280501 WHITE - CITV CIERK . /YA'_ . �
Council Res lutio
. � ,
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul enter into an Agreement
with Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co�npany and the
Co�nissioner of Transportation for the installation and maintenance of
railroad crossing signals and the crossing surface at the intersection
of Chestnut Street and railroad crossing signals at Eagle Street with
the tracks of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company
in the City of St. Paul and appointing the Co�nissioner of Transportation
agent for the City of St. Paul to supervise said project and administer
available Federal Funds in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section
161.36 (1982) . The City's share of the cost shall be 10 percent of the
total cost.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby
authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of
the City of St. Paul. A copy of said Agreement, No. 60307, is attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Fletcber Nays
Public Works
�e��� � In Favor �
Masanz �
scnetbei _ Against BY
Tedesco Donald E. Nygaard, Di r� �
JUN 2 1 1983 Form Approve b i At rney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Y�ss b Council Se tar BY
B}• .,
t\pprove avor• Date JUN �983 t Ap ove by o for Sub is io t Council
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By ��
p��ti�EO J U L 2 1983 `
, ' ' ,�.� ,
S.P. 62-00128
Minn. Proj . RRS RRP-0029(10)
Railroad Crossing Signals
and Surface
Chestnut Street, Eagle Street
St. Paul, Minnesota
THIS AGREEb1ENT, made and entered into by and between the CITY OF ST. PAUL,
hereinafter called the "City", RICHARD B. OGILVIE, TRUSTEE OF THE PROPERTY OF
hereinafter called the "State", WITNESSETH:
tiYHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration, when acting in cooperation
with the Transportation Department of the State of Minnesota, is authorized by
Act of Congress to make Federal Aid available for the purpose of eliminating
hazards at railroad grade crossings within the State of Minnesota; and
�YHEREAS, the State, pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 161.36 (1982) ,
is authorized to cooperate with the United States Government in supervising
improvements of public highways within the State of Minnesota not included in
the trunk highway system, and to act in disbursing and accounting for Federa]
Funds in connection therewith; and .
IVHEREAS, Chestnut Street, as now established, crosses the track of the
Company at grade in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the location of said
crossing and railway track being sho�an on the print hereto attached, marked
Exhibit "B", and herein referred to and made a part of this agreement; and
�VHEREAS, the City and the Company desire that this grade crossing be
protected by railroad crossing signals, cantilever type wit}i gates , and the
' - ' . s�;�,�>.,��.�.�
Company is willing to install, maintain and operate such signals upon the
terms and conditions hereinafter stated;
ti9HEREAS, the City and the Company desire that the crossing surface on
Chestnut Street should be replaced with a high density polyethelene surface,
and the Company is �ailling to install and maintain the surface upon the tex�s
and conditions hereinafter stated; .
WHEREAS, the circuitry controlling the proposed signals at Chestnut Street
overlaps the circuitry controlling the flashing light signals in place at Eagle
Street in St. Paul, located one block East; and
WHEREAS, the signals and circuitry in place at Eagle Street are outdated
and should be replaced by cantilever type signals with gates; and
WHEREAS, the State has determined that the signals at Eagle Street should
be replaced in conjunction with the Chestnut Street signal improvement and the
Company is willing to install, maintain and operate such signals upon the terms
and conditions hereinafter stated; and
t�I-IEREAS, the City agrees that the signals at Eagle Street should be re-
placed with cantilever type signals with gates.
1. The State of Plinnesota, Department of Transportation, "Standard
Clauses for Railiaay High�aay Agreements", dated r9arch 1, 1982, is attached
hereto as Exhibit "A", and� hereinafter referred to as "Standard Clauses".
Except as hereinafter expressly modified, all of the terms and conditions set
forth in the "Standard Clauses" are hereby incorporated by reference and made
a part of this agreement tiaith the same force and effect as though fully seL
fort}i therein.
- 2 -
. � . ����'������
Standard Clauses Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 8a, 10 and 11 are deleted from t�nas
2. The Company shall furnish all material for and with its regularl�r
employed forces install a complete railroad crossing signal system and crossi�g
surface on Chestnut Street and signal system only on Eagle Street, as indie.ated
on attached plan marked Exhibit "B". The placement of the signals shall be in
accordance with Part VIII of the rfanual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD) . Detailed plans, specifications and the work to be done shall be
subject to the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of
Work of installing the signal systems and crossing surface shall be
prosecuted so as to be completed within 12 months after the date the Company
is authorized to begin work. Once surface work in the field has begun, it
shall be completed within 10 working days.
If the Company shall determine it impossible to complete the work within
the period herein specified, it shall make a written request to the State for
an extension of time for completion, setting forth therein the reason for such
3. The actual costs of the project herein contemplated, including pre-
liminary engineering costs, are to be financed with 90o Federal Funds and 10%
City Funds. The State and City �aill reimburse the Company as provided herein
for only such items of work and expense as are proper and eligible for payment
with Federal Funds. Only materials actually incorporated into the project
will be eligible for Federal reimbursement.
`� _ 3 _
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The State's 90% portion (reimbursable with Federal Funds) will be pag� 'to
the Company in accordance with Article 9 of the Standard Clauses, Exhibit "",�1".
The City's 10% portion will be paid to the Company when the project Tm�s
been completed and the Final Bill has been approved by the State.
It is understood that the following estimate is for informational paa�n�ses
only. The estimated cost of the work to be done by the Company hereunder acs�th
its own equipment and regularly employed forces and in accordance with t}r�
Company's agreements with such regularly employed forces is as follows a� :nm
further accordance with detailed estimate attached hereto and marked Exh�9n:ntt
Crossing Work
Material $100,613.00
Labor $ 17,883.00
Contingencies $ 11,850.00
TOTAL $130,346.00
Signal Work
bfaterial $160,546.00
Labor $ 76,754.00
TOTAL $237,300.00
TOT�L ESTIb1AT�D COST $367,646.00
Portion of costs allocated to
City of St. Paul (10% of
actual cost) $ 3G,764.G0
Reimbursable with Federal Funds $330,881.40
-,-�_ - 4 -
� . � ���!�����
AGREErfENT N0. 60307
4a. In the event it is determined that a change from the foregoing
statement of work to be performed by the Company is required, it shall be
authorized only by an amendment to this agreement issued by the State prior to
the performance of the work involved in the change.
b. In the event it is found that the work has not changed from the
foregoing statement of work to be performed by the Company, but the estimated �
amount in this agreement is less than the actual cost of performing the work,
then an increase will be allowed to the extent of such actual cost without an
amendment in accordance with paragraph 15 of Exhibit A.
5. The said grade crossing signal systems and crossing surface shall be
maintained and operated by the Company upon completion of its installation,
but this said obligation to maintain said signal systems and crossing surface
shall continue in accordance with the law of the State as it shal� be from
time to time in the future.
6. The signal systems shall not be removed unless there has been a
determination that said signals are no longer required at this location. If
the signals or crossing surface are to be removed, the Company upon request of
the State shall reinstall it at some other crossing within the State on the
Company's tracks. The location and division of cost of such relocation shall
be agreed upon between the Company and the State prior to such removal.
In the event that eittier railway or highway improvements will necessitate
a rearrangement of the signals or crossing surface at either crossing, the
party whose improvement causes said changes �vill bear the entire cost of the
same tiaitiiout obligation to the other.
`�� - S -
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, 7. The term of this agreement shall be three years from date of agree-
ment in which time it is expected that• all work, inspections, billings, audits
and payments shall be accomplished. Any extension of the three year limit
shail be with the approval of all parties to the agreement.
8. It is understood that the City shall bear all costs involved in
setting up detours for crossing surface installation. If there is a need for �
a detour, it will be the City's responsibility to set up the detour and detour
9. This agreement is binding on Richard B. Ogilvie, not as an individual,
but solely in his capacity as Trustee.
10. The COMPANY agrees to indemnify the STATE and the CITY against, and
same them harmless from, loss and damage to property, and injury to or death
of any person or persons, and from court costs and attorney fees, and expenses
incident thereto, arising out of the work to be performed hereunder by the
COriPANY, and caused by the sole negligence of the COMPANY, or any contractor
for the CObIPA,'VY, or their respective officers, agents or employees. The
COl��1PANY may purchase comprehensive risk insurance coverage for its work under
this project, and the cost of the premium for such insurance shall be reim-
bursed to the COD1PANY by the STATE, as part of the project cost, under the
terms set forth in this AGREEI�NT.
�—_ - 6 -
Director, Railroad .administration Assistant Cor'�issioner,
Program Management
Dated: Zo
� .
Aporoved as to For:n and ?:xecution: :�PPROVED:
Special :.ssi;�sr,;, :ittorney General �y�
Autzorized Signatare
`'� - ' � -
. . � - • . �,�����#"� �
�Iarch 1, 198�
1. The State will review plans and specifications for the con-
struction oi t�e grade seuaration structure and approve the separation of
grades of the tracks oi the �ompany and oi the trunk highway, as shown i.n
the plans and specizications reierred to in this agreement.
2. T�:e Sta�e a�ees to let a contracz pursuant to law for the con-
struction of the hi�way project reierred io in tnis agreement, in accordance
with said plans and specifications referred to in this agreenent.
j. The State agrees that all work provided to be done by the State
on the right of way of the Company shall be performed and completed in
accordance with said plans and specifications in a mariner satisfactory to
the Chief �bineer of the Company, or his authorized representative. The
State a.�ees tha.t any contract let by it, for the performance of any construc-
tion woric contem�lated by this agreenent, will require the contractor to
� comply with all of the provisions relating to work on railroad right of wa�y
contained in "Minnesota, Department of Transportation, St. Paul, Standard Speci-
fications for Hi�hwa.y Construction", dated January 1, 1978, to furnish to the
Company a Railroa.d Protective Liability Insura.nce Policy and to carry regular
Contractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, both as specified
in the �ederal-Aid Highway Program Manual, Volume 6, Cha.pter 6, Section 2,
s Subsection 2, and 'navin� limits of liability, as specified in the specifica-
� tions and special provisions referred to in this agreement. Sa.i.d Raa.lroad
Protective Liability Policy and evidence of said Contractor's Public Liability
and property Da�age Insvrance, executed by an insurer qua.lified to write
such policies in the State of Minnesota, shall be delivered to the Company
prior to the entry upon or use of the Company's property by the Contractor.
4. The State reserves the right �o make such chang�es in the plans
or character oi the work, as the work under the contract pro�esses, as sha.11,
in the Commissioner of Transportation's judgment, be reasonably necessary to
cause the a�reed highway project to be in all things constructed and completed
in a satisfactory manner, and to that end, and as supplemental to any contract
let f or the construction of said project, to enter into any supplemental
agreement with the contractor for the performance of any extra work or work
occasioned by any necessary, advantageous or desirable change in the plans.
Any such chang�es in plan or the character of work, inr�olving the Compar�y's
facilities or property, will be subject to the apr�•oval of the Compar�y.
r�QiIt3IT "A" - Page 1
. . . �,�������.� .
5. The State agrees to pay the entire cost of the work to be per-
formed under the contract to be let by the State, including the State's
supervision of the contract work, provided, however: '
a.) tha,t nothing herein contained sha.11 prevent the State from '
pursuing and enforcing any of its common law and statutory
ri�ts, which it may have aga.i.nst any tortfeasor, including
ar�y contractor and the Company;
b.) that when the Company ha,s liability or obligation to the
IInited States or the State for ar�y portion of the railway-
highway project, the Compar�y shall pay its share of the
ra.ilway-highwa.y project in the manner and to the extent
•set forth elsewhere in this agreement.
6. The provisions contained in Federal Aid Hi�hway Pro�am Manual,
Volume 6, Chapter 6, Section 2, Subsection 1, and Volume 1, Chapter e},
Section 3, aha.11 apply to the raa.lway-highway project, regardless of the
method of financing the pro3ect.
7. If the Compa�y enters into a contract or agreement with a con-
tractor, to perform all or aqy portion of the Compan�y's work set forth in this
agxeement, the Compar�y for itself, its assigns and successors in interest,
a�ees that it will not discrimina.te in its choice of contractors and will
include all of the nondiscrimination provisions set forth in APPIIIDIX "A",
attached hereto and ma.de a part hereof, in any such contract or a�eer�nt.
8. The Company agrees that its representative in charge of the work
set forth in this a�eement sball furnish the State's Ea�gineer in charg+e of .
the project:
a.) "Form �094, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Payroll
Monthly Report", sigued in duplicate, showing the number
of inen on payroll, classification, total worked and
starting, stopping, resumption and completion da.tes for
each month, not later than the week following the month in
which the work was performed,
b.) IIpon request, full detailed information as to progress of
work and amount of labor and ma.terial used as of the time
of request.
In addition to the foreg+oing records and act's, the Company wi11, from
time tm time, make such other reports, keep such other records and perform
such other work in such manner and time as may be necessary to enable the
State to collect arid obtain available Federal Aid.
9. To the extent set forth iri this agreement, the State will r-e-
imburse the Compar�,y for actual expense incurred performing the w�rk set forth
in this agreement. Payments will be made in acco�dance with the following;
F�IBIT "A" - Page 2 3-1-82
- � � ' . Y�,�������
a.) At least 9�0 of partial bills marked "Progressive Bill No. 1,
No. 2, etc.", or "First, second, etc.", signed by an officer
of the Co�apany, rendered in duplicate. Partial bills shall •
be based on actual costs that can be substantiated by checking
the Compar�y's records but do not need to be in deta,i.l: or, �
b.) At Least 75q6 of partial bills marked and signed, as reguired
above, based on the Compa�y IIigineer's estima.te of the per- �
centage of completion of the various cost reimbursa,ble items,
as shown on the detai.led estimate, which is attached to and
made a part of this agreement, subject to the State Fhgineer's
concurrence and approval of said completion percenta,g�e. In
no event will a combination of partial billi.ng based an actua.l
.cost, and IIlgineer's estimates, be reimbursable.
c.) At least 9d'/o of final bill marked "Final", signed by an officer
of the Compar�y, rendered in septuplet, in accordanee with Federal-
Aid Highway Program Ma.nual Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 3. Said
final bill shall be a complete, detai.led and itemized statement
of all items of work performed by the Company, as shown in the
appropriate ezhibit or exhibits attached to this a�eement.
d.) Final payment xill be made after audit of the final bill.
The Compa�y shall keep account of its work iri such a way
that said accounts may be readily audited. In the event
that aqy amaunt previously pa,id to the Compar�y is in excess
of the actual cost determined by audit, the Compa�y, upon
notice of the State, shall pay to the State the difference.
10. In the event tha.t the State does not enter into a contract for
constrnctian of the project cantemplated by this agreement on or before a day
t�relve (12) months after the date this agreement is flil.ly executed, then either
�' party may, at aqy time thereafter, serve notice of cancellation upon the other -
party, by registered maa.l, and this a�eement sha,ll immediate�y be cancelled
and terminated; provided, ha�rever, that the Compar�y ahall be reimbursed in full
by the State for all reimbursable costs incurred after this a�eement is fnl�y
executed and ,prior to said cancellation.
11. The reimbvrsable maintenance costs shall not extend to the repair
of ar�y dama,� to the bridge structure resulting from the operations of the
Company for which the Company ha.s any common law or statutory liability. The
rei.mbursable maintenance costs shall be limited to the actUa.l cost of labor
and ma,terials used and to rental value of equipment used. The actual cost of
labor and ma.terials and the rental value of equipment referred to ahall be
ascertained in a,ccordance with the provisions of the Federal Aid Hig�way Pro-
8ram Manual, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 3. ESccept as hereinafter provided
in the case of emerg�ency repai.rs, reimbursement shall be ma.d,e aaly if the
Company has submitted its proposed repaixs to the State, including aay estima.te
of cost of such repairs, and approval has been received from the State in
writing in advance of starting work by the Compan«. If the Company is unable
to obtain the State's approval oi the proposed repairs, it may reqwest and
require the State to let a contract for the necessazy work. In the event of
an emer�ency requiring i.m�aediate repairs to said bridge structure i.n order to
E}�iIBIT "A" _ page 3 3-1-82
- - .. � . . ��;��p�;�;;.� .
maintain railroa.d traffic, the Compar�y shall be only required to notify the
State as soon as reasonably possible that the emergency has arisen and that
the Compar�y is proceeding with the work. The Company hereby aclrnowledges �
that it may be necessary to file a legislative claim for reimbursement of ar�y
costs incurred before State �.inds are encumbered in an amount sufficient to �
cover the costs of the work. In all events, reimbursable maintenance costs
shall be limited to necessazy repairs.
If any maintenance work is such that it cannot be performed by the
Company with its own equipment and regularly employed forces, the Company may
contract the w�ork. However, the Compa.ny sha,ll not award the co¢ztract or start
work until the contract ha.s been approved by the Commissioner of Transportation
and the necessary State funds have been encumbered.
12. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto aqything
to the contrary herein notwithstanding, that the Co�issioner of Transportation
of the State of Minnesota is acting in his official capacity only and tha.t �ie
shall not be personally responsible or liable to the Company or to any person
or persons whomsoever for an�y claims, damag+es, actions, or causes of action
of ar�y kind or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of this
a�reement or the performance or completion of the project provided for herein.
13. Before this a�eement shall become binding and affective, it eha11
ha,ve received the approval of such State officers a.s the law may provide i.n
addition to the Commissioner of Transportation. -
14. The laws of the State of Itinnesota shall govern all questiaais a.s
to the execution, na.ture, obligation, construction, validity and performance
of this a�reement. . _ .
15. If it appears to the Company at any time subsequent to the date of this
_ aqreement and prior to final completion of such work, that the actual cost of such
work will exceed the estimated cost, the Company shall immediately so notify the .
State in writing, thereof, and, after the additional funds are encumbered, notice �
of the encumbrance to the Company will have the affect of amending this aqreement ,
so as to include the supplemental cost of such work. �
16. As provided under Minnesota Laws 1980, Chapter 614, Sec. 51,
all books, records, dxuments, and accounting procedures and practices of the
Compa�y relevant to this contract are subject to e�*�+�nation by Mn/DOT and
either the legislative auditor or the State auditor as appropria.te.
17• The MBE requirements of 44CFR, Parb 2�, annly to this Aqreement.
The Company shall insure that r�inority business enternrises as defined in �+9CFR,
Part 23, have the maximuri opportunity to particioate in the performance of contracts,
financed in whole or in nart with Federal funds. In this regard, the ComoanY shall
take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with 49CFR, Part 23, to
insure that minorit.y business enternrises have the maximum opportunit,y to comnete
for and perform any Contracts awarded under this A�reement. The Comnany shall not
discriMinate on the basis of race, color, national ori�in, or sex in the award and
performance of contracts under this Agreement. Failure to carry out the above re-
quirements shall constitute a breach of this Agreement, and may result in tercnination
of the Agreement by Mn/DOT, and nossible debarrment from performing other contractural
services with the Federal Denartment of Transvortation.
EXHIBIT "Ar' - Page 4 3-1-82
' '• Mn/DOT 23252(12/76) , , .
' ' �,,�'�����3"�
� .
Non-Discrimination Provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
During the performance of this contract, the contractor. for itself, its assignees and successors in interest
(hereinafter referred to as the "contractor"). agrees as follows:
(1) Compliance with Regulations: The Contractor will comply with Regulations of the Department of
Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Com-
merce (Title 49� Code of Federal Regulation. Part 21. hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).which
are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract.
(2) Nondiscrimination: The contractor. with regard to the work performed by it afte�award and prior to
completion of the contract work, will not discriminate on the ground of race,color. or national origin
in the selection and retention of subcontractors. inctuding procurements of materials and leases of
equipment. The contractor will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination pro-
hibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations. including employment practices when the contract covers
a program set forth in Appendix "A", "B"and "C".
(3) Solicitations for Subcontracts. Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations
either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a
subcontract, including procurements of materials or equipment. each potential subcontractor or sub-
plier shall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations under this contract and the
Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race. colo� or nation origin.
(4) Information and Reports: The contractor will provide all information and reports required by the
Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books.
records, accounts. other sources of information� and its facilities as may be determined by the Depart-
ment of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain campliance
with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in
the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information� the contractor shall
so certify to the Department of Transportation. or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate�
and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information.
(5) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimi-
nation provisions of this contract, the Department of Transportation shall impose such cantract
sanctions as it or the Federal Highway Administration may determine to be appropriate� including
but not limited to,
(a) witholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or
(b) cancellation. termination or suspension of the contract. in whole or in part. •
(6) Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor will include #he provisions of paragraph (1) through (6)
in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by
the Regulations. order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will take wch action
with respect to any subcontract or p�ocurement as the Department of Transportation or the Federal
Highway Administration may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for
noncompliance: Provided, however, that. in the event a contractor becomes involved in. or is threaten-
• ed with. litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction. the contractor may
�equest the State to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State. and in addition.
the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of
, the United States.
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public works ' �EPARTt1ENT '�` �'"���
Robett A, xorrisber4er. �,rONTACT
_ pHONE r
June 3, 1983 DATE 1 �i�� ,, Qi
� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) �
Ass;qn Nun�er for Routinq Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Siqnature)
-��f/ City Attorney
3 Director of Management/Mayor ��� B 1983
Finance and Management Services Director CITY ATTORNEY
4 Gity Clerk
Budget Director
What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale)
The attached resolution would authorize the City to enter into an agreement with the 1�II�T �pt. of
Transportation and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company concerning
improvements at the Railroads Crossings on Chestnut St. and Eagle St. The Railroad will install,
operate and maintain canfilever flashinq light signals, as we�l 'as, install and maintain a
polyethelen� surfaced crossing on Chestnut St. near Hill St. The Railroad will• also install,
operate and maintain flashing �ight type signals at the Eagle St. crossing.
Financial, Bud etary and Personnel Inq�acts�Anticipated:
Total cost of Project is estimated to be $367,646.00. The State's share of cost (90$) totals
$330,881.40. The City's share of costs (10$) totals $36,764.6d.
funding Source and Fund Activity Nun�er Ctiarqed or Credited:
City!s costs ($36,764.60) to be charged to PIR Fund Code 60,200. To be r�imbursed from MSA 1981
Continqency ($32,600.00) and 1983 CIB 92083-006 ($4,200.00) .
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments}:
Copy of Agreement
x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance �Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes x No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(�Pe Rpv�+rcP SidP f�r 'instructions)