refugees in the city of St.
Paul at the West Side Com munity Health Center and through two clinics
� identified by the St. Paul Division of Health, respectively.
West Side Community Health Center: Hispanic Hypertension Project
Expand current program of blood pressure screening, referral, and follow-
up for additional working age Hispanic males at five (5) worksites by June
30, 1984. Activities shall include but not be limited.to:
1 . Contact management of five (5) additional worksites identified as
potential places to reach the working age Hispanic male and make
arrangements to conduct hypertension screening, referral, follow-up
and group education programs.
2. Conduct blood pressure screening and referral in accordance with �
guidelines established in the Minnesota Department of Health,
Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene and American Heart Association,
Minnesota Affiliate Blood Pressure Measurement Manual for Screeners.
3. Enter West Side Clinic patients, who are referred for elevated blood
pressure into the clinic's long-term tracking system. .
4. Include follow-up phone calls to physicians of those individuals
referred for el evated bl ood pressures who are not West Si de C1 ini c �
patients, to verify that they have been seen by a physician. .
5. Conduct at least two (2) group education programs on non-pharm acologic
and pharm acologic approaches to blood pressure control at a minimum of
five (5) worksites identified as sites for the 1983-1984 West Side
Clinic outreach blood pressure control program.
6. Provide quarterly statistics and sum mary of project activities to the
Minnesota Department of Health.
7. Provide an evaluation of program accomplishments and eff ectiveness to
the Minnesota Department of Health at the end of the contract period.
� 1
. . � �������
St. Paul Division of Public Health: Southeast Asian Hypertension Project
Impl ement a hi gh bl ood pressure control program for the Southeast Asi an
refugee population in St. Paul by June 30, 1984. Activities shall include
but not be 1 i m i ted to:
l. Develop a long-term patient tracking system for use in community
clinics and other sources of inedical care for Southeast Asians.
a. revise forms already established for year one activities to
reflect the SEA population. The revised forms will include:
- inta.ke form
- clinic/referral activity form
� - BP record sheet .
- monthly sumnary form
b. discuss project w�rth appropriate personnel from target cl�nics
(St. Paul Department of Public Health, St. Paul Ramsey Medical
Center, Model Cities) and solicit ideas for tracking system.
c. develop accompanying protocol and instructions.
d, develop data collection system (to obtain data from clinic)
2. Present and implement a long-term tracking system in at least two (?)
clinics serving Southeast Asianse
a. present final tracking system to St. Pau1 Department of Public
Health, St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center, Model Cites, Bethesda
b. pilot (and revise) tracking system at St. Paul Department of
Public Health, St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center.
` � c. provide training to appropriate staff in participating clinics.
d. provide technical assistance to clinics when needed.
3. Develop if necessary, and translate educational materials on hyperten-
sion in a manner understandable to Southeast Asians. Topics will
include: description of hypertension, nan-pharmacologic approaches
(sodium and weight reduction), medications, and importance of
compliance. �
a. collect and compile existing Southeast Asian materials on HBP and
. determine areas lacking coverage (priority areas).
b, collect anthropological materials on Southeast Asian health
. � ��r����
, _ .
c. develop pamphlets in priority areas which describe HBP-related
topics with consideration of SEA health perspective.
d. translate materials in simplified English, Laotian, Cambodian,
Vietnamese, Hmorrg(?). ,
e. distribute HBP materials to participating clanics.
4. Share educational matprials and long-term tacking protocol developed
w�th other interested agencies.
a. notif y appropriate national agency(s) - (e.g., National High
Blood Pressure Educat-ion Program) about materials developed.
b. notify SEA refugee project - U of M (newsletter).
c. notify other known interested agencies (i.e., Ramsey County,
Minneapolis Health Department, East and West metro refugee
committees, Lao Family Association.
5. Establish a screening program for systematic detection of hypertension
among Southeast Asians. Activities will include but not be limited to:
a, estsablish four HBP screening sites for SEA.
b. provide appropriate health staff (PHNs,. interpreters).
c. revise already existing screening form to reflect SEA population.
(i.e., change in diet, time in U.S., stress, etc. ) .
d, refer all SEAs with elevated blood pressures to one of
participating clinics and enter into long-term tracking system.
e. publicize through Lao Family Association and screening sites.
(Emphasize no blood drawing) .
6. Determine the _ prevalence af hypertension in Southeast Asians by
ethnic grou�, age, sex, time in the U.S.A., and dietary components
through the fcllowing activities:
a. screening. .
b. retrospective chart review.
c. prospective study (using lor�g=term tracking data).
7. Collect data quarterly related to the long-term tracking and education
pr•ograms and report to the Minnesota Department of Health.
8. Provide a report addressing program activities and an evaluation of
program accomplishments to the Minnesota Department of Health at the
end of the contract period.
� 3
. ����a��J
City of St. Paul Department of Community Services
Hyp�rtension Special Project Contract 1983-1984
Implement blood press�re control programs for adults in racial minority
groups of Hispanics and Southeast Asian (SEA) refugees in the city o€� St.
Paul at the West Side Com munity Health Center and through two clinics
identified by the S.t� Paul Divisi�n of health, respectively.
West Side C�mmunit,y Health Center: Hispanic Hypertension Project
Expand current program of blood pressure screening, referral, and follow-
up for additional working age Hispanic males at five (5) worksites by June
30, 1984. Activities shall include but not be limited to:
1 . Contact management of five (5� additional worksites identified as
potential places .to reach the working age Hispanic male and make
arrangements ta conduct hypertension screening, referral, follow-up
and group educai:i on programs. .
2. Conduct blood pressure screening and referral in accordance with
� guidelines established in the Minnesota Department of Health,
Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene and American Heart Association,
Minnesota Affiliate Blood Pressure Measurement Manual for Screeners.
� � 3. Enter West Side Clinic patients, who are referred for elPVated blood
pressure into the clinic's long-term tracking system.
4. Include follow-up phone calls to physicians of those individuals
� referred for elevated blood pressures who arE not West Side Clinic
patients, to verify that they have been seen by a physician.
5. Conduct at least two (2) group education programs on non-pharmacologic
and pharm acologic approaches to blood press�re control at a minimum of
five (5) worksites identi�fied as sites for the 1983-1984 West Side
Clinic outr�ach blood pressure control program.
6. Provide quarterly statistics and sum mary of project activities to the
Minnesota Department of He�lth.
7. Provide an evaluation of program accomplishments and eff ectiveness to
the Minnesota Department of Health at the end of the contract period.
� � 1
St. .Paul Division of Public Health: Southeast Asian H�pertension Project
Impl ement a hi gh bl ood pressure control program for the Southeast Asi an _
refugee population in St. Paul by June 30, 1984. Activities `shall include
hut not be 1 i mi ted to:
l. Develop a long-term patient tracking system for use in community
clinics and other sources of inedical care for Southeast Asians.
a. revise forms already established for year one activities to
reflect the SEA population. The revised f orms will include:
- intake form
- clinic/referral activity form
- BP record sheet
" - mcnthly sumnary form �
b. diseuss project with appropriate personnel from target clinics
(St. Paul Department of Public Health, St. Paul Ramsey Medical
Center, Model Cities) and solicit ideas for tracking system.
c. develop accompanying protocol and instructions. .
d, develop data collection system (to obtain data from clinic)
2� Present ar� implement a long-t�rm tracking system in at least two (2.)
clinics serving Southeast Asians.
a. present final tracking system to St. Paul Department of� Public
Health, St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center, Model Cites, Bethesda
Hospital .
b. pilot (and revise) tracking system at St. Paul Department of
Public Nealth, St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center.
c. provide training to appropriate staff in participating clinics.
d. provide technical assistance to clinics when needed.
• � 3. Develop if necessary, and translate educat�onal materials on hyperten-
sion in a manner understandable to Southeast Asians. Topics will
include: description of hypertension, non-pharmacologic approaches
(sodium and weight reduction), medications, and . importance. of
a. collect and compile existing Southeast Asian materials on HBP and
determine areas lacking coverage (priority �reas).
b. collect anthropological materials on Southeast Asian health
' 2
� � �����
c. develon pamphlets in priority areas which describe HBP-related
topics with consideration of SEA health perspective.
d. translate materials in simplified English, Laotian, Cambodian,
Vietnamese, Hmong(?).
e. distribute HBP materiats to participating clinics.
4. Share educational materials and long-term tacking protocol developed
with other interested agencies.
a. notify appropriate national agency(s) - (e.g., National High
Blood Pressure Education Program) about materials developed.
b.. notify SEA refugee project - U of M (newsletter). .
c. notify other known interested agencies (i.e., Ramsey County,
Minneapolis Health Department, East and West metro refugee
committees, Lao Family Association.
5. Establish a screening program for systematic detection of hypertension
among Southeast Asians. Activities will include but not be limited to:
a. estsablish four HBP screening sites for SEA. �
b. provide appropriate health staff (PHNs, inter�reters).
c. revise already existing screening form to reflect SEA population.
(i.e., change in diet, time in U.S., stress, etc. ).
d. refer all SEAs with elevated blood pressures to one of
participating clinics and enter into long-term tracking system.
e. publicize through Lao Family Association and sc.reening sites.
(Emphasize no blood drawi�g) .
i; . .
6. Determine the prevalence of hypertension in �outheast Asians by
ethnic group, age, sex, time in the U.S.A., and dietary components
through the following activities:
a. screening. '
b. retrospective chart review.
c. prospective study (using long-term tracking data).
7. Collect data quarterly related to the long-term tracking and education
programs and report to the Minnesota Department of Health.
8. Provide a report addressing progra m activities and an evaluation of
program accomplishments to the Minnesota Department of Health at the
end of the contract period. �
P � M
' • �� �� �
♦ .
City of St. Paul Department of Comnunity Services
Hypertensior� Special Project Contract ]983-1984
Implement blood pressure contr.ol programs for adults in racial minority
groups of Hispanics and Southeast Asian (SEA) refugees in the city of St.
Paul at the West Side Com munity Health Center and through two clinics
identified by the St. Paul Di�ision of Health, respectively.
West Side Community Health Center: Hispanic Hypertension Project
Expand current program of blood pressure screening, referral, and follow-
up for additional working age Hispanic males at f�ve (5) worksites by June
30, 198�. Activities shall include but not be limited to: �
1. Contact management of� five (5) additional worksites identified as
potential places to reach the working age Hispanic male and make
arrangements to conduct hypertension screening, referral, follow-up
and group education pragrams.
2. Conduct blood pres5ure screening and referral in accordance with
guidelines established in the Minnesota Department of Health,
Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene and American Heart Association,
Minnesota Affiliate Blood Pressure Measurement Manual for Screeners.
3. Enter West Side Clinic patients, who are referred for elevated blood
pressure into the clinic's long-term tracking system.
4. Include follow-up phone calls to physicians of those individuals
referred for el evated bl ood pressures who are not West Si de C1 ini c
patients, to verify that they have been seen by a physician.
5. Conduct at least two (2) group education programs on non-pharmacologic
. and pharm acologic approaches to blood pressure control at a minimum of
` five (5) worksites identified as sites for the 1983-1984 West Side
Clinic outreach blood pressure control program.
6. Provide quarterly statistics and sum mary of project activities to the
Minnesota Department of Health. .
7. Provide an evalua�ion of program accomplishments and eff ectiveness to
the Minnesota Department of Health at the end of the contract period.
. 1
; � � �����
, .
St. Paul Division of Public Health: Southeast Asian Nypertension Project
Implement a high blood Rressure control program for the Southeast Asian
refugee population in St. Paul by June 30, �984. Activities shall include
but not be 1 i m i ted to: • �
1. Develop a long-term patient tracking system for use in community
c.linics a�d ather sources of inedical care for Southeast Asians.
a. revise farms already established for year one activities to
reflect the SEA population. The revised forms will include:
- intake form
- clinic/referral activity form
- BP record sheet
- monthly surrmary form -
b. discuss project with appropriate personnel from target clinics
(St. Paul Department of Public Health, St. Paul Ramsey Medical
Center, Model Cities) and solicit ideas for tracking system.
c. develop accompanying protocol and instructions.
d. develop da.ta collection system �(to obtain data from clinic)
2. Present and implement a long-term tracking $ystem in at least two (2)
� � clinics serving Southeast Asians.
a. present f i nal track i ng system to St. Pau 1 Department of Publ i c
Health, St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center, Model Cites, Bethesda
� Hospital.
b. pilot (and revise) tracking system at St. Paul Department of
Public Health, St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center.
c. provide training to a�propriate staff in participating clinics.
d. provid� technical assistance to clinics when needed.
3. Develop if necessary, and translate educatianal materials on hyperten-
sion in a manner understandable to Southeast Asians. Topics will
include: description of hypertension, non-pharinacoTogic approaches
(sodium and weight reduction), medications, and importance of
compliance. �
a. collect and compile existing Southeast Asian materials on HBP and
determine areas lackinq cnverage (priority areas).
b. collect anthropological materials on Southeast Asian health
. � �;���� .�
c. develop pamphlets in priority areas which describe HBP-related
� topics with consideration of SEA health perspective.
d. translate materials in simplified English, Laotian, Cambodian,
. Vietnamese, Hmong(?).
e. distribute HBP materials tc participating clinics.
4. Share educational m aterials and long-term tacking protocol developed
with other interested agencies.
a. notify appropriate national agency(s) - (e.g., National High
Blood Pressure Educatian Program) about m aterials developed.
b, notify SEA refugee project - U of M (newsletter).
c. notify other known interested agencies (i.e., Ramsey County,
Minneapolis Health Department, E�st and West metro refugee
committees, Lao Family Association.
5. Establish a screening program for systematic detection of hypertension
among Southeast Asians. Activities will include but not be limited to: �
a. estsablish four HBP screening sites for SEA.
b. provide appropriate health staff (PHNs, interpreters).
c. revise already existing screening form to reflect SEA population.
(i.e., change in diet, time in U.S., stress, etc. ) .
d. refer all SEAs with elevated blood pressures to one of
participating clinics and enter into long-term tracking system.
e. publicize through Lao Family Association and screening sites.
(Emphasize no blood drawing) .
6. Determine the prevalence of hypertension in Southeast Asians by
ethnic group, age, sex, time in the U.S.A., and dietary components
through the following activities:
, a. screening. -
b. retrospective chart review.
c. prospective study (using long-term tracking data).
7. Collect data quarterly related to the long-term tracking and education
programs- and report to the Minnesota Department of Health.
8. Provide a report addressing program activities and an evaluation of
program accomplishments to the Minnesota Department of Health at the
end of the contract period.
� 3
. �������
City of St. Paul Department of Corrsnunity Services
Hypertension Special Project Contract 1983-1984 ,
Implement blood pressure control programs for adults in racial minority
groups of Hispanics and Southeast Asian (SEA) refugees in the city of St.
Paul at the West Side Camm�mity Health Center and through two clinics
� identified by the St. Paul Division of Health, respectively.
West Side Community Health Center: Flispanic Nypertension Project
Expand current program of blood pressure screening, referral, and follow-
up for additional working age Hispanic males at five (5) worksites by June
30, 1984. Activities shall include but not be limited to:
1 . Contact management of five (5� additional worksites identified as
potential places to reach the workin�g age Hispanic male and make
arrangements to conduct hypertension screening, referral, follow-up
and group education programs.
2. Conduct blood pressure screening and referral in accordance with
- guidelines established in the Minnesota Department of Health,
Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene and American Heart Association,
Minnesota Affiliate Blood Pressure Measurement Manual for Screeners.
3. Enter West Side Clinic patients, who are referred for elevated blood �
pressure into the clinic's long-term tracking system. .
4. Include follow-up phone calls to physicians of those individuals
referred for el evated bl ood pressures who are not West Si de C1 ini c
patients, to verify that they have been seen by a physician.
5. Conduct at least two (2) group education programs on non-pharmacologic
and pharm acologic approaches to blood pressure control at a minimum of
five (5) worksites identified as sites for the 1983-1984 West Side
Clinic outreach blood pressure control program.
6. Provide quarterly statistics and summary of project activities to the
Minnesota Department of Health.
7. Provide an evaluation o� program accomplishments and effectiveness to
the Minnesota Department of Health at the end of the contract period.
� �
- ���r����
St. Paul Division of Public Nealth: Southeast Asian �pertension Project
Impl ement a hi gh bl ood pressure control program for the Southeast Asi an
refuge� population in St. Paul by June 30, 1984. Activities shall include
but not be limited to:
1 . Deve l op � l ong-term pat i ent track i ng system for use i n commun ity
clinics and other sources of inedical care for Southeast Asians.
a. revise forms already established for year one activities to
reflect the SEA population. The revised forms will include:
- intake form
- clinic/referral activity form
� - BP record sheet �
- monthly surm►ary form
b. discuss project with appropriate personnel from target clinics
(St. Paul Department of Public Health, St. Paul Ramsey Medical
Center, Model Cities) and solicit ideas for tracking system.
c. develop accompanying protocol and instructions.
d. develop data collection system (to obtain data from cli�nic)
2. Present ar�d i mpl ement a l ong-term tracki ng system i n at l east two (2)
clinics serving Southeast Asians.
a. present final tracking syste-m to St. Paul Oepartment of Public
Health, St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center, Model Cites, Bethesda
� Hospital .
b. pilot (and revise) tracking system at St. Paul Department of
Public liealth, St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center.
` c. provide training to appropriate staff in participating clinics.
d. provide technical assistance to clinics when needed.
3. Develop if necessary, and translate educational materials on hyperten-
sion in a manner understandable to Southeast Asians. Topics will
include: description of hypertension, non-pharmacologic approaches
(sadium and weight reduction), medications, and importance of
campliance. �
a. collec� and compile�� existing Southeas� Asian materials on HBP and
determine areas lacking coverag� (priority areas) .
b. collect anthropological materials on Southeast Asian health
, �(.�,a�t�.
, :-;,�:
c. develop pamphlets in priority areas which describe HBP-related
topics with consideration of SEA health perspective.
d. translate materials in simplified English, Laotian, Cambodian,
Vietnamese, Hmorrg(?).
e. distribute HBP materials to participating clinics'.
4. Share educational materials and long-term tacking protocol developed
with other interested agencies.
a. notify appropriate national agency(s) - (e.g., National High
Blood Pressure EdUCa�ion Program) about materials developed.
b. notify SEA refugee project - U of M (newsletter).
c. notify other known interested agencies (i.e., Ramsey County,
Minneapolis Health Department, East and West metro refugee
committees, Lao Family Association.
5. Establish a screening program for system atic detection of hypertension
among Southeast Asians. Activities will include but not be limited to:
a, estsablish four H8P screening sites for SEA.
b. pr�vide appropriate health staff (pNNs,. interpreters).
c. revise already existing screening form to reflect SEA population.
(i.e., change in diet, time in U.S., stress, etc. ).
d, refer all SERs with elevated blood pressures to one of
participating clinics and enter into long-term tracking system.
e. publicize through Lao Family Association and screening sites.
(�rnphasize no blood drawing) .
6. Determine the . pre:valence of hypertension in Southeast Asians by
ethnic grou�, age, sex, time in the U.S.A., and dietary components
through the fcllowing activities:
a. scrEening. ...
b. retrospective chart review. -
c. prospective study (using lo�g-term tracking data).
7. Collect data quarterly related to the long-t�rm tracking and education
programs and report to the Minnesota Department of Health.
8. Provide a report addressing program activities and an evaluation of
program accomplishments to the Minnesota Department of Health at the
end of the contract period.
�,r.��lp.�e, �� � �
Corr�nunity Services �EPART(�1ENT
_ . Y� c�, '
C�ry� J. Pechmann CONTACT
292-7711 PHONE � � �� 4a���g -
Ju 1y 21 , 1983 DATE re e ��P�
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature); RECEIVE �
� Department Director � •
City Attorney �• �U� 2 �' 19
.� e� u,�''
Mdy01" ,.�..�n�C� �
� �-� CITY ATT !�(
Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector �4� 1 ���r31'
19 �'�- -
5 Ci ty C1 erk � �Ht piKECTOR
. iG . Ur
6 Budget Di rector �f� ti��j}�S OFFI r,�_�±Tr.1ENT 0� FMANC�
p� ANAGEMENT SE�,.....
What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
Resolution to allow city signatures on an agreement between the City of St. Paul
and the Minnesota Department of Health. Under this agreement the City of St. Paul
will implement a blood pressure control program for adults in the racial minority
groups of Hispanics and Southeast Asian refugees in St. Paul at the West Side
CorrNnnunity Health Center and through two clinics identified by the St. Paul Division
of Public Health.
Financial , �udgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
The total amount of the�uard is $10,000. The contract period is from July 1 , 1983
through June 30, 1984. No personnel impacts are anticipated.
Fundin� Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: ,
A�ctivity Code 33230
Attachments (List and Number all Attachmentsl :
1 . Letter from the Minnesota Department of Health
2. Contract--original and 5 copies
3. Attachments to contract--original and 5 copies
4. Resolution
Yes No Council Resoiution Required? Resolution Required? - Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No /��
Yes No Insurance Attached?
� • Revision of October, 1982
(�ee Reverse Side for Instructions)