280709 CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL F��E NO. ������� � FINAL ORDER f � By _.� ��---�-�.�..�... File No. �����` In the �a er of ��'dias aad p��i�� the all�e�r is �loek 1, Audito�r's �u�divisioa #i►� �'ra� Si�son Stra�t ro l�saa�l St�rNt. (boaaded by Sn�l+woe�d� Mioa�hal�a. raaetal a�►d 3i�►san�. -- .�.. under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order �O � ��� approved �—`T _° � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-� ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date AUG 9 �983 Yeas Nays ��et��1 er Certified ssed by Council Secreta ., `' � In Favor M��s;�n2 �— r��l!'n�� Against �j a AUG 1 1 1983 Mayor ��^t"''ibe/ rr�����s�� ►�y ,�G,,, PUBUSNEO 1��� � O`'���3 �; `,.:�, �`:.:�'�.i�� (�ITY` flI+` ►�r1li\TT �.�,�,UT. �� oi�,r��icr or �rFrr cr_rY COU\CLL Y - � . Date ; July 27, 1983 Nrtro � � � � C4MM (TT � E F? E PORT � � rt � � � �C rt 3 0 �� � rt Sain� Pau I Ci�y CC�UttC1 ! . '` ro � rt 1� = Cornr,�ittee on PUBLIC wo�xs J � � � � � '� � CHAIR , CHRIS NICOSIA �. � , � �, w � ' �• '� N c Works Committee at its meeting of July 27 , 1983 took action �� � c�in • � � ; all of the following items : x � o )ate o° � � � • � � � � � � � FI1vAL ORDER: (Phase I) To co�isider resto�•i.ng b1ISSISSIPPI o � o� o RTVER BLVD. from Cleveland Avenue to Txun}: Iliglnaay �5 by � � � �_ removing the existing road��ay �, curb and rePlacing them �- � o rt to a width of 30' follolaing -t3ie alignment of the existing �� � � easterly curb, with �oncrete curb ancl gutter and bitwnin- a o m o ous paving, drainage {acizities, parki�ay landscaping, � � �, '� street furnishings , ornarriental sti-eet lighting, pedesti-ian/ a a �, � � bike path adjacent �the bluff, and all incidental con- �*�c � � , •struction as needed to 'complete this project. . � �° � � � o � �C �° a �* rt RATIFIC�ITION OF ASSESSDIENTS: Grading and pavinA the a].Iey C a � in Block � , . Oakland Park Addition from llerscliel to �1ldine 3 0 � � Streets (bounded by Herschel , hiarshall , Aldine and Dayton) . � � � RAZ'II�ICATION .OF ASSESSAIENI'5 : Grading and pavin� the hortli- � a South alley. in Sahlgaard' s Subdivision of Lot SS, Lak� � rt '��" Como- Villas from the East-lt�est alley to Ilatch Street � � � (bounded by Hatch, Kilburn, Front , and Chats�JOi-th Streets� . �• � � � RATIFICATIO� OF �1SSESSMEI�TS: Grading, pavind and opening � �c � of the all.ey in Block 3, Kuhls Additi.on from Aldine St2-eet to Pierce Street (bounded by llayton, Pierce, SelUy and Aldine) . • RA'I'IFICATION OF �ISSESSr1�NTS: For constructing a Sanitary Sewei- in an easement between Larpentcti2• Avc. ancl Little Canada Road. Said easement extending over and lcross a part of Lots 1 and 2, Block I, Gaston ' s S�ibdit�isioii No. 1. : � 7�. S/�/S3 FII�AL ORDE�: : To considcr �T1'�C21.11� ancl p�iving thc alle�• in ` � Block 7, l.eecli ' s llddition fi-om the Noi•tli ].ine of Lot 10 � to Atc13oa1 Street (bouncicd b�� Gooclrich, Leech, �icl�oal and ►tilki.�i� . Also, slope consti-uction 5.n the aboi�e s�id alley. `S. S/�/S3 FIN�1L O1tDER: 1'o consicler gracli.ng �iJ1C1 paving the alle�• in Block 1 , Auditor' s Subdivision f!47 from Simpson Street to Pascal Street (bounded by En�le�aoocl, I�linnehaha, Pascal and Simi�son) . Aiso, slopc coiistruct:i.on i.n t)�e aUoti�e said alley. 9. 8/9/83 rI�'�l1L ORD�:P.: To consicler graclS.n� and ��avinb the allc�� in B].ock 3, Stonc and Diorton' s 2nct 11dcIit:i.on frorn DeSoto Street to Ivy St.reet (bouncled h�� 13ra:i.ncrcl, I�urr, I��y and lleSoto) . Also, slope construction in the abo��e s�:id allcy. 10. DISCUSSION : Itn��rovement of t]�at pai-t of 1'runk liigh�:a�• �:IO2 betl��cen King Street to Fort Road (Re��lacement of Yhe Fii�h Bi-idge and constriictioii oI sceli�.c ovei•Iooks) . 11 . 0}2llI\AnCf:: pel•tairiing to Pai•king rletei- ZoJies ; amendisip . - Sect:ion S and Section 2. (7-14-83) , . � _ � . .. - , . : ST. PAUL CITY COUtVCIL ������� PUSLIC HEARlNG NOTICE PU6LIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCT �(JN -.- City Council District ��4 District Planning Council 4611 FILE N0. 18340-G&S PAGE PURPOSE To decide on wtiether to proceed with improving the alley in BLOCK 1, AUDITOR's SUBDIVISION ��47 from Simpson Street � to Pascal Street (bounded by Englewood, Minnehaha, Pascal and Simpson)• Also the construction of slopes in the L ATI(XV grading and paving of said alley. Tuesday, August 9, 1983, at 10•00 A M. HE�RING City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Ha�l - Court House ASSESSN�1'JT If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) againat bene- INFORMATION fitted properties. The estimated assessments for this project are as followa: TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $4,480 Estimated rate per assessable foot $ 12 FINANCING: Assessments $4,480 The City Council will hold another hearing after the con- struction to ratify the assessments. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the exact amnunt that you will be required to pay. Construction: 292-6281 Assessments: 298-5318 �IJESTI(�dS Also, City staff will tae available to answer any last minute questions on this pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 A. M. the same day as the hearing, s� HUBBARO I � ' —��nr-�--._�rrw-- �. ir i ` __ � , � _------1_------� J : ^nn z � „ � � ,� � ; n w�_ � o �—- � ' h j ,o ��i----,� y ,.. Jul 22 1983, ; 4 �; .__..__----- � Q ; Notice sent Y � �", � i. 9 ; , � � h ' --i�,�-� ,ua:,--� Z b the —� I �� � � � y Valuations and �'� ! �'-��"�' ,, Assessment Division, — J _ ____�u_�..�_i.,�,,�'� Department of Finance w.�c�vic ewooa �.� �� and Ma�agement Services, "'-'�? '-'�—�'-'""' �--�""'-- �'"j'�"' St. Paul, Minnesota � � j ! � ' � ! 1 , , � �' —,—��-�1 � 55102 � ' ! 'I ---- ` . � � � ie_�_�J� � �. �'A"1�}l� �('_.'�� '�. � d. . ae PROPOSED ALLEY IMPROVEMENT � ��_�� �*�!�T� , , �; - , � , . ��z j� � �,�� . e�s s�,d �� i! .u_.; i� ir r u. '�� A 1_aa..._n_ �.�tl L�l ! a .� _ . C _:: � .r _x : .o � u.c:�xzn I�i �. zf. aa{f t:_; wc-,�++iva,--._::��.+��P ' ; ,� . ��*'����� � � ,.-__ PtBLIDQNtAQY 30�HBR � - Couocll Fite 1Vo.2�Q617-8�Chrt;N�=" In t¢e:lfatter°f.l�rad'inB and pa' "�'tbg alley in.8�ock�1.Audito�'a 3ub�ii��[q tro�n 8fa�iqm Sti�et to Paseq�l $ir�t. (�.��le�►aod.M9`nqel�pha,,�a�qj1 end siwpse�?., ., " The Couocil M the City of Saint Payl,p�yleK r�oeived the,?report,oZ.tp�1�yyoi�p the above improv��t. and haV�eppgiderRd , sald report.herebY re�olvea: , 1.,That the.;qaid report at�¢.t6e elime is heneby aPPro►!ed with oo alt�ia�U`ve� and, that the-�timated coct t6ereol,.1s...�:i�80' financed by assesamenffi.. . . 7.Tba3 a publlc_he�rlqe be.had oil said' �Arc�emqp�on the day of A , et.19�3,_ 8e iaoo o�ciock a.?y;`in, 5 a�.?�s.: 'o�"Ci'y'���;,a�O�t�#o�su�iavrg in the City of Satnt Pdui: `' ` - ' "� " . 3.That notice oi ssid public,heering De' given to. tye'Peroons and in the manner ptovided�Gy!Le Ch�';tei'f�tY�the tftiie'� place of "6eatidg; {�p"na re o3 tfib Improvemmt aed'�ue`to�gt�wl``tbeft+i�f a's eshmated. File No.1{3�4C� . , AduD��dbYlYeCouroilJu1Y14�Q�3.,,,..;, ADPmo�Jul�i5:19e,9. ,.. .. (Ju�j xi�I!!S)"