00-27ORlGINAL 3a Council File # �Q Green Sheet # 08931 _ A��,...1.. ,��t►oo OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refened To Committee Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLUTION F,,�; l; An Administrative Resolution ch ging the rate of pay for PARK�'r SUPERVISOR in the Salary P1an and Rates of Compensation Resolution. FAc.� �. � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of PARK� E��3�F� �SUPERVI50R be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 23, Section Dl of Clerical Standard Range of Compensation to Grade 006, Section IC4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation in the 5alaryPlan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. Requested by Departntent of. Office of Human R ces `�?2+�,�c� � a �,h TC� By: Form Ap=ved by Ci ttorney � �: (zl�-�1��, - r Adogtion Certified by Council S retacy Approve ayor ub 's ion to By: � �, �.s.. � a, - - Ry: Approved by Mav : Date ��( � `i �� � � G:\Shazed\TeamlVdSA�CLASSIF�PKCOSUPV�RESIBLNK AdoptedbvCouncil� Date 000 � AEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: Human Resources CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: Lisa McKeown 266-6479 , �Iark Robertson 266-647 i vIIiST BE ON COUNCII, A6ENDA BY (DATE) ; as soon as possibie DATE INI7'IATED oO _�� 12/15/99 GREEN SHEET No.: 08931 � IhT17AIlDATE L�TffALDATE ASSIGN _I_DEPAR'1MENT DIl2. 4_CITYCAUNCII, NUnqggg 2 CTTY ATTORNEY C1TY CLERK FQR BUDGET DIl2, _DII2ECTOR OF FINANCLSL SVCS_ ROUTING _3_ MAYOR (OR AS� _CAl�'1'RACTOR ORDER _FINANCL9L SERV/ACCOUNT_ � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2,(CIdP ALL IA('ATIONS FOR ? nrriorr �QuESrEn: Approval of the resolution to establish the posirion of Pazks Facility Supervisor and the rate of � pay in Grade 06 of the Supervisory Standazd Range of Compensarion ln the Salazy Plan and Raxes of Compensation. f RECOMMENpATIQNS: Apprave (A) or Reject (R) i _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION i CIB COMMIITEE � _STAFF _ S DISIRICT CO[SRT � SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? PER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MLJST ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has this peison/firm ever worked under a coniract for ti�is departpaent? Yes No 2. Has this person/fvm everbeen a city employee? Yes No " 3. Doesthispersonlfvmpossessaskillnotnorznallypossessedbyanycurtencrity employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on sepacate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATINGPROBLEM, TSSUF OPPORTI7N17'Y (Whq What, When, Where, Why): To establish a new title and appropriate compensation which appropriately reflects the increase in duties and responsibilities ofPazk Concession Supervisors. Park Facility Supervisors (new title) oversee the operation and maintenance of a pazk facility including scheduling coordinating, assisting with set-up of events and supervising concession and maintenance staff. 9DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City will provide Park Facility Supervisors with appropriate compensation based on a compensation study conducted by Human Resources staff. DISADVAN'CAGES IF APPROVED: Vone lI5AD4ANTA6ES IF NO`T APPROVED: 'ark Concession (Facility) Supervisors wili not be adequately compensated for the work they do and their job :escription and title will not accurately reflect their duties and responsibilities. DTAL AMOUNT 6F TRANSACTION: $11,012 See attached JNDING SOURCE: fund it33433182 (sfadium) fund q3 2 5-23 112 (golfl NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� COST/REVENi7EBI3DGETED: YES ALTIVTI'YNUMBER: N/A ��'.� ��53�?s"^�e ���!f8� ?= C � 2 ��v� ✓ PARK CONCESSION SUPERVISOR (CURRENT TITI.E) PARK FACILTTY 5UPERIVOSR (PROPOSED NEW TITI.E) O O'� It has been determined that the class specification ofPARK CONCESSION SUPERVISOR should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties, a change in nuniinum qualifications and a change in title to PARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR. With this clarification of duties, it was detemuned that this position has and continues to have a high level of responsibility as a supervisor. In October, we recommended that the position move to SPSQ but in anticipation that AFSCME would not enter into a joint perition to have the Bureau ofMediation Services evaluate the position to determine the appropriate bargaining unit, the City recommended that the position nritially be moved to grade 34 of the Clerical Standard Ranges of Compensation. The City's plan was to petition the B.M. S. during the open window period in September or October of 2000. The union and the department approved of this plan. Dan Bostrom, City Council President, requested that the title be changed and the position be placed in SPSO before he presents it to the City Council. Therefore, because of the supervisory responsibilities, we are recommending this position be moved from AFSCME bargaining unit to Saint Paul Supervisors Organization and that it be compensated at Grade 006 of the Supervisory Standard Ranges of Compensation. We also recommend the position now be called Park Facility Supervisor. CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Park Concession Supervisor (New Title Recommended: Park Facility Supervisor) 00 -a� Incumbent: Aepartment: Date Studied: Studied By: Bob Klepperich Barbara Korum Sandy Robinson Parks and Recreatiou - Special Services December 3, 1999 Lisa McKeown APPROVAL OF T�CO� TING SERVICES MANAGER: ` ,^,� f DATE: t� I 4 ' � p 9 BACKGROUND The position was studied to determine its appropriate compensation. There are three incumbents holding this position, and the class as a whole was studied in September of 1998, but the results were not implemented. Because a year has lapsed and one of the incumbents in the previous study no longer works for the City of Saint Paul, a new study was conducted. In the previous study as well as this one, the duties and responsibilities have increased significantly. The three incumbents are assigned to three major Parks operations: Highland 9-Aole Golf Course; Midway Stadium, and Towne Square Park (formerly in chazge of the Como Park Pavilion until it was leased out). STUDY COMPONENTS Review of the job profiles of all three incumbents Interviews with immediate supervisor of incumbents Comparison to related classifications and positions. QES evaluation and analysis. POSTTION DESCRIP'PION To manage one of three major Parks operations: Highland 9-Hole Golf Course and Como ski facility; Midway Stadium; and Towne Square Park which requires supervising a large staff of permanent part-time and seasonai staff, coordinating large events, and accounting for the revenue generated by these events. The specific responsibilities of ttus position include: SUPERVISE STAFF (30%): • Hire, train, and schedule staff: 23-25 staff at Midway per season; ten staff members at E3ighland Golf; and 15-20 staff at Como Pavilaon. • Review work and conduct performance appraisals on assigned staff • Fill out necessary reports for payroll. MANAGE ASSIGNED BACII.IT'Y (50%): • Schedule all events at all four sites, including golf leagues, toumaments, ski lessons, concerts, ball games (Saint Paul Saints and recreational leagues), weddings, meetings, conferences. 00 - ar'l • Coordinate and assist with set-up of events. • Monitor and order stock for golf store and refectory and ball stadium. • Take care of contracts and or rental agreements; issue refunds when necessary. • Collect fees, rentals, sales revenues and make deposits and reports to Parks accounting ($150-200,000/year at the Pavilion; $200-225,000 at Midway Stadium; and $300,OOOJyeaz at the golf course} . PUBLIC RELATIONS (20%): • First contact with various groups and companies who lease the pazk facilities. • Provide information about other parks facilities and events. � Interact with large groups of individuals who use the facilities for events and recreation; take care of concerns and problems to assure a pleasurable experience at the facility and repeat business. CLA.SSIFICATION COMPARISON This position is the highest in the Refectory }ob series, so it was compared to positions within Parks with similar responsibiiity, such as the Recreation Center Director and Adaptive Recreation Director. One difference is the Parks Concession Supervisor position supervises seasonal employees and manages seasonal activities. COMPARISON TO OTHER POSITIONS Because this was a study to determine compensation, not classification, the comparisons made were to tittes with similar QES points in order to determine which pay grade the position shoutd be placed in. Titles simitar in point value are the Recreation Center Director, Adaptive Recreation Director, and Senior Animal Control Officer. QES EVALUATION The QES analysis supports increasir.g the compensation for tivs title. RECOMMENDATION The title supervises several lower classifications, most of which are part of the AFSCME bargaining unit. Therefore, it is recommended that the Pazk Concession Supervisor class be renamed to Pazk Facility Supervisor and he moved to the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization and that it be compensated at Grade Q06 of the of the Supervisory Standard Ranges of Compensation. 00 -a'l flo -a� PARK CONCESSION SUPERVISOR Salary Comparison at 5-year step Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation Grade 6 Increase in the amount of: Cierical Standard Range of Compensation Grade 023 *current* *Proposed' $1243.68 bi-weekly I� $1665.61 bi-weekly II �$ 11012 annuall 1 ao -a'1 City of Saint Paul EAItGAINING IINIT O1 Zssued 6/04/99 CI.IItICAL Effective 1999 GRADE 023 CU vr�r��' --- � 113 CSF.�iC III 910 PARK CONCESSION SIIPERVISOR 547A SRI24iING POOL SIIP--OBFOBD POOL A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-qr. 20-yz. 25-yr. <1) C2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C7) ($) ( C1�) 1/2/99 998.93 1040.61 1088.07 1135.59 1187.71 1237.4A 1272.23 1324.23 1335.57 1346.94 7J3/99 1003.92 1045.81 1093.51 1141.2� 1193.65 1243.68 1276.59 1330.85 1342.25 1353.67 GRADE 024 004 ACCOUNTING CLERK II 123 CLERK-TYYZST III 570A LEGAL CLERK-TYPIST 300 ifETER READER 3741i MODIFIED DtTTY 1JORKER-CLERICAL 1/2/99 1025.53 1071.85 1117.02 1167.98 1222.45 1274.56 1310.43 1365.37 1376.73 1388.07 7/3/99 1030.66 1077.21 1122.61 1173.82 1228.56 1280.93 1316.95 1372.20 1383.61 1395.01 GRADE 025 044 ASSISTANT SUPV OF NTR BILLING 120 CLERK-STENOGRAPHER IZI 381A C�ISTOISER SERVICE REP 156 DUPL EQUZP OPERATOR A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. (1) �23 �3) �4) �Sj �6) (7) �8} (93 <10) 1/2/99 1051.03 1096.19 1146.01 1195.81 1246.75 1302.36 1339.39 1395.95 1407.30 1418.67 (11) (12) ***** 1451.50 7/3/99 1056.29 1101.67 1151.74 1201.79 1252.98 1308.87 1346.09 1402.93 1414.34 1425.76 (11) (12) ***** 1458 J6 01 - 06 City of Saint Pnul � ���� BAAGAINING UNIT 09 ST. PAUI, SUpFAVISO Ef£ective 1999 GRADE Q01 OAG. Issued 6/28/99 o0'�'I A B C D E F G 10-qr. 15-y=. (1) (2) (3) (4} (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1/2/99 1135.33 1175.25 1217.52 1269.92 1326.66 1387.90 �448.10 2493.01 1530.91 7/3/99 1141.01 1181.13 1223.61 1276.27 1333.29 1394,84 1455.34 1500.45 1538.56 GSADE 002 1/2/99 1165.30 1205.G1 1249.98 1304.46 1363.47 1423.67 1489_28 1533.20 2574.37 7/3/99 1171.13 1211.44 1256.23 1310.98 1370.29 1430.79 1496.73 1540.87 1582.24 �t;,� �► � 1/2/99 1196.31 1238.63 1282.04 1340,08 1399.14 1463.73 1529.38 1575.54 1615.64 7/3j99 1202.29 1244.82 1288.45 1346.78 1406.14 1471.05 1537.03 1583.42 1623.72 GRADE 004 1/2/99 1227.62 1271.04 1316.65 1374.71 1438.09 1503.75 1571.64 1616.76 1658.72 7/3/99 1233.76 1277.40 1323.23 1381.58 1445.28 1511.27 1579.50 1624.84 1667.01 GRADE 005 1/2J99 1262.Ob 130b.60 1351.23 1414.55 1476.93 1543.72 1b12.74 1661.k7 1705.04 7/3/49 1268.37 1313.13 1357.49 1421.62 1484.31 1551.44 162Q.8Q 1669.78 1713.57 -� GIIADE 006 1/2/99 1294,48 1341.24 1389.00 1452.39 1518.21 1585.98 1657.32 1708.32 1753,03 7/3/99 1300.95 1347.95 1395.95 1459.65 1525.80 1593.91 1665.61 1716.86 1761.80 M' • 1 � 1/2/99 1323.55 1371.77 1422.20 1485.20 1552.9$ 1623.41 1696.83 1747,59 1794.01 7/3/99 1330.17 1378.63 1429.31 1492.63 1560.74 1631.53 1705.31 1756.33 1802.98 09-01 . City of Saint Paul bARGAINING UlTIT 09 ST. PAIIL SIIPERVISORS ORG_ Effective 1999 GRADE 008 Zssued 6/28/99 dp "t1 A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. (1) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1/2/99 1364.56 1414.55 1465.93 1531.47 1599.51 1673.95 1750.85 1804.33 1852.26 7/3/99 1371.38 1421.62 1473.26 1539.13 1607.51 1682.32 1759.60 1813.35 1861.52 H' - � � ' 436A EQUIPl�diT SER�IICES tiANAGER (Apptd. on/after 1/1/90) 1/2/99 1400.27 1452.39 1504.85 1572.76 1645.05 1720.83 1799.78 1852.26 1902.62 7/3/99 1407.27 1459.65 1512.37 1580.62 1653.28 1729.43 1808.78 1861.52 1912.13 GRADE O10 37]A BUILD SUPERINTENDENT 606A IISPOUNIT IAT SUPERVZSOR 260A OFFICE MANAGER 316A STORER002I MANAGER 1/2/99 1440.27 1490.36 1543.72 1615.08 1689.61 1767.60 1847.65 1904.81 1957.21 7/3/99 1447.47 1497.B1 1551.44 1623.16 1698.06 i776.44 1856.69 1914.33 1967.00 . �, � � 396A GOLF PRO/MANAGER 568 SUPERVSSING DENTAL HYGIENIST 1/2/99 1478.04 1532.65 1588.18 1660.68 1736.27 1817.82 1900.06 1953.93 2011.70 7/3/99 1485.43 1540.31 1596.12 1668.98 1744.95 1826.91 1909.56 1963.70 2021.76 GRADE 012 205A ASSISTANT CZTY CLERK 1/2/99 1519.28 1573.86 1631.61 1705.17 1784.20 1866.60 1952.31 2014.04 2067.64 7/3/99 1526.88 1581.73 1639.77 1713.70 1793.12 1875.93 1962.07 2024.11 2077.98 09 - 02 . � i���se�I 1��3�5 i PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR DESGRIPTZON OF WORK General Statement of Duties CODE: 655A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: Oversees the operation of a park facility; performs and supervises others in concessions work; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a section head. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises administrative and technical supervison over concessions and facility personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises staff inembers, provides training for employees, and schedules employees and completes related employee time reports. Reviews work and conducts performance appraisals of assigned staff. Oversees the operations and maintenance of a park facility (for example Aighland 9-hole golf course or Municipal Stadium), including scheduling, coordinating, and assiting with set-up of events. Prepares and supervises the preparation and serving of foods, drinks, and other items to patrons. Sells and supervises the selling and/or rental of all available concessions, equipment and merchandise. Handles contracts and rental agreements as related to the park facility. Aandles cash from sales and rental transactions; accounts for cash; prepares cash reports and bank deposits. Inventories, orders, and receives all facility supplies. Inspects food and food preparation equipment and maintains a neat and sanitary work area in accordance with Parks and Recreation policies and Public Health regulations. Prepares related reports as required. (continued on reverse side) 00 -a� PP,RK FACILITY SUPERVISOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of Public Health regulations pertaining to food preparation and service. Working knowledge of current management and supervisory principles and procedures. Working knowledge of regulations pertaining to skiing and/or water safety. Working knowledge of golf, skiing and/or aquatics terminology and equipment. Working knowledge of first aid and CPR. Considerable ski11 in preparing short orders, fountain specialties, beverages, and other refreshments. Considerable ability to deal courteously-and effectively with the general public. 60 -a� Considerable ability to perform mathematical calculations usad to complete product inventories, orders, and cash statements. Considerable ability to schedule and supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to follow written and oral instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must be at least twenty-one years of age; and must have 2080 hours of experience as a Re£ectory Supervisor or equivalent. Page 2 pARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR ORlGINAL 3a Council File # �Q Green Sheet # 08931 _ A��,...1.. ,��t►oo OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refened To Committee Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLUTION F,,�; l; An Administrative Resolution ch ging the rate of pay for PARK�'r SUPERVISOR in the Salary P1an and Rates of Compensation Resolution. FAc.� �. � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of PARK� E��3�F� �SUPERVI50R be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 23, Section Dl of Clerical Standard Range of Compensation to Grade 006, Section IC4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation in the 5alaryPlan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. Requested by Departntent of. Office of Human R ces `�?2+�,�c� � a �,h TC� By: Form Ap=ved by Ci ttorney � �: (zl�-�1��, - r Adogtion Certified by Council S retacy Approve ayor ub 's ion to By: � �, �.s.. � a, - - Ry: Approved by Mav : Date ��( � `i �� � � G:\Shazed\TeamlVdSA�CLASSIF�PKCOSUPV�RESIBLNK AdoptedbvCouncil� Date 000 � AEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: Human Resources CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: Lisa McKeown 266-6479 , �Iark Robertson 266-647 i vIIiST BE ON COUNCII, A6ENDA BY (DATE) ; as soon as possibie DATE INI7'IATED oO _�� 12/15/99 GREEN SHEET No.: 08931 � IhT17AIlDATE L�TffALDATE ASSIGN _I_DEPAR'1MENT DIl2. 4_CITYCAUNCII, NUnqggg 2 CTTY ATTORNEY C1TY CLERK FQR BUDGET DIl2, _DII2ECTOR OF FINANCLSL SVCS_ ROUTING _3_ MAYOR (OR AS� _CAl�'1'RACTOR ORDER _FINANCL9L SERV/ACCOUNT_ � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2,(CIdP ALL IA('ATIONS FOR ? nrriorr �QuESrEn: Approval of the resolution to establish the posirion of Pazks Facility Supervisor and the rate of � pay in Grade 06 of the Supervisory Standazd Range of Compensarion ln the Salazy Plan and Raxes of Compensation. f RECOMMENpATIQNS: Apprave (A) or Reject (R) i _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION i CIB COMMIITEE � _STAFF _ S DISIRICT CO[SRT � SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? PER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MLJST ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has this peison/firm ever worked under a coniract for ti�is departpaent? Yes No 2. Has this person/fvm everbeen a city employee? Yes No " 3. Doesthispersonlfvmpossessaskillnotnorznallypossessedbyanycurtencrity employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on sepacate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATINGPROBLEM, TSSUF OPPORTI7N17'Y (Whq What, When, Where, Why): To establish a new title and appropriate compensation which appropriately reflects the increase in duties and responsibilities ofPazk Concession Supervisors. Park Facility Supervisors (new title) oversee the operation and maintenance of a pazk facility including scheduling coordinating, assisting with set-up of events and supervising concession and maintenance staff. 9DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City will provide Park Facility Supervisors with appropriate compensation based on a compensation study conducted by Human Resources staff. DISADVAN'CAGES IF APPROVED: Vone lI5AD4ANTA6ES IF NO`T APPROVED: 'ark Concession (Facility) Supervisors wili not be adequately compensated for the work they do and their job :escription and title will not accurately reflect their duties and responsibilities. DTAL AMOUNT 6F TRANSACTION: $11,012 See attached JNDING SOURCE: fund it33433182 (sfadium) fund q3 2 5-23 112 (golfl NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� COST/REVENi7EBI3DGETED: YES ALTIVTI'YNUMBER: N/A ��'.� ��53�?s"^�e ���!f8� ?= C � 2 ��v� ✓ PARK CONCESSION SUPERVISOR (CURRENT TITI.E) PARK FACILTTY 5UPERIVOSR (PROPOSED NEW TITI.E) O O'� It has been determined that the class specification ofPARK CONCESSION SUPERVISOR should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties, a change in nuniinum qualifications and a change in title to PARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR. With this clarification of duties, it was detemuned that this position has and continues to have a high level of responsibility as a supervisor. In October, we recommended that the position move to SPSQ but in anticipation that AFSCME would not enter into a joint perition to have the Bureau ofMediation Services evaluate the position to determine the appropriate bargaining unit, the City recommended that the position nritially be moved to grade 34 of the Clerical Standard Ranges of Compensation. The City's plan was to petition the B.M. S. during the open window period in September or October of 2000. The union and the department approved of this plan. Dan Bostrom, City Council President, requested that the title be changed and the position be placed in SPSO before he presents it to the City Council. Therefore, because of the supervisory responsibilities, we are recommending this position be moved from AFSCME bargaining unit to Saint Paul Supervisors Organization and that it be compensated at Grade 006 of the Supervisory Standard Ranges of Compensation. We also recommend the position now be called Park Facility Supervisor. CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Park Concession Supervisor (New Title Recommended: Park Facility Supervisor) 00 -a� Incumbent: Aepartment: Date Studied: Studied By: Bob Klepperich Barbara Korum Sandy Robinson Parks and Recreatiou - Special Services December 3, 1999 Lisa McKeown APPROVAL OF T�CO� TING SERVICES MANAGER: ` ,^,� f DATE: t� I 4 ' � p 9 BACKGROUND The position was studied to determine its appropriate compensation. There are three incumbents holding this position, and the class as a whole was studied in September of 1998, but the results were not implemented. Because a year has lapsed and one of the incumbents in the previous study no longer works for the City of Saint Paul, a new study was conducted. In the previous study as well as this one, the duties and responsibilities have increased significantly. The three incumbents are assigned to three major Parks operations: Highland 9-Aole Golf Course; Midway Stadium, and Towne Square Park (formerly in chazge of the Como Park Pavilion until it was leased out). STUDY COMPONENTS Review of the job profiles of all three incumbents Interviews with immediate supervisor of incumbents Comparison to related classifications and positions. QES evaluation and analysis. POSTTION DESCRIP'PION To manage one of three major Parks operations: Highland 9-Hole Golf Course and Como ski facility; Midway Stadium; and Towne Square Park which requires supervising a large staff of permanent part-time and seasonai staff, coordinating large events, and accounting for the revenue generated by these events. The specific responsibilities of ttus position include: SUPERVISE STAFF (30%): • Hire, train, and schedule staff: 23-25 staff at Midway per season; ten staff members at E3ighland Golf; and 15-20 staff at Como Pavilaon. • Review work and conduct performance appraisals on assigned staff • Fill out necessary reports for payroll. MANAGE ASSIGNED BACII.IT'Y (50%): • Schedule all events at all four sites, including golf leagues, toumaments, ski lessons, concerts, ball games (Saint Paul Saints and recreational leagues), weddings, meetings, conferences. 00 - ar'l • Coordinate and assist with set-up of events. • Monitor and order stock for golf store and refectory and ball stadium. • Take care of contracts and or rental agreements; issue refunds when necessary. • Collect fees, rentals, sales revenues and make deposits and reports to Parks accounting ($150-200,000/year at the Pavilion; $200-225,000 at Midway Stadium; and $300,OOOJyeaz at the golf course} . PUBLIC RELATIONS (20%): • First contact with various groups and companies who lease the pazk facilities. • Provide information about other parks facilities and events. � Interact with large groups of individuals who use the facilities for events and recreation; take care of concerns and problems to assure a pleasurable experience at the facility and repeat business. CLA.SSIFICATION COMPARISON This position is the highest in the Refectory }ob series, so it was compared to positions within Parks with similar responsibiiity, such as the Recreation Center Director and Adaptive Recreation Director. One difference is the Parks Concession Supervisor position supervises seasonal employees and manages seasonal activities. COMPARISON TO OTHER POSITIONS Because this was a study to determine compensation, not classification, the comparisons made were to tittes with similar QES points in order to determine which pay grade the position shoutd be placed in. Titles simitar in point value are the Recreation Center Director, Adaptive Recreation Director, and Senior Animal Control Officer. QES EVALUATION The QES analysis supports increasir.g the compensation for tivs title. RECOMMENDATION The title supervises several lower classifications, most of which are part of the AFSCME bargaining unit. Therefore, it is recommended that the Pazk Concession Supervisor class be renamed to Pazk Facility Supervisor and he moved to the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization and that it be compensated at Grade Q06 of the of the Supervisory Standard Ranges of Compensation. 00 -a'l flo -a� PARK CONCESSION SUPERVISOR Salary Comparison at 5-year step Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation Grade 6 Increase in the amount of: Cierical Standard Range of Compensation Grade 023 *current* *Proposed' $1243.68 bi-weekly I� $1665.61 bi-weekly II �$ 11012 annuall 1 ao -a'1 City of Saint Paul EAItGAINING IINIT O1 Zssued 6/04/99 CI.IItICAL Effective 1999 GRADE 023 CU vr�r��' --- � 113 CSF.�iC III 910 PARK CONCESSION SIIPERVISOR 547A SRI24iING POOL SIIP--OBFOBD POOL A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-qr. 20-yz. 25-yr. <1) C2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C7) ($) ( C1�) 1/2/99 998.93 1040.61 1088.07 1135.59 1187.71 1237.4A 1272.23 1324.23 1335.57 1346.94 7J3/99 1003.92 1045.81 1093.51 1141.2� 1193.65 1243.68 1276.59 1330.85 1342.25 1353.67 GRADE 024 004 ACCOUNTING CLERK II 123 CLERK-TYYZST III 570A LEGAL CLERK-TYPIST 300 ifETER READER 3741i MODIFIED DtTTY 1JORKER-CLERICAL 1/2/99 1025.53 1071.85 1117.02 1167.98 1222.45 1274.56 1310.43 1365.37 1376.73 1388.07 7/3/99 1030.66 1077.21 1122.61 1173.82 1228.56 1280.93 1316.95 1372.20 1383.61 1395.01 GRADE 025 044 ASSISTANT SUPV OF NTR BILLING 120 CLERK-STENOGRAPHER IZI 381A C�ISTOISER SERVICE REP 156 DUPL EQUZP OPERATOR A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. (1) �23 �3) �4) �Sj �6) (7) �8} (93 <10) 1/2/99 1051.03 1096.19 1146.01 1195.81 1246.75 1302.36 1339.39 1395.95 1407.30 1418.67 (11) (12) ***** 1451.50 7/3/99 1056.29 1101.67 1151.74 1201.79 1252.98 1308.87 1346.09 1402.93 1414.34 1425.76 (11) (12) ***** 1458 J6 01 - 06 City of Saint Pnul � ���� BAAGAINING UNIT 09 ST. PAUI, SUpFAVISO Ef£ective 1999 GRADE Q01 OAG. Issued 6/28/99 o0'�'I A B C D E F G 10-qr. 15-y=. (1) (2) (3) (4} (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1/2/99 1135.33 1175.25 1217.52 1269.92 1326.66 1387.90 �448.10 2493.01 1530.91 7/3/99 1141.01 1181.13 1223.61 1276.27 1333.29 1394,84 1455.34 1500.45 1538.56 GSADE 002 1/2/99 1165.30 1205.G1 1249.98 1304.46 1363.47 1423.67 1489_28 1533.20 2574.37 7/3/99 1171.13 1211.44 1256.23 1310.98 1370.29 1430.79 1496.73 1540.87 1582.24 �t;,� �► � 1/2/99 1196.31 1238.63 1282.04 1340,08 1399.14 1463.73 1529.38 1575.54 1615.64 7/3j99 1202.29 1244.82 1288.45 1346.78 1406.14 1471.05 1537.03 1583.42 1623.72 GRADE 004 1/2/99 1227.62 1271.04 1316.65 1374.71 1438.09 1503.75 1571.64 1616.76 1658.72 7/3/99 1233.76 1277.40 1323.23 1381.58 1445.28 1511.27 1579.50 1624.84 1667.01 GRADE 005 1/2J99 1262.Ob 130b.60 1351.23 1414.55 1476.93 1543.72 1b12.74 1661.k7 1705.04 7/3/49 1268.37 1313.13 1357.49 1421.62 1484.31 1551.44 162Q.8Q 1669.78 1713.57 -� GIIADE 006 1/2/99 1294,48 1341.24 1389.00 1452.39 1518.21 1585.98 1657.32 1708.32 1753,03 7/3/99 1300.95 1347.95 1395.95 1459.65 1525.80 1593.91 1665.61 1716.86 1761.80 M' • 1 � 1/2/99 1323.55 1371.77 1422.20 1485.20 1552.9$ 1623.41 1696.83 1747,59 1794.01 7/3/99 1330.17 1378.63 1429.31 1492.63 1560.74 1631.53 1705.31 1756.33 1802.98 09-01 . City of Saint Paul bARGAINING UlTIT 09 ST. PAIIL SIIPERVISORS ORG_ Effective 1999 GRADE 008 Zssued 6/28/99 dp "t1 A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. (1) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1/2/99 1364.56 1414.55 1465.93 1531.47 1599.51 1673.95 1750.85 1804.33 1852.26 7/3/99 1371.38 1421.62 1473.26 1539.13 1607.51 1682.32 1759.60 1813.35 1861.52 H' - � � ' 436A EQUIPl�diT SER�IICES tiANAGER (Apptd. on/after 1/1/90) 1/2/99 1400.27 1452.39 1504.85 1572.76 1645.05 1720.83 1799.78 1852.26 1902.62 7/3/99 1407.27 1459.65 1512.37 1580.62 1653.28 1729.43 1808.78 1861.52 1912.13 GRADE O10 37]A BUILD SUPERINTENDENT 606A IISPOUNIT IAT SUPERVZSOR 260A OFFICE MANAGER 316A STORER002I MANAGER 1/2/99 1440.27 1490.36 1543.72 1615.08 1689.61 1767.60 1847.65 1904.81 1957.21 7/3/99 1447.47 1497.B1 1551.44 1623.16 1698.06 i776.44 1856.69 1914.33 1967.00 . �, � � 396A GOLF PRO/MANAGER 568 SUPERVSSING DENTAL HYGIENIST 1/2/99 1478.04 1532.65 1588.18 1660.68 1736.27 1817.82 1900.06 1953.93 2011.70 7/3/99 1485.43 1540.31 1596.12 1668.98 1744.95 1826.91 1909.56 1963.70 2021.76 GRADE 012 205A ASSISTANT CZTY CLERK 1/2/99 1519.28 1573.86 1631.61 1705.17 1784.20 1866.60 1952.31 2014.04 2067.64 7/3/99 1526.88 1581.73 1639.77 1713.70 1793.12 1875.93 1962.07 2024.11 2077.98 09 - 02 . � i���se�I 1��3�5 i PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR DESGRIPTZON OF WORK General Statement of Duties CODE: 655A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: Oversees the operation of a park facility; performs and supervises others in concessions work; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a section head. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises administrative and technical supervison over concessions and facility personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises staff inembers, provides training for employees, and schedules employees and completes related employee time reports. Reviews work and conducts performance appraisals of assigned staff. Oversees the operations and maintenance of a park facility (for example Aighland 9-hole golf course or Municipal Stadium), including scheduling, coordinating, and assiting with set-up of events. Prepares and supervises the preparation and serving of foods, drinks, and other items to patrons. Sells and supervises the selling and/or rental of all available concessions, equipment and merchandise. Handles contracts and rental agreements as related to the park facility. Aandles cash from sales and rental transactions; accounts for cash; prepares cash reports and bank deposits. Inventories, orders, and receives all facility supplies. Inspects food and food preparation equipment and maintains a neat and sanitary work area in accordance with Parks and Recreation policies and Public Health regulations. Prepares related reports as required. (continued on reverse side) 00 -a� PP,RK FACILITY SUPERVISOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of Public Health regulations pertaining to food preparation and service. Working knowledge of current management and supervisory principles and procedures. Working knowledge of regulations pertaining to skiing and/or water safety. Working knowledge of golf, skiing and/or aquatics terminology and equipment. Working knowledge of first aid and CPR. Considerable ski11 in preparing short orders, fountain specialties, beverages, and other refreshments. Considerable ability to deal courteously-and effectively with the general public. 60 -a� Considerable ability to perform mathematical calculations usad to complete product inventories, orders, and cash statements. Considerable ability to schedule and supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to follow written and oral instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must be at least twenty-one years of age; and must have 2080 hours of experience as a Re£ectory Supervisor or equivalent. Page 2 pARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR ORlGINAL 3a Council File # �Q Green Sheet # 08931 _ A��,...1.. ,��t►oo OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refened To Committee Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLUTION F,,�; l; An Administrative Resolution ch ging the rate of pay for PARK�'r SUPERVISOR in the Salary P1an and Rates of Compensation Resolution. FAc.� �. � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of PARK� E��3�F� �SUPERVI50R be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 23, Section Dl of Clerical Standard Range of Compensation to Grade 006, Section IC4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation in the 5alaryPlan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. Requested by Departntent of. Office of Human R ces `�?2+�,�c� � a �,h TC� By: Form Ap=ved by Ci ttorney � �: (zl�-�1��, - r Adogtion Certified by Council S retacy Approve ayor ub 's ion to By: � �, �.s.. � a, - - Ry: Approved by Mav : Date ��( � `i �� � � G:\Shazed\TeamlVdSA�CLASSIF�PKCOSUPV�RESIBLNK AdoptedbvCouncil� Date 000 � AEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: Human Resources CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: Lisa McKeown 266-6479 , �Iark Robertson 266-647 i vIIiST BE ON COUNCII, A6ENDA BY (DATE) ; as soon as possibie DATE INI7'IATED oO _�� 12/15/99 GREEN SHEET No.: 08931 � IhT17AIlDATE L�TffALDATE ASSIGN _I_DEPAR'1MENT DIl2. 4_CITYCAUNCII, NUnqggg 2 CTTY ATTORNEY C1TY CLERK FQR BUDGET DIl2, _DII2ECTOR OF FINANCLSL SVCS_ ROUTING _3_ MAYOR (OR AS� _CAl�'1'RACTOR ORDER _FINANCL9L SERV/ACCOUNT_ � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2,(CIdP ALL IA('ATIONS FOR ? nrriorr �QuESrEn: Approval of the resolution to establish the posirion of Pazks Facility Supervisor and the rate of � pay in Grade 06 of the Supervisory Standazd Range of Compensarion ln the Salazy Plan and Raxes of Compensation. f RECOMMENpATIQNS: Apprave (A) or Reject (R) i _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION i CIB COMMIITEE � _STAFF _ S DISIRICT CO[SRT � SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? PER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MLJST ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has this peison/firm ever worked under a coniract for ti�is departpaent? Yes No 2. Has this person/fvm everbeen a city employee? Yes No " 3. Doesthispersonlfvmpossessaskillnotnorznallypossessedbyanycurtencrity employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on sepacate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATINGPROBLEM, TSSUF OPPORTI7N17'Y (Whq What, When, Where, Why): To establish a new title and appropriate compensation which appropriately reflects the increase in duties and responsibilities ofPazk Concession Supervisors. Park Facility Supervisors (new title) oversee the operation and maintenance of a pazk facility including scheduling coordinating, assisting with set-up of events and supervising concession and maintenance staff. 9DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City will provide Park Facility Supervisors with appropriate compensation based on a compensation study conducted by Human Resources staff. DISADVAN'CAGES IF APPROVED: Vone lI5AD4ANTA6ES IF NO`T APPROVED: 'ark Concession (Facility) Supervisors wili not be adequately compensated for the work they do and their job :escription and title will not accurately reflect their duties and responsibilities. DTAL AMOUNT 6F TRANSACTION: $11,012 See attached JNDING SOURCE: fund it33433182 (sfadium) fund q3 2 5-23 112 (golfl NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� COST/REVENi7EBI3DGETED: YES ALTIVTI'YNUMBER: N/A ��'.� ��53�?s"^�e ���!f8� ?= C � 2 ��v� ✓ PARK CONCESSION SUPERVISOR (CURRENT TITI.E) PARK FACILTTY 5UPERIVOSR (PROPOSED NEW TITI.E) O O'� It has been determined that the class specification ofPARK CONCESSION SUPERVISOR should be revised to reflect a clarification of duties, a change in nuniinum qualifications and a change in title to PARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR. With this clarification of duties, it was detemuned that this position has and continues to have a high level of responsibility as a supervisor. In October, we recommended that the position move to SPSQ but in anticipation that AFSCME would not enter into a joint perition to have the Bureau ofMediation Services evaluate the position to determine the appropriate bargaining unit, the City recommended that the position nritially be moved to grade 34 of the Clerical Standard Ranges of Compensation. The City's plan was to petition the B.M. S. during the open window period in September or October of 2000. The union and the department approved of this plan. Dan Bostrom, City Council President, requested that the title be changed and the position be placed in SPSO before he presents it to the City Council. Therefore, because of the supervisory responsibilities, we are recommending this position be moved from AFSCME bargaining unit to Saint Paul Supervisors Organization and that it be compensated at Grade 006 of the Supervisory Standard Ranges of Compensation. We also recommend the position now be called Park Facility Supervisor. CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Park Concession Supervisor (New Title Recommended: Park Facility Supervisor) 00 -a� Incumbent: Aepartment: Date Studied: Studied By: Bob Klepperich Barbara Korum Sandy Robinson Parks and Recreatiou - Special Services December 3, 1999 Lisa McKeown APPROVAL OF T�CO� TING SERVICES MANAGER: ` ,^,� f DATE: t� I 4 ' � p 9 BACKGROUND The position was studied to determine its appropriate compensation. There are three incumbents holding this position, and the class as a whole was studied in September of 1998, but the results were not implemented. Because a year has lapsed and one of the incumbents in the previous study no longer works for the City of Saint Paul, a new study was conducted. In the previous study as well as this one, the duties and responsibilities have increased significantly. The three incumbents are assigned to three major Parks operations: Highland 9-Aole Golf Course; Midway Stadium, and Towne Square Park (formerly in chazge of the Como Park Pavilion until it was leased out). STUDY COMPONENTS Review of the job profiles of all three incumbents Interviews with immediate supervisor of incumbents Comparison to related classifications and positions. QES evaluation and analysis. POSTTION DESCRIP'PION To manage one of three major Parks operations: Highland 9-Hole Golf Course and Como ski facility; Midway Stadium; and Towne Square Park which requires supervising a large staff of permanent part-time and seasonai staff, coordinating large events, and accounting for the revenue generated by these events. The specific responsibilities of ttus position include: SUPERVISE STAFF (30%): • Hire, train, and schedule staff: 23-25 staff at Midway per season; ten staff members at E3ighland Golf; and 15-20 staff at Como Pavilaon. • Review work and conduct performance appraisals on assigned staff • Fill out necessary reports for payroll. MANAGE ASSIGNED BACII.IT'Y (50%): • Schedule all events at all four sites, including golf leagues, toumaments, ski lessons, concerts, ball games (Saint Paul Saints and recreational leagues), weddings, meetings, conferences. 00 - ar'l • Coordinate and assist with set-up of events. • Monitor and order stock for golf store and refectory and ball stadium. • Take care of contracts and or rental agreements; issue refunds when necessary. • Collect fees, rentals, sales revenues and make deposits and reports to Parks accounting ($150-200,000/year at the Pavilion; $200-225,000 at Midway Stadium; and $300,OOOJyeaz at the golf course} . PUBLIC RELATIONS (20%): • First contact with various groups and companies who lease the pazk facilities. • Provide information about other parks facilities and events. � Interact with large groups of individuals who use the facilities for events and recreation; take care of concerns and problems to assure a pleasurable experience at the facility and repeat business. CLA.SSIFICATION COMPARISON This position is the highest in the Refectory }ob series, so it was compared to positions within Parks with similar responsibiiity, such as the Recreation Center Director and Adaptive Recreation Director. One difference is the Parks Concession Supervisor position supervises seasonal employees and manages seasonal activities. COMPARISON TO OTHER POSITIONS Because this was a study to determine compensation, not classification, the comparisons made were to tittes with similar QES points in order to determine which pay grade the position shoutd be placed in. Titles simitar in point value are the Recreation Center Director, Adaptive Recreation Director, and Senior Animal Control Officer. QES EVALUATION The QES analysis supports increasir.g the compensation for tivs title. RECOMMENDATION The title supervises several lower classifications, most of which are part of the AFSCME bargaining unit. Therefore, it is recommended that the Pazk Concession Supervisor class be renamed to Pazk Facility Supervisor and he moved to the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization and that it be compensated at Grade Q06 of the of the Supervisory Standard Ranges of Compensation. 00 -a'l flo -a� PARK CONCESSION SUPERVISOR Salary Comparison at 5-year step Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation Grade 6 Increase in the amount of: Cierical Standard Range of Compensation Grade 023 *current* *Proposed' $1243.68 bi-weekly I� $1665.61 bi-weekly II �$ 11012 annuall 1 ao -a'1 City of Saint Paul EAItGAINING IINIT O1 Zssued 6/04/99 CI.IItICAL Effective 1999 GRADE 023 CU vr�r��' --- � 113 CSF.�iC III 910 PARK CONCESSION SIIPERVISOR 547A SRI24iING POOL SIIP--OBFOBD POOL A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-qr. 20-yz. 25-yr. <1) C2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C7) ($) ( C1�) 1/2/99 998.93 1040.61 1088.07 1135.59 1187.71 1237.4A 1272.23 1324.23 1335.57 1346.94 7J3/99 1003.92 1045.81 1093.51 1141.2� 1193.65 1243.68 1276.59 1330.85 1342.25 1353.67 GRADE 024 004 ACCOUNTING CLERK II 123 CLERK-TYYZST III 570A LEGAL CLERK-TYPIST 300 ifETER READER 3741i MODIFIED DtTTY 1JORKER-CLERICAL 1/2/99 1025.53 1071.85 1117.02 1167.98 1222.45 1274.56 1310.43 1365.37 1376.73 1388.07 7/3/99 1030.66 1077.21 1122.61 1173.82 1228.56 1280.93 1316.95 1372.20 1383.61 1395.01 GRADE 025 044 ASSISTANT SUPV OF NTR BILLING 120 CLERK-STENOGRAPHER IZI 381A C�ISTOISER SERVICE REP 156 DUPL EQUZP OPERATOR A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. (1) �23 �3) �4) �Sj �6) (7) �8} (93 <10) 1/2/99 1051.03 1096.19 1146.01 1195.81 1246.75 1302.36 1339.39 1395.95 1407.30 1418.67 (11) (12) ***** 1451.50 7/3/99 1056.29 1101.67 1151.74 1201.79 1252.98 1308.87 1346.09 1402.93 1414.34 1425.76 (11) (12) ***** 1458 J6 01 - 06 City of Saint Pnul � ���� BAAGAINING UNIT 09 ST. PAUI, SUpFAVISO Ef£ective 1999 GRADE Q01 OAG. Issued 6/28/99 o0'�'I A B C D E F G 10-qr. 15-y=. (1) (2) (3) (4} (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1/2/99 1135.33 1175.25 1217.52 1269.92 1326.66 1387.90 �448.10 2493.01 1530.91 7/3/99 1141.01 1181.13 1223.61 1276.27 1333.29 1394,84 1455.34 1500.45 1538.56 GSADE 002 1/2/99 1165.30 1205.G1 1249.98 1304.46 1363.47 1423.67 1489_28 1533.20 2574.37 7/3/99 1171.13 1211.44 1256.23 1310.98 1370.29 1430.79 1496.73 1540.87 1582.24 �t;,� �► � 1/2/99 1196.31 1238.63 1282.04 1340,08 1399.14 1463.73 1529.38 1575.54 1615.64 7/3j99 1202.29 1244.82 1288.45 1346.78 1406.14 1471.05 1537.03 1583.42 1623.72 GRADE 004 1/2/99 1227.62 1271.04 1316.65 1374.71 1438.09 1503.75 1571.64 1616.76 1658.72 7/3/99 1233.76 1277.40 1323.23 1381.58 1445.28 1511.27 1579.50 1624.84 1667.01 GRADE 005 1/2J99 1262.Ob 130b.60 1351.23 1414.55 1476.93 1543.72 1b12.74 1661.k7 1705.04 7/3/49 1268.37 1313.13 1357.49 1421.62 1484.31 1551.44 162Q.8Q 1669.78 1713.57 -� GIIADE 006 1/2/99 1294,48 1341.24 1389.00 1452.39 1518.21 1585.98 1657.32 1708.32 1753,03 7/3/99 1300.95 1347.95 1395.95 1459.65 1525.80 1593.91 1665.61 1716.86 1761.80 M' • 1 � 1/2/99 1323.55 1371.77 1422.20 1485.20 1552.9$ 1623.41 1696.83 1747,59 1794.01 7/3/99 1330.17 1378.63 1429.31 1492.63 1560.74 1631.53 1705.31 1756.33 1802.98 09-01 . City of Saint Paul bARGAINING UlTIT 09 ST. PAIIL SIIPERVISORS ORG_ Effective 1999 GRADE 008 Zssued 6/28/99 dp "t1 A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. (1) (Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1/2/99 1364.56 1414.55 1465.93 1531.47 1599.51 1673.95 1750.85 1804.33 1852.26 7/3/99 1371.38 1421.62 1473.26 1539.13 1607.51 1682.32 1759.60 1813.35 1861.52 H' - � � ' 436A EQUIPl�diT SER�IICES tiANAGER (Apptd. on/after 1/1/90) 1/2/99 1400.27 1452.39 1504.85 1572.76 1645.05 1720.83 1799.78 1852.26 1902.62 7/3/99 1407.27 1459.65 1512.37 1580.62 1653.28 1729.43 1808.78 1861.52 1912.13 GRADE O10 37]A BUILD SUPERINTENDENT 606A IISPOUNIT IAT SUPERVZSOR 260A OFFICE MANAGER 316A STORER002I MANAGER 1/2/99 1440.27 1490.36 1543.72 1615.08 1689.61 1767.60 1847.65 1904.81 1957.21 7/3/99 1447.47 1497.B1 1551.44 1623.16 1698.06 i776.44 1856.69 1914.33 1967.00 . �, � � 396A GOLF PRO/MANAGER 568 SUPERVSSING DENTAL HYGIENIST 1/2/99 1478.04 1532.65 1588.18 1660.68 1736.27 1817.82 1900.06 1953.93 2011.70 7/3/99 1485.43 1540.31 1596.12 1668.98 1744.95 1826.91 1909.56 1963.70 2021.76 GRADE 012 205A ASSISTANT CZTY CLERK 1/2/99 1519.28 1573.86 1631.61 1705.17 1784.20 1866.60 1952.31 2014.04 2067.64 7/3/99 1526.88 1581.73 1639.77 1713.70 1793.12 1875.93 1962.07 2024.11 2077.98 09 - 02 . � i���se�I 1��3�5 i PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR DESGRIPTZON OF WORK General Statement of Duties CODE: 655A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: Oversees the operation of a park facility; performs and supervises others in concessions work; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a section head. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises administrative and technical supervison over concessions and facility personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises staff inembers, provides training for employees, and schedules employees and completes related employee time reports. Reviews work and conducts performance appraisals of assigned staff. Oversees the operations and maintenance of a park facility (for example Aighland 9-hole golf course or Municipal Stadium), including scheduling, coordinating, and assiting with set-up of events. Prepares and supervises the preparation and serving of foods, drinks, and other items to patrons. Sells and supervises the selling and/or rental of all available concessions, equipment and merchandise. Handles contracts and rental agreements as related to the park facility. Aandles cash from sales and rental transactions; accounts for cash; prepares cash reports and bank deposits. Inventories, orders, and receives all facility supplies. Inspects food and food preparation equipment and maintains a neat and sanitary work area in accordance with Parks and Recreation policies and Public Health regulations. Prepares related reports as required. (continued on reverse side) 00 -a� PP,RK FACILITY SUPERVISOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of Public Health regulations pertaining to food preparation and service. Working knowledge of current management and supervisory principles and procedures. Working knowledge of regulations pertaining to skiing and/or water safety. Working knowledge of golf, skiing and/or aquatics terminology and equipment. Working knowledge of first aid and CPR. Considerable ski11 in preparing short orders, fountain specialties, beverages, and other refreshments. Considerable ability to deal courteously-and effectively with the general public. 60 -a� Considerable ability to perform mathematical calculations usad to complete product inventories, orders, and cash statements. Considerable ability to schedule and supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to follow written and oral instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must be at least twenty-one years of age; and must have 2080 hours of experience as a Re£ectory Supervisor or equivalent. Page 2 pARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR