280711 ?��.�'��'�.
gY �..•,�.-t.�t. c�-��,z,dC.
File No. ���4�
�n the Matter of t=adisg sad �rwiag tbe sllit�► ia �lo�k �. L��IrR• Jl�dition lrar
t1a Nort6 liw o! 1ot 10 ta 1�iaa! gtrat (boaad�d bp Qsair�h, t.�a�h.
Mei+�sl aad ltilkia).
under Administrative Order � approved
under Preliminary Order �����( approved �— 1���j
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date AUG 9 �98�
Yeas FIetCF1@�]ays
Certified ssed b Council Se eta
Masan � In Favor
7 Y
�1COS�3 d
�C h e I�3�?� Against Mayor
Te��s�� AUG 1 1 1983
�/�Js�r pUBUSHED Au G � U 1983
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�'����''`-�:���: Ddte ; July 27, 1983
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� FE� OIV� � COiY'1tYlil't�@ Oh PUBLIC WORKS
The Public Works Committee at its meeting of July 27, 1983 took action
approving all of the following items : �
Ne��ring Date , - . �
• .. ', �
a� � 2. 8/2/83 FIIvAL ORDER: (Phase I) To consider restoring AIISSIS�TPPI
RIVER BLVD. from Cleveland Aventie to Trunk llig}ii�ay �5 by
removing the existing� roadway � cui•b and replacing tlie�n
to a width of 30' follo��ing .the alignment of the existing
easterly curb, with concrete curU and gutter and bitwnin-
' ous paving, drainage facilities, pai•kti�ay lanciscaping,
street furnishings, ornamental street lighting , pedestrian�
� bike path adjacent �the bluff, and alI incidental con-
' . •struction as needed to 'complete this project. _
3. 8/2/83 , RATI�ICATION OF ASSES5D9ENTS: Grading and paving the alley
in Block � , . Oakland Park Addition from Ilerscliel to �ldine
Streets (bouncied by �Iei-schel , hlars}�all , Aldine and Dayton) .
4. 8/2/83 R�1TIl�ICATION OF ASSESSr1EN1'S: � Grading and pavin� t}�e Noi-th-
South alley. in Sahlgaard' s Subdivision of Lot 55, Lake �
Como-Villas from �the East-West alley to llatch Street
� (bounded by Hatch, Kilburn, F7•ont , and Cliats�aorth Streets) .
5. S/2/S3 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSI�4ENTS: Gradin�, paving ancl oPening
of the alley in Block 3, Kuhls �dditi.on from �lldine Street
to Pierce Street (bounded by Dayto�i, Piei•ce, Selby a�ld
Aldine) . -
6•. 8/2/83 RATTFICATION .OF ASSESSrIENTS: I�oi• constructing a Saiiitar��
� 5ewer in an easement bet��een Larpcntcui- Avc. anct Little
Canada Road. Said easement extending ovez- and zci-oss a
part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Gaston's Stibclirisioit r'o. 1 .
: �
� 7. S/�/83 FI1�llL ORDEfi : To consider bradin� �Lllc� ��aving thc alley in
` � Block 7, Leecl2 ' s llddition fron� tl�e Noi•tli ].ine of Lot 10
� to ;�ic13oa1 Street (bouncled by Goocli�icli, Leech, �icBa�al and
�ti�ilkiil) . Also , slope constrt�ction in the abo�-e said alley.
S. S/�/S3 FIi��'1L ORDER: To consicler gracli.ng ancl pavin�, th�: alle�� in
Block 1 , Auditor' s Subdivision tt47 :f.ro�n S1111�50Tt Street to
Pascal Street (bounded by Engle�.�ood, Tlinnchat��, Pasca2
and Simpson) . Aiso, slope construct:i.oJi in tl�e abo��e said
9. 8/9/S3 FI��'1L ORDF:R: To consicler gracli.n�; and paving the alle}' 131
B].ock 3, Stonc and Atorton' s 2ncl /idclit:ion fron lleSoto
Street to I��y St.reet (bouncled by Brai.nercl, Burr, It�y and
lleSoto) . Also, slope consti-uctio�i a.n tlie abol-e s�eid alle}�.
10. DISCUSSIO� : Impi-ovcme�it of that part af 1'runk fligh�•a}� �IO2
betl��ccn King Street to I�ort Ito�;d (Replacement of thc �iioli
Bridge and construction of scen�c ovcrlooks) .
11 . 012DI\AI�CE : e2-tailiin� to Pa2-kin� Alefier Zo�ies • amendin�� �
, , P � � , o . .
Sect:ion S and Section 2. (7-14-83)
\ .
. . �
, _
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ST. P � UL CITY C4UNCIL ����'���!
_ City Council District �t2
District Planning Council 469
FILE N0. 18339-G&S
PURPOSE To decide on whether to proceed with improving the alley
in BLOCK 7, SAMUEL LEECH'S ADDITION from North Line of
Lot 10 to McBoal Street (bounded by Goodrich, Leech,
McBoal and Wilkin). Also the construction of slopes in
L TI�N the grading and paving of said alley.
Tuesda August 9, 1983,
HEARING y. at 10:00 A M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Ha�.l - Court House
ASSES��MEf'JT If the Council approves this project, a portion of the
coats will be assesaed (after construction) againat bene-
INFORMATI0�1 fitted properties. The estimated assesamenta for this
project are as follows:
Estimated Rate per Assessable FoOt $12.50
Ass�ssments $4,300
The City Council will hold another hearing after the con-
struction to ratify the assessmenta. You will receive a
notice at that time advising you of the exact amount that
, you will be required to pay.
Construction: 292-6281 Assessments: 298-5318
�IJESTIO��S Also, City staff will be available to anawer any last miaute
questions on thia project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 -
10:00 A. M, the same day as the hearing.
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Jul 22 1983 " " " " ° ' ,. � „''� ' I '`� �`-
Notice sent y > > i i •�
�„�J : �—
by the Valuations and `��''�—�"""' .� ,BoA� �'•"� •
Assessment Division, ��' � � `�
Department of Finance . , � , " t •• � �,
and Managemeat Services, �t � � �
St. Paul, Minnesota .- . � �°
55102 .f °' -°
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(D U1 Council Pile No.Z80618.-ay Chris Nicoeta—,
� � rt O In the Matter o!>, and � '
� Pevl»B the
� alley in B1odc 7.Leech's Addition from the
North ll�ot Lot SD�o Mc8oa13trcet(bounded
�� � (p bY�.Leech,,I�[cBoel9nd WilJcin).
G A+ rt 7'beCouncll of the C9ty oi Saint Paul�having
�, � rnceivea"SKe'tEp'dit of tlfr 1Capbr Upon the
`'C Q+ AJ ah0ve Improvmne�e. 86d 1i9vin�comsfdereit'
N b C rt said rePu�t.here'tiy rirSpl�s: ., �, ,
�l � (D rt l.�}et.#he.s}�id,r�port snd�f�.�me.�s <
' p1 hu'eby.�ppreve�with no aLLesaativGt, and ;
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F., � ,� � �i th4_eatlmated,,cpst tliereof 3s il.300
l0 � � f��,el1b9:�!?nts. ..;
� � � 2.Tlwt a P�}ic-4Darin8 b!�liei��o s�}.
. �'i ry f...� �P�ment on tq�Yt6 doy ot t,i
�_ � n n� et io:aoo��ia a.m:. ,
� � o arese cyTY a.���a court�toa�sut��'ru
tee c3cy or�t Pau�. - t -4;,_. °
� � � � 3.That notice'ot sald pnW�c 1�wri�''�ij..
O � � X givaa to the.pe:som;•md ie tke a�
3 CL UI P�ded 67 qx t�1't�.stating the ti�psatql '
n � D��� �f Lafrtag, ;tLe:patuse O�..t�
J Q rt � imptovement and.the totsl co1�L tFlenp��s
, � � p � esdaated:
{p � FileNa I99,79�G
E'- � rt rf� �. A�pted bY tLe Council Julq 14,19�:
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