280814 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 � PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 A CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL File NO.�R��,�1�Z BLUE -MAVOR � rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. � ��Jr� Presented By '"`'�°°�� ✓Referred To ��l/��J�`° � Committee: Date /�! i� Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules by establishing the classification Deputy Chief of Police in the Unclassified Service. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Civil Service Rules be amended by addiag to Section 34 immediately following 34.F the following: �34.G The classification of Deputy Chief of Police, is placed in the � Unclassified Service of the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. 34.A The class specification for Deputy Chief of Police shall be the one which was in effect when the Deputy Chief of Police was in the Classified Service. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Approved: Chairman, Civ Service Commiss n COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � PERSO FICE �eu� In Favor Masanz Nicosia � Against BY .CCbYiwF Tedesco Wiison Adopted by Council: Date Q,('.T l� 1983 Form A ove Cit t ey c Certified P s ncil S t y BY By � Appr d by Mayor: L A pro d by Mayor for ub i sion to Council BB ' ' PUBL{SHED OCT 1 � 1983 � � • � �� ��o �'i� �Y��t�� �;��.,,� �, CIT'Y QF S�1II�T•r ��uL /70,��2., x:;..�' `.:, {�� ; ��� ��-�-�.'<. : i f`---;�3:;��.:` ',': OI��1±`ICI+'. OI+' 'i'FI3�� CITY COI71\�CIi. r. F � . � f ; °• � } _`j . t ', ' '�' }/� _r D Q t e : September 15, 1983 ,,�::_\ �'-.� �'� ,. .. " COMI�I (TT � E RE PORT To = sa�r�� Pa�u� c�ty counc�i � � F t� � 11A : C o m m i r t e e o n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT $ PERSONNEL �, - . � . . - . � . . � � � C� J - C N A(R CHAIRMAN SCHEIBEL., L�c � �z c7 �n . �� � r ;''� t*� . C f: � d • y� � � - '�:�-":.1 �"� �� � , --' .r G7 • ' � � . � AGE �! -aA. � 1. Judy Kro►., Chair of T�sk Foxce on Assessments, will pxesent reconunendations. � 2. Fesolution to execute a�lS, year,lease with B04tAR Develo�ment Companj� for � rental of 699 E. Sev.enth Street to serve as a s ctor }�ouse £or t}ie Police De�t. � �?�a-�•ad..�.u.��G r/uv�al� %o 3. Presentation by Police Departmerit regarciing Team Police Plan. 4. Resolution amending t}ie 1982 Capital Tmprovement Budgct and 1983 Debt Capital Improvenent Fund Budget to provide additional fi.nancing fox the replacenent of the Farmers market. (PED) �'c�. 3-Q . , . . S. P.esolution to execute an Apglication for Emexgency hf:-inagement Assistance for . fundin� foac the Citv's Civil Aefense pr�nram. (Fire I1pt.) ���!° �_� 6. Resolution revzsing the class specification for the title o£ Custodi.an- Engir.eer I�� in the Civil Sexvice Rules. (Rersomiel) �,� 3-O 7. Resolution approving and ratifying 1983-1954 Collectil�e Baroaining Agreernent between the City o£ Saint Paul an�l the Saint Paul Firc Sujnerl�isory �lssociation. (Personnel) . �� 3-� ' 8. Resolution approving and rati€ying 1983-19S4 Collecti��e I�argaining Agrcement r;ith International Association o£ Alachinists and Aeros��ace lVorkers �iFI.-CIO, � District Lodge Ko. 77. �2�1�, �-Q � 9. Ordinance starring t}ie title of Deputy C:hie£ of Policc in tlie Classified Service in the Civi 1 Service Riiles and adding a statcmertt. (4'ersonnel) ��. �3-d (Ot�EK) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLO01: � SAINT PAUL,r11�NESOTA 55102 *�s+��_ , . - o��'���� Personnel C�ffice DEPARTf�tENT ��Q� Bernard P. Wright �ONTACT . 298-4221 PHONE � � , Au ust 16 1983 DATE �v�� � , (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Ma�yoral Signature}: � . � Department Di rector . Cit Attorne � ,� Y Y M��r R�C�I\f��� Finance and Management Servi ces Dire r . City�Clerk� . A��-1 71983 : Budget Di rector ���'C�i�S OFFICc i�hat Will be Achieved by i'akin4 Action on the Attached Materials? {Purpose/Rationale): � . This OrdinancQ,,.is for the purpose of taking the classification of:Dep�ity C�ief of Poli.ce out of the Classified Service and placing it in the Unclassified Service. �here is. no change in salary grade. . � Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: � None, . � _ . . � � 1, ' . " ' Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: � Attachments (List and Number all Attachments�: 1. Ordinance. - 2. Copy for City Cle rk a DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolutiort Required2 Yes �No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes . No �/� Yes No Insurance Attachea? _ Revisian of October, 1982 � . . (See Reverse Side for instructions) lst �-�— �3 2n Q 3rd q��7` �3 Adopted � �4'��� Yeas Nays FLETCHER �8�8�5 GALLES /70�� / MASANZ NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO . .