280760 �NHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ���� CANARV - DEPARTMENT Bl Ufi =MAVOR File �O. � > � Council Re lution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION ENDORSING RECREATION USE OF THE RIVERSIDE SCHOOL SITE (SURPLUS SCHOOL PROPERTY) WHEREAS, on October 5, 1982, the School Board declared the Riverside School site surplus, and asked the City to determine its interest in acquiring the site for public use or private redevelopment and to submit any proposal it has to the School Board in writing; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the recommendations of a neighborhood task force, the Southwest Area District Council, the West 7th Street Federation, the Planning Division and the people who spoke at a public hearing on May 27, 1983; and WHEREAS, the following neighborhood recommendations are endorsed �y both affected district councils, supported by the Planning and Parks and RECreation Divisions, and the Planning Commission: 1 ) The City should retain the Riverside Recreation Center at the site with the School Board transferring ownership of the property to the City; 2) The neighborhood should try to locate suitable tenants, until � December 1, 1983, to lease the building; 3) The City should demolish the building thereafter if no such tenants are found; and WHEREAS, these recommendations are in conformance with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, the recommendations are in conformance with the City's capital allocation policies; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLUED, by the Saint Paul City Council that the City should take the following steps leading to the ultimate reuse of the Riverside School site: A, The City should ask the School Board for the property for continued operation of the Riverside Recreation Center. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays � Galles In Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbei _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by 1�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY P�BU5t�o �U G 2 7 1983 WHITE - CITV CLERK (�j'1��/� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII ��v j� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• � BLU€ � MAYOR 1 � ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- B. The City should monitor the efforts of the Riverside School Site Task Force until December 1, 1983, as it looks for possible tenants to lease the building from the City. C, If no suitable tenants have been located by December 1, 1983, the City should demolish the school building, adding the land underneath it to the Riverside Recreation Center. COUNCILMEN Requested b epartment of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � �e��� In Favor Masanz Nicosfa scnetbet __ Against BY TedesCo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG 1 8 1983 Form Approved y ' y tto y Certified a.se b Council t BY . y , � nO 1 , �; App ve by 17avor: Date � 2 �703 Appr d b Mayor for Submiss' to �ou il � , By BY � '� "„ �.�� �- PUBUSHED AU G 2 7 1983 , � ���� .� f " �{:'� � -`���� CITY 4P' ►..�.E�INT �AUL k'�� �.,..� w �`: '' ' � OP`1rICI� OI�` 2`H� CITY COUI�'CFL �� �. �����a« �'�i T� i,��."9,�". �� D a t e : August 4, 1983 A ,,,,_���•� .�_ ='v�.. = f�: �,r A u::=. .�;,±,a. r�... y�.;yy-1'.,• COM �+1 (T`�' � E REPORT TO = Sain�t Puu t Cifiy Cou�ctl � �R � I�A = C O C!1 i'�t�'t�� p� CI TY DEVELOPN�NT �, TRANSPORTATION C H A t R Councilman Bob Fletcher Resolution on Riverside School Site At its meeting of August 3, 1983, the City Development Committee recommended approval of attached resolution on Riverside School Site. CITY HALL � S�_.VENTN FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 d��� wH�TE — C�tr CLERK ■/' �i� PINKe . � F�NANGE CO1111C11 �li��"i�� CANARY — DEPARTMENT • GI'TY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE -.MAYOR ' F11C NO• � . Council �Zesolution Presented By � ^ Referred To Committee: Date . Out of Committ y Date RESOLUTYON ENDORSING RECREATION USE OF THE � RIVERSIDE SCHOOL SITE (SURPLUS SCHOOL PROPERTY) � . WHEREAS, on October 5, 1982, the School Board declared the Riverside School site surp)us. and asked the City to determine its interest in acquiring the site for public use or private redevelopment and to submit any proposal it has to the School Board in writing; and WHEREAS� the Planning Commission considered the recommendations of a neighborhood task force, the Southwest Area District Council� the West lth Street Federation, the Planning Division and the people who spoke at a public hearing on May 27, 1983; and � � WHEREAS� the fol7owing neighborhood recommendations are endorsed by both affected district councTls, supported by the Planning and Parks and Recreation Divisions, � and the Planning Commission: 1) The City should retain the Riverside Recreation � Center at the site with the School Boarc� transferring ownership of the property to the City; 2) The neighborhood should try to locate suitable tenants, until � �December 1, 1983, to 7ease the building; 3) 7he City should demolish the building thereafter if no such tenants are found; and WHEREAS, these recommendations are in conformance with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS� the recommendations are in conformance with the City's capital allocation policies; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul City Council that the Ci.ty shou]d take the following: steps leading to the ultimate reuse of the Riverside School site: A, The City should ask the School Board for the property for continued operation of the Riverside Recreation Center. COUNCILMEN . Yeas • Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher ' Galies In Favor Masanz Nicosfa schetbet Against BY Tedesco Wilson • ' � Form Approved by City Attorney 4dopted by Council: Date ;ertified Passed by Counci! Secretary BY B� �ppro�•ed by 1lavor:. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �'+ttlTE - C�TY CLERK . t ����� P�NK- � FI�IwrrCE (/�� COU[1C11 CANARV � DEPARTMENT . � `J I T� O F SA I ti T PA U L BLVE �.MAYOR File � NO. � � � Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date B. The City should monitor the efforts of the Riverside School Site Task Force until December 1. 1983, as it looks for possible tenants to lease the building from the City. C. If no suitable tenants have been located by December 1, 1983, the City should demolish the school building, adding the land underneath it to the Riverside Recreation Center. � COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Fietcher Nays cau� In Favor Masanz Nfcosia scnetbet Against BY — 7edesco Wilson . ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . .Gertified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}' - Approved by titavor• Date , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couneit • . • , ' ����� . . :.o: CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM , DATE: July 29, 1983 . - T0: City Develflpment and Transportation Committee FROM: Katy Sears Lindblad �� � RE: RIVERSIDE SCHOOL SITE REUSE � � Rackground ' � The following are some of the steps which have lead up to the Planning Commission's recommendation. that the Riverside School site be used for recreation: 1. In October 1982. the School Board declared the Riverside School site was no longer needed for school purposes. The Board asked the City if it had a . public purpose for the site. either for actual use by the City or for private redevelopment. 2. A task force was formed of both District 9 and District 75 residents to recom- mend a reuse of the site. The task force met five times in February and March ' 1983. This group recommended that the City accept the property from the ' School Board in order to continue operation �of the Riverside Recreation "� Center on the site. It further recommended that it attempt to locate tenants to occupy the school building until Oecember 1, 1983. but that if this effort is unsuccessful� that the building be demolished. 3. On April 11, 1983,-both the West 7th Street Federation and the South West Area District Council endorsed the task force's recommendations. 4. On May 12, 1983, the C.I.B. Committee discussed the Riverside School site and laid ihe matter over until June when the Communities Facilities Task Force pro- posal rankings were completed. The Parks and Recreation Division proposal to demolish the Riverside School building ranked 43rd out of 57 proposed pr.ojects on the task force's l.ist. On June 9, the C. I.B. Committee adopted a motion to recommend that the City not accept the,Riverside School site and that the School District'dispose of the property as it sees fit. 5. On May 27, 1983, the Planning Commission held a public hearing concerning the site. On June 27. 1983; the Commission found the task force's recommended recreation reuse consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommendation Since the task force's recommended recreation reuse is consistent with the . City's Comprehensive Plan. staff recommends: 1, The City ask the School Board for the property for continued operation of the Riverside Recreation Center. " - -- -�� - � ...�,�..._ -- • . ����� , • . 2, The City monitor the efforts of the Ri.verside School Site Task Force until December 1� 1983, as it looks for possible tenants to lease the building � from the City. - ' 3. If no suitable tenants have been located by December i, 1983, the City demolish the building. adding the land underneath it to the Riverside Recreation Center. � � 'Future Action f�ecessary� Adoption of the attached resolution recommending recreation reuse for the River- side School site implies the following action steps: 1 . Staff should contact the School Board to facilitate the transfer of ownership of the site to the City, specifically to the Parks and Recreation Division. 2. Staff should continue to work with the neighborhood, to assist in and monitor its efforts to put together a financially feasible package for using the build- ing. This includes the neighborhood's work to secure tenants and some funds for. minor building rehabilitation. 3. Should the neighborhood's effort to use the building prove unsuccessful , two alternatives are possible. - a. The building could be boarded up, utilities drained and transferred . to the railroad car/recreation center, and a security system should � be installed. 1'hese capital costs, estimated at $10,000-$15,000, would be most appropriately included in the Capital Improvement Budget. b. The building could be demolished, utility service transferred to the smaller building, and some sitework and landscaping performed. These . capi:tal costs of �40,000 were included in a capital proposal submi�ted by the Parks and Recreation Division during the Unified Capita'1 Tmprove- � ment Program and Budgeting Process. It is anticipated that neitner alternative wi11 be included in the Mayor's recom- mended Capital Improvement�Budget. These additional funds woul.d need to be added by Council in order to fulfill the implications of the attached resolution. KSL/bq