280793 WHI7E - CITV CLERK ���1� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMEN T BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � �'o ncil Resolution - Presented By �� , �Referred To �����NGC Committee: Date �� �o � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Minnesota State Agri- cultural Society (State Fair Board) whereby the City of Saint Paul will provide various police services during the 1983 State Fair in return for the payment to the City of $2,500. 00, a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Dep tment of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher Gailes IR Favor Masanz — Nfcosia `�Ir�/��—��'��-' Scheibel � __ Against By G[. G Z Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 5 1983 Form roved y �rne � Certified a d ounci cr BY By f R�pp by Nlavor: Dat A� 2 6 1983 A pr ved by Mayor fo Su ission to ouncil By BY PUBLISHED SEP 31983 � �! A � ' ../ , � ���T.7 AGREEMENT THIS IS AN AGREEMENT, Dated this lst day of July, 1983, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, ?�iinnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City," and the MII3NESOTA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, hereinafter referred to as "State Fair Board"; WITNESSETH: IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED BY AND BETT,�IEEN THE CITY AND STATE FAIR BOARD AS FOLLOWS: 1. That for the consideration hereinafter stated, the City will assist the State Fair Board in providing general police service during the preparation and operation of the 1983 Minnesota State Fair. 2. That the City will provide the State Fair Board with access to its Folice Records Report System by providing a sufficient number of complaint numbers and blank reports to handle the volume of police reports generated by the State Fair Police. Further, that these reports will then be merged into the City's police record system where permanent recordkeeping and availability for year-round investigative follow-up can be provided. 3. That as a result of police activity during the 1983 Minnesota State Fair, the City will provide the State Fair Board with all Crime Laboratory services and end of fair follow-up and/or coordinated criminal investigation services necessary to complete any criminal investigation. 4. That the City will provide the State Fair Board with five police marked patrol vehicles to include vehicle radio and red light and sirens, said vehicles to ,�:.rc=r�P.J be provided for s�� days. � 5. That, to facilitate radio comr�unication between the City Police Department and the State Fair Police, the City will provide the State Fair Board with a radio control station capable of being wired into the State Fair radio transmitter. This will allow the St. Paul Police Channel 3 and State Fair Police UHF and State Fair VHF to be simulcast and a message received by all necessary officers. • . � ���� � t -2- . 6. That the City will assign two Police K-9 teams to provide foot patrol to the State Fairgrounds between the hours of 0100-0400 during the actual fourteen days that the Minnesota State Fair is operational. The officers will receive their geo- graphical areas of responsibility from the State Fair Police Watch Commander; however, the St. Paul officers will remain under the City's direction and control and subject to a call for service by the City if a need arises. � �7. That this contract will expire on September �, 1983� a.�- S;rv,Q.T.. 8. That the State Fair Board will pay to the City for the above described ser- vices the total sum of $2,500.00. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties have set their hands the date first above written. C Y OF SAINT A Approved as to F rm: By, �;� � Ma or r � . By: n �+,�1 Assi tant City Attorney Director, Department of Finance n1'3� and Management Services BY� �1!�"i r!� ��t�.lr_2C'� Chief of Police MINNE OTA S ATE AGRI LTURAL SOCIETY By: �. Its - By: . I t s , � .c,. .�.s�.; --, �cr �+ y� :s"��i%+...�i1•,.'�' CI!P JC- 0 r �A..I I�TT P.c�u L ���UI�� �1V J,:,� - -' � �;=,�. � � t�`}� ::• � , � � C � GOU�CIL y. " ��--*: ;,� �' 1 OI?`l�IC7' OI� 2 FI I Ct.rY ��� �';'�;�;'' �'� • J . •y,� -:: _.':.�, �.. � Ddte . ALtguSt 18� 1983 � i.` ,;'�� �''�- �,��: �:° ' .'�1`�;'' -...:. COMMiTT � E RE PORT TO = 5a �n? Pau 1 City Council � F� 0 � � C o m m it't e e O h FINANCE, MANAGENIENT � PERSONNEL COM.N! - ' CN A I R JAMES SCHEIBEL 1. Approval of minu�es from meeting held August. 11, 1983. �'�� \ -- 2. ��Resolutiori authorizing the 'City to execute an agreement with the Y � Aiinnesota State Agricultural Society (State Fair Board) for police ' � services during the �1983 State Fair; payment of $2,5 0 to the Cit . (Police) ����� - 3. Resolution authorizing the C�ty to execute an agreement with the University of Minnesota, Department of Pediatrics, to furnish • pediatric physician's services. to�-the City's Division�of Public Health. - (Community Services) --�� . �PPROYED.,�-:� ' � $125,000 ' � . 4. Resolution approving budget transfer o£ -�95�A80 from General� Government Accounts Contingent Resexve to City-19ide Data Processing budget for 1983. (Finance��;pp���D�-2�{ , . NON-AGENDA ITEMS � . 1. Transfer of $49,000 from General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve Specified Ope'rating Transfer Out to General Government Accounts CH � CH � Building Maintenance (P9ayor) ���, - 2. T�ansfer of $225,000 from Contingent Reserve to Risk Management Study and Implementation. rny��3� . 3. Authorize submission of application for designation of a state enterprise zone. (PED) �i` ,�aue�.��.o`�Ion"c `y��� C��i���L '$�E�viH�I�HS� SSIINT F UL. DSii��G OTA 5�10'_ ,: .�