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FINAL ORDER r� `� � ' �
By ( ��'� .d..,..��'..,�Gc�r
File No. ���'�'��3
In the Matter of •idwalk reooestructioa o! thr folla�tesg oaly �►sr� �n:�ssat�►t
� ��1���� �O!!b ��d! _. ��,' A� � 6!�'�i�� S!!NC t0 MNt •t .
�s�s� aorc o,�y.
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�f2�MlLL raeN ptl�i.� I�.Y �!t! '� 1�LY�
� ao�str�cti�a {tihwsa ew w11c acistrd� �13.00� p�r i�ro�t toot
�lacaMat oi old Malk -• �i.#�QM► �r l�ro�t l+oot.
i►tl�se noCe t4�t tiaidintial rstts ar�e iaa�sad os tb� eo�t�ltia� o! a �i-fosc
� t�id� aid�+ntik; sli mctra Midtb sidwalla vill b�r �►ror�tsd asaord�Yr.
CO!l�7AL RAtis (xil prv�srt�r ot�r tch�a nsid�tietl)
- lA� o! �twl aast �rstintNl c� � s�so�irre�ly �:I.OQ �r aqwr� toat
� o! w11c a�t�et�d rith late�rsl Qarb� �ithaat iatt�i c�rb tiw aost is �rt3a�+�t�ed
ta bs �Z.ZO per squ+�sa #oot o! �rsik aau�r�stsd.
_.. �..
under Administrative Order approved
under Preliminary Order � O ��� � approved / ��� V �
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date AUG 9 1983
Yeas Nays
Fletcher Certifie assed by Council Secretary
In Favor y
N I C OS I 8 _�Against
Scheibel Mayor
Tedesca PUBLISNED �11�G � 0 1983
UV `���an
ST P� !J L� � i T Y C O U N C i L r�������
City Council District ��2
District Plannin� Counc 1
� . FILE N0. 5-11133
To co�sider the reeonstruction of sidewalk where necessary,
at the following location: -
P V [� P o �7 � North side E HOYT AVENUE from Germain Street to west at
1587 Hoyt only
l. � C �►TION
H G a R � N G Tuesday, August 9, 1983, 10:00 a.m.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof) , a
t N F O R M A T I O N Portion of the coats will be aeaessed (after construction)
against benefitted propertiea. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS
for this project are as followa:
New construction (where no walk existed) $12.00* per front ft
Replacement of old walk--$6.00* per front foot
*Please note that Residential ratea are based on the construc-
t�ion of a 5-foot wide eidewalk; all extra width sidew�lks will
be prorated accordingly.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100°� of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 per
� square foot of walk conatructed with integral curb. Withou
integral curb the cost is eatimated to be $2 .20 per square
foot of walk conetructed.
Q� C S T' � N � Construction: 298-4255 Assessments; 298-5318
� r
Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent July 22, 1983, by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall - Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
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lR�L�IINARY�OSD� . , ,
�Councll FIk No.�Hr'Chr1e Nlcwsia—
In t6e matter of su2e�valk'rectiny�iiufloh of
the following only wher�`nec�y;
Votit� . _,. .
8 S-3Y199 '�TOrtK''side E. HOYT
AV�ft�L►irfa'Cl�I�ti St. .
to�t st ISiT Hqt only. ,
��AS�'SB11SIiT�ATi$: �i .
R�fAL H�11'ES,ff�1p 31u�Y to 9. .,
1��ea°.;�,� tructlq�!(qhere'�ar�i�istecU
1ks.w-,�«�ts'puC fbot.Re►iaqt�et oi old
•Pl�i�e Wde t!!pt Residmtial i�t�l are D4ioed
a�"t� qoni4�ctlon oi''i''�-,`'toot wtde
side�pll[:p11'a�tea wIdthlldewalts Wlll be
�C�DiQ�i/�t.�T1►8(all Ilrope!t�othei'
tLan�idenfial)r . . .
ioo�c��r'�i � e.tsm.ue eo �
avP���Y�t.00 per squese toot o1 walt
�.�!� lqtetea�l,,cu:b...WltbqLt
1niKral curblbe.�aat ls estlmitetl to be�.�D
yer sqwa'e to�f of aalk camstructEQ....: ,
T6e'Co�fl'Cd the Ci�y ai Se1¢t Pau14�v(ng
�+eceived tli�'ilpoit'of t6e 1t�j+bi upon the
above impto�.and hav[q6 ctm6ldered
said teport�hereb�resolves:
1.'Awt the saId ne�wrc aad t4k.SYnie is
h�b7 apPm�'d v=it.�,.AQ elterqativeg,:�qd
Uiat tLe petimafed cat thereoiiq'1'BR�.pbove
for assessa�ept iate6.. _
--?`17�t�';�I�ar;ns be hae oA sa►a
--— -
�gtl. . � :� �A t �.
�, �t 19:09 o'elodc a.m.`in Uk ' p�s �
� o[tEoe(:i ' md �ia�e Hafldin�
�� �rt. �.
��7�Rl�ii�Cl��ut:. �_ . , ,
�.;;T�t�Sf�lR:o!�ijiid.'trubl3c tiearing De
erven lo t�e'personi.anC $�.thc ennner
pmvided by the Charter�stativa the time a� �
plaee of heariba; tLe sature of t6e
froprovmaent and t0e total sost th�oi as
' atimfted.
� FUeF&$9Y�}'l ,:,. :. .
AdaPled b�l6e�'aueetl�uyi 1+�-#�.
Approyed duKy f5.3Y�,4. ,
' . . . (Jul�R3,,1983):,