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WHITE - GITV CLE�iK COUflCII �i��� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L ���+v CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Counc 'l Reso tion , Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WSEREAS, the Sussell Company, Inc. has submitted the attached proposed Registered Land Survey for City Council approval; and WHEREAS, the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and Public Works and the Ramsey County Surveyor have reviewed the attached survey on the south side of Como Avenue between Stella and Cathlin Streets, described as Tract A and Tract B of the attached Registered Land Survey= and WHEREAS, the proposed Registered Land Survey meets the requirements of Section 67.500 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this Registered Land Survey. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher � In Favor Masanz Nicosia .saw.i� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN 2 3 1983 Form Approved i to Certified P s d y Counc' Se ry BY Bs' / �p �I, j � � �T A ro vor. Date �UN 2 `* ��o� Approved �r Submis on to Counci PP � � E BY `� PUBLISNED JUL 21983 � , /f�1J�3� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of Sussell Company, Inc. for a Registered Land Survey on the south side of Como Avenue between Stella and Cathlin Streets on June 23, 1983, at 10:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall . A1 Olson City C1erk City of St. Paul (June 11, 1983) � �-- =; .._ �-.--< - . c�� _ '�� _ `-' �.., � r y� c m �� v � �-n �.. '�.,� �= '-� c-; r:. : , , � - � 28U51'� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ; The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of Sussell Company, Inc. for a Registered Land Survey on the south side of Como Avenue between Stella and Cathlin Streets on June 23, 1983, at 10:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall . A1 Olson City Clerk City of St. Paul .S�nf �v C�.t`, G/erk G/g/g3 �o be �,D cc6/!s!�ed ��//�B3 . PED _ DEPARTt•1ENT , d �"��� LINDA DICKHUT CONTAC7 7494. ext. 294 PHONE � 6/10/83 DATE ��v� � - (Routing and Explanati� Sheet) Assign Number for Rout�ng Order (Clip All Locations for Mia�yoral Signature): partment Di rector . . City Attorney Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Must receive by June 16, 1983. Budget Di r�ector What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Implementation of subdivision regulations reqarding lot splits. Safeguard against creation of substandard/unbuildable lots. City Council hearing required. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel In�acts MticiQated: Fee of $20.00 to cover administrative costs. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nu�er Char9ed or Credited: General Fund Attachments (List and Nun�er all Attachments) : 1 . City Council Resolution 2. Copy of Registered Land Survey on the south side of Como Ave. between Stella and Cathlin. . 3. Copy of legal notice that was published June 11 , 1983. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Requtred? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (SPe RPVprse Sidp for 'Instructions) . ���3� - -- - -- . .�. '� xdh4Eat�t�tvst�'�ta�rwr�. ,�. .-, r - T9e'$�qt iMLki?IL7 C4uoeH wU1 cortdl�st 4. : ��'�L W1.mqti�sr.the-ieqye�{ ot ��*x�ii�aa tot a�terM y�nd �W�+ !he 1�th��t�o*v�ue ! bet�neoA�etla}�q��A��ar►� Cth'�- , ALDSATH.oLSOx . � .. Ctbcksk �Gf,roi$tPaul W�11,1� t , _ � _-,-=�- .__�._.._ R �G�ST�RED LAND SV RvEY No, I , �Jan�c�ti II . Par�ker , Rc:�i�tered Land Sur��e��or, her•ebti� certii�v that in accordance witli the }�rc�v� Cha�:�tc,i° :,0�; , n.�iinnes���ta St�.tute� of 19�9, as �n�enciPd , I ha��� surve�-ed the f<�11o�ving describccl ' lanci in thc C��uut�� of' Ra.msey , Statc� of 1linnesota : All c�t Lot 27 in Block 6 anci Lots 1 a.nd 2 in �lock 7 , and those �ortic>ns of L��t� in 5aiu ,�loc� k G . Lc�t 3 in Block 7 Iots 2� . "l . �2 . ?^ �� � � � � � � ,> . � 1 . Z� , 26 , 27 , Zb , in Flc�r.k 12 , all i Anthc�n�- �?�r�; , and c�F the �-acat�E�d a.venu�� and �,11e,y�, ad.j���inin� t�.he above descriLi�d land and lyi�1F; within th� i�ollowing described boundary lines : C�mmencin�; at a point in tt�e sou�therly� l.ine c�f C��mo �lvenue ��est ciistant 9G lect rneasured a t, ri gi�t angl es , f rc�m a northerly �xt�nsi�n oi� the east. 1 ine of Lot 2 , �lock Ci �f' sai Anthc�n�� Pal�k ; thenee s��uth al.c�n�; a line iiereinaftep re�ferrcd ta as Line "A" par�l_lel ��i.th 5ai erlt� c�xtc�nsi��n c, (.� t:he ea5t linc� c�f s��.id Lc�t 2 and ��arallel ��:ith the east lin� e>i 5aid Lot ? , a c�f ;i50 feet tc, th�� t.ri.ie p�>int of bec;inni_n� ; thence to the ri.hlzt turning an an�;le c�f JO de�r�� distancc� c, f 2�15 Ceet to a point in a ] ine hereinafter referrecl tu a5 LinE_� "f3" wnich li_nc is a 1 iile fr��m th�� n����-thcast cornel� of Lo�t 1 , L'lock 12 c�f sai.d St. . Anttiony Par�k , prodt�zc.ed south��est thrc�u�;h ihe last de�cribed point ; th��nr.� ci�ntinuing south�:�esterl,y alon� saic� T;ine "�3" prod�ace uestez°lt- tu a ����>int� in the westerlv production of the sc�ut:h line ��t the vacated alley in �lc�ek said St. . ,autt�<�n�- P��,rk ; thE�n�c� �asi;erly al��ng saici last describecl x�rodueed line and �i��; squthe r:>P saict � �acated �� ] Ic�y Lo � p<.>int ����� int.c�r�ection zt�ith the sr�ut.herly prc�ducti��n of s<�id Line "A theilcr� n��rt:i���rl�� ;zlc,n� s�iicl I�inc� "�A" pr•�duc�d tc� tk�E�r. tru�� ;:�c�i►lt oi be�;i_nnin�; . and lal_ 1 c�:f L,ots I9 , 20 , 21 in Bloc�k 7 , L�>ts 1 , 2 , 3 , �� , arld 1J , in L31o��k i� , ai��d ttic>s< uf� L��t 1� � �Z L-' 1c�c i�. 7 , i,�>t� 5 , 17 , ancl 1_f� , in I31c�c1. 8 , L��tti 17 , 1_� , 19 , aiici 20 in 131<�c�k 12 anc� 1 vl��>�_h 17 . ,.i11 i�� �t . :�ntl;c�i��° P�a�,k , �ind of thF.� ��acat.ed streE�ts , avenueS and �� llc�5-s adj�,i.nin� thf d�sc:ri t�c�c1 I ;tnd ���ici 7 ��in�r ���i t-.t�i n the Pal lc�w�in�; de�cribF�cz b<;unuaz��- ? i ❑�s : � C��n��i�;��nc � n�; a.t a. �oint in th� souther•lq li.nc� of� C��rt�o ���e,�nuE, t�'est dist.a.nt �)F i�ee:�t v �����uLt�r�211�,t� t� ri ����ht �inz lc-s from a northF rl� cxtensi.on c�1' the ��4ist lir�e c,f s�i_ca Lot. 2 . �� , , � � li 1 c>�•}i G ; t ` r � nE� l�� tc�it�af�c-.1 reFerrc�d t:t�7 �.��; Lin� ��A" p,�rr_i11c1 ��tiitk�� .;�aicl n��>r��tl�ir�i•:1�� cxtensi���il <; t��l�t 1 tnc� , �i cii� L �ncc �>1� r3U, S) fec�t C�� thc�> LruE: pc�i.nt c�f b��>�;i.rini,��;�: : th��i�cE- t« ti�c ri;�ht ttit�riic �,f S�t� ����z,�'c���� �� dl:;t���ncc� ��1� ;,l]_ . ;, I�eE�t t�� ,a. �roint ; LtiE:�n��E� s�.�utt� alr,n:>� a ] iut� ,�:ir��l i lE� l �t�itil �i :- �,i•�,ciu�� �t i�>n „ f �;.iid Linc�� "�1" tc; �� }�c�in1: �ii1 tt;e �ves�Ler�l��� l�z°��ciuctic?r� c�1 t,iic� 5c�uti� liile ��� (' ����c<:� t.c.�cl � `;tr��c�t. ii; �<�iu St �tirit,hon�- I�<lrl� ; t�iF��nc�c, southea.s�erl�� ��lc�n� � � , ,�ii� 5��i� d �ti�estF r•7� S� ,?rr,>du� t iun s��ia „ (� �.�,i<��i l ����i 1_ lCit����u ' � `�'''--� .� �TrE�c�t a clitit��n��cr ��L' �,, r f�t_•et: to ,� pc�lnt , tt�cncE= n��rtt�E�.i.:;tc�t- 1�- ;�.� clist��tr�c�: 1 � et t<� <t �:�, inL in �i �<�utiic�z-l�� ���rc�cluc�ti�>n ���t s�:i.ct Linc�� "It�� c�ist ���t�t -10F; 3 I�ec�t Cr��,n�� tFle tru�, j,�>j i���z.;innint, r�:���� �;u��E �i ��1�>n�;� sa � ci snut,t:c�rl,y- �>r�uductic�u ��l I�ine ".'1" ; thE��ncF�� r�c>rth •��l��n„; saici sc�uthc f�r•c�ciurt. � �>�, <>f 1_,inE "_;" a. ci� st,:;nc:e of �10G; :; f�eet t« ttic� truE� ��oi_n � ���1' l�f�r�,i_r�ilirl�;� . and 7 i �_�+� i:c��t ; �1 , 3� ��nd ,;3 a.rid t11��5E� portions ��;f L��ts '�'7, `;�>�, '�c� c>t� L��i. l , }��_�,c�: G ii� � t, . �1nth��ny P��.rk and of' tt�c vacated ., �„_, �� , ;30 , and "31 in bloc • ..��-ci1ti: . , ,tr�d �iLle� s adjc�,inin�; tl�E� abovc �l<�-�s��rii�<•�_I lz�nd l�.in�� «�itl��in thf� l�ollc����in� boundarz� lines . Le��;innin�r at <i Z�c�ir�t in Lhe s�uthE�rl C:<��u�> :'��-F-nur �1<:���t, �listant, JG fc��et wE�;;t , m�asured at ri_��ht kn�-�7es , i�ri�m a nr>rthc>r.�Iy �:�tension of iine �� C l,�� t :,' , Ll�,c�k (;; oi� said Ut . �nt.l�on�� Fark ; �thcncc soutl� par�� l .l��l �vitt� s��iu izot�tl�c�r•15� c_�xt �th�> c�.is�t Iin� r:,P <;�� id L�>�, 2 and ��ar•111�1 wi�tl� tli� e�+st lii�e ��� 5aid I��. `> , � � � u a c..ist �.n�c�� t��C 3�0 �fc� � thE��uce tc> the ri�;ht. turninp� �n an�l� c�f �0 dc��;�rees � disttinc.��- �,f >4i� fE�.c� t ; tl�enc� nc,i•therl�- al� �iraihtic line to t.l�c ti�rthc�ast corner of L<�t 1 , Iilock 1: of Si:� . Anthc�n�� �ark ; th�nce ca.st �� l��ug 5�?u t ti<�r-1�- 1 inF� o�f� Comc�, ?1��enue «'est to the place o:P hE�;�inn i n�; . and ,'�11 tl�a�t p�rc ��.f thE� �f��l lc�«-int descril�ed pr��r��rt�- : r�ll <�f L ->c:; 1 ' , ;; , .� , � , � . 7 , g � . lO , ll , and 12 , and tl�c�se pcart,� i�ns c�f Lc�t's 13 , 14 , 19 , 20 , '�'1 , �2 `�'3 . � '�E� , 2�r . `��; , �'�) and �;0 , i_n Block l� i ri 5t . �uth�n�� Park , - ��cij���inii�i�; the� a1��>�-c�� de�cri}�ed land 1 �in�r � and c,>f t:t�f� �-acatE�d avc�nu��s ,:tnd a11 ��y } �, cvithin thE. i�o1lo�.cin;; k��und�tr�� li��s : C.c.�inmcnctn�, a.1 ii�i tlle S�,u�tt�erl} l. inc r,t' C��m�> At��E_�nue distant �G feet �Nest , rueasur�d a � riF�t�t �.zn�;l�:s , frc�m ,.i c��tensic�n �>I� thc� last linc� c�f L��t 2 , v1c>��k 6 c�f � � S� - � thenee Sol.�tf�i p��.ra ] lf ���� d ti'c�rtlic�i-7 � c��tcn��i.r�n i>t tt�e 1;�.�st line ��f ��iicl St . �nt.�on Pax•h , � .�.�U f�F��t ; tl�euce to tl7e ri ��h��aid Liat � �n�l �-»,r�z:llel ��ith the Z��.�;t ]. inc, c� C s � a clistat��cc� ���f ^� � � � �., turt�i_n�; an �tn>;7F� �� n�i.ntl- ae�:rcE�S . �� d� �;t�i�t;c �fcet : th��nc_�:� ,�c�r�h��i°�1y- al�n�; a strG�_i�ht line , hc�t°eina�t't�r referred t�> as Li.nE� "�1" , tc� t.l�e ��c c�,rnc�r of 5,1i �1 i,��t ! I31�>ck 12 �f said St . Anthon,y� Park , �,rlaich ��uii�t is �tt�ic� t� r�.ir� ,;� ,; ��l ttiF� lancl bei �s- �+� �i��ribed; t�•,��n�,�� Sr,u�Chwest�rl�� a�l��n�� said Liite ":1" and s«id Lincnt c>.f��r� S�,ut11��;���tc��-] �- t�, n 1,c:;tc�r•ly prc�ductic�n oP the S�uth linc_� c>f ti�c� � acatc�ci .illc,� ir� r;lc:cl: 7 c�f� :1nt�_i���il�� I�ar•h : thenc•-e �tic��tc�1�1.� �alc�n� 1a�t mPntioti�d j,'estc�r�.ly� }��;�•�,c1u�;�c] lirrc: t�� a ;��,i��t in �� i ��,ar,illel �.vi th ��lid di5�tant; �0 fe�t South�a.sterl.y , �r,�;ast�red at ;�i_�ht ��.r��;lE�s , frc��� t,he ��LStc�rl.5- c,f� I�l��c�lc 1:> in :��� icZ St. . Anth��ny Park and a Northr�rly� prc�cltactsc_�n �,: r;;�i �l I'::�stF�rl �� Y�lc�ck liT��ea ; .��>��t;���4L�te1•l �� �� l ��n;� lrY_s�t menti<�ned para.11el linE , t�ereinal"t��r rcat'�:rr���d t�� as Lin<� "�" , t��� �t:fl �nutl�c��r•] �� 1ii�E� ���,f sa�id Cc,n��� r',venc��e ; thencc� No.rthca.ste:r]_y �21r�n�r thc ;�c�uti��t��rly� �ine �aY 5<� � u C: _�:�=r-�nuE�� Ln tt�t_� t,i�•t�e l�c,i.ilt c[' beg�i.nnin�; ; ��i� i � l� I ie� `�c;utherl ., c� C t;h�: l �,ll<��,in�: desr. ri.bc�d li.ne : C�,,,�n:�c�n�� i n�; ;� t Lui_� � ntc,r�F�cti��n t�f sai d L,inc "!1" v;i. th �t�hc:� �t�E�ster�•1 �� c��;tc�nsic,n <�1� t I��c S<>t�t.l� 1 i_n ���t� �.itf�ci �� 7 lf��� in I�1�,ck 7 �>f �;,�iid St . AnthonS� P���^k ; t.het7<�e� �;<�rthc�rl�� �il��n�� �aiu Lin<�� ",1" a ci �, i 1 ;�(> > f���t �tr� t�li<:� p<_�int of bE��ginning: oi' tl�e linc:� t�o l,�c� d�>�;c.i°ll�c�d ; thEnce S'�f���s�terl �� �it. r.�i �;11L t�, �:ai �i Lii��� ' ;�" t:�> au intersecti��n ���itl� saici Line "F3,' anu tl��>>-t� tei•n�in�iCinr�: . R �G15'1��R.�� L ,AN � SV R.v �Y N0 , 'ih�.�t thc� sur�-r� sh�>w�n herc<�n i� a correc,t del ine�t.ic�n of s<�iid sui°ve,y- , this cl�i.y c�Y 1��� -- � - Jarne� II . P;�rkc�r , Land Sur��e��or ':iinnesota Re;i.�tratic�n �<� . J'?�5 STE1Ti: OF 1��IIv�ti�ESOTA COL,'NTl' OF HE:1NI�.PIiv Tl�e Sur�-c���or ' s Cert i f'icat� u�as subscribec� at�d sworn to before me , a Notary Fubl ic , this day �� , 195 ------------------- � �<>tar•�� Public , Iiennepin Count}- , 1�ti�lnes�?t�l � �1y Cc�nin;i�siun Lx��ires � A��prc����d ��nu accE:pted b�� the Ci t�� Cc�unci l of' the Ci t�� of St . Paul , ,14innesc�ta , thi� day �f' , 195 C 1 e r k - --- -- Pursuant to Cha}�ter 7 , ",�inr�e5c�ta La�i�S of l�)7G, thi s Register�d Land Surver has k�e�i� re�°i.ewed ��i�d appi•��veci, this cla5- oi' , 198 a.nd the eonditions of ",finnesc�ta Statut�:s , Sc�ction 50� . 03 , Subdi��isi�>n 2 t�a.ve been f'ulfilled. F. R. I�v i d c:�r a - -- ----- -- Actin�;� R��.msej- Count�- Surve����r No delinquent taxes and tra.nsfer entered , this da�� c�t' , 198 Director By_ Deputy Department of Propert5� Taxation i Ite�;istrar of Titles , Count�� of R�.msey , Sta.te of rqinnesota I hereby cert.ify that thi5 Registered Land Survey No. was filecl in thi:s office this dc � of , 198 , at c�'clock h4. , as Document No . �Y lleputy Eu�ene H. GibUons , Registrar of Titles � �Il��V�/�'C � SuZ-�ve�in�� ,�n�neertn� . 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