00-251Council File # 00 - o`� 5 � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Green Sheet # f Q C�'t `4 Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Mayor of Saint Paul has been invited to participate in a two-day meeting in the Country of 7ordan, by the King of Jordan, during the period March 24-25, 2000, at the Dead Sea Movenpick Hotel in Jordan, WIIEREAS, this meeting will bring together key government officials, private sector investors, and representatives from relevant departments and agencies from around the world to experience and share their visions and solutions for the development of the IT sector in Jordan, and WHEREAS, Lawson Softwaze and other IT firms in Saint Paul will benefit from the City's participation in this important meeting, and WI-IEREAS, Nasser Kazeminy has offered to pay a11 travel, lodging and other incidental expenses associated with the attendance by a City of Saint Paul representative, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to accept this generous donation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thatthe City of Saint Paul accepts and sincerely thanks Nasser Kazeminy for his generous donation as stated above. Requested by Department of: By: By: Apps By: Form Approved by City Attomey a �Oh� rH - �1--, . � ' Approved by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �,�ZOO'� Adoption CerCified by Council Secretasy D� -a5� Council 3/17/00 GREEN SHEET xuu�wae. No i L�?�4 Councilmember Benanav 266-8640 March 15, 2000 - r°r"'.r-7"�."7 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES , _�� r�nea.� . _ _ _ _ __.,_ _ . _ .__._ ._. an.,rmar a'ra.mc ❑ NMMCUIiRY�cFivt ❑ IiYNp�t.aFlm�CVa, ❑ YYORI�AiLRMR� � (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Accepting and thanking Nasser Razeminy for his generous donation for payment of all travel, lodging and other incidental espenses for a City of Saint Paul representative to attend a two-day meeting in the Country of Jordan to share their visions and solutions for the development of the IT sector in Jordan. w PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1'.`l�^i ny_�.•r:..�a� ANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVFL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION IG SOURCE '!L MFORM4TION (IXPINN) Flea mic persoNfirm everuorkea unaer a wNrau tor this departmem'7 YES No Fias Mb peraoMfiim e.er 6een a citY emPbYeeZ YES NO Ooes ihis PereoNfirm Y� a sW"Y not normal�Y00%sessed M any curteM ciry employee? YES NO Isttiis peisoMrm atarpetedvmdafl YES NO Yain all vec ancwers on aeoa2fe sheet antl aCach tu areen sheet COST/itEVENUE BUDQETm (GRCLE ONE7 ACTNITV NUMBER YEE NO �� '� 6enL By: NJK MOLOi�G GOHP.� 61283190%2 Idar.13-00 1 :12?F.1� Page 3 ao -as � 4��`� 9,2000 Dear Mr. Kazeminy, In ]une 1499, a private sectoc inidative, the °REACH Initialiv� ways and means ro prort�ote the IT seccor in lorden in order to ensure role for Jordan in today's global knowledge economy. We have since � strides in implementing specific measuru mentioned in the action initiative, most notably io the development of approp'riate telecon infraswcture, accession ro the World Trade Organizacion (WTO), anG th severel government policies designed to encourage the development of � a result, we strongly believe that the time hac come ta familiari2e world : sector with [he relevant invesunent opportunities in our country. identified notable of the doplicn of sector. As iers of the It is, therefore, my pleasure to extend to you a pecsonal invitation t` participate in a two-day meeting that will take place during the period 24-25 Marc 2000 at the DeaQ Sea Movenpick Hotei in Jordan. The meeting wi11 bring t�gether key govemment of6cials, private sector invesWrs, end representstives fro relevant depattments and agencies from amund the world to experience and shere �eu visions and solutions for the development of the IT sector in 7ordan. Endosed you will find a detailed progrem and infoimatia� on tt� meedn�. i hope you wi1{ be ab(e te join us, and help make chis event a positive ex�ierimce and worthwhile exchange of ideas. t I]ook forwacd to welcoming you in person at thc meeting. In th� meantime, please accept my high esteem and grea[ considerauoa ;, Y Enclosures: e/s Mr. Nasser Kazeminy Vice President NJK Holdings 78o3 Glenroy Road Suite 300 Bloomington Minnesota 5539 , ( }i ,� ti r; s � i 1{ c ii f �� i'; � F Mayor Norm Coleman City of Saint Paul 390 City HaII St. Paul, MN 55102 00 �as � 380 St Peter Strezt SaintP3u1, h1N 55'7? �3__ Phone:651-IEI-i°�C Dear Norm, httpJlwww.lawscn o,r.i March 13, 2000 h1�R 1 " 20�J0 n/IAYOR'S OFFfCE Bill Lawson did get the letter from Ambassador Burns inviting Lawson's representation at the Information Technology Forum in Amman on March 24-25. Unfortunately, neither Bill nor I can attend due to conflict with Lawson's Client User Exchange in San Diego. Bill as Chairman of the Board will be hosting as many as 7000 clients and I will be hosting our international clients and prospective new e-Business partners from Asia. I regret missing this forum; I just got back from Dubai, but rarely miss a chance to go to the Middle East. 1 would be grateful if you wouid represent Lawson Software at this forum as the newest corporate entity in your fair city. I have enclosed some of my business cards which you may hand out to anyone wanti�g to contact us. I would be interested in learning more about the companies in Jordan that do Arabization of software, or companies that may wish to partner with Lawson by selling and supporting our software in the Middie East. We are now represented only in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Please do express our regrets to King Abdullah and Ambassador Burns. Sincerely, I .�.-� P�:er C. °at:or., Ph.D. Sr. VP, International Business Deveiopment cc: Bill Lawson, Chairman � Pragram Jordan's IT Forum Ftiday March 24'". 2000 OS:OQ — 09:15 09:1b — 09:;8 Regietratlon Presantatlon: 4Yhy IT In Jorden JorGan�g �pmpetlLve aqvantage—REACH initiative- and implementa6on. • Karim Kawar, Chairman, Jordan IT Association ptan ao . �.s � 70:00 —� 1:3D Prospeefs for R Industry �n Jordan. The intormation technology industry in Jordan has hee as a competitive industry in which the country could at1 position on a regional and global dimension. Can firms Joroan serve global clients9 What are the prospacts ot attract Foreign Direct Investment, outsourcing ...etc. • Raoda Ayoubi, Chief ExecuJve Officer, Rub;con, ,lord � Bob Gordon, Senlor Vice president, Orade Corporatit • KAaled Ktlani, Cheirman, Computer & Engfneering Bu • Klshore Rao, Chief Executive Ofticer, The Services Gi • Representative from Sun Microsystems • Ennle Rfmawi, Chief Execu6ve Off�er, One Wodd So� 1y:45 — 13:OQ 73:13 —14:30 15:00 — � 5:30 identiFied n a �eading ased in iia sactor to USA iu, Jordan p. USA USA Moderated by « • 7hamer Obetdat, Partner—Obeidat, Freihat and Hadl�1 Law Firm Jordan�g Telecommunlcatlons Infrestructure �� The phenomenaf grovuth in ihe Intemet has been refle � way we conduct business. Can the telecommunicatio ! infrastructura provide the bandwidth required for thia i� it cope with ihe deve(opment f� technology7 What are requirements? What is aveileble� What are the plane't,} eHective is the reguiatory framework? j; on the Will • Shabib Ammatl, Chalm�en, Jortlan Telecommunicatfdj�s Co., Jordan • lmad Ayoub, Chief Executive Officer, Global One, JorCfan • Youse( Mansour, Dlrector, Telacommunicafion Regulttory Commissian, Jordan • Representative (rom Lucent Technolog�es. �j ' Naguib Sawiria , Chief Execulives Officar, Orasc�m� �g 1 +�odarated hy :i � Fadi Ghandour, Chlef Executive OHIce�, q�mex, Jor�an l.unoh ,. Keynote Addresa by: • Hfs MaJesty K1ng Abduifah fl Ibn AI-Hu¢sein Vidao Precenhtlon 3oftware 3 IT Companles In Jordan t6:oo-18:00 9 Hatara�Nleatings : �8:00-20;00 FreaTime I� ��'00-22,3a Dlnner f • Erlc eeohamou', Chief Executive Officer, 3Com, US� • William Burns, United States Ambassador to Jordan � li �; Program OS:00 — Og;30 10:00 —11;30 1�:45 — 13:00 1�:00 —14:Op 14:00 — � 7;00 14;00 — Overnight ' Pending confirmation oo-3s � Jordan's IT Fon�m Breakfast Jc►da4 : A fortnula for�ueee�s Jadan was tAe 136th counuY W join the Wor1d 7 in 1999. What is the status of legisla(ion that affi and how is the investment Gfmate? How can the resourcea be developed to guit the requirements intlustry? yyhet are the financmg instruments ava growih of the sectofl What are the options tor fin • Ahmad Halkal, Chief Executive O{rycer, EFG-Mei • Petor Gubaar, birector, American Near East Rah • George Vrandenburg III•, Senlor V(ca Psesldent Sirategic PolicY, Amerlca On LinO, USA • Salah Eldin Ai-Bashir, Managing Pariner, Intemi �e9a� /+ssociates Jordan • Laith q�-qasem, Managing Diredor, Jordaa Tect Modera(ed by • He�ry paam, Middte East Capital Group, Amma Jordan•s IT industry: What's naxt? ie Organlzetion s the IT indusSry eilable human e successful ble for the in JorAan7 g� E9YPt e Aid, USA Glo6ai & 8 uslness Group. Hfgh hopes are placed on the 1T Industry in Jordan.� Where do we head trom here? • Rtma Khalaf Huaeldi, peputy pr�me Minlster and Planning • Charlie Cbang, Chairman, BoB�an, Jorclan • Imad Malhas, General Manager, IdealSon, Jordan • Rob Eekelmann•, Vi�e President, Managing Direc Mitldle East and q{��, �ntei GMBH, Germa�y Moderated by • Gregory 6��� �� president , Wp�d Economtc Fi S Bitate�a! Meetings Ciosing Lunch Slghtseeing tour to the BapUsmai Slte of Jesue Jordan River Trlp to Petra of Europe, on the P° d �$ Thisour inCludes spending a n ght in�the M�pvenpick }iotel in Petra. Next day transportation to Amman and ! o�o Queep Alia Intemadonal Airpost �yip be arranged for connectlnH A�ghts out of Amman. Council File # 00 - o`� 5 � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Green Sheet # f Q C�'t `4 Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Mayor of Saint Paul has been invited to participate in a two-day meeting in the Country of 7ordan, by the King of Jordan, during the period March 24-25, 2000, at the Dead Sea Movenpick Hotel in Jordan, WIIEREAS, this meeting will bring together key government officials, private sector investors, and representatives from relevant departments and agencies from around the world to experience and share their visions and solutions for the development of the IT sector in Jordan, and WHEREAS, Lawson Softwaze and other IT firms in Saint Paul will benefit from the City's participation in this important meeting, and WI-IEREAS, Nasser Kazeminy has offered to pay a11 travel, lodging and other incidental expenses associated with the attendance by a City of Saint Paul representative, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to accept this generous donation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thatthe City of Saint Paul accepts and sincerely thanks Nasser Kazeminy for his generous donation as stated above. Requested by Department of: By: By: Apps By: Form Approved by City Attomey a �Oh� rH - �1--, . � ' Approved by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �,�ZOO'� Adoption CerCified by Council Secretasy D� -a5� Council 3/17/00 GREEN SHEET xuu�wae. No i L�?�4 Councilmember Benanav 266-8640 March 15, 2000 - r°r"'.r-7"�."7 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES , _�� r�nea.� . _ _ _ _ __.,_ _ . _ .__._ ._. an.,rmar a'ra.mc ❑ NMMCUIiRY�cFivt ❑ IiYNp�t.aFlm�CVa, ❑ YYORI�AiLRMR� � (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Accepting and thanking Nasser Razeminy for his generous donation for payment of all travel, lodging and other incidental espenses for a City of Saint Paul representative to attend a two-day meeting in the Country of Jordan to share their visions and solutions for the development of the IT sector in Jordan. w PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1'.`l�^i ny_�.•r:..�a� ANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVFL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION IG SOURCE '!L MFORM4TION (IXPINN) Flea mic persoNfirm everuorkea unaer a wNrau tor this departmem'7 YES No Fias Mb peraoMfiim e.er 6een a citY emPbYeeZ YES NO Ooes ihis PereoNfirm Y� a sW"Y not normal�Y00%sessed M any curteM ciry employee? YES NO Isttiis peisoMrm atarpetedvmdafl YES NO Yain all vec ancwers on aeoa2fe sheet antl aCach tu areen sheet COST/itEVENUE BUDQETm (GRCLE ONE7 ACTNITV NUMBER YEE NO �� '� 6enL By: NJK MOLOi�G GOHP.� 61283190%2 Idar.13-00 1 :12?F.1� Page 3 ao -as � 4��`� 9,2000 Dear Mr. Kazeminy, In ]une 1499, a private sectoc inidative, the °REACH Initialiv� ways and means ro prort�ote the IT seccor in lorden in order to ensure role for Jordan in today's global knowledge economy. We have since � strides in implementing specific measuru mentioned in the action initiative, most notably io the development of approp'riate telecon infraswcture, accession ro the World Trade Organizacion (WTO), anG th severel government policies designed to encourage the development of � a result, we strongly believe that the time hac come ta familiari2e world : sector with [he relevant invesunent opportunities in our country. identified notable of the doplicn of sector. As iers of the It is, therefore, my pleasure to extend to you a pecsonal invitation t` participate in a two-day meeting that will take place during the period 24-25 Marc 2000 at the DeaQ Sea Movenpick Hotei in Jordan. The meeting wi11 bring t�gether key govemment of6cials, private sector invesWrs, end representstives fro relevant depattments and agencies from amund the world to experience and shere �eu visions and solutions for the development of the IT sector in 7ordan. Endosed you will find a detailed progrem and infoimatia� on tt� meedn�. i hope you wi1{ be ab(e te join us, and help make chis event a positive ex�ierimce and worthwhile exchange of ideas. t I]ook forwacd to welcoming you in person at thc meeting. In th� meantime, please accept my high esteem and grea[ considerauoa ;, Y Enclosures: e/s Mr. Nasser Kazeminy Vice President NJK Holdings 78o3 Glenroy Road Suite 300 Bloomington Minnesota 5539 , ( }i ,� ti r; s � i 1{ c ii f �� i'; � F Mayor Norm Coleman City of Saint Paul 390 City HaII St. Paul, MN 55102 00 �as � 380 St Peter Strezt SaintP3u1, h1N 55'7? �3__ Phone:651-IEI-i°�C Dear Norm, httpJlwww.lawscn o,r.i March 13, 2000 h1�R 1 " 20�J0 n/IAYOR'S OFFfCE Bill Lawson did get the letter from Ambassador Burns inviting Lawson's representation at the Information Technology Forum in Amman on March 24-25. Unfortunately, neither Bill nor I can attend due to conflict with Lawson's Client User Exchange in San Diego. Bill as Chairman of the Board will be hosting as many as 7000 clients and I will be hosting our international clients and prospective new e-Business partners from Asia. I regret missing this forum; I just got back from Dubai, but rarely miss a chance to go to the Middle East. 1 would be grateful if you wouid represent Lawson Software at this forum as the newest corporate entity in your fair city. I have enclosed some of my business cards which you may hand out to anyone wanti�g to contact us. I would be interested in learning more about the companies in Jordan that do Arabization of software, or companies that may wish to partner with Lawson by selling and supporting our software in the Middie East. We are now represented only in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Please do express our regrets to King Abdullah and Ambassador Burns. Sincerely, I .�.-� P�:er C. °at:or., Ph.D. Sr. VP, International Business Deveiopment cc: Bill Lawson, Chairman � Pragram Jordan's IT Forum Ftiday March 24'". 2000 OS:OQ — 09:15 09:1b — 09:;8 Regietratlon Presantatlon: 4Yhy IT In Jorden JorGan�g �pmpetlLve aqvantage—REACH initiative- and implementa6on. • Karim Kawar, Chairman, Jordan IT Association ptan ao . �.s � 70:00 —� 1:3D Prospeefs for R Industry �n Jordan. The intormation technology industry in Jordan has hee as a competitive industry in which the country could at1 position on a regional and global dimension. Can firms Joroan serve global clients9 What are the prospacts ot attract Foreign Direct Investment, outsourcing ...etc. • Raoda Ayoubi, Chief ExecuJve Officer, Rub;con, ,lord � Bob Gordon, Senlor Vice president, Orade Corporatit • KAaled Ktlani, Cheirman, Computer & Engfneering Bu • Klshore Rao, Chief Executive Ofticer, The Services Gi • Representative from Sun Microsystems • Ennle Rfmawi, Chief Execu6ve Off�er, One Wodd So� 1y:45 — 13:OQ 73:13 —14:30 15:00 — � 5:30 identiFied n a �eading ased in iia sactor to USA iu, Jordan p. USA USA Moderated by « • 7hamer Obetdat, Partner—Obeidat, Freihat and Hadl�1 Law Firm Jordan�g Telecommunlcatlons Infrestructure �� The phenomenaf grovuth in ihe Intemet has been refle � way we conduct business. Can the telecommunicatio ! infrastructura provide the bandwidth required for thia i� it cope with ihe deve(opment f� technology7 What are requirements? What is aveileble� What are the plane't,} eHective is the reguiatory framework? j; on the Will • Shabib Ammatl, Chalm�en, Jortlan Telecommunicatfdj�s Co., Jordan • lmad Ayoub, Chief Executive Officer, Global One, JorCfan • Youse( Mansour, Dlrector, Telacommunicafion Regulttory Commissian, Jordan • Representative (rom Lucent Technolog�es. �j ' Naguib Sawiria , Chief Execulives Officar, Orasc�m� �g 1 +�odarated hy :i � Fadi Ghandour, Chlef Executive OHIce�, q�mex, Jor�an l.unoh ,. Keynote Addresa by: • Hfs MaJesty K1ng Abduifah fl Ibn AI-Hu¢sein Vidao Precenhtlon 3oftware 3 IT Companles In Jordan t6:oo-18:00 9 Hatara�Nleatings : �8:00-20;00 FreaTime I� ��'00-22,3a Dlnner f • Erlc eeohamou', Chief Executive Officer, 3Com, US� • William Burns, United States Ambassador to Jordan � li �; Program OS:00 — Og;30 10:00 —11;30 1�:45 — 13:00 1�:00 —14:Op 14:00 — � 7;00 14;00 — Overnight ' Pending confirmation oo-3s � Jordan's IT Fon�m Breakfast Jc►da4 : A fortnula for�ueee�s Jadan was tAe 136th counuY W join the Wor1d 7 in 1999. What is the status of legisla(ion that affi and how is the investment Gfmate? How can the resourcea be developed to guit the requirements intlustry? yyhet are the financmg instruments ava growih of the sectofl What are the options tor fin • Ahmad Halkal, Chief Executive O{rycer, EFG-Mei • Petor Gubaar, birector, American Near East Rah • George Vrandenburg III•, Senlor V(ca Psesldent Sirategic PolicY, Amerlca On LinO, USA • Salah Eldin Ai-Bashir, Managing Pariner, Intemi �e9a� /+ssociates Jordan • Laith q�-qasem, Managing Diredor, Jordaa Tect Modera(ed by • He�ry paam, Middte East Capital Group, Amma Jordan•s IT industry: What's naxt? ie Organlzetion s the IT indusSry eilable human e successful ble for the in JorAan7 g� E9YPt e Aid, USA Glo6ai & 8 uslness Group. Hfgh hopes are placed on the 1T Industry in Jordan.� Where do we head trom here? • Rtma Khalaf Huaeldi, peputy pr�me Minlster and Planning • Charlie Cbang, Chairman, BoB�an, Jorclan • Imad Malhas, General Manager, IdealSon, Jordan • Rob Eekelmann•, Vi�e President, Managing Direc Mitldle East and q{��, �ntei GMBH, Germa�y Moderated by • Gregory 6��� �� president , Wp�d Economtc Fi S Bitate�a! Meetings Ciosing Lunch Slghtseeing tour to the BapUsmai Slte of Jesue Jordan River Trlp to Petra of Europe, on the P° d �$ Thisour inCludes spending a n ght in�the M�pvenpick }iotel in Petra. Next day transportation to Amman and ! o�o Queep Alia Intemadonal Airpost �yip be arranged for connectlnH A�ghts out of Amman. Council File # 00 - o`� 5 � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Green Sheet # f Q C�'t `4 Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Mayor of Saint Paul has been invited to participate in a two-day meeting in the Country of 7ordan, by the King of Jordan, during the period March 24-25, 2000, at the Dead Sea Movenpick Hotel in Jordan, WIIEREAS, this meeting will bring together key government officials, private sector investors, and representatives from relevant departments and agencies from around the world to experience and share their visions and solutions for the development of the IT sector in Jordan, and WHEREAS, Lawson Softwaze and other IT firms in Saint Paul will benefit from the City's participation in this important meeting, and WI-IEREAS, Nasser Kazeminy has offered to pay a11 travel, lodging and other incidental expenses associated with the attendance by a City of Saint Paul representative, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to accept this generous donation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thatthe City of Saint Paul accepts and sincerely thanks Nasser Kazeminy for his generous donation as stated above. Requested by Department of: By: By: Apps By: Form Approved by City Attomey a �Oh� rH - �1--, . � ' Approved by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �,�ZOO'� Adoption CerCified by Council Secretasy D� -a5� Council 3/17/00 GREEN SHEET xuu�wae. No i L�?�4 Councilmember Benanav 266-8640 March 15, 2000 - r°r"'.r-7"�."7 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES , _�� r�nea.� . _ _ _ _ __.,_ _ . _ .__._ ._. an.,rmar a'ra.mc ❑ NMMCUIiRY�cFivt ❑ IiYNp�t.aFlm�CVa, ❑ YYORI�AiLRMR� � (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Accepting and thanking Nasser Razeminy for his generous donation for payment of all travel, lodging and other incidental espenses for a City of Saint Paul representative to attend a two-day meeting in the Country of Jordan to share their visions and solutions for the development of the IT sector in Jordan. w PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1'.`l�^i ny_�.•r:..�a� ANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVFL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION IG SOURCE '!L MFORM4TION (IXPINN) Flea mic persoNfirm everuorkea unaer a wNrau tor this departmem'7 YES No Fias Mb peraoMfiim e.er 6een a citY emPbYeeZ YES NO Ooes ihis PereoNfirm Y� a sW"Y not normal�Y00%sessed M any curteM ciry employee? YES NO Isttiis peisoMrm atarpetedvmdafl YES NO Yain all vec ancwers on aeoa2fe sheet antl aCach tu areen sheet COST/itEVENUE BUDQETm (GRCLE ONE7 ACTNITV NUMBER YEE NO �� '� 6enL By: NJK MOLOi�G GOHP.� 61283190%2 Idar.13-00 1 :12?F.1� Page 3 ao -as � 4��`� 9,2000 Dear Mr. Kazeminy, In ]une 1499, a private sectoc inidative, the °REACH Initialiv� ways and means ro prort�ote the IT seccor in lorden in order to ensure role for Jordan in today's global knowledge economy. We have since � strides in implementing specific measuru mentioned in the action initiative, most notably io the development of approp'riate telecon infraswcture, accession ro the World Trade Organizacion (WTO), anG th severel government policies designed to encourage the development of � a result, we strongly believe that the time hac come ta familiari2e world : sector with [he relevant invesunent opportunities in our country. identified notable of the doplicn of sector. As iers of the It is, therefore, my pleasure to extend to you a pecsonal invitation t` participate in a two-day meeting that will take place during the period 24-25 Marc 2000 at the DeaQ Sea Movenpick Hotei in Jordan. The meeting wi11 bring t�gether key govemment of6cials, private sector invesWrs, end representstives fro relevant depattments and agencies from amund the world to experience and shere �eu visions and solutions for the development of the IT sector in 7ordan. Endosed you will find a detailed progrem and infoimatia� on tt� meedn�. i hope you wi1{ be ab(e te join us, and help make chis event a positive ex�ierimce and worthwhile exchange of ideas. t I]ook forwacd to welcoming you in person at thc meeting. In th� meantime, please accept my high esteem and grea[ considerauoa ;, Y Enclosures: e/s Mr. Nasser Kazeminy Vice President NJK Holdings 78o3 Glenroy Road Suite 300 Bloomington Minnesota 5539 , ( }i ,� ti r; s � i 1{ c ii f �� i'; � F Mayor Norm Coleman City of Saint Paul 390 City HaII St. Paul, MN 55102 00 �as � 380 St Peter Strezt SaintP3u1, h1N 55'7? �3__ Phone:651-IEI-i°�C Dear Norm, httpJlwww.lawscn o,r.i March 13, 2000 h1�R 1 " 20�J0 n/IAYOR'S OFFfCE Bill Lawson did get the letter from Ambassador Burns inviting Lawson's representation at the Information Technology Forum in Amman on March 24-25. Unfortunately, neither Bill nor I can attend due to conflict with Lawson's Client User Exchange in San Diego. Bill as Chairman of the Board will be hosting as many as 7000 clients and I will be hosting our international clients and prospective new e-Business partners from Asia. I regret missing this forum; I just got back from Dubai, but rarely miss a chance to go to the Middle East. 1 would be grateful if you wouid represent Lawson Software at this forum as the newest corporate entity in your fair city. I have enclosed some of my business cards which you may hand out to anyone wanti�g to contact us. I would be interested in learning more about the companies in Jordan that do Arabization of software, or companies that may wish to partner with Lawson by selling and supporting our software in the Middie East. We are now represented only in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Please do express our regrets to King Abdullah and Ambassador Burns. Sincerely, I .�.-� P�:er C. °at:or., Ph.D. Sr. VP, International Business Deveiopment cc: Bill Lawson, Chairman � Pragram Jordan's IT Forum Ftiday March 24'". 2000 OS:OQ — 09:15 09:1b — 09:;8 Regietratlon Presantatlon: 4Yhy IT In Jorden JorGan�g �pmpetlLve aqvantage—REACH initiative- and implementa6on. • Karim Kawar, Chairman, Jordan IT Association ptan ao . �.s � 70:00 —� 1:3D Prospeefs for R Industry �n Jordan. The intormation technology industry in Jordan has hee as a competitive industry in which the country could at1 position on a regional and global dimension. Can firms Joroan serve global clients9 What are the prospacts ot attract Foreign Direct Investment, outsourcing ...etc. • Raoda Ayoubi, Chief ExecuJve Officer, Rub;con, ,lord � Bob Gordon, Senlor Vice president, Orade Corporatit • KAaled Ktlani, Cheirman, Computer & Engfneering Bu • Klshore Rao, Chief Executive Ofticer, The Services Gi • Representative from Sun Microsystems • Ennle Rfmawi, Chief Execu6ve Off�er, One Wodd So� 1y:45 — 13:OQ 73:13 —14:30 15:00 — � 5:30 identiFied n a �eading ased in iia sactor to USA iu, Jordan p. USA USA Moderated by « • 7hamer Obetdat, Partner—Obeidat, Freihat and Hadl�1 Law Firm Jordan�g Telecommunlcatlons Infrestructure �� The phenomenaf grovuth in ihe Intemet has been refle � way we conduct business. Can the telecommunicatio ! infrastructura provide the bandwidth required for thia i� it cope with ihe deve(opment f� technology7 What are requirements? What is aveileble� What are the plane't,} eHective is the reguiatory framework? j; on the Will • Shabib Ammatl, Chalm�en, Jortlan Telecommunicatfdj�s Co., Jordan • lmad Ayoub, Chief Executive Officer, Global One, JorCfan • Youse( Mansour, Dlrector, Telacommunicafion Regulttory Commissian, Jordan • Representative (rom Lucent Technolog�es. �j ' Naguib Sawiria , Chief Execulives Officar, Orasc�m� �g 1 +�odarated hy :i � Fadi Ghandour, Chlef Executive OHIce�, q�mex, Jor�an l.unoh ,. Keynote Addresa by: • Hfs MaJesty K1ng Abduifah fl Ibn AI-Hu¢sein Vidao Precenhtlon 3oftware 3 IT Companles In Jordan t6:oo-18:00 9 Hatara�Nleatings : �8:00-20;00 FreaTime I� ��'00-22,3a Dlnner f • Erlc eeohamou', Chief Executive Officer, 3Com, US� • William Burns, United States Ambassador to Jordan � li �; Program OS:00 — Og;30 10:00 —11;30 1�:45 — 13:00 1�:00 —14:Op 14:00 — � 7;00 14;00 — Overnight ' Pending confirmation oo-3s � Jordan's IT Fon�m Breakfast Jc►da4 : A fortnula for�ueee�s Jadan was tAe 136th counuY W join the Wor1d 7 in 1999. What is the status of legisla(ion that affi and how is the investment Gfmate? How can the resourcea be developed to guit the requirements intlustry? yyhet are the financmg instruments ava growih of the sectofl What are the options tor fin • Ahmad Halkal, Chief Executive O{rycer, EFG-Mei • Petor Gubaar, birector, American Near East Rah • George Vrandenburg III•, Senlor V(ca Psesldent Sirategic PolicY, Amerlca On LinO, USA • Salah Eldin Ai-Bashir, Managing Pariner, Intemi �e9a� /+ssociates Jordan • Laith q�-qasem, Managing Diredor, Jordaa Tect Modera(ed by • He�ry paam, Middte East Capital Group, Amma Jordan•s IT industry: What's naxt? ie Organlzetion s the IT indusSry eilable human e successful ble for the in JorAan7 g� E9YPt e Aid, USA Glo6ai & 8 uslness Group. Hfgh hopes are placed on the 1T Industry in Jordan.� Where do we head trom here? • Rtma Khalaf Huaeldi, peputy pr�me Minlster and Planning • Charlie Cbang, Chairman, BoB�an, Jorclan • Imad Malhas, General Manager, IdealSon, Jordan • Rob Eekelmann•, Vi�e President, Managing Direc Mitldle East and q{��, �ntei GMBH, Germa�y Moderated by • Gregory 6��� �� president , Wp�d Economtc Fi S Bitate�a! Meetings Ciosing Lunch Slghtseeing tour to the BapUsmai Slte of Jesue Jordan River Trlp to Petra of Europe, on the P° d �$ Thisour inCludes spending a n ght in�the M�pvenpick }iotel in Petra. Next day transportation to Amman and ! o�o Queep Alia Intemadonal Airpost �yip be arranged for connectlnH A�ghts out of Amman.