280819 WHITE - C�TV CLERK � ^
BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ����1����
uncil esolution
Presented By �
✓Referred To �� uG w ���5 Committee: Date � ��
Out of Committee By Date
WfiEREAS, The Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation has
prepared a preliminary layout for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway 15
renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 999 within the corporate limits of the City of
St. Paul, from the West Corp. limits to the North Corp. limits; and seeks the
approval thereof, ansl
WHEREAS, Said preliminary layouts are on file in the Office of the Minnesota
Department of Transportation, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified
as Layout No. 2 S.P. 2700-20 (999=14) and S.P. 6200-15 (999�15) from Mississippi River
to Snelling Avenue, in Minneapolis and in St. Paul; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That said preliminary layouts for the improvement of said Trunk Highway
with the corporate limits be and hereby are approved.
Yeas COUNC[LME Na s Requested by Department of: —(����
Y /�.�
Fletcher Public W (TEK)
GaO� In Favor
Nicosia .
Scheibel A gai n s t BY
W ilson
Adopted by Council: Date SEP 1 1983 Form Approv d b City Att ey
Certifie assed C uncil , retary BY
gy, .-,
t�ppr y 1Aavor. D t � SEP 6 1983 Ap ov y ayor for Su mi s on o C uncil
By B� ,I
PUBLISHED S E t� 10 19$�
Public Works DEPART�,,ENT ���819
Thomss Ruhfeld _ �ONTACT
292-6277 PHONE ����r'1 ��
July 11, 1983 DATE � ��
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): RECEIVED
r ��� p � ��+!'��
t/�ayor � CITY ATTOR�'rEY � �
Finance and Management irector �
4 City Clerk
Budget Director
. ,.jalhat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
The attached preliminary layout No. 2 shoWS the aligrnneat and scope of improvemeats involved
in providiag a inter-campus transitway for the University of Minnesota, improvements in
access within the City of Minneapolis, and the extention of Kasota Avenue (also 'kaown as
� Energy Psrk Drive) from Trunk High�ray 280 to Snelliag. This is a coordinated effort by all
affected parties including the Saint Paul Port Authoritq. Serious review of the proposed
plan at this time will help to minimize future design chaages.
Financial , Budgetary artd Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
This project is being processed for Federal funding with the Citq of St. Paul being liable for
a 15X share of the costs of right-of-way and construction of Rasota Avenue. (The roadwaqs
colored green and within the city limits on the attached layout No. 2 ) We feel that Energy
Park Dr. will be constructed with or without Federal participation. �his �ill reduce the Citq's
Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited: financial burden for its
Council File 276658 (approved April 13, 1981) authorized the Mn/DOT to undertake this design
pro3ect and to be reimbarsed by the City for its share of the cost. (From '79 PIA, Log �5-37,
Attachments (List and Number a11 Attachments) :
Page 69.)
L. Couacil Resolution
2. Laqout No. 2, Trunk Higfi�aq 999 for University of Minn. Transitway and related improvements.
3. Council File �276658 (as published in legal ledger).
� Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes R No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes x No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for �Tnstructions)
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Council File No. 276858 — By Vtctor J. ,
TedesCO— ��. � ,
WHEREAS,Satnt Peul haa deslred lo rnm-
plete the extmsion ot Kasote Avenue between
Snelling Avenue and Trunk H[ghway 280 nnd
lhat extensfon ts a mommendalion ln th'e
Streets�nd Atghweys portion ot Satnt P�ul'�
Comprehensive Pl�n;and � �
WHEAEAS. The extenelon of K�sota
Avenue hes long been an integrel pert of the
proposed Unlventty Area Inte�campu�Tran-
altaey ProJM lor g�hich Saint Peul hu had
represeMaUon on the Pmject Mana`ement
� WHEREAS,The Mlnnaota Department ot
Transporietlon has become the kad aQency for
the variou�partfes to the Transitway ProJect
and has compleled the preparatlon ot the Pro-
Jcct Development Report to adv�nce the pw �
. . Jrrl Int Fadrrnl ald fundlne.nnd �
� WIIF:IIF.AY,"fhe Mbinr�n�• p.partment of - -
Transportation will prepare a Locatlon
� Design Study Report ta qualify lhe projecl(or � �
Federal funding and Saint Peul will pey its
propnrtfonalc share of thet Rcport. .
proper City o(ticers are hercby authorized and
. dircrted to execute said Agreement on behalf � •
� o(the City of Saint Peul;and � �
ty's rstimated costs are b6,000.(to be charged
to PIR Fund 62337-731-000)to be relmbursed
' Irom 1979 Public improvement Aid(Log MS37,
PaRe 691
Adopted by the Council Apd19,198L
Approved April l9,1981. � �
lApril I8,1981)
_._...---,..._.._..:. :
• �,� ., .
5• ,. VACATZON; �Peta.�a.on of Ca.ty o� .St . Pau7. :�ox the vaca�a.on of � � �
� .. . _ Homecr.of�• Recreata.on Cen�er - - Lofis 1. � Z8 , B7.ocic 7. , Faa.rva.ew �
• � : S . Adda.�a.on (bounded by Edgcumbe� Road, Wordswoxfih , Su�, ancl
. , Sheridan) �or the purp.ose o� bua.].da.ng new tenn�.s coux�s ��.nd �
� � ' pl.ayground, . .
' . Recom�nended. approval . � . ��
;.. .
�ti, � :9/6/83 VACATION; Peta,tion o� Pau� Swanson for the �vaca�z'vn o� .
. • Bast•West� �al.ley �.n 73�.ocic� 37 , ��Ves�G S� , � Pau�.,',Rea1, ��s�a�e � �
Improvemeri�� Synd. Add, �f2 (bounded by �Concoxd, Wxnana, . �
� . ' � � ' Stickney and Be�.vxdere) �or the �purpose o�' �r�.vate �,use,. � . • . � .
. , , , ,
, : Recommended approval. . '
. �:: VACATION ; Peta:ta.on o� Jasaka Company, � et a�. , �or .fihe '� � .
. . . � , -vacata.on o� par� o� Arundel. S�reet and �axt, o:C Orange : � �
----� � � '� Avenue . Counca.lman Masanz reaues�s �ha.s. „vacat�.on be .da.s - �� � �
� • � ' cussed regaxda,ng the q,ues�a.on of compensation. � . �, �
,� . Recommended approval. � • '
' . . . � KASOTA, AVENUE ; (To be renamed as Energy Park Dxa.ve) �� �� � �
� + , � . '.. approva�, of pr•e7.a.ma,nary a�,a.gnment �rom. Sne].J.a.ng ,Avenue �. .
:. � . . �o T.H. 280 . � AJ.1, znteres�ed par�zes �o . be heard,- , . , �
. � . . � Recommended approval of preliminary layout . �
9 : RESO�,UTION : To eoxrect fiypogxaph�.ea�, erxor on Ra�a.�a.c�ata.on. .
' ,Ordex C. F�; , 280347 . ' .. . , � ,�; • .� . . ' � ,. � . ' :
� � ' �� � .. Recommended� approval . , ' .
� ' . � RESOLU�ION; AHW� Corporata.on fio �prova.de pr�.vate � dra.ve � a.n �. . ,
�, � � . • Energy Park des�.gnated by name � o� Coach Road ••- Aep� . `of . � . �
• • . Pub�.ic Works to �.ssue house numbers for Coach �Road, , . . . �.
' « � RECOmmended approval . �
11. . �. RBSOLUTZON; Apprav�.ng Pre�.�a.m�nary �Layotit • �or• a.m�xovement � �
� of par� o� Trunk H�.ghway �.5 renumbexed, as Trunk Ha.ghway . . :
� . � . No�, 999 . �• � � . . , , .
' � Recommended approval of preliminary layout.
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co�u Fu� No. 27665E — By vino� ,r.
WHEREAS,Sdnt Pwl hu deslrcd!o com-
plete the eatensfon of K�sota Avenue belveen
Snellin�Avenuc�nd Trunk Hijhw�y YBO�nd
th�t eatenslon la a recommendation In tAe, j
Streets�ad HI`hv�ya portlon o!Salnl Pwl'f I
CompreAenslve Plan;and J
WHEAEAS. The extenslon ot K�sot• �
Avenue h�e lon�Deen�n tMe�ral p�rt of the
proposed Unlvenity Are�Intert�mpu�Tno-
ailwsr Projeet!or�Alch Salnt P�ul Aa�had
+eDrexnt�tloo on the Project Nan��ement
, WHEAEAS,'lT�e Mtnnesota Departmenl ot
Tnnsport�tlon has become lhe le�d a�eney tor
the v�Nws parifes to the Tr�tultw��y Projert
�nd Aas eompleled lhe prepantlon ot the Pro-
Jeet Developmmt Report to advance the pro
�«rl f��r Frdrrnl�Id fundln�.�nJ '
K'IIFJIF:AY,'Ihe Mlnnr�o4 D.y�rlmmt ol
Ttans�urtaUOn will preparc � LoeaUun
n�siR�S�udy RepoM1 to yualify the project for '
Federal funding and Saint Paul will pay Il� .
propnrtionnte share o!lhat Report. �
proper City o1(ic�rs are herrby�uthorited and �
dirccted to execute said Agretment on behal( •
, of Ihe City of Saint Paul;and
ty's��stimated cnsts are 56,040.(lo be charged
to PIR Fund 627J7•191-000)to be relmbursed
' from1979PubliclmprovementAid(LogNS-39,
PaRr 691
Adopted by th�Councll Aprll 9,1981.
Approved April 1],1981.
� lApri118.19811