280791 WHITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. 1 � Cpuncil Resolution , Presented By �"'G' �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, that upon reco�m�endation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, there is hereby transferred the follawing in the 1983 General Fund Budget: FROM: General Goverryment Accounts Contingent Reserve Specified Operating Transfer Out 09061-537-000 $125,000 �: Finance & Managenent Services City wide Data Processing Rental of Data Processing �quipnent 01115-284-000 $41,666 Data Processing Services 01115-297-000 $63,334 Builcling ?mrpovenents 01115-898-000 $10,000 General Goverrm�ent Accounts Appeals Board & Special Services Data Processing Hardware 09147-857-000 $10,000 $125,000 Approved, as to funding: Approved: Finance Director Budget Director COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �a��� In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibei A gai nst BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 5 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a_� Cou cil ta BY g�, �.��. • AUG 2 6 1983 t�1pp by Mavor: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISNED S E P 3 1983 WHITE - CI7V CLERK COURCII ��� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL BIUE - MAVOR File NO. o. uncil Resolution Presented By V Referred o �/��df'J�1 L'—�2 Committee: Date �� ���� Out of Comm' tee By Date RF50LVID, that upon r �anendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City C�arter, there is her transferred the follawing in the 1983 Budget: FROM: General Governanent counts Contingent Reserve ified Operating Transfer Out 09061-537-000 $95,000 �: Finance & Manag�nent Servi s City-wicle Data Processing Rental of Data Processing '�anent 01115-284-000 $31,666 City-wide Data Processing \ Data Processing Services 01115-297-000 � $63,334 �� � �\ $95,000 \ Approved, as to fundi.ng: \ Approved: \ _ �Y1�(`,'��?�.� Finance Director Budget D' or COU[VCILMEN Requested by D partment of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher �e11"e In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approve y ity torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY , B� �lpproved by ;14avor. Date _ AP or for Subm' si t ouncil �; Bv - BY. l r_ --/j � . , � , " � � - ° � �;°�`_,� ��� . �.�; ,�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM July 20, 1983 T0: Peter Hames FRCJM: Roy Stnible �� SUBJEC.T: Request for Fund Transfer The expenditure for c�nputer services and rental of data processing equignea�it (expense c�de 297 and 284) is a variable dollar amount based on the conditions listed as follaws: l. The a�nount the Cbunty ca�uter is used by the City departrnents. 2. The rate the County charges for oo�iputer time. 3. Haw fast the camputer applica.tions are withdrawn froqn the County co�riputer and placed on the City's Prime computer. Each of the above listed conditions contributed to Data Processing running over budget in expense code 284 and 297. The dollar overages and rea.sons for these overages are listed as follaws: $24,000 The new Police on-line book:ing syst�n costing mr�re than anticipated. $12,000 Conversion of the Payroll and Finance syst�n taking more time to convert thari expected. $37,500 A 20� inrxease in the rates the County cha.rges for their camputer time versus the 10� anticipated. $20,000 'The Accounting de�.t had a turnover in staff that run their c.Ymputer applications. This inex�rience of staff caused rerun of carnputex program. retentton of files longer than normal so that we ran $4,000 per montti over average for 5 mr�nth�. $ 1,500 Public Works unauthorized use. � $95,000 ���:��.:> ' � ����. Page 2 ' We are requesting that ttie Council transfer $95,000 to the Data Processing budget. The �.ttached page is a breakdawn of the actual and projected County canputer dollar usage costs for 1983. Projected Cost $440,439 Budget Arrount 345,000 $ 95,439 The question is haw do we bring these costs under control. The only long range solution to controll.i:ng these costs is tt� convert these syst�n.s to the City's computer. This we are doing with the present conversion of the Police and Finance system. The crmversion of these systems is scheduled tn, be c�anpleted in the thixd quarter of 1984. In the shprter term we continu��ly t�nitor the ca�uter usage and oorrect usage that is out of line or unautliorized. LTJ b7 � � yH � �r ' '�'� ��-S ►C � Fi d n v � � � ro � � � � . -v� � � ' t� ,A f-' N v 00 Ul �� 01 v W � � Ul N � F-' 01 t)'1 � � � 00 W F-' F-' W l0 00 OD � Q � �) W l� O O �P lO 10� C� �P u�p. W C� � � � w r tv 00 � N w � ` I �P N lC W 0p N �P (] Qj O O l9 OD �P Ul �P O �P �A � N p� I J �1 01 N 01 a1 W O �O f1' il � I-� N W h� N W . . . � �f/� :� 1 �A 00 QO Ul N W �A W O W `P N W W 01 N �A W "�1 ,p W 1 Q1 {--� N 00 F-� l0 O O U'I O N �P � -(/� l�0 l0 O f-' F-' W W � 00 W oI �A I-� O t-' W �l �P � � 1 W (Jl �l N N F-� �l �O N i/} .V? F� W N W F-' F-' l0 (-+ � . . . . . � O O �P i--� �W N N W l~O 01 (,Tl 1 �P �l CIt N �l U7 N 01 �l � , � .v} � W N � �A l0 W (V I �P F� \O f--' Ul O O � O O �P Ul d1 N W O O O O �-C O � O O O O O O O O O �(!? {/} � W N W l0 W ,� v O �A (~JI 01 N O O O O O 4, O � O O O O I 1 O O O �R {�} W l0 W �l O �A lll 01 N O O O O O � o i o 0 0 o i i o 0 0 ,b � � W N W l0 W � W 1 �P 1--+ �5: 1 I 1-� O O �I O �P Ul d1 E`e O O O O O O I O O O O ' I I O O O �(/} {�} W l0 W z �l O �A Vt 01 N O O O O O ` O i O O O O I I O O O � � �W N y,., W l0 W � ..�.� V O �P U~i Ql N O O O O O � �, O I O O O O I I O .O O ' • ` � J • ���� Fi nance � DEPARTf 1�NT Peter Hames _ �ONTACT 298-4637 PHONE ���� �� . 7,/22�g� DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): R EC EIVED �Department Di rector ��� 2 �' 'g� � �i ty Attorney CITY ATTORNEY me t/Mayor Finance and Management Servi ces Director 4 City Clerk . Budget Director What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Budget transfer is required to furnish full funding to the City-Wide�-Data Processing budget for 1983 Fi nanci al , �udgetary and Personnel Irr�acts An'ti ci pated: Transfer of $95,000 from General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve �pecified Operating #Q9Q61�537-000 to City-W%de Data Process3ng Rental of Data Processing Equipment #01115-284-OOQ ($31,666� and Data Processing Services #01115-297-000 ($63,�34) Funding Source and Fund ActiWity Number Charged or Credited: (see above) Attachments (List and Number all Attachments� : Memo from Roy Struble to peter Hames DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance �equired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions) te=!�-�1��•.-��r,/��'� CzrJl1 .17' � � A �'�TrJ�� ��.[].V J.i ����,��ri 'r•`' ' �� l�• `� ,�;Y:� �•`'-.,� l . =�/ i!•t ,; ; . . .' . . �. ,r �,--,;..,�,�,,\°:;�.� ,a.��i�•i��r or �rr�r��; c.�•rir c�v�cir_ �r: i '-���:.'� ;� �; - • �,,..,:. ��.� "' .�°'. ���,�' ' � D o t e • August 4, 1983 �' j � . . + itit!' Y /_�� C ``'-��'�.'}�,;,�• . . COfi� (V! (T�' � E RE P. OP, T . �' O = 5ain? Pau t Ci�y Cour�cii � : F F� O �l� � C�3�'�1l C�1��'e� Q h F IiVANCE, MANAGEMENT $ PERSONNE L - ' � CH A I R James Scheibel . � � � A � EI� � A. - - . . , � l. A roval of minutes from meetiri� held July 2S, 1983. ��pr�V�� 3-O' ' , ` � kesolution recomrnending addi�tions to the I9S� budget, (Finance) ���nr�jV�� 3 Q �-� --- - , . ..- -- . �� 3. Resolution executing an agreement with Lono Cadillac, Inc. for supplying ��arious - automobiles to the City of Saint Paul. (��olice) �-���rDU�c� 3-� 4. Resolution appxoving transfers of Community Develo�nent Blocl: Grant funds to the I�eighborhood Partners}iip Program. (PED) �)Pt�i(ed 3-� S. Resolution revising the class specification for the title of Police Officer in tl�e Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) ����'vb�L� 3-b . . 6. Resolution chanoing the grade and class specification for the titl�e o£� Tlunici}�al Garage Supervisor in the Civil Service Rulcs. (Personnel) ��provec� j-� 7. Resolution chanoing the grade and class specification for the title of Parkin�qo Di�ter i�ionitor Supervisor in the Civil Ser��ice. '(Personnel) �?pPJ'C'fV�c�� 3�U . 8. Ordinance establishing a ne��r Chapter 62 of thc Saint Paul /ldministxative Code; Street biaintenance, Service Charges and Assessments. (Valuations Division) � r�v�d 3, . �Ap am��od� 9. Resolutiun increasing paramedic fees. . (Fire Department) La J�,l�� � . �I (I uvee k� � . �r�Yr#is�L-� ��"��.�tk s.��'�l��r�t�rTi�J,�i2,ii�1�`'3�?����•�=, ,��," . i•��.'•� ���A .s`1:��;:;;,,.�,�. � - , . Cil�j`�' �r' SAIN�1� �11UL �`' ' ` �'•o;:'.1 y�~�!�r-- �';�,����.� � Ol?'l�ICT: OF Z,r-rt, ci'1`Y COUICIL ��y�'t�-������=v� `3�;. ,� D a t e : August 18, 1983 � � �'�'- ••' ,Y�[:-/�,� . ' ��'7`;1..i�L`,",,_•..•.. COMMITTEE RE PORT TO � 5ain� Paul Cifiy Council � F�R O M = C O I'�Il C�1 Ir'�@ e O h FINANCE, MANAGEI�NT F, PERSONNEL CON�I - ' C H A I R JAMES SCHEIBEL 1. Approval of minu�es from meeting held August. 11, 1983. � \ � _.� , - 2. ��Resolutiori authorizing the 'City to execute an agreement �vith the Aiinnesota State Agricultural Society (State Fair Board) for police ' services during the �1983 State Fair; payment of $2,5 0 to_ the C,�it,y. (Police) �Q��# . 3. Resolution authorizing the C�ty to execute an agreement �vith the University of Minnesota, Department of Pediatrics, to furnish - pediatric physician's servi,ces. to���the City's Division�of Public Health. � (Community Services) --F� . �PROVED:�2- ' � $125,000 " � A. Resolution approving budget transfer of -y�95-090 from General Government Accounts Contingent Feserve to City-ti9ide Data Processing budget for 1983. (Finance)�pg VED�Z=�f . - - �...: _.�.._:.,,.�:_y. NON-AGENDA ITEMS � . 1. Transfer of $49,000 from General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve Specified Ope'rating Transfer Out to General Government Accounts CH f, CH � Building Maintenance (Mayor) - 2. Transfer of $225,000 from Contingent Reserve to Risk Management Study and Implementation. �rnk� �� . 3. Authorize submission of application for designation of a state enterprise zone. (PED) �v�tn..;�1on��;,,�;�;��.� C��I�'��� '�EivIH FLHO� SS NT F UL, r11I��G OTA SS10' ,� .,