D001029• ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for COD3TRACT CHAI3GE AGREEMEI�3T NO. CP4.21-02 as Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 BuildinQ Constmction known as Confract L-_City Proje�t No.015114 GephaR Electric, is composed of the following: 1. ?. - City Clerk No. V � � _- Finance Dept. Date — � _ - DepL Accounting (Civic Center) _- Engineer (HGA) _ - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMI) CITY OF SA1NT PAUL - OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR Provide custom floor box telepfione condui[ per Contrac[or Proposal (CP) #4.?OR. Reason: Coordination with Owner requirements Provide stainless steel for the floor boxes per Alternate J19. Reason. Cost increase prior co Owner decision on alternate. $33,190.00 649.00 Total 532,839.00 � LJ ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the ,pc�;�Ucn4ons �n chc �u+n ot $ 3'7_,839.00 . said amount co be addzct to the lump sum consideration named in the conrract, loiown as contract L-, 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. AP VED AS ORM � !'' -` Ass' iry Attorney r Expansion ordi [ing Committee E pa io oord� ing Coinmittee Director of Civic Center /��,�',!�� ,�„a,��c,;� and which amount is to be financed from: �—y 19 �! 19 19 9l� 19� �.t� � Gephart Electric , �-c� ��.� Administcative Assistant to the Mayor t�0 fOZ� ���2� DEWW7MEN7 6COUNCIL ��` �� � OATEINSI h� GREEN SH�E C� S i L CE��-E� � �.' INIT�p[IDATE INITIAV�ATE CONSACT PER;qN & PHONE � t �} G DEPAHfMENT DIAECTOR �/ � CTfY COUNdL S:J SLY� �� t'\� 1p �() '� \ D r` Au1GN � CRY ATrORNEY � CRY CLERK NUNBERFOR T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DA'f� pOUTING UDGE'� �IRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ONUEq MpYOR (OR ASSISTANn I �'7 � Y-� TOTAL # OF SIG4VATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL IACATIONS F�R SIGNATURE) „/ ACTIDN REQUESTED: C-H3:�c�� O�c��.� #� a. f-o �4wr� �C\�Glc;� C���-ca�� �-c� C;�2 RECAMMENDATIONS=Approve (A} or qeject (F71 pEflSONAL SEHVICE CONiflACTS MUST ANSWEP TME FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PUNNIN6 CQMMISSION _ CIVII SERVICE COMMISSION i. Has this personRrm ever worketl untler a contract for this tlepartment? _GIBCOMMITTEE � �n,1�Ka�n YES NO �— 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRICi COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry empl0yee? SUPPORTS WHIGH COUNpL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explafn alf yes answers on separete sheet anE ettach to graen shcet INiT1A71NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT11N1'TY (Wlro, Whet, When, Whare, Why): Sx� �-� REC�1V�� SEP 09 1�96 ANTAGES IF APPROVED: RECEiVE� SEP 181996 GITY CLERE� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: L � � 4G�beS�.Y�� ��� t a �ss� ��°6�°�� �F�&�£ OISADVANTACaES IF N�T APPROVED: C� TOTAL AMOUN7 OFTHANSACTION $ 3 � � COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIpCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItiGSOURCE `�--���t�-��ax lA8r�2i1 K�=FC_�S ACTNITVNUMBER \! t��' v FINANCIA� INFORIhATION' (EXPLAIN SJ� j j, I SYV� � � �o �o2q CON7RACT STATUS • u PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Gephart Efectric 3550 LaBore Road Saint Paui, MN 55110 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015119 $4,570,9��.00 CO No. C4.21-01 C4.21-02 Subtotal Deduct Add 2,514.00 32,839.00 .00 $35.353.00 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 27 August'1996 CP-4.21 Building Construction Electrical 18 Januar/ 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $4,606,253.00 � � i�i �� �z2s-9-z� ,� RECENED � CO NTR A CTOR'S PROPOSAI • Contractor Proposai No.: RFr> tf. Zo Date: G-, Project: � r`�— �L- Contract No. A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: It is requested the completion date be�extended, (� decreased, i) unchanged by $_ calendar days. Tfie adjusted completion date will be SE� A-T'7�C�f�� LLT7�IZ 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: � 2aR : FO NO.: Title:���N �-�tar� �X �il�C r�U�Y/C? /�/4�.Y-ti 3. Basis of payment: (Check oney � Firm price for performing this change is S z �� Adequate supporting details and information ncrease (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S O Actual cost at completion of work S Date: —�r—/S —�_ • �roceed on the following basis: Q+�,4s indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( 1 Basis of payment shall be S �) The foilowing modification is recommended: {) Change in comptetion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( 1 Other Reason for Change: () Design Change �Client Request () Fietd Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? () YES �Q�PIO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? fiG�;�ES ( 1 PIO 5. A(E consulted. �1�'ES ( 1 NO Prepared by: C CPMp Approved by ��`��,�/ �v�.�6i✓ (HGA) Approved by � i �, `/' V fOwner) Date: D' 1' Date: Date: • Approved by• cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- 1. Action Recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No.: 3225 () Change will not be made. Explain: J G►�pHARY �E L E CTRlC May 15, 1996 CPMI 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Attn: Susan Jones Re: St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Dear Susan, I� IOZq Attached is pricing for RFP 4.20R. Per our previous discussion, five of the custom floor boxes identified on the RFP to change telephone conduit from 1" to 2" are Type B boxes which do not contain a telephone compartment. In each of these cases, I have made the change to the nearest(best Type A box as identified on the attached sketch issued with the RFP. Please review and advise if revised locations are acceptable. In addition, please note the requested time extension related to this RFP. Since portions of the floor box rough-in activities are on the critical path (no float) the extension is required to accommodate the additional man hours involved in the modification, since the additional hours cannot be completely absorbed without abnormal crew levels or overtime. The eight days should be added to durations for floor box rough-in activities at Lvl 1 Exhibit Hall. Please contaet me with any questions or concerns regarding this information. 3600 la8ore Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 • (612) 484-4900 Enclosure �, G�pHAf�T �ELECTRIC TO: CPMI � i�z� ATTN: Susan Jones DATE: May 15, 1996 RE: Civic Center CP-4 The following are costs for RFP No. 4. 20R: PAGE 1 OF 2 1. Material Cost (Include Tax of 70): .... 2. Labor: 523.87 Hrs @ $ 45.03/Hr . . . . . . 3. Foreman: 6� Hrs @ $ 3.23fHr . . . . . . . 4. General Foreman: Hrs @ S /Hr . . . . . . S. Overtime (1" X Regular Rate): Hrs @$/Hr 6. Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs C$/Hr 7 8 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 Project Management: Hrs @ $/Iir . . . . . . . Labor Inefficiency: � of Labor (Line #2) . . . Lost Time: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . Field Design/Drafting: Hrs C $/Hr . . . . . . As Built Drawings: 1 Hrs @ $48.26/Hr . . . . . Delivery: Hrs c� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . Clean up: Hrs c� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing: Hrs Q $fAr . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty: o of Material & Labor (Lines #1 & 2) 16. Parking: Days @ $/Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: .... 18. Temporary Wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. Large Tool & Equipment Rental: . . . . . . . . . 20. Consumables: .5a of Labor (Line #2) � f� �/�' ' _ $ 3,646 _$ 23,590 _ $ 194 _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ ,� _ $ 48 _ $ = S _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ 118 LaBore Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 •(612) 484-4900 � --� � �r��� PAGE 2 OF 2 21. Travel Time : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. Wage Increase_ Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. Limited Workspace, Interruptions: °s of Labor (Line #2) 24. Storage Trailers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. Gas & Oil: - • - - - - - . - - - - • . - - - - - • 26. Utility Cost : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27. Insurance : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28. Subcontracts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. Subsistence : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Telephone/Fax Machine : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . Dumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. Safety: 4% of Labor iLine #2) . . . . . . . . . . 33. Permits & Inspection : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34. Interest on Retention : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. Painting & Patching : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36. Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 38 . 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 a $ $ $_ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ � � _ $ _ $ _$ 27,596 Overhead: 15% of Subtotal (Line #36} . . . . . . . _ $ 4,140 Profit: °s of (Lines #36 and 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Unit Prices : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Subtotal: (TOtal of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39? ... _$ 31,736 Bond: 1.43 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 454 Total This Change: t`�otal of Lines #40 & 41) ... _$ 32,190 A Time Extension of 8 Days Will Be Required. This Quotation is Va1id Until 10 days For Written Acceptance. Should this C.O. Request be acceptable, an authorized signature of the Architect, Owner, Construction Manager or General Contractor is required to proceed until a written change order is received. If a formal change order is not received by , work described above shall stop. ACCEPTANCE DATE CHANGE ORDER/PROPOSAL REQUEST N0. SNEET 1 � May 15, 1996 Sob Descriptioh: CP-4 RFP Estimate Number: RFP4-20R Estimator Name : LARftY Pags Nam2fl.ocation: ALL Estimate Page: 1 ot 1 ESTIMRTE WORKSHEET 4_20R i �_v Q� � o �O LN PHASE DB#i MATERIAL DESCRTPTIOiJ 97Y ------------------------------�--------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ! 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 1 5858 PV-1 PVC=CONDUIT -5300.00 1 5878 PV-1 PVC-90-ELIS -12.00 1 5918 PV-1 PV-COUPLING -8d.00 1 5958 PV-1 FE-A�APTER -104.00 1 5938 PV-1 HALE--ADAPT. -12.00 1 4852 LO-1 LOCKNUTS -66.00 1 536 BU-1 INS GRD BUSHIN -66.�0 1 d78 BL-1 CONDUIT,S7RRP -33.00 0 r 1" PVC/GRS 90 r ''��`�r� -85.00 2 5864 PV-2 PYC-CONDUIT 5300.00 2 5884 PY-2 PYC-90-ELLS 12_00 2 5924 PV-2 PV-COUPIING 84.00 2 5964 PY-2 F'E-ADAPTER 104,00 2 5944 PY-2 t1ALE ADAP7. 12.00 2 4858 LO-2 LOCKNUTS 66.00 2 Sd2 BU-2 INS GRD BUSHIN 6b.0� 2 484 81-2 CONDUIT STRflP 33.DD 0 F 2" PYCfGRS 90 85.00 � F EXCAVATE @ PHONE ROOMS �00 � F BRCKFILI/COHPACT @_PNON f✓00 PRGE Nultiplier = ^ 1_00 - �� �� �/ ����q 08:25:1 -_ PRICE_U T-PRICE LABOR U T-LABC ------------------ 34.95 C -1852.35 5.00 -2b5.( 72.46 C -8.76 �.52 E -6.t 24.48 C -20,Sb C 42.72 C -d4.43 0.27 E -28.0 37,42 C -4_55 Q.27 E -3_: 16.10 C -10.63 C � 316.00 C -2�8.56 ��S' 0.75 E �-49_: 57.55 C -1$_99 4_50 C -1.� 1055.00 C -896.75 1.04 E -88.� 55.�5 C 2954.75 12.�0 C 636.t 2Q4_00 C 24.48 0.97 E 11.� 59.52 C 50.00 C 81.60 C 84.86 0_45 E 46.� 84.96 C 1D.20 0.45 E 5.- 60.07 C 39.65 C 944.0� C b23.�4 1.50 E 99_ 89.49 C 29.53 6.OQ C 1. 2255_00 C 1916,75 1.80 E 153. 160.00 E 640.00� E 25.00 E ' 100.0 3.00 E 12. --------------------------------------°--- TOTAL = 3407.68 523. ���Zq • � ic is reques�ed 2ha camplevon dats he t} extended, {) decreased,,P�unchanged by calendar days. 7he adjusted comp�etion date wS41 be ---------" Description of the change: (Refsr to draw�ngs, speaifications, addenda, if anP��{%a Reference RFP No.:� —: FO NO.: ' ' .� rr w . .r _. 4 d! �f�! 2?.L'u47'� �'� —_ _ 2. � $ Cf9i:S�r �De� S�—_ - $--- — - aate: 3 �.:'�=2��._-- 3. Basis of payment: {Cheek ane) �' Firm priae for perfarming this change is Adsquate suppoKing deta��s and informstion must ba attached ta aliow Ow�er to evaluste. (} Time end materiai per eontract, but not to exceed () Aetual cost at completion of w0�k r'i , � •' r n -- �proceed on the foi�awing bas+s: �,A,,,s indicatad ahove. Change and I�ssis af payment is acaeptah�e. '{ y Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptad(e• (} Besis o{ paYment shall pe S � (} The lollowing modification is recammended: S i Change in oompietian date is aacepted. t� Chaoge is aeceptabte with no change in prioe. O Ghange is acaepiebie with na change in completion dat+�. ( } Othsr 2. Reasan for Change: � 1 Qesign Change ( 1 ����nt Request i 1 Field Condition ( ) Suggested bV Contsactor �.D++i� or �ri�r (explain! 3. is this s part of the ariginal oontract scope? { y YES a, is Contractor's Estimate attaohed? �YYES 5. AIE wnsufted. / �- ..-�-�"' CPMIi Prepared by: yt r/" " ��HGA) Approved by Ownar) Approved by _ 10wnar} CPMI in0., C/o 58t�i rau...�.�� ..�.�.... °^. ------ - cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pedersan Dick Zeh�i�8 `p+�NO l 1 NO (1N0 ihu��rer'� ee'� t�CAf?Il°'R� Aati::_� 4ati �:��- Dat�e: 322 3- A change in the scope af the work is requestetl as indicatea �eiow: 1. Action Recommended: tCheck onel CP�J41 �OU No.: o�z� �} Change will not be made. Explain: �� ����� � L E C TRI � March 28, 1496 ��oZq City of Saint Paul Jaint Purchasing� 15 West Ke7.logg 280 City Ha11 - Court House Saint Paul, MN ��1 Attn: Susan �euerhe�n, Value Analyst ge: Saint Paul Civic Center �xPa��l� C , J Dear Susan, We axe in reCeigt of the amendment to P.O. #15115� wlzi�h adds Alternates #9 and #10 to the CP4.21 Contraat:. You ma,y recall that in our response to your letter o£ L1�anuar�,� 18 tattached) , requesting ths� px'ici.nS for Alterz�+�Y�� held for an additior�al 6fl days, we agreed to hold �: for A].ternate #1!1 buC advised that a 3-6& increas�� wouJ.d apply' to Alternate #7rQ'.'q', We have been advised by our supplier tbat a 4� i::icrease is required Eor Alternata #k�Q. WE are rec�uesti::ig that the P.O. Amendment be revised to include this 4� i�ics•ease and the Per€ormance Bond required for ths addlti•onal amount. Therefore, the P.O. Amendmerit amount srioul.d be as fc�llows: A].ternate #7� Alr.ernate #t�kb �base bid} Alternate #F�9(4� inCre3se) 2erformance Bond {1.43� of 5640) Total p.0• Att��n�enG $ 1,450 $16,0�0 s 640 $-�---s- $18,099 Please contaat me with dny questione or c+pncerns regarding this inform�tian. Sinc Project � :- `'���� Enclosure 3600 LaBore Ruatl, St Paul, Minnesota 55110 •(612} 484-4900 —�-____„_ CTTY OF SAINT PAU7., �QXFNTY OF RAMS�'Y' .la�uary '18, 1998 Gephart Etectric Gompany inc. 3600 Labore �taad Saint Qaui, MN 55110 Attn: Kenrieth 1-leinsch re: Civic Center Expansion CP4 Dear Mr. Heinsch: JO[NT p1L1rtCHASING OF.hTCi7 �' ��� Raom 380 Chy Hnt!!L'oar+ Ho+ese Tetephane 61�•266 1SWerr%rdo88Soxk'a�6 Fax 61i7668919 $aint Pau1, Mlanesota 551d1-Ib7I Enclosed please flnd the contract dooument numhar 015119, in the amount cf $�F,807,450 to fumish tabor, equipment and material necessary for the Seint Paul Civic Center ExX�ansion CP4 Building Constructian, Bid Package CP4.21, and Afternate 16, hereafter known r:.s EEecttical, per the specificatians of A-172�48-3, Rebid. As we discussed at the preconstruction meeting, we are not awarding Altemate 9 St�ainie �s 8tee1 • Floor Boxes ($96,000), and Altemate 70, Eievator (�1,450j untU funding issuF;�s are r�soived. We anticipaie that we will be a!s!e to award these altem&tes latar, and therefor�s arta asking you to hoid your prices for an addi#ional 6Cl days, with an award an or before Mart:h 1•6, i996. If you agree to hoid the pricing on these aftemates please indiCate 6elow ar�d f��x ta me by Manday, J�nuary 22, 1998, at 612-266-8919, We are iooking forward to working with your trm on thls project and thar�k y�ou tar yaur consideration in this matker, Very truly yours, ���JG3�'L/ C� �.t.2.�. he�r. 7�1/ Susan E. �eu�rherm, CFPB Va(ue Analyst If cc: Susan Campbell Jones - CPMI fl We wiil hold r pricing on,4f4e�+ 10 untii March i8, 1998. 5igned• Title: �' /�11 pafe:_. Z -� -� PRlGrNb �E .4t-£E.F�'l�i47"�- !r"1 /S E'V4��D 01� G�1�'!J7' /7f)1c��T �21C "�` oF l�r�w' .���A�S ��r+� Sra�L� �D GM��r �� — �f�-� �rf�✓+7 1�A�7" G�k� Fs EGZ i�� �. � 3- l�� � i t� ,�vy's�i� A+�D wrr..�c ��113�v 7:� 9�'�c�, �..�rs�rnera�: ��.�. Ciry of Saint Pmal. �Ynter Utiliry� Civfe Cmter AutbOdty. Publk Houeing Agoaey, Port Authatty. Ceu oty nt Ramsay '� 'MHR-1�-19�5 16 = 03 ST PRLII. C I TY PtJRGHNS i rvs • CiTY OF SA1NT PAUL IRAMSFY COUNTY PURCNA5ING �FF10E ���i�J'���..� ��.���►�� FAX: 6i 2-266-8949 OFFICE: 612-266-88 1 SH�ETS (ineluding Cover 5heet} �AT�: `� 0 TO: t-�, G r ' r " E'• 1 �'! 5G �cA� � Q I'�h c�..4..� lMi��� f � FAX PNONE: S`� ' o' o'�. `' f �/� 8 9� susaECTrT Gt..l.a-t- G�.�.-Q.-'�'�d''�-�'�' '�'� Lt�-i-.�-� c �' / 4Z Gu� Gu,.G �"`"� SP��tAL iNSTRUCTIOHS: ._..,. ------- � -� o � � � � " �a-��' � . �� � , f�..�,. . . -- � a� : �a 7, � �'o A�•4�, a � ��� '�?d. n�e� ,� � • _..t.�.'�./ -�� �.�.c � ls � 9 �.',�..�.' �h.�.` �;, � a--t�- ----�- ♦ i f t•�'� • 7 f t• e t i'� Y i♦ Y 11 • t t/••. f� f f� f Y R f'� • ROM: �__ bFFiC� f'NON�: °� G Io - �'. %�� �.P..c-c,L� h�• nc.� TOTA� P•gi --�r��HA1RT �EL...ECTRtC �� �a�q AUG 8 �gy6 - ='�'^7 �`AX TRAN�MiTTAL � r + �, r � ATTE�ITIQN: �� '���—��-- COMPANYt G� REFEREt3CE: 4 " FR�M: LJ�R�Y /�/k1' / NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): �� .— MES5AGE: '� �� . .r, .� "' i � ' .���.�.������—��-, ---- � 3550 LABORE ROAD, S7.PAUL, MIi�fNE"OTA 55110 -- — (6t2)48d-4900 • faX (612}.:.84�-2248