280720 City of St.Paul COUNCIL E NO. ���.���� ` C . RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND By FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON File No. 18337—A In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for SUbIlKARY ABATEI�NPS for months of April and May, 1983. under Administrative Order "- approved " Preliminary Order '" approve� ' Final Order "" approve�l " The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council,and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory,therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 6th day of September, 1983 , at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings,as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date AUG 9 1983 Yeas����ChECNays Certified s ed y ouncil Secretary � ���n� In Favor +�6;��"�;I� � `3i;l�E:j!�r'i � Against ���,,.����;. AUG � 1 1983 Mayor ���E�o�, PUBUSNED au� 2 0 ��8� • ' �'�-�—r�f�/ ' ��3��'��;'� One (1) Installment Finance File No. 18337-A ASSESSMENT ROLL I hereby certify that the following has been compared with and is a correct copy of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses arising from SUNII�1t1RY ABATEMENTS for the months of April and May, 1983. TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,470.00 TUTAL ASSESSMENTS $2,470.00 � � �������� Finance File No. 18337-A ASSESSMENT ROLL Re: Summary Abatements for the months of April and May, 1983. AMOUNT Joanne Sinn 1167 E. Geranium $ 50.00 01-19200-280-04 Lot 28, Block 4, Cloverdale Richard A. Vretstrom 600 Sims Avenue 250.00 c/o DeLisle Realty 01-81900-370-26 Lots 36 and 37, Block 26, Charles Weide's Subdivision of Blks 25 and 26 of Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul Shirley Simmerman 917 Fremont 75.00 02-12800-240-92 Lot 24 and West 1/2 of 25, Block 92 Asch's Subdivision of Block 92 of Lyman Dayton's Addition to St. Paul. William and Clara Hammes 1812 Reaney Avenue 75.00 02-12900-070-07 Lot 7, Block 7, Aurora Addition to St. Paul, MN. Thomas M. Watters 1509 E. 7th Street 300.00 02-21400-158-02 Except East 95 feet South 148.50 feet of Lot 15, Block 2, Cruickshanks Garden Lots Boyd F. Schernbeck 372 Maria 45.00 c/o Kevin Blair 02-23000-150-19 That part of Southwesterly 90 feet lying Southeasterly of a line parallel with and 47.16 feet Southeasterly from Southeasterly line of 6th Street of Lot 15, Block 9, Lyman Dayton's Addition to the City of Saint Paul Quirino and Martha Maldonado 718 E. 3rd Street 150.00 c/o Joseph Perry 02-23000-170-37 Lot 17, Block 37, Lyman Dayton Addition to the City of St. Paul Janet A Krech 1200 Bush 100.00 c/o Douglas and Cheryl Krinke 02-31000-100-00 Lot 10, Brahams Subdivision A Advance Construction Co. 2200 Stillwater 50.00 02-51400-050-01 Lot S, Block 1, Merit Addition Hudson Square 290-306 Ruth Street 25.00 c/o Lang-Nelson Assoc. 02-b7400-010-OS Subject to easements and Highway 392, Lot 1 , Block 5, Scenic Hills . . ������.� =z- Finance File No. 18337-A Re: Sua�ary Abatements for the months of April and May, 1983. AMOUNT Leonard E. and Dorothy Webber 1076 Bush $150.00 c/o Darwin Zaske and John Rotschafer 02-74800-090-09 Lot 9, Block 9, Terry's Addition to the City of St. Paul County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota Raymond J. and Kathleen A. Wolter 705-709 Mt. Hope St. 245.00 06-51100-090-14 Lot 9 and South 7 feet of Lot 10, Charles F. Meyer's Subdivision of Block 14, Woodbury and Cases Addition to West St. Paul John and Florence Leibgot 767 Selby Avenue 155.00 c/o David & Valerie Garske 07-54500-140-06 Lot 14, Block 6, Nininger & Donnelly's Addition Robert L Sandon _ 648 Iglehart 50.00 c/o Bromley Rasmussen 07-71700�070-03 Except alley, Lot 7, Block 3, Swift's Subdivision of Lots lo and 11, Smith and Lott's Outlots Charles and Lorraine Cody 590 Edmund 50.00 Thomas and Joan Lepley 08-69030-380-12 Lot 38, Smiths Subdivision of Blk 12, Stinson's Division to St. Paul, MN. Gregory Meyers and Gary Rheaume 67 W. Sycamore 75.00 09-47500-300-04 Lot 30, Block 4, LyGons Addition to St. Paul John M and Nadine Healy, Trustees 33 W. Sycamore 50.00 c/o Dennis Hagen 09-47500-420-04 Lot 42, Block 4, Lytons Addition to St. Paul Grace Henry 1463 Lafond Avenue 50.00 c/o John Twarski 10-45200-200-01 Lot 20, Block 1, Lindemann Place Ray D and Shirley Maxson 409 N. Fairview 150.00 11-78100-440-00 Lot 44, Union Park Raymond A Schultz 725 Sherburne Avenue 50.00 12-18360-191-00 East 1/2 of Lot 19, Chute Brothers Division No. 7 , . - � ���,���� . -3- ' Finance File No. 18337-A Re: Summary Abatements for the months of April and May, 1983. AMOUNT Robert W. Freas 1109 Como Place $150.00 12-20300-071-03 Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Como Addition to St. Paul Ramsey County, MN. Jean M Bloom 1010 Front 50.00 c/o Albert M. Johnson 12-20500-120-01 Lot 12, Block 1, Como Park Addition Bruce Haselrud 916 Autora 75.00 c/o Robert C. Bell 12-20000-150-02 Lot 15, Block 2, Milton Addition Tony Stevens 769-771 University 50.00 12-74000-130-03 Lot 23, Block 3, Syndicate No. 1 Addition TOTAL STJI�IlNARY ABATEMENTS (24) $2,470.00 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses have been filed in the office of the Department of Finance and Management Services. Within twenty days after the order adopting the assessment, or making a reassessment, a new assessment, or supplemental assessment, any person may appeal to the District Court by filing a notice of appeal with the City Clerk stating the grounds upon which the appeal is taken� Such notice shall be filed with the Clerk of District Court within ten days after the filing with the City Clerk. . ��%I`�'�./ � "��.;��.��°'� One (1) Inatallment APPROVING AND RATIFYING TO COUNCIL: August 9, 1983 Date of Hearing Description Cost SIJHIlKARY ABATEMENTS 9/6/83 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for S1J1rIIrlARY ABATE!lENTS for the months of April and May, 1983. TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,470.00 TOTAL ASSESSMEAITS $2,470.00 BOARDINGS-UP OF VACANT BUILI?INGS � 9/6/83 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for BOARDINGS-UP of buildings for the months of April and May, 1g83. TOTAL EXPLNDITURES $�►15.90 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS $415.90