280704 WMITE — C�TV CLERK ����� PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �P�" CANARV — DEPARTMENT swe BLUE — MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By ���.l� I�Referred To �'���I�G�--� Committee: Date ��l���3 Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a grant agreement with the State of Minne- sota whereby the City of Saint Paul will receive funding in the furtherance of developing a process for the City' s participation in aiding and assisting dislocated workers who have been subject to a mass layoff or plant closing, a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Manage- ment Services. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Ga11es� CO u i Se ' es • Masan: In Favor Nlcosia sche�bet _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson AUG 4 1983 Form Approved by it A or Adopted by Council: Date Certifi assed ,y C .il S etary BY Bp � '�� � 61p by Mavor: D e ��� 0 1983 App Mayor for Submiss' Counc' � By � �I��USHEO AU G 13 1983 Com�nunity Services �` _ Div. of Manpower Prorzram�EPART!•tENT � Readus W. Fletcher �ONTACT 4904 PHONE � , ������� June 13, 1983 DATE ��� ` ' � � (Rou�ing and Explanation Sheet) y R Assiqn Number for Routin Order Cli All Locatio fo or i nature : RECE'VE �_ partment Director ♦ D City Attorney ��N 1 � 19�3 � /Mayor CITY ATjQRNEy Finance and Management ices Director R�C�I�ED City C1erk Budget Di rector .IUN 2 2 '�3 MAYORS OFFICE ��nat i�ill be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale�_ Citq wi11 receive a planning grant from the State for the provision of employment/training activities to dislocated workers. .:.�. RECEIVED Financial , Sudgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: �"'" 'dU�l 2 71gg3 � City will receive $5,000. OFFICE OF THE DIkEC7'OR DEPARTMENT OF FI�q�C:F AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) 33580 Attachments (List, and Number all Attachments} :_ 3 Copies of grant for signature REPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes X No Counci] Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insur.ance Sufficient? Yes _ No /�/L Yes �_ No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (�ee Reverse Side for instructions) :�°A='`�'�r�`"� Cz�l�Y or S�a.r�T�r �.�uL �`���.���� �i�: . .�+.r, ��-��: :�-" F• '� �l �� i'?:� Y, �i��,..,�'y, \ . yy.:.� �� :..•;,•.,;;�?��±- � 01�1�IC7+; OI�` '1'IIZ+� Ci'_L`Y' COII\CIL x=-l t;' ' �'•:.:-.: ,t � �;:'-;,;;;'.:'- d r ���� ._.- �-�1� �:; D d t e . Jui 28 1983 �.,,'::`:.it`=: .-. ``\j Y , ��-=�:���r_ . . �� GaMM (TT � E RE P4RT T' O � Sain� Paui Ci�y Cour�cit � -� �� 0 � = C4tY1Cb�1�'Y'@� Oh - � � CH A I R COUNCILMAN SCHEIBEL . MEETING DATE: :July. 28, '1983 _ _ . � TII�E: 1: 30 p.m. . PLACE: Room 707 City Hall 1.. Approval of n:inutes £rom meeting held July 21, 1983. pPpROVE� 2-� ,, ' 2. ' Resolution to Uuclget for additional grant �funding in 1983 under the "Job � � 7�aining Paxtnership �ct". (Community Services) qppR�yE�.�_� - \ 3. Resolution to execute a rant a reement �.�ith the State of I�iinnesota for the g g provi�ion of employment/training activities to dislocated workers. � (Di.vision of 1�lanpoi,rer Programs) APPROVE� 3-0 . � 4. Resolution to amend 1983 budget to incxease spending in the Parking and� Transit Fund in the amount of �12,506. (Planning and Economic Development) APPROVE� 3-�J 5. Resolution' xevisi.ng the class specifications for certain senior inspector � titles. �•(Personnel) APPROIlED�3-0 6. Resolution xegarding 1983 Collective Bargaining� Agreement bet�aeen the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Supervisory Group. (Personnel) ,�}pp. 3_r� ' 7. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning the content o£ examinations. (Personnel) LA�D OVER � , 8. Resolution regarding 1981-1933 Collective Bargaining A�reement between • Independent Schoo2 District ho. 625 and the Plumbers Local No. 34. (Personnel) . l�Pf ROVED 3-0 9. Resolution regarding 1983-1984 Collective Bargaining Agreement bet�aeen Independent School District No. 625 and Teamsters Local 320. (Personnel) � . APPR�VE� 3=0 10. Resolution changing the titles and class specifications for School Food Ser��ice titles in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) appp�UED 3-0 Non-agenda item from 7 28 Council Meetin _ (Item 2�) Zesolution approving transfer in the Community �evelopment ha�i��t and transferrinn "� $1 ,00O,O�JO to Neighborhood Partnershin program. APPlt�I�E� 3-�