280788 M�HITE - CITV CLERK 1 -
C u cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, on October 5, 1982, Independent School Board No. 625 declared the
Edgcumbe School site surplus, and asked the City to determine its interest
in acquiring the site for public use or private redevelopment and to submit
any proposal it has to the School Board in writing; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Comnission considered the recommendations of a neigh-
borhood task force, the Southwest Area District Council , the Planning Division,
and the people who spoke at a public hearing on May 27, 1983; and
WHEREAS, the neighborhood recomnendation of unstructured playground conflicts
with the staff recomnendation of townhouse development; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan contains contradictory chapters, with the District
15 Plan recorr�nending unstructured playground and the existing, adopted Parks
and Recreation Plan opposing addition of the site to the City's recreation system;
WHEREAS, the Planning Comnission has begun work on a new Parks and Recreation
Plan; and
WHEREAS, there is enough evidence of recreational need for children in the immediate
neighborhood and for teams in the southwest part of the City so that recreation
options for the site should be kept open until the new Parks and Recreation Plan
can evaluate the types and degree of need in more detail ; and
WHEREAS, the housing alternatives for the site conform to the Housing Plan, but
should not be built in the absence of a definitive decision that the land is
not needed for recreation; and
p, 1 of 2
COU[VCILME[V Requested by Depa tment of:
Yeas Nays r���
Gailes (n Favor
scneibe� _ Against BY
Form Appr e b City torney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary BY
A►pproved by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
1 � f
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
41HEP.fAS, the City is considering the reinstitution of team policing, and the
Edgcumbe School building may be used again as a team police station;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the St. Paul City Council that the City
should take the following steps leading to the ultimate reuse of the Edgcumbe
School site:
A. The City should arrange with the School District for use of the
School District's property by the City as an unstructured playground
until January 1, 1985, or until the new citywide Parks and Recreation
Plan is finished, whichever comes first. During this period,
the School District should continue to be responsible for the
security of the building, but the City should assume responsibility
for maintenance of the grounds.
B. Then, based on the Parks and Recreation Plan and after discussions
with neighbors and comnunity groups, the City should decide what
types of recreational use, if any, should take place on the site
and whether all or part of the block is needed to provide this
recreational use.
� or police
0. If any of the block is not needed for recreational/use, this land
should be sold for residential development with the type of housing
to be determined at the time and with the understanding that the
development proposal will have to be approved by the School Board.
C. If the City clecides to reinstitute a team police station at Edgcurnbe
Sc{�ool , ti�e Police Department should negotiate arrangements for the
building and as much of the site as it needs.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Depar ment of:
Yeas Nays �
Fletcher �
GaO� In F avor
scne�bei _ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date
AUG 2 5 1963 Form Appr ed ty rney
Certified • d� y nc� ,e reta BY
sy � -
t\p by Mavor: D e �AUG 2 6 1983 A ro y Mayor for Submi ' n to�ouncil
By '�- BY
t � , .-• � �
To � �►,� f
Mike Sirian �
� o+►�e �e
� 8/11/83
- � wcnro�+
Jane - Coimcilman F1 tcher's Office -
R�vi�w and s�e m� �� . �
R�vi�w�and roturn '
Pr�par�r�ply for�y si�. F�
R�ply and send me eopr �
Fw your app►ovai ���.
For your information
- Fw si9natws Call�d
� As vw discussed. Wos hs��to se�pou .
As you nquest�d Please call
Tak�appropriate action ' Will eall ayain
Notify stafF - Rsturned ow eall
���E Attached is City Developnent ante.
report concerning Fdgcimibe School site.
�Original resolution will be sent to you ;
as soon as Larry Soderholm fran PID gets �
all necessary signatures. Could y+ou please
place Fdgcwnbe School site on Cotmcil agenda
for August 18 for scheduling of public
hearing date for August 25, 1983. If you
have c{uestions, please call.
,„, �
Admin 1010(R�v.9-76) ��
� s+► ' ����
PF�1_ D1 anni nn n�.� DEPARTh1ENT
Larrv Soderholm �ONTACT
7494 ext. 325 PH�NE � ��
Au ust 11 1983 DATE �v�
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assi n Nur�er for Routin Or�r �li All Locations for M oral Si nature : ECEIVEp
Departm�nt Director - �im Bellus AUG 1 � 1983
- y torney _ Jer
c�Tr ArTO�N�,
Mayor �
Finance and Management e s Director _
�_ City Clerk NUG 1 7 �
Budget Director
�_ �,9�v RPirhPr
��lf(3RS OFFiCE
What Will be Achieved by �aking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
This City Council resolution makes a City recommendation to the School Board on the reuse
of the Edgcumbe School site. It follows the recor�nendation of the Rlanning Commission and
was approved by the City Development and Transportation Corr�nittee. It delays a final
decision on the site until the new Parks and Recreation Plan is done or unti.l Jan. 1, 1985.
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Irr�acts Anticipated:
The Parks and Recreation Divi i uld become responsible for mowing and maintaining the
groun ram es imates at a6ou , . The School District continues to
esponsible for the security of the building, also ut $1,000 per year. Piram says
e needs the additional funds in his '84 bud
Fun n Fu r Char ed or Credited:
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) :
City Council resolution
X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes � No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No
Yes �_ No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(�ee Reverse Side for Instructions)
- _ �
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>:,,� Co�ac,il�au xobsrt Fletcher ., , �, . ,
_ , Ctia3rms�t, C�.ty;Daveloptaent & TrBZ��sportation Casmittee
7th Floor, City Hsll ;1 _ ' � .
,' R'�: Lettar of Ma�+or Latimer p"r'opoaiag a :process and guiclel3,nas for eve�luation
' �.euse op.tions of sis surplus school sit�s AND Rranamittiag a stndy of t�tia
, Dapt.' :af Plaaping �,Eeoav�iic Dsvelopment �t�.tled "Surplue 3chool Sitea ia
' � St. Paul: A Collectiv� Analqeis". . �_ . � ,
,� . . � �
; Dear Couacilmaa Pletchez: - � .
. , _ , �
" � Tha ab�ove aited was re�err�d by�the'City'Cour�ail at i�+�s Januuy 25, I983 . ,' ::
;:�wettiiqig. , . � �
, - � . � , � � Ve�g trnl.y yours, . . -
,. , • ,
_ , ,
_ , : .
" • � i ' Albert B. Ol,son , 1
' - Cit�r Cl�rk , �
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�G�TT O��
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`� r n�l 111 tl� A_ /
'_• r 347 CITY HALL � ��� �pG'���
�''�,'••• SAIN'C PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �
c�EORGE LATIMER (612) ?98-4323 j�G
January 14, 1983 . �
� Council President Victor Tedesco �
and Members of the City Council
719 City Hall
Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 _ _ _ _
Dear President Tedesco and Members of the City Council :
The futures of six surplus school sites await decisions by the City. We must
decide whether we have a public purpose for them, either for actual use by the
City or for private redevelopment. Then the School Board will decide whether
to .give the property to us for public use, to sell it to us for redevelopment,
or to sell the property to someone else. The six sites are: Victoria, Edgcumbe,
IHartzell , Mounds Park Junior High, Riverside and Career Studies Center II .
(See attached map.)
Our decisions will be a concern to not only neighborhood residents living near .
� these sites but to the entire city because of the long-term fiscal implications
of reuse. �4e need to define an understandable decision-making process that will
involve all those concerned in a timely and thoughtful way. 7herefore, I am
proposing a process and guidelines for evaluating reuse options.
� The City Council will ultimately make the City' s decisions on the six sites. I
; would like to know now, before a lot of energy is spent, if you have suggestions
; or any objections to either the process or the guidelines. If I don't hear
objections, I will start the process on February lst.
Decision Process
I . The process I propose calls for simultaneous review of all six sites. Neighbarhood
task forces, with technical support from PED, will develop their proposals in
February and March. The C.I .B. Committee will review any proposais for City
facillties. The Planning Commission will evaluate the proposals and make their
recommendations by mid-h1ay. The City Council decision would be scheduled for
the end of June. (See attached diagram of process. )
Simultaneous review sets deadlines for everyone. Timely review is necessary
because vacant buildings are costly to maintain and exposed to potential vandalism.
6ringing the decisions together at one tir�e will allow us to see the combined
effect of the decisip��s . It will help ensure fair treatment of the different
neighborhoods, and it will help ensure that groups can find out when and where to
participate. / ,S � S�Q�-E �
�7 � � ,Lo- t�t.�/
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crcawowe oevannq+r
MMn�apolis Stsr and THbuM Thun.,Au�. 18, 1�83
A voucher system for U.S. education
By�ry����h� pupil's parents; in the case of high Vouchers could best be implemented
school and beyond the decision by resciadiag compulsory educatfon
would be made by the student him- laws. Thea children could be ex-
Merit pay for teachers may be a seif. pelled for misbehavior, from school
concept whose time has come, but after school if nece�ary. No parent
merit pay for schools would be bet- Vouchers would provide for public or consumer of educatloa would be
ter. schools the freedom that private and required to u�e the vaucher. Under
parochiat schools now enjoy. They such a sy�em, educattoa would be-
Merit pay for schools could be ac- would take nothing away irom prl- come a cherished prlvilege. The
complished by having governmeat vate schools except snobbery.Tdere range of choices Would be much ap-
create a "G.I, bill" for educatloa, is ao reasoa why they should. preciated. OpUons would groW and
putting alt the moaey aQw used for evolve with demand.
schoois into the hands of education CompettUon among equally subsi-
consumers in the form of voucders. dized schooLs would be fair aad free. Vouchers could rirst be trled at the
Parents could spend such vouchers It would gradually result in schools elementary grade level as a cltywide
at the school of their choice, wheW- of all possibte variatton. or metropolitan experimeat,so long�
er public,private,or parochisl. as private and paroc6ial schools
Some might become magnets for could be a�ured Wey would lo�e no
Vouchers would have to be handled sports lovers,others for arts eathusi- rlghts and ao long as pub8c schools
in combination with iree rides at a�ts,others for students interested in could be sasured they would galn the
nonrush hours on regular public intellectual developmea�The school frecdom prlvate schools now enJoy.
traasportatioa nsiag govemmeat-is- that otters soUd programs ia many
sued tokeos stamped with the name areas would probably become the Educatioa vouchers would make it
of the destination school. This kind magnet for the greate.st number of po�ible for educatlon to turn toaard
of voluntary busiag would result ia stu¢ents. priorlties of intellectual, physical
less busing expense than the present aad spiritual fltne� and aw�y irom
situaUon oi forced busing, and it• Those few parenb diseatisfied witt� the politiciud prioriries created by
would create absolute, rather than available schooLs misht use thelr seekers of politicai power.
parUal,integration. vouchers for prlvate tutoring or join
with other dissatisfied parents and
The decisioa to ride to another sead their c611drea for schooling in Mery Jene Rachoer La a SL Pau!
neighborhood would be optional and homes, churches or un�ted schooi arllerand educator.
would, in the case of elementary buildings under the tutelage o! a
school,depend oa the decision of the teacher ot their cholce.
w..r T� - _�'� Cr EF K . �('�(1����V(1L�
.'f�';�- <. : N��'��`E�FNT GITY OF S1'1I1�'T PAUL Flecil�0. �K IJ�YK
r�U� �I V�/
F •
� C u cil Resolution
Presented By '��
Referred To Committee: Date �
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, on October 5, 1982, Independent School Board No. 625 declared the
Edgcumbe School site surplus, and asked the City to determine its interest
in acquiring the site for public use or private redevelopment and to submit
any proposal it has to the School Board in writing; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the recommendations of a neigh-
borhood task force, the Southwest Area District Council , the Planning Division,
and the people who spoke at a public hearing on May 27, 1983; and
WHEREAS, the neighborhood recommendation of unstructured playground conflicts -
with the staff recommendation of townhouse development; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan contains contradictory chapters, with the District
� 15 Plan recommending unstructured playground and the existing, adopted Parks �
' and Recreation Plan opposing addition of the site to the City's recreation system;
and •
WHEREAS, the Planning Corrunission has begun work on a new Parks and Recreation
Plan; and
WHEREAS, there is enough evidence of recreational need for children in the immediate
neighborhood and for teams in the southwest part of the City so that recreation
options for the site should be kept open until the new Parks and Recreation Plan
can evaluate the types and degree of need in more detail ; and
WHEREAS, the housing alternatives for the site conform to the Housing Plan, but
should not be built in the ab�ence of a definitive decision that the land is �
nQ't'',n,eeded for r creation; M�"� • • C�t�, �,
�RiGF� �R � tS C,�V1�it �, hQ,�VIS'�'1��'V� t�� U�
� . � rlof2
S �, S
CO NCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays ��\
Fletcher t��Ly S/
Gaua IR Favor �
Masanz ..' 'r��
Nicosia i�. � �
scnetnei Against BY
Tedesco �
Wilson -
. Form Appr :e b • Cit}' .torney
Adoated b� Co�ncil: Date
Cen:f,ed Passed by Council Secretary • BS'
. F.� � , :1a�oz. Date � Approved b} Mayor for Submission to Council
- — ' — B>� - - — -- -- - -.._ ---
' 2����8
"''"'TE - ��' ��EM• Council
_ �
':�N:R. = `,. •..�� � .* GITY O�'' SAI ;\'T AUL File N0.
:c. ...•,.
9l.UE � ...�. -.r.
� Council �Zesolu�ion
Presenled By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out oi Committee By Date
NOW, TMtake�the followRng�steps leadhngsto thelultimateureusetofttheeEdgcumbe
School site:
A. The City should arrange with the School District for use of the
School District's property by the City as an unstructured playground
until January 1, 1985, or until the new citywide Parks and Recreation
Pa an is finished, whichever comes first. During this period,
the School District should continue to be responsible for the
security of the building, but the City should assume responsibility
for maintenance of the grounds. �
B. Then, based on the Parks and Recreation Plan and after discussions �
with neighbors and corrmunity groups, the City should decide what
types of recreational use, if any, should take place on the site
and whether all or part of the block is needed to provide this
' recreational use. �
D��. If any of the b l ock i s not needed
for �recreationa"1 use, this land
should be sold for residential development with the type of housing
to be determined at the time and with the understanding that the
development proposal will have to be approved by the School Board.
�C�S `� .�.iv��l�u�c. o�. ��vv►.� S�a� a�'
G, � � sl��tn� �+�
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COUNCILMEN Requested by Depar ment of:
�'eas Nays , ;7.�"\
Fletcher �' ��
can� In Favor
Nieosia gy ,;/„1�' +
Scheibel A gai nst \
Tedesco l
Wilson � �
Form Appr ed ty rney
4cop�ed b�• Council: Date
+ BY
;ert�t�ed Yassed b}� Council Secretary I
$•,. � -
A ro y Mayor for Submi ' n totouncil
..�.,,. 'a o• Date
S� _ __ - -- -- � B5' -- — - — - -—