280683 W�Fi1TE �- C�TV CLERK COU[1C1I PINK -FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO• 1 C uncil Resolution Presented By 'r"� �Referred To ��[' /���C�L01"n'1 tl�! ► Committee: Date � r�r� Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED,That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeal and Review, dated May 10, 1983, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 5/10/83 15-83-I3 1486 Iglehart Quincy J. Laflin (single family residence) BOARD ACTION: Granted extension of time to November 1, 1983, for continued open storage of unlicensed and inoperable 1936 Ford truck, on condition that current license be obtained for Volkswagen presently stored in open area of appellant' s property in violation of code regulations . Property Description: Macalester View Addition Lot 7 , Block 4 --------------------------------- 5/10/83 17-83-H 670 DeSoto Ronald Miller (duplex) BOARD ACTION: Granted extension of time to August 9, 1983, on appeal for variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 .11, pertaining to basic facilities, and on Section 34.10, pertaining to insect infestation, to allow time to determine eligibility for city loan program or the possible acquisition of property by city authority or COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �f Galles � [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�be� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary S- 3%'�'3 By �.lpproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY �"�HITE r CITV CLERK ��� �INIf -,FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Property Description: Irvine 's Addition of Out Lots W. 62 ft. of 5 . 44 ft. of N. 102 ft. of Lot 11 -------------------------------- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � Galles IR Favor Masanz Nicosfa Scheibel �' _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 ��3 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified as e uncil S et B s'3�83 By. Ap e by Ylavor: D u � , 83 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBUSHED AU G 1 � �g�3 � _ � -10- 5/10/83 - Meeting No. 1�6 � . .. ��i . t. plate for the car because it must first be registered. To get it regis- tered, it would be necessary to bring it to the Highway Dept. for inspec- tion , and that was impossible because the car was inoperable. Due to the age of the truck and non-use for over thirty years , it has not been on the list of registration for a long period. Frank Staffenson presented some pictures taken by his agency at Mr. Laf- lin' s property. He noted that two cars were mentioned in the violation order and are shown in the picture , a Volkswagen and the Ford truck. He asked why the cars could not be stored in the garage , which appeared to be quite large. He quoted the ordin an ce which governed the storage of inoperable and unlicensed vehicles. Mr. Laflin said the Volkswagen was not a problem, that it was operable and he could obtain a current license. The truck , however, could not be moved until he had time to rebuild the rims .so wheels could be put on and to redo the motor to make it operable. Then it could be driven to the Highway Dept. to apply for collector license plates . He '`thought it would take about six months to restore the truck to operable condition. BOARD ACTION : Mr. Gausman moved that a year' s extension of time be granted to permit open storage of an unlicensed and inoperable vehicle during that period. For lack of a second, the motion failed. Mr. Gaus- man moved that an extension of time to November l, 1983 , be granted for open storage of the vehicle. Mrs. Bostram seconded. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 BOARD ACTION : Mr. Knutsori asked th at the motion be amended to carry the stipulation that the Volkswagen be licensed without further delay. Mr. Gausman agreed to the inclusion of the amendment, as did rirs . Bostrom as second: to the motion. AMENDMENT CARRIED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/10/8,3 - Meeting No. 1�6 �VL!{J� ` MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS & REVIEW Tuesday, May 10 , 1983 � Room 707 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman Glenn Gausman Harold Knutson Rosann Bostrom Rudolph Sawyer ABSENT: William Tilton Lucille Burg Collins AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement Alice Bij j ani Frank Staffenson ,Sam Blue Jerry Kern Fire Prevention Bureau � Greg Plante , Acting Fire Marshal '� Jeanne Dornfeld Mayor' s Advisory Committee on Handicapped Harold D. Kiewel OTHERS PRESENT: Benjamin F. Bryant - Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Rieger James Wuollet Ron Miller Jeff Ross Steve Liefschultz Jean Petroski STAFF: Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of April 12 , 1983, were approved as distributed to the members. Alice Bijjani reported that she had suggested to the appellant in the first case listed on the agenda, No. 74-82-H, 256 Marshall, Appellant Thomas R. Best, that he need not appear at today' s meeting, since an inspection had confirmed that good progress is being made on the rehabilitation of his property. No further action by the board would be necessary. . � ����� � � _ -11- 5/10/83 - Meeting No. 196 . . . - APPEARANCE : Ronald Miller PROCEEDINGS: Chairman Glassman said he would participate in the hearing of this case , but would abstain from voting because of a business rela- tionship with the appellant. Mr. Miller explained that new town homes are under construction directly across the street from his property. It has caused he avy damage tothe duplex he owns at 660 DeSoto and he is considering a lawsuit against the townhouse developer, East Side Development Co. , and the buildings ' cantractors. Mrs. Bostrom said she understood the development company was interested in upgrading the area, possibly by acquiring older properties such as Mr. Miller' s , although she could not say specifically that 660 De5oto was one of these. Mr. Miller stated that he had offered his property- some time earlier to a representative of the development company, but had been told two months later that the board had turned down the idea of acquiring it. He asked for an extension on Items #14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , and 18, since these were the items he believed were caused by the construction work. Mr. Miller then spoke of the violation listed as #13 in the city' s letter of 4/12/83, lack of a handsink in the second floor bathroom. He said � there was no space within the room, and placing one in an adjacent are a would me an taking out some of the are a in the hallway or living room of the unit. .� Mr. Gausman commented that he was opposed to the use of a kitchen sink for handwashing. Regarding the matter of termite infestation, Mr. Miller said he had con- sulted with the Dept. of Entomology at the University of Minnesota to determine how such infestation could be identified. He was told to look for tunneling in wood framing. When carpenters removed basement joists , Mr. Miller examined them and found only dry rot , no tunneling. The pres- ence of mud tubes , as the inspector had found and had indicated were a sign of termites , were not evidence of termites , according to the Dept. of Entomology. Mr. Miller questioned the validity of the city' s opinion. Mrs. Bostrom asked Mr. Miller if he had not commented that a ne arby house was termite-infested, making the discovery of the same problem in his property not unlikely. She said the area was one of a few in the city where infestation had been proven. Mr. Miller was in agreement that the area had some buildings with termites , but he did not agree that the evidence on which the city based its case was corxcit�sive on his property. Frank Staffenson said the inspector in the case is a licensed pest can- trol officer and reported evidence of a passive termite infestation. He described the procedure necessary to rid a property of the insects and to prevent further transmission, something only a profession al can handle. He recommended that the appe llant contact Ken Gauthier, of the Planning and Economic Development Dept. , for information on a possible city acquis- ition of the infested property or for a loan to make the necessary repairs. . 5/10/&3 - Meetin No. 196� ' ���� . MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS & REVIEW Tuesday, May 10 , 1983 Room 707 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman � Glenn Gausman Harold Knutson � Rosann I3ostrom Rudolph Sawyer ABSENT: William Tilton Lucille Burg Collins AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Frank Staffenson ,Sam Blue Jerry Kern Fire Prevention Bureau ' . \ Greg Plante , Acting Fire Marshal Jeanne Dornfeld Mayor's Advisory Committee on Handicapped Harold D. Kiewel OTHERS PRESENT: Benjamin F. Bryant � Mr. & P�irs. Eugene H. Rieger James Wuollet Ron Miller Jeff Ross Steve Liefschultz Je an Petroski STAFF: Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of April 12 , 1983, were approved as distributed to the members. Alice Bijjarri" reported that she had suggested to the appeZlant in the first case listed on the agenda, No. 74-82-H, 256 Marshall, Appellant Thomas R. Best, that he need not appear at today' s meeting, since an inspection had confirmed that good progress is being made on the rehabilitation of his property. No further action by the board would be necessary. . � � . , ,� � �la l���LJt�1 �t 14 8-2-83 • Resolution approves actions for properties at 1486 Iglehart AND 67� DESOTO. . . . . .. . . . . . . . � Committee action concerned itself � solely with Iglehart; DeSoto approval not in question. t1.S. ' � € � s E S � � � : � . . ' . ��.e. �_,.," � ° ' � �$�� ST, PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW � 7Q5A City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 (612) 295-4163 � May 26 , 1983 TO: Walter Bowser - Assistant Ci:ty Attorney FROM: Pat Moxness RE : Draft resolutions on board actions - meeting of 5/10/83 Attached are two draft resolutions for board actions taken at the meeting of May 10 , 19 83. CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 13-83-F 1080 Grand Ave. Wuollet Properties 13-83-H 434 Lafond Ave. Benjamin F. Bryant 14-83-H 1036 Jessie St. Eugene H. Rieger, Sr. 09-83-H 1277 Charles Avenue Dr. David P. Parupsky 44-82-H 1815 Ashland John �. & Jean A. Petroski --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-83-H 1486 Iglehart Quincy J. Laflin 17-83-H 6 70 DeSoto Ronald Mi ller ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions , ple ase call me on 4163. r. � ,, •;.1 m �g�(���� ..Aj�f'' � t"'':}�yr . C�.L� O•F ►�AINT P�.UL . ��',' - .�,;, OFFICl� OF 7.`HTC CITY COIINCIL � •Yi�9T�' ��':^. ' 9S a���IS?ih� r-" ' i'�=YZ�'� '� D a t e � July 26, 1983 •1.� ��r . . .� �"'~ i.�� :�.:.� ,ri;.,.,. . v ;:�'.Y:.t;,..'. v� . COMM (T7' � E RE PO �T TO = �qin� Pau I Cifiy Cou�cit � F� Q � = C O 171 i'�t�'�'@� O h City Development and Transportation C N A I R Councilman Bob Fletcher Resolution�approving action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to property at 1486 Iglehart Avenue. ' At its meeting of July 26, 1983, the City Develo�xnent Corconittee recononended approval of the action taken by the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the property at 1486 Iglehart. � - CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNESOT�� 55102 � .,�i.,.. � . ....._..._......... .-....-.,...T_.. .._...�.�„��..,T:. . WMhSE - C�TV CIEAK - ���i�����'1,t'�� . PINK - F1K4NCE y • T�}' �T COURCII V ��/,�V CANARV - D ARTMENT � y T� O� �L� I ��T 1 � V L E.`lle NO. �LUE AVOF2 ♦ � . � G� � �����1 ��s����-��� Presented By �-' �•t=� � Ci=� Referred To Committee: Dat� Out of Committee f3y Date -�--�---- BE IT RESOLVED,That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property ancl as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeal and Review, dated riay l0, 1983, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD . . MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 5/10/83 15-83-H 1486 Iglehart Quincy J. Laflin - . (single family residence) BOARD ACTION: Granted extension of time to November I, 1983, for continued open storage of unlicensed and inoperable 1936 Ford truck, on condition that current license be obtained for Volkswagen presently stored in open area of appellant's property in violation of eode regulations . Property Description: Macalester View Addition Lot 7, Block 4 --------------------------------- � 5/10/83 17-83-H 670 DeSoto Ronald Niiller (duplex) BOARD ACTION: Granted extension of time to August 9, 1983, on appeal for variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34.11, pertaining to basic facilities, and on Section 34.10, pertaining to insect infestation, to allow time to determine eligibility for city loan program or the possible acquisition of property by city authori.ty or COUNCILti1ElV Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays Galles In Favor Masam • Nicosia scnsinet __ Against BY — Tedesao �Y�ilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted h�• Council: Date Certified Passed by Cuuncil Secretary a''"'� S 3%"c�� B� -- ppproved by :11avor. Uate _, Approved by hlayor far Submission to Council BY — - BY ��+K � /OHTMENT �(� � �-.y O�' SAINT PALTL Co�r►ci1 �$��$ , File N 0. v Co��c�l �eso���-��� . Presented Eiy Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date —2— • Property Description: Irvine's Addition of Out. Lots W. 62 ft. of S. 44 ft. of N. 102 ft. of Lot 11 -------------------------------- ._. _ '� , . - COUIVCIL;�ZEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays ' Galles In Favor Masanz Nicosia sct,etbet _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _. Certificd Passed by Council Secretary B Cc.t�' .� 3l-d'3 4 B� Approved by Mavor. D�+tc _ Approved by Mayor far Submission to Council a5` — - --- — BY