280669 WHITE - CITV CLERK t PINK - i1NANCE � COUIICII � CAMOARV - DEPARTMENT �iIT�" OF SAINT PAUL - ����� BLUE -MAVOR File NO. �+�� � ' t • ' r r Or in�nce Ordinance N 0. ���✓`l� Presented By I'/Referred To �r�c�lS`.��?°�� Commi ttee: Date � �1'�'��� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance relating to purchasing from set-aside businesses; providing for a set-aside business committee of seven rather than fifteen members; changing the committee structure and duties; amending the St. Paul Administrative Code, Chapter 81. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 81.02, subdivision 1 of the St. Pau1 Administrative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 81.02. Set-aside business a��}ee�� committee; composition and duties. � Subdivision 1. There is hereby created a committee of �� seven persons who shall be appointed in the same manner as other city committees�-�}�e-e�-�t�e ��-�e��e�.e-���e��.�e�-�s����-ee��e-�e�-a-�e��-e� e�e-�ea�#-���e-e�-�}�e-�e��se�s-a��a���e�-��a�� se��e-�e�-a-�e��-e�-��re-�e����-a�.�-���e-s�-#�e �e��e�e-��ge}�.�e�-��a��-�e��e-�e�-a-�e��-e� ���ee-�ea�s. Initially; two members shall be a ointed for a term of one ear two members s all be appointed for a term of two years, and ��'ire�e members shall be a ointed for a term o ree years. erea er, e erms o committee members shall be for three ears and un il their successors are a ointed. The mayor s a designate one of the persons appointed to serve as chair. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �eu� In Favor Masanz Nicosia � Against BY Scheibel - Tedesco �NIFee� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By sy , • , , c�';;���'��� , , • /fD✓� Page 2. Sect ion 2. That Section 81.02, subdivision 2 of the St. Paul Administrative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Subd. 2. Duties. The committee shall hold meetings at such times as agreed upon by the members. The committee shall review the ee��}��e��}e�-�eee��e����}e��-e�€-}�s-e��ee�����ees applications for certification which are rejected � by the purchasing division,�hold public hearings on those �eee��e��a��e�s rejections, resolve disputes as to the qualifications of a set-aside business as such a business, �a���a��-a�.�-a��-�e a-�ae�e�-��s�-e�-se�-a$}�e-��s}�esees3 and do such other things as are reasonably necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter. Any aggrieved person may appeal the committee' s decisions to the council , which shall haue the power to modify any decision of the committee. Section 3. That Section 81.0.3 of the St. Paul Administrative Code, establishing subcommittees, is repealed. Section 4. That Seetion 81 .05 of the St. Paul Administrative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 81.05. Applications; how processed. The city via its purchasing division shall process applications from any interested business and sha11 �€e�va��-��e-a��z�ea��e��-�e-��e se�-as��e-��s��es�-����se��-ee�����ee-�e� }�s-�e��e;a-a��-a���e�a� approve or reject the applicant as a bona fide set-aside business. 8����-ag��e�a�-e�-�e�ee��e�.-e� ���-a�g��e��}e�-e�-a��-}�.�e�es#e�-�t�s}�ese3 �Y�e-e��3�-ma�-a��ew-�a���e}�a�}e�-��-��e-��eg�a� es�a���s�e�-��-���s-e�iag�e�-�e��}��-a-�ee}s�e� e�-��e-ee�����eeT_ WHt�ITE - CITV CIERK 1'''� c:,IOARV -DEPAR MENT �GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council +�}� (���}(1� BLUE -MAVOR File NO. ^', ' ���-- �'"� . � ' ' O/ in�nce Ordinance N�. ���� ! Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. Section 5. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the St. Paul Administrative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Administrative Code. Section 6. This ordinan ce shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and af ter its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Reques by Department of: Yeas Nays � ��7K!' • Fletcher ceu� In Favor Masanz � scn ibei Against BY Tedesco � �CT 1 8 1983 Form proved by it y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P s e b Council Se r BY By Appr by Mayor: D t �1+� 2 � � � Approv�ed by Mayor for Subm' io to C�u cil By By ' � PUBLISNED OCT 2 9 1983 � , ' _ ,• ' r�•���1��� Purcha�in� - F & rt s_ DEPARTI,IEMT�Y - . �7�J� �J Willism E Peter �ONTACT . 298-4115 PHONE vQ � - �r v J une 20 19 83 [�TE='� ` •` ��� � �:.� �. (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): , R�GEIVED f: ., ,.. . Department Di�e�'t�:�; : � �: , .. �)- � � . . . ' . .. .... . . v�\.��. � � ,�.!V V �%� � /Ma�yor _,._ RECEIVED �lt�RS OFFICE .. . ,. ; .. _ . . . . . .. or . � � :. ... _ , _ . -.. , _ . > .. �11.}� � ��-a ; 4 City Clerk� . _. . , _ , - , _ � OFF!C_ :(�F TNE DIfzECT t _ , r OR Budget Di rector DE�,�,R�i�,,1ENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGENiENT SERVICES What Will be Acha,eved by Ta�k�-ng A�tion on the Attached 1+��eria]s? (Purpose/Ratior��le): Amend Ordinance ��275928 to. .restructure Set-Aside Commi.ttee size and duties , to correct ope'rati�onal deficienci�s �=, � ... , ,. . ;: �,, , . : ` . Draft attac°her1� .��tezn �kI . , - , , . .. .. :. . � - , _ . � . _ Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None _ . _ . t i.':^ ., :�.. , = � � �, _ . , . � . � . .. � � � .. . . .. . ...t r.-.� �' . _ - .. �.., � ;• � . . Funding SourCe"ai�i�'`�u�fitl A�tivity Nun�er Charged or Cre�ited: .. .:�a.+�il..� r4+� i. [..�i�1...... a . .. v, � l _ . .., . ... ... .,... .... .. ... .. . . - ' .. . , . None �.:: � �� ; . .. � , ; .,..t _, _, , ,. ; , ,,, Attachments CLis�` an� "I�um6er�all�Attac�iinents�`: � � ' � Item #1 - Suggested revisions to Ordinance ,1�27592`8'� M ' � ' + ` , ,. � ,. . . , :;; ,>;,`�, , ;,.; t ..� Item ��2 - Recommendations"t`a'`�mpravi��'�'e�-Astde Pr'o�ram ` ; - . .,; � . ;, DEPARTMENT REVIEW � CI�Y ATTOItNEIf REVIEIJ Yes No Council Resolutian Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? .� ;� �. ` 'f � : , Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions) • ,,� ATTACHMENT �2 . � . ' ' � �;'� ��� � . •`„��;..t _. _��'�� ..� ��,. . GTY OF SAINT PAUL � ��`�� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 1983 T0: Peter Hames 234 City Hall � FROM: Bill Peter � 233 City Hall . ItE: RECOMMENDATIONS TO IMPROVE SET-ASIDE PROGRAM � 1. Amend the Set-Aside Ordinance to re-structure the couQnittee. . a. Reduce the size from 15 to 7 members The mix of the 7 members should reflect those involved, 2 representing female businesses, 2 representing minority businesses, 2 representing small businesses, and 1 representing handicapped businesses. Committee members should be selected from the local small business community of the city and the county. Members should serve staggered three year tern�s to permit replacement of only 2, 2, and 3 individuals per year to enhance the continuity of the program. b. Permit the County to join the Program Earlier this year, the county adopted a similar Set-Aside Program and requested authority to utilize the City's committee providing some members represented the County. Present vacancies considered and the reduction of the committee size to 7 would offer an opportunity f or the County to recommend 3 names to the Mayor. After the initial vacancies are f illed, the County could recommend every third vacancy, since that ratio represents the approximate level of County participa- tion in the total buys of the Joint Purchasing Office. c. Change the duties of the committee Procurement Specislists will receive applications, review applicants, and immediately notify the applicant of approval or rejection. Upon the request of an aggrieved vendor, the committee will conduct hearings in accordance with Council Resolution 275745 to review the actions of the Procurement Specialists. The Purchasing office will provide staff assistance to the committee and will record the actions of the committee in a timely manner. d. Eliminate the sub-committee structure Reducing the size of the committee to 7 members should enable the committee to interact better in resolving disputes. Sub-committees would not be needed. � . _ � , � � _ ��r,������q , � /�0�.�7 2. The implementation process � _ - a. Prospective vendor f ills out the existing application form, schedules an interview, and� brings the application to the Purchasing off ice, rather than sending it in. b. An in-depth interview is conducted by a Procurement Specialist: To verify application responses To verify status claimed To determine the ability to perf orm To clarify goods or services offered To introduce applicant to buying procedures • To record greater detail on application for more descriptive cataloguing and product or service reference To inform applicant of acceptance or rejection. ' 3. Interview Process a. The interview will be structured on standard authorized questions to observe and verify applicants responses. • b. All interview responses will be documented, signed by the applicant, and recorded with the original application data in the Set-Aside File of potential vendors maintained in the Purchasing off ice. 4. Rejection process a. Any applicant not meeting the requirements of the Ordinance will be rejected. b. Any rejected vendor may file a written appeal to the Committee. c. Purchasing will forward all rejected applications including information gather during the interview and comments to the Committee within 5 days after the interview. 5. Final reports on appeals before the Committee a. Will be posted in the Purchasing office. b. Will be distributed via Purchasing Newsletter. c. Will be attached to Set-Aside Directory. d. Will be forwarded with new Set-Aside applications. � � ' . ' �'�f���� w ' . � y� � 6. Re-certif ication proces.s • . � a. Purchasing will annually request that each registered Set-Aside Business verify the print out of their recorded status currently on file. b. No response from the Set-Aside Business is an automatic removal from the program. c. The Set-Aside Business finding incorrect information on the print out will be required to f ile a new application for review and approval as 2a above. 7. Certif ication will be accepted from other agencies, but an interview will be conducted in the Purchasing office by a Procurement Specialist. 8. Applications and other registration information will be freely distributed between and among other governmental agencies in the metropolitan area in an attempt to standardize and minimize duplication of eff ort on the part of staff and vendors. WEP/mw/7a ,, ..ti ATTACHMENT #2 � •� • „_ - ������'L. . . � - s ,';�„ .�. .r ?i.1� .,,,� . � 7o r�7 . CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 1983 � T0: Peter Hames 234 city gaii ' FROM: Bill Peter � 233 City Hall . �tE: RECOMMENDATIONS TO II�ROVE SET—ASIDE PROGRAM � 1. Amend the Set—Aside Ordinance to re—structure the coa�ittee. . a. 8educe the size from 15 to 7 members The mix of the 7 members should refiect those involved, 2 representing female businesses, 2 representing minority businesses, 2 representing emall businesses, and 1 representing handicapped businesses. Committee members should be selected from the local small business . community of the city and the county. Members should serve staggered three qear texms to permit replacement of only 2, 2, and 3 individuals per year to enhance the continuity of the program. b. Permit the County to join the Program Earlier this year, the county adopted a similar Set-Aside Program and requested suthority to utilize the City's committee providing some members represented the County. Present vacancies considered and the reduction of the committee size to 7 would offer aa opportunity f or the County to recommend 3 names to the Mayor. After the initial vacancies are f illed, the County could reconmend every third vacancy, since that ratio represents the approximate level of County participa- tion in the total buys of the Joint Purchasing Off ice. c. Change the duties of the committee Procurement Specialists will receive applications, review applicants, and immediately notify the applicant of approval or rejection. Dpon the request of an aggrieved vendor, the committee will conduct hearings in accordance with Council Resolution 275745 to review the actions of � the Procurement Specialists. The Purchasing office will provide staff assistance to the committee and will record the actions of the committee in a timely manner. d. Eliminate the sub-cammittee atructure Reducing the size of the committee to 7 members should enable the committee to interact better in resolving disputes. Sub-committees would not be needed. , . , � �,���T��� , . � /70��1 2. The implementation process � - -� a. Prospective vendor fills out the existing application form, schedules an interview, and` brings the application to the Purchasing office, rather than sending it in. b. An in-depth interview is conducted by a Procurement Specialist: To verify application responses To verify status claimed To determine the ability to perf orm To clarify goods or services offered To introduce applicant to buying procedures • To record greater detail on application for more descriptive cataloguing and product or service reference To inform applicant of acceptance or rejection. ' 3. Interview Process a. The interview will be structured on standard authorized questions to observe snd verify applicants responses. . b. All interview responses will be documented, signed by the applicant, and recorded with the original application data in the � Set-Aside File of potential vendors maintained in the Purchasing off ice. 4. Rejection process a. Any applicant not meeting the requirements of the Ordinance will be rejected. b. Any rejected vendor may file a written appeal to the Committee. c. Purchasing will f orward all rejected applications including information gather during the interview and comments to the Committee within 5 days after the interview. 5. Final reports on appeals before the Committee a. Will be posted in the Purchasing off ice. b. Will be distributed via Purchasing Newsletter. c. Will be attached to Set-Aside Directory. d. Will be forwarded with new Set-Aside applications. , . � • � � ��������� � � /7 0�'� 6. Re—certification proces.s • a. Purchasing will annually request that each registered Set—Aside Business verify the print out of their recorded status currently on file. b. No response from the Set—Aside Business is an automatic removal from the program. c. The Set—Aside Business f inding incorrect information on the print out will be required to file a new application for review and approval as 2a above. 7. Certification will be accepted from other agencies, but an interview will be conducted in the Purchasing office by a Procurement Specialist. 8. Applications and other registration information will be freely distributed between an� among other governmental agencies in the metropolitan area in an attempt to standardize and minimize duplication of effort on the part of staff and vendors. FiEP/mw/7a .,ti ATTACHIKENT �2 ' . � �,:,� �` `������� ...;�' � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL l��`�� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 1983 � T0: Peter flames 234 city aaii ' FROM: Bill Peter � 233 City Hall . �E: RECOMMENDATIONS TO I1�80VE SET-ASIDE PROGRAM ' 1. Amend the Set-Aside Ordinaace to re-structure the comanittee. . a. xeduce the size from 15 to 7 members The mix of the 7 members ehould reflect those involved, 2 repzesenting fe�ale businesses, 2 representing minority businesses, 2 representing small businesses, and 1 representing handicapped businesses. Committee members should be selected from the local small business . community of the city and the county. Members should serve staggered three year terms to permit replacement of only 2, 2, and 3 individuals per year to enhance the continuity of the program. b. Permit the County to join the Program Earlier this year, the county adopted a similar Set-Aside Program and requested authority to utilize the City's committee providing some members represented the County. Present vacancies considered and the reduction of the co�ittee size to 7 would offer an opportunity f or the County to recommend 3 names to the Mayor. After the initial . vacancies are f illed, the County could recoc�mend every third vacancy, since that ratio represents the approximate level of County participa- tion in the total buys of tt►e Joint Purchasing Office. c. Change the duties of the com�ittee Procurement Specialists will receive applications, review applicante, and immediately notify the applicant of approval or rejection. Dpon the request of an aggrieved vendor, the committee will conduct hearings in accordance vith Council xesolution 275745 to review the actions of the Procurement Specialists. The Purchasing office will provide staff assistance to the committee and will record the actions of the committee in a timely manner. d. Eliminate the sub-committee atructure Reducing the size of the committee to 7 membere should enable the committee to interact better in resolving disputes. Sub-committees would not be needed. . , . , � �,'����?�� - I 7 a�`� 2. The implementation process � - - a. Prospective vendor fills out the existing application form, schedules an interview, and' brings the application to the Purchasing off ice, rather than sending it in. b. An in-depth interview is conducted by a Procurement Specialist: To verify application responses To verify status claimed To determine the ability to perf orm To clarify goods or services offered To introduce applicant to buying procedures • To record greater detail on application for more descriptive cataloguing and product or service reference To inform applicant of acceptance or rejection. ' 3. Interview Process a. The interview will be structured on standard authorized questions to observe and verify applicants responses. • b. All interview responses will be documented, signed by the applicant, and recorded with the original application data in the Set-Aside File of potential vendors maintained in the Purchasing office. 4. Rejection process a. Any applicant not meeting the requirements of the Ordinance will be rejected. b. Any rejected vendor may file a written appeal to the Committee. c. Purchasing will forward all rejected applications including information gather during the interview and comments to the Committee within 5 days after the interview. 5. Final reports on appeals before the Committee a. Will be posted in the Purchasing off ice. b. Will be distributed via Purchasing Newsletter. c. Will be attached to Set-Aside Directory. d. Will be forwarded with new Set-Aside applications. . . . . ��� � ���� . l �o�� 6. Re-certification proces.s � a. Purchasing will annually request that each registered Set-Aside . � Business verify the print out of their recorded status currently on file. b. No response from the Set-Aside Business is an automatic removal from the program. c. The Set-Aside Business f inding incorrect information on the print out will be required to file a new application for review and approval as 2a above. 7. Certification will be accepted from other agencies, but an interview will be conducted in the Purchasing office by a Procurement Specialist. 8. Applications and other registration information will be freely distributed between and among other governmental agencies in the metropolitan area in an attempt to standardize and minimize duplication of eff ort on the part of staff and vendors. WEP/mw/7a ... ATTACHMENT �2 � , , � . .' ��� �� , ' � t'�u!!w :1 ����! .,;� ,=._. _F��'�9 . CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���`� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 1983 � T0: Peter Hames 234 city flaii ' FROM: Bill Peter � 233 City Hall . 1tE: RECOMMENDATIONS TO IMPROVE SET-ASIDE PROGRAM � 1. Amend the Set-Aside Ordinance to re-structure the committee. . a. 8educe the size from 15 to 7 members The mix of the 7 members ehould reflect those involved, 2 representing fesiale businesses, 2 representing minority businesses, 2 representing emall businesses, and 1 representing handicapped businesses. Committee members should be selected from the local 'small business . community of the city and the county. Members should serve staggered three qear tenns to permit replacement of only 2, 2, and 3 individuals per year to enhance the continuity of the program. b. Permit the County to join the Program Earlier this year, the county adopted a similar Set-Aside Program and requested suthority to utilize the City's committee providing some members represented the County. Present vacancies considered aad the reduction of the committee size to 7 would offer 8a opportunity f or the County to recommend 3 names to the Mayor. After the initial vacancies are f illed, the County could reconmend every third vacancy, since that ratio represents the approximate level of County participa- tion in the total buys of the Joint Purchasing Office. c. Change the duties of the committee Yrocurement Specislists will receive applications, review applicants, and immediately aotify the applicant of approval or rejection. �pon the request of an aggrieved vendor, the committee will conduct hearings in accordance with Council Resolution 275745 to review the actions of � the Procurement Specialists. The Purchasing office will provide staff assistance to the committee and will record the actions of the committee in a timely manner. d. Eliminate the sub-committee structure xeducing the size of the committee to 7 members should enable the committee to interact better in resolving disputes. Sub-committees would not be needed. . . . . . . ������ - " � . /�a�� 2. The implementation process . -� a. Prospective vendor f ills out the existing application form, schedules an interview, and' brings the application to the Purchasing off ice, rather than sending it in. b. An in-depth interview is conducted by a Procurement Specialist: To verify application responses To verify status claimed To determine the ability to perf orm To clarify goods or services offered To introduce applicant to buying procedures . To record greater detail on application for more descriptive cataloguing and product or service reference To inform applicant of acceptance or rejection. ' 3. Interview Process a. The interview �vill be structured on standard authorized questions to observe and verify applicants responses. • b. All interview responses will be documented, signed by the applicant, and recorded with the original application data in the Set-Aside File of potential vendors maintained in the Purchasing office. 4. Rejection process a. Any applicant not meeting the requirements of the Ordinance will be rejected. b. Any rejected vendor may f ile a written appeal to the Committee. c. Purchasing will forward all rejected applications including information gather during the interview and comments to the Committee within 5 days after the interview. 5. Final reports on appeals before the Committee a. Will be posted in the Purchasing office. b. Will be distributed via Purchasing Newsletter. c. Will be attached to Set-Aside Directory. d. Will be �orwarded with new Set-Aside applications. , . , s . � . ,,. `������� . • . � �a�� 6. Re-certification proces.s � a. Purchasing will annually request that each registered Set Aside . �� Business verify the print out of their recorded status currently on file. b. No response from the Set-Aside Business is an automatic removal from the program. c. The Set-Aside Business f inding incorrect information on the print out will be required to f ile a new application for review and approval as 2a above. 7. Certification will be accepted from other agencies, but an interview will be conducted in the Purchasing office by a Procurement Specialist. 8. Applications and other registration information will be freely distributed between and among other governmental agencies in the metropolitan area in an attempt to standardize and minimize duplication of effort on the part of staff and vendors. WEP/mw/7a ' � ' � �- � �f'o�� 9 ' CITY OP` SAINT P.E�.UL 17��"'�J � ������,_ ' OFFZCE OF Z`HI� CITY COIINCYL ' -ff!�l��Y�9��f '•'�'�=�'= � Au ust 29, 1983 Ddte ; g COMMtTT � E RE PORT TO = Sqint PQU 1 Cifiy Councit FR� � = Corn�irtee Oh LEGISLATION CH A 1 R : COUNCILMAN JOHN GALLES Council file #280669 - An ordinance amending Section 81.02 of the Administrative Code relating to purchasing from set-aside businesses; providing for a set- aside� business committee of seven rather than 15 members ; changing the committee structure and duties. Legisl;ation corranittee recommends approval . �-- _ �-_ _ __ ,, � . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �$+. � . � .. � � -� i�� 2nd f � l� C� � lst - 3rd 1 � ,/ 11 I��3 Adopted �d ��/ 'O '3 , Yeas Nays FLETCHER [���� ,.._. _���9 . GALLES � �7Cj�-�J / / MASANZ NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO