280775 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FI NO. ?� � FINAL ORDER IN BY r ' ` - CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 11���� File No. !« In the Matter of �J�sdarr�riMs ao� t+Rt�t##r; s �lt�1loe •ialNMlk NsiMat� iR cmfm�tioe �th si�ll� til� �•�113�, aa, oYrr �1 �e�ro�a tA�t �rt �# �et�'� A�diti�e, tr� '� �nd �, lloetic 64, L�ts � +� 8. iX.oe�c b3 +�i ie�t�d� t�tN Oliw stss�t l�rio� Seat�► •! a Iise t��s :t a p�tee aa du �at ltni st Lot i, sieak s4, t�caen'• �ittea, +aid poia� M�; �i !at xorth �! th� 'Mortb 11we o� Ritliag� foul�tcd, t�s �rast�rly e� i �►io� ea t� wst li�r o� Ja�a �trs�t. said M►i�►t b�e� 4.S �t lh►rtb o� tla a�rt1� lir o! �llv=g �aralwa�rd. under Administrative Order � approved /�, /� 7 under Preliminary Order °?�U �" �� approved ` —°�� � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made X3� • FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines that the estate required [or thie improvement be as describ- ed above, and Lhat the proper City officers eubmit a report to the City Counoil for the puepose of the Counail's ma,king an award of damages tor the interest�and determination of assessmenta, if any, against the benefited propetty. acqu red COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date AUG 2 3 198J Yeas '��ays � Certifie ssed by Council cret r ���`��z � In Favor "�' �!�r�n�i: T9�1 !f 7 \\ C� .. �� � �::�'t:,�hn� Against � �; '1.�=i T�;;c::s;;�e�, UG 2 319;�� Mayor �� vti i�s��ar PUBLISHED S F P 3 19$3 . � �!���'7`7� � t '�YBI�II�N/1�Y OipR Councll Fik No.t80E64—Br Chris Nicosia— � In the Netter ot c�demnic�and taking a �Pe++nPnent sidcwallc easement.in canjunctiai ' wlth�[�eie,qlk flle SI1135,on,over and across ' that pefE of Rittwn s Additi�,Lots 7 aad 8. ' Siock 82.Lob'T and.�Blork 63'sad iacluding vaceted Q�Ive Stteet I�ing SouEd ot a licce beeinniu{�at a point oa tlx east line of Lot B, ', Blxk.$'�,Xittsai'r�[ddi(ian.said point 6eins � 5 teet�Toith ot the NorU� iine of Kellogg ' eou�eda�a.cne��s�ny w a�t o�e� weat line gf John�treet,eaid paint being 8.3 t� N�h'of the no�h line ot Kello6g : NouleV3t'd:. The Council of the Citg of Saint Paul Mving ceceived Lhe report of the Yayor upon the a'6ove i4ipmvemant. and having considered ' afd redDrt.dereby retoives: 1:That the said report and the seme [s hereby spproved.with no altemat[ves.and , that the estimated cost theeeot[s i--O—. 8.1!w! a public harfn` be had on said improvement a�tl�lSrd dey ot Au�st.1�. at 10:00 o clock a.ut.,�i��l Chtmbere o�y and Court Hmre Buildtn`in tl�City ot Saint PwL S.1Lat notice ot sald public hesring be giveo to t9e persa�s and ia the meaner ; provided�the Cherter.atating ttce tlme and ! place ot heer[ag, the asture of the • impmMaenent and tl►e total caat thereot as i ectimated. File ` No. 3-1I135-E �, Adopted by the Coumdl July!6.19�t: � . ApproYed July 27.19d3. (Auguct 6.l9�S)