280774 ��� ��
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FI NAL ORDER B �'% � ���
File No. ���=�33
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� In the Matter of i�yrroria,� ii�LiOt� �ti�1� bp �struatias � •id�alk nu cbe
i�orth si�da 0! iello� �ewl�nnrri frar sib2h► to I�aa�G� strart. A1so,
b�r aoastructia� +�ur�isa, dritn�w�� �a� s�,dwRllc a4 tbf Merth si�� •t
Lllo� �oul�wrd ira� tiue S�re�t to J�a ftraet.
•� ��►
under Administrative Order approved
under Preliminary Order ��� �� � approved �-a� -�3
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
AUG 2 3 1983
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Nays
�T�*i � Certifi a e b Coun ' ec y
�In Favor y
�1'etTStd �Against �-� =�
Sch�ibel AUG `� 3 �983 Mayor
T���ssco �� PUBLISHED SEP 3198�
P ����`I�:�
City Council District �162
District Plannin� Counc'
. FILE N0.$11135 & S-11135E
To consider the construction an/or reconstruction of sidewalks
whe're necessery, at the following location:
�V � � o v � Kellogg Blvd.- Northside - from Sibley Street to Wacouta St.
� � o Kellogg Blvd. - Northside - from Pine Street to John St.
(includes driveway and curb construction)
Also condemning an easement for sidewalk purposes on the
L o C p T ' Q N northside of Kellogg Blvd. between John Street and approximately
� 366 feet west of John Street
�� �R � � G Tuesday, August 23, 1983, 10:00 a.m.
City Council Chsmbers, 3rd Floor City Hall
_ . _ _ _ _ __ _ _ --- ____..
t N F d Ft M A T i O N �e estimated cost for this project is $23,840.50. The entire
cost will be assessed against the benefited properties.
�1i � J T� o N � Construction: 292-6277 Assesements• 298-5318
V •
Also, City ataff will be available to answer any last minute
queations on �hia project in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent August 5, 1983, by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
Roam 218 City Hall - Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
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COMMITTEE ' � � � �
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TO � Saint Pau I City Coun� � � ,� �
FROM � Committee on PUBLic w o 0 0 "�
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The Public Works Committee at their � rt �' 1983
took the following action: rt �
I-�. �,'' C
1. FINAL ORDER: To decide on the i! �Q � � BOULEVARD
by constructing a sidewalk on t �GG BLVD.
from Sibley St. to Wacouta St. urbing,
driveways and sidewalk on the P BLVD. from
Pine St. to John St. and conde� cmanent
sidewalk easement in conjuncti , over and
across that part of Kittson's
Public Hearing - 8/23/83.
Recommended approval.
2. BRIDGE POSTINGS. Recommended approval.
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�/Camei[!'ik 1?a lIOQ�.-�7'(�s llkoN�=-
Voti�W�rd 4
ia tAe IEat�r ot it�cavf�i<XtId.OGG
HOEJLEYAtt�bs ooettru�as�da�alk ne
the Nmth si�t et�Oq�pn�aN Lo�
Sibley to. iI{�twy�a,Strs�t. Alao. by
oa t6e lforth�e ot IGeUaq�ou�ed fmm" :
Pine�1P��lt,:` -
: 1Le Council atthttY�r�ERHslPwi�qio�
�d€��ort�bereby t�oit�j�
i.'f�st tha n� �epoet,�ad tlre�ms 4
��Y iQ+D�'Q'wd.witl�,m atNRZUtii�;:wd ..
lhat�e�timated oast the�eot b,q�,�lg,sp
Llnurced bY e�eats. .
4.'Lbat,a public har[o�be hW ou�aW
�P�t bn the Zird 4Y o!An�ust 1l88,
at 10:60 o'claek a.m..in t e s:ounett
�y a�d Court Haue��
the City�Saiot Paul.
S.'Dtat aolice of t�W'publfc 6earfo� be
`iven to the permas aad ia the msmer
Pmvid�d b�the Qurter.sfating the time and '
place o! he�rlq�,_the, aature oi the
1mProvament �nd tse bLl eat t!►eeeot as
' eatfmat4d.
' F'ik No:g.311SS
Adopted by tAe CouncU Jnir f6.i9&1.
' APP��d July YJ.19&S.,
(Auauet 8.19831
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