00-252ORIGI NAL RESJJLUTION OF Sr�iT PAUL, MINNESOTA PrescnCcd B,y: Referred To: .�-�..---�� w aested by De�tment of: Police � 1 Unitcd : Drug G� BGITF Willit�m YI11S �11'0, ), thxt the Saint Paul Police Department is nuthorized to enter into an agreement with thc ;s llepartment of' Justicc, Federal Bureau of Investigation Yo p:irticipate in an Orglnized xmcnt Taslc rorcq and TH�R RESOLV�D, that thc proper ciYy officials, including Saint Paul Police Chief nc,y, arc hcrcby authorized to execute such agreements as nre necessary to implement on bchtdf of thc City of Saiint Paul. Adoptcd by Adoption C By: .-�� B,y: I: Date: �,,,,.,_�� by Coancil Secrctary: By: ..../ ' ��� I+urm A�y�qved by By: 0 CouncilFite # OQ-�Se� Green Sheet # 104588 Committee:Date: Attorncy: 2-�-i I v� Approved by ayor for Submission to Council: B Y� __ �4=��^ "�'I!!�e ,,�`f�G�'/Gt'!`Z`-' — � 0 DEPARTMENT/OFFICEfCOUNCiL DA7E INITIATED � roi�� ai2aioo GREEN SHEET No. 104588 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INmAVDATE � INfiIALIDATE W111i2InFlilil0y 292-3588 1 DEPAItTMENfO1RECTOR i.r" $ cmcauxrn MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) W'�S �CrtYATfORNEY� ❑p{YCLEitK _ _ SENVICESWt `�- � - fWANCIpL5ERVIACCTG - - �M4YOR�OAASSISTANT) � �ynwriRIGMS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) • ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter 9nto an agreement with the United States Departrnent of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigauon. RECOMMENDATION ApPfOVe (A) of REj2C[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked undet a contract for this departmert'� PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has ihis personKrm ever been a city employee7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO � 3 Does this perSONfirtn possess a ski➢ not mrmally possesse0 6y any current ciry employee� YES NO 4. Is this personKrm a targeted vendoR YES NO � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to greea sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department wants to continue its participahon in the Organized Crime Dmg Enforcement Task Force. (Attached is a copy of the agreement with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Departrnent will participate in [he Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force and be reimbursed for overtime work on the task force. �, t ,. k M�.� �._ :,-_ : �.` DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED go �}�'�7 n - a . y . a�t3334�5 F'e�S'�2"e::tl �°°,s+:1i!sr �t' � ,. i'!.1..% None '�� � . . ; � �.,, e � E�' � � DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED + ° + -. ^�✓ L� � � 0.<i:i. ��b�a�''�si ve3;t �Q The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in the Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force. a � � � ���� ���30 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ see the attached agreement COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UIIIYB(1 ,SY3Y05 DCP3LfII10Ilt Of JUSYlCO AC7IVITY NUMBER CiOQli 70VCIIU8 t0 0410� FINANCIAL WFORMA710N (EXPLAIN) �j ORGANIZED CRINiE DRUG. ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES Agreement FOR THE USE OF THE STATE AND LOCAL OVERTIME AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE PROGRAM D�te of Request: 10 / 2 0/9 9 Feder.il Tax Identification #: 41- 6 0 0- 5 5 21 Amount Requested: UO - a.S � � OCDETE Investigation Number: GL-MNN-081 g 1U,000.00 of Officers Listed: 2 Federal Agency [�4e�5u'qa 51114 . Number: � Fmm: 10/O1/99 - Beginning Aate of Agreement To: 09/30/00 Endin Date of A reement State or Loctil Agency Conmct Person: Lt. Kenneth Reed Telephone Number: � 651 ) 292 Sponsoring Federal Agency(ies): State or Local Agency Nume and Address: ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT 100 East llth Street ST, PAUL, MN 55101 Federal Bureau of Investigation This agreement is between the above named State or tocal law enforcement agency and Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. This agreement shalt be effective when signed by an authorized State or local agency ofYicial, the sponsoring Federai Agency Special Agent-In- Charge and Agency OCDETF Coordinator, and [he Assistant United States Attorney OCDETF Coordinator. 1. It is agreed that the State or local law enforcement officers named on this agreement will assist in Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force investigations and prosecutions as set forth i� the Oreanize� Crime DruQ p f r.mrnr Tack F�rce Guidelines, November 1997. 2. The State/local law enforcement agency agrees to provide experienced drug faw enforcement officers who are identified in this agreement to work on the specified OCDETF investigatioa. Any change in law enforcement officers assigned must be agreed to by all approving officials. Agreement (Jan. 99). Paga I. 00 _ �,s 1 3. O£ficers who are not deputized shall possess no law enforcement authority other than that conferred by virtue o£ their position as a co ned__o#fi�e� og �};�}� - agency. 4. Of£icers who are deputized may possess Federal law enforcement authority as specified by the agency af£ording the deputation. 5. Any State o£ local officers assigned to an OCDETF investigation in accordance with this Agreement are not considered Federal Employees and do not take on the benefits of Federal employment by virtue of their participation in the investigation 6. The OCDETF and the sponsoring Federal law enforcement agency(ies) for the approved OCDETF investigation will provide to assigned State/local officer(s) the cl=rical, operational and administrative support that is mutually agreed to by the parties of this Agreement. 7. The U.S. Department oP Justice will reimburse the agency for approved overtime costs and authorized travel and per diem expenses for 1aw en£orcement o££icers assigned to the speci£ied OCDETF investigation. The Agency is responsible for paying its employees £or their overtime, travel and per diem expenses. To ensure proper and complete utilization of OCDETF overtime and expense allocations, reimbursement claims must be submitted monthly on the OCDETE Reimbursement Request Form. Analysis of reimbursement claims by the Task Force may result in a modification of the obligation of funds contained within this Agreement as well as the time period covered. The Agency affected by any such modification will be telephonically advised at least (30) days in advance with follow-up confirmation in writing. Overtime payments, in any event, may not, on an annual per person basis, exceed 25� o£ the current GS-10, Step 1 Federal salary rate in effect at the time the overtime is performed. The Great Lakes R=qion has set a cap on reimbursements at $772.02 per State/local 1aw enforcement o£ficer/per month. The State/looal agency is responsible for ensuring that this annual/monthly payment is not exceeded. The field o£fice of the sponsoring Federal agency and the Eederal Agency OCDETF Coordinator will also monitor these payments. 8. In no event will the State/local Agency charge any indirect costs £or the administration or impl=mAntation of this Agreement. 9. The State/local agency shall maintain complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions required by the OCDETF to facilitate inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. , � 00 -ZSa-- 10. The State/local Agency shall permit and have readily available for PY=**�;nation and auditing by representatives o£ the OCDETF, the s�onsorina F'eder agP_n_c�(' ) +z--- *, S H�F o -- 3ustice, the Comptroller General of the united States, and/or any o£ their duly authorized agents and representatives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expendi.tures relating to this agreement. In addition, the agency will maintain all such foregoing reports and records until all audits and examinations are completed and resolved, or for a period of six (6) years after termination o£ this agreement, whichever is sooner. 11. The State/local agency will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act oP 1964 and all requirements applicable to OCDETF agreements pursuant to the regulations of the Department of Justice (see, e_g., 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C and G; 28 C.F.R. 50.3 (1991) issued pursuant to Title �7I relating to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin or handicap. 12. This agreement may be termi.nated by any of the parties by written notice to the other parties thirty (30) days prior to termi.nation. Billing £or outstanding obligations shall be received by the OGDETF within thirty (30) days of the termination. This agreement is not a contract or obligation to commi.t Federal £unds in the maximum amounts projeated. Funding allocations for the time period set forth and agreed to herein represent projections only and are based upon consultation between the sponsoring Federal agency and the State or local law en£orce agency. They are, therefore, subject to modi£ication by the OCDE�sed upon the progress and needs of the OCDETF investi on. ` A ditlonally, resources are contingent on the availability f fund . 1_ . Approved By: W • Of£icial — Title � � Date APProved By: � / Sponsor' Fed r 1 Agency Special Agent in Charge Date Approved By: 5ponsoring Federal Agency OCDETF Coordinator Date Approved By: Assistant United States Attorney OCDETF Coordinator Date Funds are enenmbered for the State/local Agency overtime costs and authorized eacpenses specified above. Approved By: Director, Executive Office for OCDETF Date �r 00 _asa- ORGA1vIZED CRIME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES ZO�AL �AW � NT OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE STATE AND LOCAL OVERTIME AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE PROGRAM Sta[e or Local Agency: St. Paul Police Department OCDETF Investigation Number: 245D-MP-51114 The law enforcement officers listed below are provided to assist with ihe above identified OCDETF investigation. Any modification of the list of law enforcement officers must be agreed to in writing by all of the parties to this agreement, made a part of this agreement, and forwarded to the Executive Office for OCDETF. �A�jg TITi.E./R_ANK QQ� l, Thomas F Dunaski Sergeant 09/20/1944 2. Robert S Kosloske O£ficer 12/14/196� 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (If additionxt personne( are to be de�itizecl phota:opy t(us �xiga nncl inseR in Ihe reyuest.) Agrenment (Jxn. 99), Page 4, 4 � �� O� ���� Great Lakes Region OVERTIME COMPENSATION State or Local Agency• St. Paul Police Department OCDETF Investigation Number; GL -M N N-081 Federal Agency 245D-MP-51114 Investigation Number: The below listed officer(s), who are under Agreement with the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, understand and agree to comply with the following: Each officer is to be assigned fu11-time (E.G., 8 hours per days, 40 hours per week) to the above OCDETF investigation. Each officer is to work an'8 hour day on above OCDETF investigation prior to claiming overtime for that day. If an officer does not work 8 hours on above OCDETF investiqation, he/she is not entitled to overtime under this Agreement. '/'� �— � ��� z��.� � ,/� Tnomas F. Dunaski Sergeant � �� � ����— Robert J. Iosloske O£ficer i �-� Jv ate I-/9-o�� ORIGI NAL RESJJLUTION OF Sr�iT PAUL, MINNESOTA PrescnCcd B,y: Referred To: .�-�..---�� w aested by De�tment of: Police � 1 Unitcd : Drug G� BGITF Willit�m YI11S �11'0, ), thxt the Saint Paul Police Department is nuthorized to enter into an agreement with thc ;s llepartment of' Justicc, Federal Bureau of Investigation Yo p:irticipate in an Orglnized xmcnt Taslc rorcq and TH�R RESOLV�D, that thc proper ciYy officials, including Saint Paul Police Chief nc,y, arc hcrcby authorized to execute such agreements as nre necessary to implement on bchtdf of thc City of Saiint Paul. Adoptcd by Adoption C By: .-�� B,y: I: Date: �,,,,.,_�� by Coancil Secrctary: By: ..../ ' ��� I+urm A�y�qved by By: 0 CouncilFite # OQ-�Se� Green Sheet # 104588 Committee:Date: Attorncy: 2-�-i I v� Approved by ayor for Submission to Council: B Y� __ �4=��^ "�'I!!�e ,,�`f�G�'/Gt'!`Z`-' — � 0 DEPARTMENT/OFFICEfCOUNCiL DA7E INITIATED � roi�� ai2aioo GREEN SHEET No. 104588 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INmAVDATE � INfiIALIDATE W111i2InFlilil0y 292-3588 1 DEPAItTMENfO1RECTOR i.r" $ cmcauxrn MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) W'�S �CrtYATfORNEY� ❑p{YCLEitK _ _ SENVICESWt `�- � - fWANCIpL5ERVIACCTG - - �M4YOR�OAASSISTANT) � �ynwriRIGMS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) • ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter 9nto an agreement with the United States Departrnent of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigauon. RECOMMENDATION ApPfOVe (A) of REj2C[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked undet a contract for this departmert'� PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has ihis personKrm ever been a city employee7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO � 3 Does this perSONfirtn possess a ski➢ not mrmally possesse0 6y any current ciry employee� YES NO 4. Is this personKrm a targeted vendoR YES NO � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to greea sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department wants to continue its participahon in the Organized Crime Dmg Enforcement Task Force. (Attached is a copy of the agreement with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Departrnent will participate in [he Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force and be reimbursed for overtime work on the task force. �, t ,. k M�.� �._ :,-_ : �.` DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED go �}�'�7 n - a . y . a�t3334�5 F'e�S'�2"e::tl �°°,s+:1i!sr �t' � ,. i'!.1..% None '�� � . . ; � �.,, e � E�' � � DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED + ° + -. ^�✓ L� � � 0.<i:i. ��b�a�''�si ve3;t �Q The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in the Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force. a � � � ���� ���30 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ see the attached agreement COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UIIIYB(1 ,SY3Y05 DCP3LfII10Ilt Of JUSYlCO AC7IVITY NUMBER CiOQli 70VCIIU8 t0 0410� FINANCIAL WFORMA710N (EXPLAIN) �j ORGANIZED CRINiE DRUG. ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES Agreement FOR THE USE OF THE STATE AND LOCAL OVERTIME AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE PROGRAM D�te of Request: 10 / 2 0/9 9 Feder.il Tax Identification #: 41- 6 0 0- 5 5 21 Amount Requested: UO - a.S � � OCDETE Investigation Number: GL-MNN-081 g 1U,000.00 of Officers Listed: 2 Federal Agency [�4e�5u'qa 51114 . Number: � Fmm: 10/O1/99 - Beginning Aate of Agreement To: 09/30/00 Endin Date of A reement State or Loctil Agency Conmct Person: Lt. Kenneth Reed Telephone Number: � 651 ) 292 Sponsoring Federal Agency(ies): State or Local Agency Nume and Address: ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT 100 East llth Street ST, PAUL, MN 55101 Federal Bureau of Investigation This agreement is between the above named State or tocal law enforcement agency and Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. This agreement shalt be effective when signed by an authorized State or local agency ofYicial, the sponsoring Federai Agency Special Agent-In- Charge and Agency OCDETF Coordinator, and [he Assistant United States Attorney OCDETF Coordinator. 1. It is agreed that the State or local law enforcement officers named on this agreement will assist in Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force investigations and prosecutions as set forth i� the Oreanize� Crime DruQ p f r.mrnr Tack F�rce Guidelines, November 1997. 2. The State/local law enforcement agency agrees to provide experienced drug faw enforcement officers who are identified in this agreement to work on the specified OCDETF investigatioa. Any change in law enforcement officers assigned must be agreed to by all approving officials. Agreement (Jan. 99). Paga I. 00 _ �,s 1 3. O£ficers who are not deputized shall possess no law enforcement authority other than that conferred by virtue o£ their position as a co ned__o#fi�e� og �};�}� - agency. 4. Of£icers who are deputized may possess Federal law enforcement authority as specified by the agency af£ording the deputation. 5. Any State o£ local officers assigned to an OCDETF investigation in accordance with this Agreement are not considered Federal Employees and do not take on the benefits of Federal employment by virtue of their participation in the investigation 6. The OCDETF and the sponsoring Federal law enforcement agency(ies) for the approved OCDETF investigation will provide to assigned State/local officer(s) the cl=rical, operational and administrative support that is mutually agreed to by the parties of this Agreement. 7. The U.S. Department oP Justice will reimburse the agency for approved overtime costs and authorized travel and per diem expenses for 1aw en£orcement o££icers assigned to the speci£ied OCDETF investigation. The Agency is responsible for paying its employees £or their overtime, travel and per diem expenses. To ensure proper and complete utilization of OCDETF overtime and expense allocations, reimbursement claims must be submitted monthly on the OCDETE Reimbursement Request Form. Analysis of reimbursement claims by the Task Force may result in a modification of the obligation of funds contained within this Agreement as well as the time period covered. The Agency affected by any such modification will be telephonically advised at least (30) days in advance with follow-up confirmation in writing. Overtime payments, in any event, may not, on an annual per person basis, exceed 25� o£ the current GS-10, Step 1 Federal salary rate in effect at the time the overtime is performed. The Great Lakes R=qion has set a cap on reimbursements at $772.02 per State/local 1aw enforcement o£ficer/per month. The State/looal agency is responsible for ensuring that this annual/monthly payment is not exceeded. The field o£fice of the sponsoring Federal agency and the Eederal Agency OCDETF Coordinator will also monitor these payments. 8. In no event will the State/local Agency charge any indirect costs £or the administration or impl=mAntation of this Agreement. 9. The State/local agency shall maintain complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions required by the OCDETF to facilitate inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. , � 00 -ZSa-- 10. The State/local Agency shall permit and have readily available for PY=**�;nation and auditing by representatives o£ the OCDETF, the s�onsorina F'eder agP_n_c�(' ) +z--- *, S H�F o -- 3ustice, the Comptroller General of the united States, and/or any o£ their duly authorized agents and representatives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expendi.tures relating to this agreement. In addition, the agency will maintain all such foregoing reports and records until all audits and examinations are completed and resolved, or for a period of six (6) years after termination o£ this agreement, whichever is sooner. 11. The State/local agency will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act oP 1964 and all requirements applicable to OCDETF agreements pursuant to the regulations of the Department of Justice (see, e_g., 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C and G; 28 C.F.R. 50.3 (1991) issued pursuant to Title �7I relating to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin or handicap. 12. This agreement may be termi.nated by any of the parties by written notice to the other parties thirty (30) days prior to termi.nation. Billing £or outstanding obligations shall be received by the OGDETF within thirty (30) days of the termination. This agreement is not a contract or obligation to commi.t Federal £unds in the maximum amounts projeated. Funding allocations for the time period set forth and agreed to herein represent projections only and are based upon consultation between the sponsoring Federal agency and the State or local law en£orce agency. They are, therefore, subject to modi£ication by the OCDE�sed upon the progress and needs of the OCDETF investi on. ` A ditlonally, resources are contingent on the availability f fund . 1_ . Approved By: W • Of£icial — Title � � Date APProved By: � / Sponsor' Fed r 1 Agency Special Agent in Charge Date Approved By: 5ponsoring Federal Agency OCDETF Coordinator Date Approved By: Assistant United States Attorney OCDETF Coordinator Date Funds are enenmbered for the State/local Agency overtime costs and authorized eacpenses specified above. Approved By: Director, Executive Office for OCDETF Date �r 00 _asa- ORGA1vIZED CRIME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES ZO�AL �AW � NT OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE STATE AND LOCAL OVERTIME AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE PROGRAM Sta[e or Local Agency: St. Paul Police Department OCDETF Investigation Number: 245D-MP-51114 The law enforcement officers listed below are provided to assist with ihe above identified OCDETF investigation. Any modification of the list of law enforcement officers must be agreed to in writing by all of the parties to this agreement, made a part of this agreement, and forwarded to the Executive Office for OCDETF. �A�jg TITi.E./R_ANK QQ� l, Thomas F Dunaski Sergeant 09/20/1944 2. Robert S Kosloske O£ficer 12/14/196� 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (If additionxt personne( are to be de�itizecl phota:opy t(us �xiga nncl inseR in Ihe reyuest.) Agrenment (Jxn. 99), Page 4, 4 � �� O� ���� Great Lakes Region OVERTIME COMPENSATION State or Local Agency• St. Paul Police Department OCDETF Investigation Number; GL -M N N-081 Federal Agency 245D-MP-51114 Investigation Number: The below listed officer(s), who are under Agreement with the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, understand and agree to comply with the following: Each officer is to be assigned fu11-time (E.G., 8 hours per days, 40 hours per week) to the above OCDETF investigation. Each officer is to work an'8 hour day on above OCDETF investigation prior to claiming overtime for that day. If an officer does not work 8 hours on above OCDETF investiqation, he/she is not entitled to overtime under this Agreement. '/'� �— � ��� z��.� � ,/� Tnomas F. Dunaski Sergeant � �� � ����— Robert J. Iosloske O£ficer i �-� Jv ate I-/9-o�� ORIGI NAL RESJJLUTION OF Sr�iT PAUL, MINNESOTA PrescnCcd B,y: Referred To: .�-�..---�� w aested by De�tment of: Police � 1 Unitcd : Drug G� BGITF Willit�m YI11S �11'0, ), thxt the Saint Paul Police Department is nuthorized to enter into an agreement with thc ;s llepartment of' Justicc, Federal Bureau of Investigation Yo p:irticipate in an Orglnized xmcnt Taslc rorcq and TH�R RESOLV�D, that thc proper ciYy officials, including Saint Paul Police Chief nc,y, arc hcrcby authorized to execute such agreements as nre necessary to implement on bchtdf of thc City of Saiint Paul. Adoptcd by Adoption C By: .-�� B,y: I: Date: �,,,,.,_�� by Coancil Secrctary: By: ..../ ' ��� I+urm A�y�qved by By: 0 CouncilFite # OQ-�Se� Green Sheet # 104588 Committee:Date: Attorncy: 2-�-i I v� Approved by ayor for Submission to Council: B Y� __ �4=��^ "�'I!!�e ,,�`f�G�'/Gt'!`Z`-' — � 0 DEPARTMENT/OFFICEfCOUNCiL DA7E INITIATED � roi�� ai2aioo GREEN SHEET No. 104588 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INmAVDATE � INfiIALIDATE W111i2InFlilil0y 292-3588 1 DEPAItTMENfO1RECTOR i.r" $ cmcauxrn MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) W'�S �CrtYATfORNEY� ❑p{YCLEitK _ _ SENVICESWt `�- � - fWANCIpL5ERVIACCTG - - �M4YOR�OAASSISTANT) � �ynwriRIGMS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) • ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter 9nto an agreement with the United States Departrnent of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigauon. RECOMMENDATION ApPfOVe (A) of REj2C[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked undet a contract for this departmert'� PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has ihis personKrm ever been a city employee7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO � 3 Does this perSONfirtn possess a ski➢ not mrmally possesse0 6y any current ciry employee� YES NO 4. Is this personKrm a targeted vendoR YES NO � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to greea sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department wants to continue its participahon in the Organized Crime Dmg Enforcement Task Force. (Attached is a copy of the agreement with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Departrnent will participate in [he Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force and be reimbursed for overtime work on the task force. �, t ,. k M�.� �._ :,-_ : �.` DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED go �}�'�7 n - a . y . a�t3334�5 F'e�S'�2"e::tl �°°,s+:1i!sr �t' � ,. i'!.1..% None '�� � . . ; � �.,, e � E�' � � DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED + ° + -. ^�✓ L� � � 0.<i:i. ��b�a�''�si ve3;t �Q The Saint Paul Police Department will discontinue its participation in the Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force. a � � � ���� ���30 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ see the attached agreement COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE UIIIYB(1 ,SY3Y05 DCP3LfII10Ilt Of JUSYlCO AC7IVITY NUMBER CiOQli 70VCIIU8 t0 0410� FINANCIAL WFORMA710N (EXPLAIN) �j ORGANIZED CRINiE DRUG. ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES Agreement FOR THE USE OF THE STATE AND LOCAL OVERTIME AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE PROGRAM D�te of Request: 10 / 2 0/9 9 Feder.il Tax Identification #: 41- 6 0 0- 5 5 21 Amount Requested: UO - a.S � � OCDETE Investigation Number: GL-MNN-081 g 1U,000.00 of Officers Listed: 2 Federal Agency [�4e�5u'qa 51114 . Number: � Fmm: 10/O1/99 - Beginning Aate of Agreement To: 09/30/00 Endin Date of A reement State or Loctil Agency Conmct Person: Lt. Kenneth Reed Telephone Number: � 651 ) 292 Sponsoring Federal Agency(ies): State or Local Agency Nume and Address: ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT 100 East llth Street ST, PAUL, MN 55101 Federal Bureau of Investigation This agreement is between the above named State or tocal law enforcement agency and Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. This agreement shalt be effective when signed by an authorized State or local agency ofYicial, the sponsoring Federai Agency Special Agent-In- Charge and Agency OCDETF Coordinator, and [he Assistant United States Attorney OCDETF Coordinator. 1. It is agreed that the State or local law enforcement officers named on this agreement will assist in Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force investigations and prosecutions as set forth i� the Oreanize� Crime DruQ p f r.mrnr Tack F�rce Guidelines, November 1997. 2. The State/local law enforcement agency agrees to provide experienced drug faw enforcement officers who are identified in this agreement to work on the specified OCDETF investigatioa. Any change in law enforcement officers assigned must be agreed to by all approving officials. Agreement (Jan. 99). Paga I. 00 _ �,s 1 3. O£ficers who are not deputized shall possess no law enforcement authority other than that conferred by virtue o£ their position as a co ned__o#fi�e� og �};�}� - agency. 4. Of£icers who are deputized may possess Federal law enforcement authority as specified by the agency af£ording the deputation. 5. Any State o£ local officers assigned to an OCDETF investigation in accordance with this Agreement are not considered Federal Employees and do not take on the benefits of Federal employment by virtue of their participation in the investigation 6. The OCDETF and the sponsoring Federal law enforcement agency(ies) for the approved OCDETF investigation will provide to assigned State/local officer(s) the cl=rical, operational and administrative support that is mutually agreed to by the parties of this Agreement. 7. The U.S. Department oP Justice will reimburse the agency for approved overtime costs and authorized travel and per diem expenses for 1aw en£orcement o££icers assigned to the speci£ied OCDETF investigation. The Agency is responsible for paying its employees £or their overtime, travel and per diem expenses. To ensure proper and complete utilization of OCDETF overtime and expense allocations, reimbursement claims must be submitted monthly on the OCDETE Reimbursement Request Form. Analysis of reimbursement claims by the Task Force may result in a modification of the obligation of funds contained within this Agreement as well as the time period covered. The Agency affected by any such modification will be telephonically advised at least (30) days in advance with follow-up confirmation in writing. Overtime payments, in any event, may not, on an annual per person basis, exceed 25� o£ the current GS-10, Step 1 Federal salary rate in effect at the time the overtime is performed. The Great Lakes R=qion has set a cap on reimbursements at $772.02 per State/local 1aw enforcement o£ficer/per month. The State/looal agency is responsible for ensuring that this annual/monthly payment is not exceeded. The field o£fice of the sponsoring Federal agency and the Eederal Agency OCDETF Coordinator will also monitor these payments. 8. In no event will the State/local Agency charge any indirect costs £or the administration or impl=mAntation of this Agreement. 9. The State/local agency shall maintain complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and instructions required by the OCDETF to facilitate inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. , � 00 -ZSa-- 10. The State/local Agency shall permit and have readily available for PY=**�;nation and auditing by representatives o£ the OCDETF, the s�onsorina F'eder agP_n_c�(' ) +z--- *, S H�F o -- 3ustice, the Comptroller General of the united States, and/or any o£ their duly authorized agents and representatives, any and all records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expendi.tures relating to this agreement. In addition, the agency will maintain all such foregoing reports and records until all audits and examinations are completed and resolved, or for a period of six (6) years after termination o£ this agreement, whichever is sooner. 11. The State/local agency will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act oP 1964 and all requirements applicable to OCDETF agreements pursuant to the regulations of the Department of Justice (see, e_g., 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C and G; 28 C.F.R. 50.3 (1991) issued pursuant to Title �7I relating to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin or handicap. 12. This agreement may be termi.nated by any of the parties by written notice to the other parties thirty (30) days prior to termi.nation. Billing £or outstanding obligations shall be received by the OGDETF within thirty (30) days of the termination. This agreement is not a contract or obligation to commi.t Federal £unds in the maximum amounts projeated. Funding allocations for the time period set forth and agreed to herein represent projections only and are based upon consultation between the sponsoring Federal agency and the State or local law en£orce agency. They are, therefore, subject to modi£ication by the OCDE�sed upon the progress and needs of the OCDETF investi on. ` A ditlonally, resources are contingent on the availability f fund . 1_ . Approved By: W • Of£icial — Title � � Date APProved By: � / Sponsor' Fed r 1 Agency Special Agent in Charge Date Approved By: 5ponsoring Federal Agency OCDETF Coordinator Date Approved By: Assistant United States Attorney OCDETF Coordinator Date Funds are enenmbered for the State/local Agency overtime costs and authorized eacpenses specified above. Approved By: Director, Executive Office for OCDETF Date �r 00 _asa- ORGA1vIZED CRIME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES ZO�AL �AW � NT OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE STATE AND LOCAL OVERTIME AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE PROGRAM Sta[e or Local Agency: St. Paul Police Department OCDETF Investigation Number: 245D-MP-51114 The law enforcement officers listed below are provided to assist with ihe above identified OCDETF investigation. Any modification of the list of law enforcement officers must be agreed to in writing by all of the parties to this agreement, made a part of this agreement, and forwarded to the Executive Office for OCDETF. �A�jg TITi.E./R_ANK QQ� l, Thomas F Dunaski Sergeant 09/20/1944 2. Robert S Kosloske O£ficer 12/14/196� 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (If additionxt personne( are to be de�itizecl phota:opy t(us �xiga nncl inseR in Ihe reyuest.) Agrenment (Jxn. 99), Page 4, 4 � �� O� ���� Great Lakes Region OVERTIME COMPENSATION State or Local Agency• St. Paul Police Department OCDETF Investigation Number; GL -M N N-081 Federal Agency 245D-MP-51114 Investigation Number: The below listed officer(s), who are under Agreement with the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, understand and agree to comply with the following: Each officer is to be assigned fu11-time (E.G., 8 hours per days, 40 hours per week) to the above OCDETF investigation. Each officer is to work an'8 hour day on above OCDETF investigation prior to claiming overtime for that day. If an officer does not work 8 hours on above OCDETF investiqation, he/she is not entitled to overtime under this Agreement. '/'� �— � ��� z��.� � ,/� Tnomas F. Dunaski Sergeant � �� � ����— Robert J. Iosloske O£ficer i �-� Jv ate I-/9-o��